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#1Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:36 am


1 AM

"What the fuck is going on?" Radsen questioned as he stared out into the morning sky. One after the other garganta's began to tear open not a half mile away from his home. Radsen was resting on his balcony after a full night of hollow slaying. They were pouring on the work last night too as though they were the preemptive attack squadron. Wave after wave he could feel reiatsu pour from these garganta's like an army was coming. The immense spiritual pressure accumulated dense black clouds causing it to rain over all of karakura town. The hundreds upon thousands of spiritual threads coming from the garganta was surely surprising. This was a full on assault of the human world, an invisible war was about to take place. Radsen started to shake his head left and right as he watched scene unfold.

Stuffing the last bit of bagel into his mouth Radsen chewed as quickly as possible. Moving his hand over his table and chair the two broke down transforming into a bow. Holding the bow with his right hand he reached back and grabbed three of his seele schniders. The rain clouds spread to his location drenching his balcony and his finely woven quincy robe. After fashioning the three seele schniders on his body Radsen reached down and grabbed a ginto tube in the shape of a cigarette. Putting it in his mouth a reishi smoke started to move about even though it was raining. Taking a few steps he put his left leg on the edge of his balcony and stared out towards the masses. Just taking a few steps blew his hair back, he could feel the reaitsu from here. It was like a powerful wind that knew not how to control itself. Two invisible cubes resting themselves fifteen feet away from Radsen on his left and right appeared. They had a simple reishi bow attached them indicating they were ready to be used.

Stepping off of his balcony Radsen took to the sky above his block. He stared down at the infinitely collapsing citizens of karakura town. This only served to sadden and infuriate him at the same time. When he looked back up he was gritting his teeth and staring angrily at the garganta's. Then the menos started to show up. They came out swinging with their cero's and sloshing. Radsen was thankful that no arrancars had showed up or he'd be in a terrible mood altogether. Advancing forwards Radsen's robe started to blow and sway with the wind along with his long purple hair. "Get ready for a crazy night." Radsen chimed as he pulled back the three seele schniders. He continued to hirenkyaku until he was within three thousand feet of the garganta. He could see just how many adjuchas had come to wreak havoc. There were all so different and plentiful in number. In his usual caring nature Radsen wanted to save them all but that was going to prove difficult. How could he spare those that willingly conglomerate for a unified attack. Given pardons in this situation was just too much.

Through the darkness, the rain, the dense reiatsu and tyranny a light shined forth from Radsens seele schniders. They illuminated his very body in a blue tinge as his pull reached it's climax. In a low saddened tone he released the three seele schniders. "Licht...", He whispered. The three seele schniders broke into twenty seven pieces. Each piece still steel in appearance with a long needle of reiatsu coming from each piece. "Regen...", he again whispered. The twenty seven pieces of seele schniders broken apart into smaller pieces. Their numbers totaled two hundred and fourty three now, nine times their previous amount. They were but small blurts of light now resembling hundreds of little blue needles. They all began to give off a smoke that made their numbers seem much larger. It was like seeing a cloud of little blue eyes in a dense reiatsu smoke. "Epthix....", Radsen finished the name of the technique. The two hundred and fourty three needles broke apart into two thousand one hundred and eighty seven little blue balls. The smoke they produced increased in number before rushing forwards to blanket the sky.

The little blue balls began to fire thousands upon hundreds of thousands of arrows. The sheer number of arrows heading towards the garganta's looked like singular blue light from distance. Because of the separation each arrow only had the ability to barely pierce the hollows skin at first. As they continued to pour the hollows would find that the arrows were getting stronger by the second. To them it would feel like they were getting cut into by a saw that revolved 9,000,000 tunes per second. "I'm sorry that I could not save you all. Your pardons isn't worth the lives of hundreds of still living humans." Radsen apologized to the hollows he was destroying. In a futile attempt many of the adjuchas attempted to close their garaganta but it wasn't working. Taking a long pull on his cigarette Radsen stared out at the panicking hollows. "There won't be any escape, for that too I truly apologize." Radsen felt it necessary to prevent the hollows that showed up from going back home. He couldn't stop them from coming in but he could prevent them from leaving.

The necklace of his neck was shining greatly as it was the mechanism that was keeping them trapped. Their garganta were closed off they were forced to endure what was coming to them. Pulling out another seele schnider Radsen allowed his bow to vanish. The onpour of arrows was slowly coming to a finish after two minutes of constant pour. Seeing as they were prevented from going home the hollows were now put into a corner. Some of them knew they were going to die so they figured why not risk a futile attack?

"Come", Radsen welcomed the rushing adjuchas's.(The first adjuchas) The first one was a behemoth of a hollow. It was a massive green and white color with a body type similar to a t-rex. It had tiny arms and massive fee through which it could walk on the air. This was no simple adjuchas it was powerful and hungry. It had just undergone the process from gillian to adjuchas so it wasn't completed yet. Radsen could hear the cries of the hollows inside it's body hungering for flesh. It's mask lined the top of its head all the way down the tail. Though it was breaking away as it formed over the face. (Second Adjuchas) Along with this adjuchas another one with massive wings and enlongated canines. It resembled a massive sabertooth of some sort but it had lizard characteristics. It had a very dangerous long tail and an ugly mask. The mask covered the things entire head in horns and scales. Radsen couldn't fathom how such ugly creatures were born. This one however looked like it was suited to the snow.

The first one running alongst the sky snapped at Radsen. With a quick flip out of the way Radsen kicked it in the jaw. As he kicked it he could feel his toes cringe in pain. "Tough huh." Radsen thought over after kicking it. Though while he was focused on the first one the second one swooped him with the intention to bite him. Radsen dropped down a little from the sky to avoid that bit but a little of his robe was snagged by one of the massive fangs. "Tch" Radsen sounded off as he was dragged along with his robe. Quickly he twisted himself tearing the robe in the process. After twisting he kicked at the adjuchas sending it's head back a bit. He noticed that this one wasn't as resilient as the other one. The first swung it's massive tail at him prompting him to hirenkyaku away from the two of them. "Come on now you know humans bruise easily." Radsen joked before taunting the first one. It came like he expected but Radsen wasn't gonna have that biting shit anymore. Instead of dodging this time he twirled out of the way while putting the seele schinder in it's mouth. When it went to by down on Radsens hand he cut through it's jaw and flipped up onto it's head. He flipped up to dodge the second adjucha's biting attempt. In a failed attempt it bits friends mouth. Radsen smirked at the failed attempt and used his seele schnider to pin them together. "Good job you both went and got caught." Radsen jeered before going to pull out his bow. Though they weren't gonna allow that the two of them used their tails to attempt to smash him.

Radsen jumped off and away from the two, at a safe distance he formed rabeke and fired one massive arrow for their linked mouthes. "Alright who's next?" Radsen asked out loud as his arrow pierced through their mouths and skulls causing them to fall to the ground.

Ending time 1:08 am.

#2Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:35 am


ooc: so am i supposed to post in this one with orihime)

#3Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:32 am


Bob McBob was just enjoying another relaxing day in the world of the living. He was just finishing off a piece of garbage which wasn't half bad when he saw a man eating a bagel run by. Bob twitched as he watched the garbage (crumbs) fall to the ground. "This is the last straw thought Bob", "I can't let garbage be disrespected anymore". However Bob was also rather frightened by the man. He was holding a bow which Bob had never seen any Shinigami use. He recalled there was a race which started with a Q that used bows. He decided he would figure out what Q stood for and support garbage by confronting the strange man. At the same time however he noticed that the garganta were spewing hollow all over the place. He shrugged thinking that they weren't his issue as long as they didn't destroy garbage. He unsheathed his zanpakuto hopped off the garbage dumpster and chased after the man saying, "Hey guy that is a race that starts with a Q, how dare you mistreat garbage this way!".

#4Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:50 am


Orihime comes out of a quick mart holding a cup of noodles. She sees the Quincy shooting, lighting up the sky. You could see the blue light reflected in her wide eyes. She drops the cup of noodles she was eating, and just stares blankly at the spectacle. She was drenched from the rain, her clothes dripped rain water, and she was very cold from the wind. She builds up spiritual pressure sensing that a war may start. "It's so sparkly........" she says to her self regarding the blue light show that was the quincy's arrows.

#5Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:27 am


OOC: I'm away and I get back on sunday so i shall post then!

#6Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:56 am


Bob initially thought joining in was going to be a good idea, however after thinking about it he was too young to die. HE then immediately stopped chasing, sheathed his zanpakuto and shunpoed away ( I need more battle experience and better tier before I can stand up to you Radsen xD and any Espada or Fraccion will pwn me)

#7Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:46 am


An arrow was shot between the eyes of an hollow in a nearby alleyway. The line of the shot could be traced to the bow the man was holding. The steel blades that Protrude out the tips of the bow itself shone in the moonlight. All that could be heard was laughter, or just a slight giggle if from a distance. The figure dropped the bow to his side, Rolling his shoulders as he stepped out of the alley way. The cross on his neck blew in the slight gusts as he brings a thumb to his nose rubbing it. "hmph." His name was Ryoki Hareru, Most people called him Toki. He usually hides his quincy powers from being seen, but tonight, something was different. Something was most wrong. He stepped forward, raising his bow once again into the air. " perish" He fired an arrow, heading straight for a bird type hollow, crushing it's skull.

ooc; i know it's short >.> on my phone lol]]

#8Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:16 pm


Orihime decides that she would help get rid of the hollows. She runs up next to the Quincy. "I would love to help you if you would allow it!" she says to Ryoki. She was not sure if they would mind, they seemed to be part of a group, and she was obviously not part of that group. She hoped that they would allow her to help out in this war. She could be useful if they allowed her to prove her self. She smiles with a large smile wanting the answer to be yes so badly. She was tired of always standing on the side lines.

#9Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:52 pm


OOC: LMAO he made a retraction post! Bob is too funny, you wouldn't have lost more than an arm.


Radsen looked down to his left to see a few spiritual threads getting his way. Turning away from the mass hollow horde he followed the spiritual threads with his eyes. One was clearly a quincy, the other appeared to be a human and the last a shinigmai. Radsen's ear twitched when he heard a pretty annoying sound. Someone was going on about garbage, he couldn't fathom how people treasured garbage. Though just the thought of interacting with a shinigami made him all giddy inside. Radsen pointed one of his seele schniders at Bob as if to tell him to stay where he was. "Have you been sent to help up with the hollow outburst?" Radsen asked in one breath, he took a pull on the ginto cigarette that was in his mouth. While he had his back turned a hollow figured that this was his chance.

(Hollow Pic)

Waiting in the void he opened a garganta and leaped out right at Radsen. The garganta unveiled a plentiful amount of spiritual pressure and about ten new red spiritual thread. It was obvious to Radsen that a menos class hollow had just jumped out. Though from the feel of it, this hollow had just recently conquered the menos horde. Radsen looked down to his left as a long white arm passed by him. Though he immediate thought it was a scarf from the look of it. Effortlessly Radsen swung the seele schnider he was point at bob with towards the scarf-arm. It cut through it like butter, though while he was distracted bob ran away! Radsen looked up to see the shinigami running away with his tail between his legs. "Get back her and fight!" Radsen yelled out pointing his schnider at bob once more. He wanted to chase after him both this hollow just wasn't about to give up.

Radsen turned around to face the deformed menos class hollow head on. Taking a bull on his cigarette he stared angrily at the beast before him. "Annoying...." He mustered. At the same time he made a slash from the bottom up so quickly that it didn't even look like he swung. The menos class hollow was so easily separated into prompting Radsen to turn around. Though what he hadn't noticed was the high speed regeneration from before. The arm that he had just cut had already been regenerated in the time it took for him to turn around. Radsen believed that he had just killed the hollow so he took a step forwards. When he stepped forwards the two arms appeared on each side of him. When they appeared a cero was forming at the base of each eye, and the ring around the arm was glowing red. Slipping out another seele schnider Radsen went to cut both of the arms at the same time. While he was cutting through them they were already regenerating. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Radsen's eyes bucked when he saw the six cero's where still charging. "The fuck." He wondered before the six of them went off.

Radsen and the hollows arms were converged in the clashing of a black and red energy. The two energies seemed to fight for a moment then the black energy broke into six. As it got smaller and smaller the black energy started to swirl as though eating the red energy. Radsen stood at the base of the two energy holding his bow in his right hand. "Ungultig you stupid deformity...begone." Radsen lifted the hand with the bow over his shoulder and fired backward at the hollow. Fifteen arrows dimmed the hollow out with blackened energy. Fifteen was enough to kill him despite it's ridiculously fast regeneration. Radsen turned to make sur ehe had killed it this time. He saw nothing and that made him rejoice for the moment. His bow dissipated and he was once again holding two seele schniders.

Radsen looked down in disappointment he let the shinigami get away. He still worried about that quincy energy that he felt earlier. He could use the help in stopping all of these hollows. Radsen raised his head and rushed into the fray once more. He used his seele schnider to chop through as many hollows as he could.

#10Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Empty Re: Free For All Karakura Town[War Event] Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:45 am


Toki looked to the girl, showing a blank expression on his face. Raising one eye brow he listened to the woman as she asks to join him. How would he know if she was any good in a fight? The point was is that he didn’t. Shrugging his shoulders he walked beside her, holding his steel bow in his right hand. He turned his head to his right, looking over his shoulder. “ I don’t care, just don’t get in my way.” Walking against the side walk, he felt a burst of Quincy reiatsu followed by numerous hollow reiatsus. Looking ahead, he watched as a Small Gargantua opened infront of a building.

Drawing his bow up nearby his face, He formed 5 arrows on the string, pulling back with his arm. As the hollows stepped out of the portal, Toki shot the five arrows towards the gargantuan, each one followed by a reishi string connected to the tips of the five fingers of Toki’s right hand. With the slightest movement, he could turn the direction of the arrows. He had complete control of the five shots, making them hit the chests of each hollow as they lined up outside the portal. As the arrows hit, the hollows disperse in the air. Showing no sign of its existence as the arrows pierce their chests. Smirking, Toki lowered his bow once again as he turned to his right, facing the woman.

The black cross hanged from his neck as he turned his full body now towards the girl. Lifting his left hand, he fixed the cap on his head as his green hair blew in the wind. Pointing his finger to the girl, he spoke with a emotionless voice. “I’m Ryoki Hareru, just call me Toki.” The teenage boy turned back around after introducing himself. He wasn’t for one to do formal things, just short and sweet. His green hair fluttered into the wind as he went down the alley that the Gargantua came from at first. Each passing second, he felt more and more hollow reiatsus fade away. It must have been that quincy signature he felt earlier.

A Cero was shot towards Toki as he was heading deeper into the alley way. As the cero came mere inches away from him, he used hirenkyaku, stepping onto the edge of the building beside him as he drew up his bow once again. Pulling back, he had a solo arrow, but was charging his reiatsu into it. Looking for the hollow, Another cero was shot towards him, Jumping out of the way, he followed the line of the cero. Tracing it to the hollow. It was a chameleon type, blending in with the building. Smirking, he acted like he couldn’t tell where he was, just to wait for a opening. As he thought, the hollow shot another cero, but this time Toki slid to his right, quickly firing the arrow which hit the hollow in the mouth as he hanged on the side of the building, slowly dispersing.

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