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#1Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Divisionless...But For How Long? Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:30 pm



The sun was beating brightly down on me as i entered the Seiretei. My month vacation at home had finally come to a close and i was ready to assume my newfound duties as a shinigami. However i was not too entirely thrilled about my circumstances. Out of the entire top ten percentile that i had been in of my graduating class.... I was the only one who had not been offered a position within any of the thirteen court guard squads. I doubted that it was lack of my shikai seeing as the vast majority of my class appeared to be nowhere close to gaining their's and many still got selected into divisions.

I wasn't sure why i got overlooked by the recruiter's but then again I was always getting overlooked while i was at school. Whether it was by the other students or even the teachers themselves, i just never seemed to stand out while in a crowd. Sometimes even standing alone i was never noticed. Worse yet was the look of surprise when my name got called and i came forward at the graduation ceromony. It was like they were seeing me for the first time, but it was short lived when the next name was called and i faded back into the crowd of fellow graduates. It had been very disheartening.

But during my vacation home, i had decided i would take things into my own hands. Casually i followed a group of shinigami into the Inner Seiretei where the Thirteen Court Guard Squads themselves lived and trained. I kew the only way for me to find a squad would be to somehow catch the attention of one of them.

Yeah right, Elenia. You couldn't even catch the attention of a hundred old perverts even i danced naked in front of them, i thought to myself as i scratched my head. In my lull of concentration i failed to notice that the group of shinigami had taken a turn at an intersection, leaving me to stand alone in front of what looked like a couple of guards. Acting as if i was just a little lost, i tried to walk past them.

"Hey you!" one of the guards yelled at me. It only took me a second to realize how they had spotted me. On their uniforms they wore the symbol of their division while my sleevless shuhakshu didn't have any such symbol upon it. "Only division personnel are allowed past this point!"

"Uh oh," I stated before disappearing in a small puff of dust. I knew my flash step was probably the best of my class but i didn't feel like seeing if there's was as good. So i ended up Flash stepping a couple dozen or so times to make sure they weren't on my trail. However it became very apparent to me that i was totally and utterly ......lost.

Collapsing up against a tree to catch my breath before realization crashed over me and contorted my face into a pout. "Now that I'm lost, how am i supposed to get a division to recruit me now?"

#2Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:24 pm


Xen was walking back to the Seireitei after having taken a small, barely deserved, vacation. For the past few months before he had been working as a substitute teacher at the Academy, if only to get away from his regular duties. During his time he had heard something about a student who was also from the fifty fourth district, and so he spent his time figuring out who it was. It wasn't until she was called at graduation did he even see her, and found out it was a her, and that she did indeed exist at all.

Hey Breezy, you think the new girl is going to like us? Xen was sitting atop a low wall in the inner seireitei watching as other shinigami were milling about, Briz'riia was standing behind him, braiding his hair.

She'll probably like me, but not you so much. You're lazy and unimportant remember? She had said that in a rather serious tone, but her face cracked a slight smile at the end of it. Besides, even if you recruited her you're still transferring to the Kido Corps and attempting to become Vice Chief and eventually becoming the Kido Corps Commander.

Well even so, it'd be nice to at least get her into the Gotei 13. Xen stood up and stretched his legs, then held Briz'riia's hand, returning her to his sword. I think that's her trying to sneak in now and...whoops, now she's on the run...better catch up.

Hopping off the wall Xen quickly Shunpo'ed after Elenia, and after a few moments caught up to her as she was catching her breath.

Well hello there little miss, but how'd they let someone as fast as you not get into a squad? My name's Xen'Zel, but you can call me Xen. I'm a member of the Thirteenth Division, unseated though I could easily be a lieutenant if I wanted to be. As opposed to the other Shinigami Elenia may have seen, Xen's uniform looked much less formal, his black Mandarin jacket was tied around his waist and he was wearing a plain white shirt, his hakama were somewhat dusty and the edges were worn and frayed, and instead of sandels he wore plain black shoes.

He offered his left hand out in a handshake and smiled widely, his right hand holding his dagger sized zanpakutou. I feel like we might be great friends!

#3Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:31 pm


Noba was doing his daily cleaning chores in seireitei, he was scrubbing on his knee's each tile around the academy grounds. It wasn't too had scrub each tile with the approximate speed of 5.12 strokes per brush stroke and multiply that times the number of tiles 900+ and you have a simple job that didnt take longer than 10 hours. Noba was scrubbing around the 663 tile when he noticed Xen was talking to a young girl in the distance. He yelled out and waved his scrubby scrub.

"XEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OVER HERE WHAT'CHA DOIN!!!!!!"

Noba knew he should have continued working but, maybe a nice break would help him work faster yah know?

#4Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:46 am


I was taken aback by the sudden arrival of another person. He was a fair looking man but he seemed to be extremely boyish in his looks. But as i thought about it, he seemed able to pull the look off. Most guys i had seen try to do so had failed quite miserably. Even better than him being able to pull of such a boyish look, he had noticed me. Heat threatened to climb into my cheeks but i shook such sillyness away. He was saying something but I couldn't hear the words coming out of his mouth. Shock still seemed to have a hold of me, though i don't know why. He looked much a boy, not really older than herself by looks but this was Soul Society so appearances were quite often misleading.

Almost reflexively i reached out to accept his handshake when I noticed that he was brandishing his Zanpakuto in his right hand still. Suddenly the images and thoughts of horror bombarded my mind. As my eyes widened in needless fear, all i could see was the dark shadow figure with red eyes, drool running down his chin as he chased me yelling 'Come here little girl. I only wanna play a little. Hehehehehee'

In a split second of stupidity on my part, i turned to flee at full speed..... However i didn't get very far and was soon collapsed on the ground with birdies flying around my head as i stared almsot blankly into the sky beyond the tree above me.

In my fearful state i had forgotten there was a wall behind me and when i turned to shunpo away i ran head first into it, at full speed. The whole situation would of been even more embarrassing for me. But as it was, all that held my minds attention (what little was left) were the birdies above my head. Off in the distance i could of swore i heard someone yelling.

#5Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:32 am


A day out from the hectic life of the eleventh division and I choose to walk around. Just walking with no target in mind wandering is the word for my activity...wandering. When I heard a voice in the distance yelling. "what could it be now." I say shunpoing towards the sound my extra long hoari with red silk lining training behind me bellowing out from my, speed. showing up I see the shinigami from the fourth,division that,welcomed me my first day as Kenpachi and within a short distance I see another male shinigami and a female shinigami. From the looks of her robes barely out of the academy and already causing an uproar.

Shunpoing to her I stand at her feet and offer my hand. My large arm a stark contrast to those around me. As she looks up at me my icy blue eyes and white half mask catch most peoples attention first then my zanpacto a nodachi wrapped in red and silver silk at,the hilt and a silver musica charm dangles from the bottom of the hilt. "need a hand?" I say,half joking.

#6Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:46 am


Quickly tucking the dagger onto the belt at my back I jump over to Elenia. Hey now Kenpachi Taicho! I was helping her first! I made a joking mean face at him as I also offer Elenia a hand. Then again, she is much more suited for joining the Eleventh or Second Division over the Thirteenth I suppose. And I don't plan on staying with the Gotei 13 for much longer anyway.

Well look at me just talking your ear off without introducing myself formally! I raise my other hand out for a handshake, My name is Xen'Zel! I was brought directly into the Thirteenth Division after I graduated and I could be someone's lieutenant by now, but I feel like my talents are much better suited for transferring to the Kido Corps, and seeing as how you're a Captain you can totally help me with that right? OH! And you can help cute little Elenia get into a one of the Squads! That way she won't look like such a lost little lamb anymore!

On the inside I cheered to myself, newest record of speaking without taking a breather. Smiling widely at the two I wait for a response, though with a small nagging feeling someone or something was being forgotten.

#7Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:56 pm


Just as I am,helping up the female shinigami the nake jumps forward and introduces himself to me turn my,head and speak"it is nice to meet you xen'zel if you have talent in kido I will indeed recommend you for the kido corp but that,won't come lightly mind you." My head snaps back to the female on the ground"come on now stand up." I say to her

#8Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:57 pm


Slowly the world began to come back into focus for me and i realized that someone is helping me up. A little wobbly icome to on my feet and take in what is going on. The boyish shinigami seemed to be debating with ... a captain. YESSSS! I thought to myself in a bit of triumph. Paying a bit more attention to what is going on, I learn two critical things. The one named Xen'Zel was from the thirteenth division but was planning on transferring to the Kido Corp and he wanted Kenpachi's help. I mulled the name over in my head for a moment. I knew i knew the name Kenpachi from somewhere and...then i realized that he was wearing a haori and it struck me.

"Gyaaahhh! You're the legendary battle-maniac captain of Squad Eleven, Kenpaci Koshi!" I blurted out suddenly. I couldn't believe what was happening, here in front of me was one of my idols. The famous blood thirsty Kenpachi Tiacho. Of all the high ranked shinigami i heard and studied at the academy there was only one other i admired more than Kenpachia and that was Shunsui Taicho. But to be honest that was only because i had a girly crush on him. (Hey I'm still pretty young after all!)

It was then i lost all hope of being able to properly stand up seeing as i know found myself kneeling on the ground aside from the two shinigami before me. When Kenpachi had turned to look at me, his eyes had been the palest color of ice i had ever seen.

"Blue eyes," i barely muttered as i sat there frozen before falling like a stiff board onto my side, my eyes having gone completely white and drool dribbling out of my mouth. I guess i would have to say it looked like i had died from shock. Incoherently i muttered on the ground. "Blue... its always blue. Such defeat when blue.... never red....but captain....brown captain...choose which...."

#9Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:29 pm


Noba shunpo'd over to the area, after seeing the woman run into the wall. He stood off to the side near the captain. He was gonna ask if she was okay but she quickly wobbled up and shouted. Noba was quite shocked, but he soon saw she was fine but the wall she ran into was cracked. Noba's eyes popped a bit. He shuffled over behind her and lifted a panel that was next to her foot grabbing, stone cover plaster. He quickly swiped the cracked area and it looked brand new. He placed a wet plaster sign up as well then stepped back to look at his work.

"There we go!...."

Noba turned to only realize he went a bit clean crazy, and he chuckled a bit.

"My bad, I got a bit clean crazy, but at least the wall looks nice right ^^"

#10Divisionless...But For How Long? Empty Re: Divisionless...But For How Long? Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:08 pm


Hearing a yell as I am doing my rounds making sure that none of the jokers in my division had set up any pranks. I shunpo over thinking it was someone that had gotten pranked Ithen find out that it was a girl a boyish look man a 4th division member and tazuma. I then asked "so what happening here?" If any one looks they see a 17ish year old guy with ice blue hair and stormy blue eyes that change shades depending on the light. A well toned and built frame nothing to bulky but strong in a sleek way. My reiatsu charging the air lightly like before lightning strikes and you can tell that I am a captain from it along for I was not wearing a horai and my zan is strapped to my back with the hilt by my hip and a small chain that has a crystal on it.

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