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#1All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:45 am


The door seemed to open as from it the shoe's of what sounded like a horse collided with a ground, the entrance was dark but the sound was too apparent shortly a skull mask surrounded in a blue lit flame soon appeared it was a faint light but it appeared and from the darkness a decaying demonic aura seemed to spread at the edges of what seemed like a deserted and destroyed karakura town that was overrun by demon's.

Soon from the door strode lightly the second great demon Berial Tenebran, the towering centaur gazed around to all who served him but sensed something in the air something..pure and he didn't quite like it he had gripped his scythe-staff that laid in his left hand tightly before striding towards the heart of the darkened and deserted city.

"I smell blood...I smell...Souls.

Berial said whilst he inhaled deeply, from the cracks of his armor seemed to seep damned souls and their voices were heard in full force screaming in agony and begging for mercy and forgiveness, no such response was given to their plead's only damnation for their resilience and fighting effort, all of them it seemed had requiem's all sang and writin by the chorus of the damned and there were many more to come..Many many more.

#2All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:21 am


Walking around the now distroyed Karakura town was a Shinigami. Dressed in the almost the normal Shinigami outfit she walked around to see if there were any souls needing Konso. As she walked around she didn't really find anyone she could help, at least at first. She then sighed and said, "What a crummy assignment. Why'd I get sent here anyway?"

Mizuko soon felt a demonic aura not far from where she was. She began to wonder if she should check it out at first. Knowing that part of her mission was to see if anyone else besides lost souls was in the area she knew she had to make her way over there. She came to a corner of building still somehow standing and peaked around the corner to see what looked to be a centaur. "Now I know I must be seeing things." she quietly said to herself as she watched the being from around the corner where she was.

#3All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:38 am


"I smell you Shinigami..Come come..Be free and join me why don't you.."

Berial seemed to have smelled the shinigami's presence upon arrival the towering centaur could not see the being but certainly felt him or her some of the demons who were once humans had already been converted were watching her, their red beady eyes had been watching her for sometime as well but did not have the ability to relay this information to him.

Berial's hoof kicked up some of the gravel as he had his scythe staff in hand wanting merely to see if she had the will to rebel or join him it was going to be an interesting day for the both of them indeed it was some what of faith but would it play on her side or his.

#4All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:02 am


Mizuko felt a chill run down her spine as the centaur spoke abuot being able to smell her presense. That statment just seemed to creap her out. She decided to stay where she was, only moving to where she was not looking at him any more. After some time and some thought she felt she might as well see what he wanted. She thought it might be wise to at least hear him out. She soon came out from around the corner where she was hiding. She wanted to avoid useless fighting if at all possible. "What do you mean by that? she questioned him, unsure herself if she should have said anything, or just approached. "I'm just here looking for any souls that may need my help. Does that mean you need my help?" she asked.

#5All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:09 am


Berial barked a laugh the great demon was still facing the direction he was standing in as he heard her ask him if he was in need of help and also heard that she was collecting souls, a befitting and worthy well of power for him to devour for his own purpose either she was going to give them up or he had other ways of course.

"Me? Need help? No no I am here to collect souls as well..But..Not to save them, only to devour and damn them to an eternity of suffering. And it seems you have some soul's that were still hiding out in this city, as for freedom I offer you power and the will to do what you wish without boundaries..I offer you freedom.."

Berial's explination had struck its purpose and very quickly to add to it, his skull like mask had turned and his neck turned as well to fixate his souless eyes on her's locking his gaze the blue lit flame still giving off that of agonized souls who cried out for mercy and forgiveness as it had done the same through the cracks of his armor and his tail as well, soon he began his slow approach to her looking down on her as he clearly stood a good twelve feet in height as opposed to her height and had to of been nearly four if not five times as wide as her.

#6All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:29 am


Mizuko stopped where she was when he began to speak. She quitely watched him as he did. When he began to come forward she took a step back only to stumble on some rubble and land on her butt. She winced in pain a bit as the hit stung. She then stood up and brushed herself off. She looked back up at him and thought, "This guy is huge. What did I get myself into?"

She watched him for a bit longer, trying to collect her thoughts and ponder his offer. "Freedom you say? The power to do as I wish? All this sounds to easy. You offer much, but what is the price?" she asked, knowing that something this good can not be free. She kept her hand near her sword, ready to draw it if needed.

#7All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:38 am


Berial's top half leaned down his face was clearly twice the size of her as he chuckled some already noting her hand at the ready for the hilt of her blade the ground under her had began to decay as he spoke softly not loud like he usually did but softly as if he had a secret to tell her, the incoherent voice was more apparent now as she caught the voice of a child mixed with that of a deeper voice.

"Why it is so easy, all you have to do is give up what you believe in and let nothing hold you back, give way to havoc,and let your true form give way from that shell you call a body.."

What an answer he had given her basically calling shinigami weak as well as human's, he watched her and awaited for her to either make a move or give an answer either way the result would be an interesting one though he predicted both as she seemed as the righteous type over that which would give up their very soul for power..A pity..

#8All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:05 am


Mizuko was a bit shocked to hear what was said. All she had to do was give up and take up her true form? Still seemed a bit easy. She began to think over what her told her and, somehow, her thoughts went back to when she was in school. They went back to the person she befriended and even loved. She then remembered how she felt when he betrayed her and left her as if she ment nothing to him. "Atsushi, why did you have to be so curel? Why'd you leave me like that? Am I really so weak in your eyes that you feel that I need that much protection?" she thought. She knew now he (Atsushi) was much more powerful than her and that, no matter how much she trained, she would never have the power to go after him and make him pay for they way he treated her. The bad side to this offer would be that if she does give up and give way to havoc, as demon before her put it, she would be going agianst the Soul Society, something she almost did when at the Shino Academy.

She thought for a short time more before answering him. "Before we go any further I'd like to know your name, if at all possible. I'm not sure if you'd like my name, but I'm Mizuko Ichikawa. You do happen to be correct as far me being weak. I'm not even ranked in my Division, but that could all change." she said.

#9All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:18 am


Berial was pleased to hear her give up it was almost all to easy but before he went any further as well he tapped his scythe-staff on the ground and from the ground sprang the souls of those lost in the invasion, Berial consumed them almost greedily

"I am..Berial Tenebran, son of Divus Tenebran..I am who bears the souls towards their punishment and I shall keep them all within my vassal until that time comes.

He spoke proudly preaching his families name and what his duties were the great demon beheld her and heard her name not accepting at all it was too human..she needed something new something...fresh..

"What a disgusting name..Your name shall be Apollymi the Destroyer..You shall herald the coming of the end."

Berial had awarded her such a thing but expected her not to let him down knowing she'd probably be a demoness of peace, he was praying to his father that she wasn't going to be that way.

#10All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Empty Re: All Hallow's Eve [Open][Nd] Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:44 am


When Berial said his name Mizuko thought he made it sound very important and that his father was very important. A look of shock came over her as she heard she was getting a new name. She felt nothing wrong with her old one. She thought the name over for a moment. "Apollymi the Destroyer you say. And you want me to herald the comming of the end?" she said, more to herself than to Berial. She continued to think, wondering if he was a little crazy at first. After further thought she felt he was serious, however. She then made up her mind. She looked up at Berial and replied, "Alright. I'm not too comfortable with the name yet but I'm sure it will grow on me. What is it that you'd want me to do specifically?"

While waiting for a reply Mizuko's mind began to wonder again. This time about her bond with her Zanpakuto. She wondered if the deal being presented would cut her ties with Selece as well. "Should've thought of that sooner. It's to late now." she thought to herself. Her thoughts then returned to Berial's words. He had said for her to give up what she believes in and to let nothing hold her back and to give way to havoc. She took her sword, sheath and all, from her side and held it in her hands. She continued to think about what he ment by those last words he had said before she asked him his name. Let your true form give way from that shell you call a body he had said. She began to ponder on how to do that. She was tired of feeling weak. She had always struggled in any task. She was ready for change. She looked back up at Berial, still feeling a little afraid of him mostly due to how he towered over her. "I'm ready, I think. Just let me know what I must do to gain this power you speak of, the power of Freedom."

She had made up her mind and she knew she could not turn back now. She only hoped she would not regret this in the future.

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