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#1Descent into the unknown Empty Descent into the unknown Mon May 07, 2012 4:00 am


Fang had just appeared into the heart of Kagamino City, her golden outline Haori was shining brightly and seemed to dance in the suns light brilliantly, it was an unknown place for her she had heard alot about Kagamino and its activity but never really took the time to check it out really.. In one hand she had her most favored drink A Caramel Cappucino minus the whip cream with two shots of sake for a little health and kick and in her other a small bag of cookies the two made a perfect combination, something about the cookies and the taste of the Cappucino danced in a blend of perfection.

Fang's face had been expressionless and her zanpaktou had been hanging every so loosely she had wondered what this city was going to be like and she had to say it was very close if not almost a similar feeling to Karakura that is minus all the random invasions and battles that go on this place could really grow on her infact could be her favorite place to go, she wondered what kind of stores they had what kind of fashion they were into she herself was one for fashion if most didn't notice by her whole attire already and was interested in others taste and then her eyes caught what seemed to be the first clothes store and so she delve'd into the store in hopes to find designs to inspire her more.

#2Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Mon May 07, 2012 5:03 am


Things were quite today, much quieter than they had been the other day. At least that fiasco was over or I hoped it was. That person had a hold on me now but i wasn't sure if i was ashamed or confident of what had happened. Not only that but now i had another sword that lusted for blood and battle. Arrenok hung from his sheath attached to the backside of my left hip while my own Zanpakuto hung on the backside of my right hip. It only felt natural that way despite the size difference between them.

A strong gust caught hold of my red trimmed white coat causing it to flap wildly in the wind. Despite the occasional breeze it was actually a nice day with the sun shining high above the scattered clouds. It was quite relaxing and i wished that i wasn't on guard duty today. Today would of been the perfect day to find a nice field and just lay there and relax.

Letting out a sigh, i began moving across the rooftops as per my normal routine. Six days i had been here in Kagamino on patrol and i still had at least another week to do. Apparently they thought i should remain in the area for a while after that last incident. I didn't mind staying, the city had many things to offer and occupy my time with. One place in particular I frequented much, a small little cafe with a relaxing atmosphere. They had some of the best lattes I had ever tasted.

It was while i was on my way to the cafe that i saw someone who i didn't expect to see in the world of the living. Though i had never met her in person, i recognized her as the Kido Corp Captain. I couldn't remember her name but i figured i should drop in on her and see if everything was all right.

Dropping down in an alleyway, I entered my Gigai and stepped out into the crowd. It wasn't too crowded and i easily made my way to walk alongside with her. "Is there something i can help you with during your visit today, Taicho?"

#3Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 5:13 am


Far above the busy city, atop a building that kissed the heavens, a senkaimon tore the fabric of reality and opened. From it stepped Eiji, the vice commander of the Kido corps, clutching an ornate scroll and adorned in his standard sikhakusho. He peered with indifferent eyes toward the masses below, then vanished.

Not soon after, the redheaded shinigami reappeared atop a twostory building, adjacent to the clothing store his commander was entering. He recognized her reiatsu, but not that of the girl beside her, though he guessed her to be another shinigami, based on the amount she exuded. It made little difference; his errand required he assistance of multiple shinigami. Nonetheless, he hoped his commander would not be upset when he ruined her day off.

Careful to limit himself such that his presence would be made aware to those in the immediate area, Eiji released his reiatsu. When noticed, he beckoned the ladies to join him on his perch. What he intended to reveal would be of greater interest than a shopping spree.

#4Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 6:03 am


Fang had found so much so many designer outfits their tastes were good but not amazing, kind of bland it was like something out of a horror movie a fashion horror movie but she had longed since both shinigami in the reason as she was one of the best trackers if not the best in all of soul society when the first one approached her she was a rather new face to Fang and so she looked back and shook her head in a kind manner, "I am fine you must be new..What is your name?"

She asked the shinigami pleasently as she was already enjoying her day and the appearance of a new shinigami was a pleasent surprise but the other shinigami she had already heard about He was her new vice and a talented one at that she decided to go meet him, as the release of his Reiatsu was unecessary for her but perhaps for the other, still however she had her Caramel Cappucino gripped in her hand and the cookies before standing before her Vice, her eyes locked on his.

#5Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 6:26 am


Truthfully i was kind of surprised that i found myself talking to someone i didn't know so forwardly but the calm she radiated was quite soothing and relaxing. It almost felt natural to be walking the city streets with.

"I am fine you must be new..What is your name?" The Kido Corp Captain asked me kindly. She was quite different from Keiran and Kenpachi which i found to be a pleasant change.

"Yes, I'm fairly new to the divisions. I only graduated the academy about two months ago. And I... sorry I'm rambling a bit. My name is Elenia Cristix, Fourth Seat of Squad Eleven." I replied formally. I would of bowed to her but i didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to us. As it was i could feel the eyes of someone watching us before they released their reitsu slightly. I recognized him as a shinigami and from the symbol he wore on his shuhakshu, he was part of the Kido Corp as well. I almost hesitated before following the Kido Captain to stand before the newcomer.

#6Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 7:36 am


"I hope you are having a pleasant day, Kidoshu Soshi." Eiji bowed as he spoke; his tone was low and respectful, matching his appreciation of her genius. After returning upright, he continued to address her, ignoring Elenia for the moment. "My sincerest apologies for interrupting, but we received urgent orders from the central 46." He presented the ornate scroll, palms up, to Fang.

When she opened it, she would find orders for the immediate investigation and closure of a Garganta in the Kagamino subway; a minor task that would require two, lesser members of the Kido Corps were there not an addendum:

'The capture of the Arrancar that created the Garganta is also desirable, if possible. Due to it's connection to Seireitei research teams, this mission is top-secret and recommended for high ranking officers only'

After handing Fang the message, Eiji turned toward Elenia, offering a more curt nod as his greeting. "And you must be a member of the Gotei? I'm afraid we of the Kido Corps do not interact with your kind often enough. I am Fuku Kidocho Eiji. Pleased to meet you."

#7Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 7:56 am


"You are not rambling at all it is nice to meet someone who is as lively in a conversation as I, I am Fang Ming."

Fang introduced herself as she walked before her vice captain, heard him speak and bow to her then introduced a scroll before her eyes, she took them up and read through them thoroughly before speaking

"Well..Since we do not have enough members, Elenia, feeling up to going along with my vice to investigate the Garganta? It'd be perfect for you to test out your abilities."

She had wondered however about the arrancar making these garganta what almost rubbed off to her similar to a game of sorts, she had heard however her vice speak to the new comer as if she was in the gotei for years for goodness sakes she was a new comer she didn't know what went on.

"Eiji, be nice to her she is new, just graduated two months ago.."

Fang said to Eiji before walking past the two towards the subway, it felt like a good place to start perhaps she would find what she was looking for there.

#8Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 10:09 am


Z.W.E.I. had been sent down to investigate the subway and its sudden closing in kagamino city it was a weird city, reminded of home back in germany it was one of those someone is watching scenario's and he felt like it his low, careless eyes gazing around from behind his glasses as his short black hair swayed from left to right with his stride

He had been giving off his signature but it read far from what a shinigami's natural signature should read as, he tightened one of his black gloves as his eyes had spotted what seemed to be hundred's of red eyes there had to be a good hundred and fifty or so and to most shinigami he didn't have a zanpaktou it was odd for most people to see but they never questioned it, "Zis is all zey have to offer? Vhat a disappointment.." Barked Z.W.E.I. as his body seemed to jerk and from it two ten foot blades surfaced from his shoulder blades and two pairs of five foot blades at his forearms and the back of his legs

Z.W.E.I.'s lips grew to a smile a smile that was proud to be ear to ear and he rushed them with a frightening speed, already inside their perimeter they attacked one lashed out only be blocked and denied one of the blades on his forearms it was a frightening slash one that nearly ripped the Hollow in pieces, the assault acquired that many more came but were merely impaled by the two massive blades on his shoulders that seemed to point outward infront of him, it was like he was a giant bull changing and devouring all in his steadfast charge after which more and more assaulted until they piled on him, it went quiet for a few seconds then they all just suddenly hit the floor Z.W.E.I.'s entire body was covered in blades that extended from short to their longest length and just like that a brightlight coated all of them as they stabbed themselves back into his body, in his suit there were no holes to be seen no piercings to show he had used them it was like he was himself again

"...Zey are late.."

Z.W.E.I. commented with a sigh before tightening his left glove and looking down to the hall where he was expecting only more company to arrive.

#9Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 11:24 am


(May I join as my vizard, Masaru?)

#10Descent into the unknown Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 1:32 pm


"There's no need to take offense on my part, Fang Taicho. I feel that ive been with Division Eleven for a long time, much longer than the one month have been. But don't worry Eiji, I'm the current fourth seat of squad eleven," I replied and explained to both of them. "I've seen my fair share of blood shed. Both mine and my enemies."

I was careful to keep my left hand from drifting out of my coat sleeve. It would rather awkward having to explain that again. Besides the events of that day, they were still hard for me to bear. But i knew that if it came to battle, especially against an arrancar, I may have to use him. Then it would be to late and there would be no hiding it anymore. It was bad enough having to get specially tailored closthes that wouldn't tear do to the thorns along my left arm and shoulder and even a few on my chest. Even if i filed them down they could still tear my clothes and they grew back within a day or two.

Taking a breath, I steeled myself for the inevitable to come. I wasn't sure how i was going to handle explaining it to them but it was just gonna have to be on the fly. I began walking after Fang Ming as she lead the way towards the subway. "I'll will assist you two in this mission. I am currently stationed here in Kagamino as it is. So even if you wouldn't let me, this city is still my responsibility. So all in all, I'm not giving you a choice in the matter."

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