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#11Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Tue May 08, 2012 11:32 pm


(OOC: Fine with me if no one else minds)


Eiji nodded in acknowledgement at his commander's request for greater civility. Though not pleased to do so, it seemed that he would have to allow Gotei involvement in the affairs of the Kido Corps... For the moment.

"Is that so?" He responded to Elenia. "Then you will understand that what we do here must be kept in utmost confidence. No one can know."

Pleasantries out of the way, he vanished in Shunpo and reappeared with the others before the entrance to the empty subway station. Down the stairs and into the darkness, he could feel the presence of unrecognizable spiritual activity. Concerned, but confident in the abilities of his partners, Eiji was the first to descend the concrete steps, his hand on the central railing for guidance and support. Toward the bottom, past the turnstyle gates, the strange Reiatsu grew stronger, but no less curious with his approach.

When he had cleared the final step and hopped the waist-high gates, he stepped into the large station itself. At the far end, opposite of where he entered, he could see a second set of stairs leading up, likely to another entrance; it was by these stairs that he could see Z.W.E.I and the many felled hollow at his feet.

But what was he? Eiji did not sense he was a Hollow, but he was not the same as a Shinigami. The Fuku Kidocho grasped his Tanren with his right hand, prepared for hostility, and called down the hall.

"State your name and your business here, or leave and pretend you saw nothing," he commanded, moving his foot forward for more a more stable stance.

#12Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Wed May 09, 2012 12:51 am


Fang had made it down to the subway the two others following behind her quickly she was happy to see such a pace for such a important mission made her proud to bring them and so they reached the bottom of the subway but before her eyes laid a man who's little reiatsu gave off that he was a shinigami but...Far from it. It was rather strange she'd never felt nothing like this

Once she heard her Vice speak she held him back whilst looking to this man she knew that he was dangerous perhaps more dangerous to the hollow than to them and if her Vice Captain was going to jerpordize what peace they were holding now then she couldn't allow it.

"Don't he is not normal. But he is a shinigami of sorts."

#13Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Wed May 09, 2012 5:12 am


"I vill never get ze Sing's! Zey are like little puppets!"

Z.W.E.I. barked with an amusement his lower dark filled hues gazing down at the pile of hollow too bad they were fun for the moment, for the time even but now he was going to have to find more of them maybe even an arrancar. oh! That would be fun! That would be just the right touch for him something to get his blood pumping he was about to leave before his eyes caught three shadows in the distanace, one of them began to bark orders at him but he easily knew who they were without trying to read their signature

"Ah, so ze commander has sent more reinforcements has he?"

Z.W.E.I. said aloud but more to himself than to them he turned to them to give them his full attention, his black suit in which he wore matched the darkness perfectly and his low eyes which rested behind a pare of glasses locked onto all three of them and easily began to examine them,

"Ze Commander of Ze Kido Corps and her little Vice Captain, und zis Fraulein must be new but I suspect Eleventh squad considering how she carries herself."

Z.W.E.I. stated while he approached them fixing his right glove now he would keep walking til he was about five feet from them and then the stare down began.

#14Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Wed May 09, 2012 5:44 am


The subway was dark but i could sense the fading reitsu of the dead hollows and the unnatural reitsu of the man before us. Using my right hand I remove the eye patch from my left eye, exposing the dead, charred flesh that it is. Carefully i study the reitsu density of the man before us and i was quite surprised by what i could see.

"I am quite well aware of keeping what must not be said," I replied to Eiji as i replace my eye patch over my eye. "And that man is definitely a Shinigami. And from the density of his reitsu, he is much stronger than you Eiji."

Turning i begin to take in the layout and what is laying around in the area. This man who was both a Zanpakuto and a Shinigami was definitely a very skilled fighter. And this was barely scratching the surface of his abilities i figured. How this was starting to shape up, i knew i was going to be having some serious problems once the fighting actually began.

#15Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Wed May 09, 2012 10:33 am


Aki was wondering around the town of Kagamino, when she sensed the presence of three shinigamis near by, and something she wasn't sure of. "Well time to go and see what is going on now" she thought to herself, she began to find the spot where the presence started and she ended up following it to a subway, "Time to go in and see whats going one, someone may be in danger" she said to her self under her breath, using shunpo she went to the bottom of the stairs to see two kido corps, a captain and vice captain and an 11th squad member, then standing infront of them was the presence she was unsure about. "What's going on here" Aki asked in a stern voice, making her self know, while she laid her hand on her Zanpakuto waiting for something to happen, ready to counter or go to battle.

#16Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Thu May 10, 2012 11:33 pm


(OOC: Looks like everyone who would join has joined. Let's begin! Edit: You guys can fight the hollow as you please, but i'll control the arrancar)

"Hmm. There are many beings with reiatsu similar to a Shinigami's; you should not be so quick to let down your guard."

Eiji turned to peer at the newest newcomer standing behind the group. She, he was sure, was another Shinigami, and a strong one. Nonetheless, she was not a member of the Kido Corps, and was thus another risk to the secrecy of their assignment. He returned to a less aggressive position, but kept his left hand rested on his zanpakuto.

How would he reconcile this situation with the assignment? Further, why were there so many officers in the human world, let alone in one city? Though disturbed by these questions, the Fuku Kidocho did not resign from his relaxed disposition. He answered Aki with a light wave of his hand and a subtle smile:

"There is nothing to be concerned about, Ue-sama." He gave a respectful nod, then turned to face Z.W.E.I. "We have no business with this-"

But before he could continue, a great sensation pressed on his entire body; a new reiatsu, both heavy and threatening, filled the station. To those who had encountered it before, it would be a familiar sensation: neither hollow nor shinigami, an arrancar had come, perhaps itself lured by the concentration of reiatsu in the station.

Eiji snapped his attention toward the tracks, from which the impure reiatsu emanated. In sight of group, a clawed finger seemed to burn through reality itself, causing the surrounding space to burn and crumble outward as a light flame slowly consumes a paper. From the sensation of the distortion, it seemed to be a Garganta, but its presentation made it much more curious than familiar. Behind the cindered reality, a female form became visible, then the cold stare of one who was undisturbed by the numbers rallied against her. Why would she be? She presented herself to them.

Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Arrancar__yang_by_cacakrimik-d2yn16w-2

She stepped calmly out of her personal Garganta, flanked by countless eyes and the growing dread produced by the desire of a mass of Hollow to feed. With the casual outstretching of her clawed hand, a torrent of beasts poured from the rend in reality and toward the group, blocking their sight of the Arrancar woman. Reacting immediately, Eiji was the first to act; throwing his hand before him, his move would be a defensive one: "Bakudō 39! Enkōsen!"

At his call, a bulwark of condensed reiatsu formed between the group and their attackers, large enough to protect them all, into which the first few Hollow smashed, breaking their bodies upon it with the sickening crackle of bone and tendon. Despite skipping the incantation, he was able to draw out the spell's full potential; a meager display of his kido mastery. As he held this first line, Eiji looked to the others to begin the counter attack.

Techs used:

#17Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Fri May 11, 2012 2:28 am


Aki, jumped up into the air over the barrier"Wailing Winds and Scattering Flakes, Blistering Heat and Atmospheric Quake, Kōri no kasai no kaze" called out as she drew her Zanpakuto, as it glowed a bright gold, transforming into into shakujo, sending out a wave of fire and ice going out for 3 metters. Aki then took action as she spinning her staff around in the air then holding it parallel to her breaking the top right ring, causing a tornado of fire coming out of the center ring on her staff.

Bringing it over her head she began to twist and twirl her staff causing the fire to go and move around the hallows catching them on fire and dealing massive fire damage. "Lets act and get rid of these hollows" Aki yelled as she continued to kill hollows and keep them at bay.

#18Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Fri May 11, 2012 2:37 am


(OOC: Aki, you posted out of order ^_^;. After me is Bella, Beri, Elenia, then you again. It's ok, but wait for Ele to post twice before you make another one so we can restore the posting order.)

#19Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Fri May 11, 2012 4:49 am


Fang kept narrow eyes on the one who had gotten down here first, he was far from a normal Shinigami far from normal shinigami at least he was something else something of a different nature something much more dangerous and as she was about to ask him his purpose and who had sent him she looked back only to see a Garganta open and from it an arrancar arrived She noticed her Vice had already been on it as well as the other Shinigami only thing for her to do now was to deal with the Hollow, but this Z.W.E.I. had already dealt with them at least most of the fleet and what was she to do now?

Well I suppose cut off those remaining hollow from their arrancar master but she was still weary about Z.W.E.I. as well as hearing an insult fly from her Vice's mouth she sighed some and asked him anyways figuring she'd get it out of the way, "What is your business here? What is your name and what history do you have with the gotei 13?" Her questions she asked in a demanding voice as if no one here was above her nor below her but she would show absolution in her questions and tone.

#20Descent into the unknown - Page 2 Empty Re: Descent into the unknown Fri May 11, 2012 6:47 am


Z.W.E.I. seemed to watch the others with a smile and low uncaring eyes as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his business pants moving his head to the side as he Completely almost ignored the Kido Corps Commander focusing on the arrancar just as he had anticipated an arrancar was going to show his or her face sooner or later it was just a matter of drawing it out and attacking it, much like a hunter draws out its game

"Who I am und vhat I do is not important, vhat is important is that you have your target, but if you must know mein name is Z.W.E.I. of Ostreinsburg."

Z.W.E.I. answered all he wanted and turned to walk down the darkened narrow subway tunnel where trains once used to run and take people from place to place his eyes adjusting perfectly to the darkness and he soon disappeared.

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