Perhaps when this wretch of a girl awakes, she can give you a hand. the sword Arrenok stated as it floated over my unconscious form. The blood from its recent attack on Mizuko was still dripping off from him. In a sudden and swift movement, Arrenok spun around and struck me in the back of the head.
Get up girl, your precious Shinigami friends need your help. the sword stated with ridicule as it floated around my head. Quick as a viper, my right hand reached out grabbed Arrenok firmly by the hilt before thrusting his entire blade into the earth. With a flash of steel i stabbed my own zanpacto into the earth, trapping the demon sword.
"Shut the fuck up Arrenok, I don't have the time or patience to deal with your self gratifying, egotistical bullshit right now. Not another word out of you or you'll spend the next month sealed in your sheath with no polishing," I snapped in avoice that was clearly fighting back the pain it took to speak. Arrenok grumbled something about improper treatment of nobility before shutting up comepletely.
Turning my head slightly, i address the tenth squad captain with a bloody, apologetic smile. "Sorry about Arrenok. He tends to get grumpy when doesn't get to engorge himself. I'm not sure if my soul will hold up but if you can grab some dried branches from that tree over there. I might have enough reitsu toget a small fire going, Aki Taicho."