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    Zanpakuto's Name: Rai Ryuu (Lightning Dragon)

    Zanpakuto's Sealed Appearance: Same as before

    Zanpakuto's Inner World:
    it basicly a world where you stand on top of a storm cloud that goes on forever apart from the Mt. ranges that pirece though the cloud they represent different aspects of Kieran's mental state and change size depending on events that affect kieran in the real world. also there is always lightning that comes up from the cloud but never near enough to harm kieran.

    Zanpakuto's Inner Appearance:

    Zanpakuto's Element: Lightning

Battle Information


    Shikai Name: Rai Ryuu

    Release Command: strike them Rai ryuu

    Shikai Appearance:
    sword form:

    Gun blade form:

    Now kieran can switch between the two forms and even only turn one of them into the other form so to have a gun blade and a sword at the same time.

    Shikai Ability:
    Now the Ability of this shikai is simple for it gives kieran the ability to control the balance of ions in the air to make lightning happen for that the worlds natural way of balancing the imbalance of ions. It also allows Kieran to amplify the lightning his reiatsu natural produces and use it.

    Shikai Techniques:

    Sword form

      Terra bolt
      by stabbing the ground with both swords kieran can send a pulse of lightning though the ground up to a range of 100 metres around him and if there anyone touching the ground at that time they will get hit by electricity surge from the ground. the pulse is seen as a wave of lightning that hugs the ground.


      higher tier: if it hits it will shock and fry their nerves reducing their movement by a 1/4 for 1 post.

      equal tier: if hits it will shock and fry their nerves reducing their movement by a 1/2 for one post. as well as giving light burns.

      lower tier: if hits it will shock and fry their nerves reducing their movement by a 1/2 for one post. as well as giving moderate burns.

      cooldown 2 posts

      lighting edge
      by covering his swords in lightning kieran can increase their cutting power as well as give shocking attacks with them.


      higher tier: if hit by this it will be like beening cut by a razor blade so deep clean cuts as well as numbing the area cut.

      equal tier: if hit will be like getting cut by a diamond bladed circler saw so it can cut though most armours with ease apart form release ones that are more powerful then a shikai also numbs the entire limb cut for 2 posts

      lower tier: this would be devastation to any that are hit for not only can it cut all but the most powerful armour it also numbs the limb cut to such a point that it can not be used for 3 posts the limb is like it dead it can not be used till the three posts are up.

      Lasts for 5 posts
      Cool down of 5 posts

      Gun blade form

      scatter shot
      this attack has multiple ways of being used. but first kieran must fire at lest 50 lightning rounds from his gunblades into the surrounding area then on the command "discharge" being said the rounds bust into little shrapnel lightning fragments that can then be focused on one target or blanket a whole crowd of targets.


      Higher tier: it will be like getting stuck in a storm of needles that shock and burn. Small puncture wounds and 2 degree burns.

      equal tier: it will be like getting stuck in a storm of razor wire that electrified and on fire. slashes 2 degree burns and nerve fatigue that makes it seem like every action taken is more tiring for 2 posts.

      lower tier: any part of the body that is hit will be shredded as well as the wound burned that slows down healing and nerve damage that reduce the movement of the affect limb.

      Cool down 3 posts.

      sniper shot
      by putting the barrels of the two gunblades side by side then digging the blade part into the ground by making them grow for this attack has a lot of kick to it for it the most powerful attack that kieran can do in shikai. then charging the shot and then firing at the target there is a trail of lightning behind the shot see pic below for ref.



      Higher tier: if hit will leave a wound like that of a high powered 9mm round with the shocking of the lightning after it that numbs the whole body for 1 post making it hard to move.

      Equal tier: if hit will leave a wound like that of a .22 magnum round with the shocking of the lightning after it that numbs the whole body for 2 post making it hard to move.

      1-2 tier Lower: if hit will leave a wound like that of a .333 round with the shocking of the lightning after it that numbs the whole body for 3 post making it hard to move.

      3+ tier Lower: if hit will leave a wound like that of a .50 cal round with the shocking of the lightning after it that numbs the whole body for 4 post making it hard to move.

      Charge of 1 post

      cool down of 6 posts

      double tap

      by firing 4 shots like the pic above that home in on a target form two sides with two of the shots in the shadow of the other two making it really hard to dodge all of this attack.


      Higher tier: if hit each shot will do moderate damage without any shocking effects to it but if all four hit will numb the body for 1 posts.

      equal tier: if hit each shot will do heavy damage without any shocking effects to it but if all four hit will numb the body for 2 posts.

      1-2 tier lower: if hit each shot will do heavy damage with shocking effects to it that will numb the body for 1 post of each shot that hits for the max of 3 posts.

      3+ tier lower: if hit each shot will do heavy damage with shocking effects to it that will numb the body for 2 post of each shot that hits for the max of 6 posts.

      cool down of 1 post

Bankai(Only for Captains and Advanced lieutenants)

    Bankai Name: same as before

    Bankai Command: Bankai!

    Bankai Appearance:

    Bankai ability: it the same as the shikai just more powerful and also lets kieran focus his lightning reiatsu into weapon shapes that do the same damage as the shape taken.

    Bankai Techniques:

      Limit 6

      lightning sphere
      This move forms a sphere like that of a plasma ball that has a radius of 40 metres and will attack anyone that steps into that range with one of the 6 stream of lightning that flicker around in the sphere. the stronger your reiatsu the more streams that you attract that target you.

      Damage is delt by how long you stay in the range.

      1 post lose of fine movement control

      at 3 posts light burns start to appear

      at 5 posts major burns and major movement loss

      used mostly when charging a attack

      cool down is 2X the time used so 1 post use 2 post cool down and so on, so on.

      bolt of Divine wrath
      the kanji for lightning and wrath will appear on the targeted person then thunder will roar then a bolt of red lightning will fall out of the clear sky to smite the target.


      Higher tier: will find it the easist to dodge and completely block if hit they will suffer 2nd degree burns in the area hit as well as numbness and difficulty to use reiatsu based techs for one post.

      Equal tier: will find it hard to dodge and if they block it they will still feel numbness for 1 post. if it hits they will suffer 3rd degree burns in the area hit as well as a dead arm effect for one post then numbness and reduce of reiatsu for 1 post.

      Lower tier: will find it the hardest to dodge and if blocked will get dead arm effect for one post. if hit they will suffer massive 3rd degree burns as well as dead arm effect for 3 posts then numbness and sealing of reiatsu for one post then reduce reiatsu for another post.

      lightning surge
      In this instead of focusing and firing lightning outward Kieran focuses it inside his body to hyper energyise his cells for a brif time letting him move faster as well as heal at a faster rate. as well as any melee attacks will shock and make sonic booms.
      it takes 3 posts to charge up.

      Healing chart:

      Small wounds: 2 posts
      medium wounds:4 posts
      Large wounds: 8 posts
      Massive wounds: stops the effect of lightning surge since it used all that energy to heal.


      Higher tier: if hit will feel a shock like that of a electric fance as well as a base ball bat like force from the sonic boom.

      Equal tier: if hit will feel a shock like that of a taser and the force of a car going at 40 Km/h from the sonic boom.

      Lower tier: if hit will feel a shock like that of a cattle prod and the force of a car going at 100 Km/h from the sonic boom.

      lasts for 8 posts.
      cool down of 7 posts.

      bolt of judgement
      Kieran will say "You will recieve Judgement from the heavens." and then a bolt of blue lightning will fall from the sky aimed at the target. if it hits a ally then it will boost there speed by 30 points for 2 posts as well as heal minor wounds. but if it hits a enemy then they will get damage.

      Higher tier: will give burns and small cuts if hits.

      Equal tier: will give moderate burns and large cuts if hits.

      Lower tier: will give massive burns and massive wounds if hits.

      charge of 1 post
      cool down of 4 posts.

      Lightning of rangarok
      Yhis move in a word is deadly for the fact not only is lightning falling from the sky it also comes from Kieran as well so it a two prong barrage attack. which the range for is 1 square km. so if you are in that range then it will be hard not toget hit by one bolt but it is possible to dodge all the bolts but it is very hard to do.


      Higher tier: if hit by one bolt then will get a 2nd degree burn the size of a tennis ball. if more bolts hit more tennis size burns appear.

      Equal tier: if hit will get third degree burns and gashes the amount is depended on how many bolts hit.

      Lower tier: if hit will get third degree burns and moderate open wounds. again the more bolts that hit more damage.

      Charge of 5 posts
      cool down of 10 posts.


I could find you dragon armor marcus


Hmmm I found most of the pics on da but then you have found so epic armour so yet that be cool and if I like it I use it. What do you think of the fun blade?


Anything that needs any edits so far?


I see nothing wrong bro ;3


Shikai fin anything that needs to be changed?


My biggest issue so far Marcus is the damage for the Gunblade, Sniper Shot tech.

A .50 Cal sniper round on its own is damaging enough, capable to tear limbs from the body, even tear a body in half given the right shot. 100mm Cannon? 150mm Cannon? 200mm Cannon? Something like these would obliterate the human body, and turn that person into a cloud of red mist.

I must ask you find something else to compare damage with, and please choose something a bit more realistic.


ok almost done just two more techs and wondering if the shikai fine to role play. also cross it your post in the training thread man.


Ok done finish ready to be looked over and approved guys.


eh looks fine to me, needs 1 more approval now.

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