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#1Remy's Skills and Techs [WIP] Empty Remy's Skills and Techs [WIP] Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:28 pm


[leave me alone; I'm changing colors and adding souls into the equation ;w;]

Technique Name: Reiraku
Technique Description: Reiraku are the visualization of Reiryoku into ribbons, which spiritually aware people can follow. Reiraku is a high level technique that compresses and visualizes the spiritual auras in the atmosphere. When Remy uses Reiraku, her perception of the ribbons are as follows:

  • Shinigami: Red
  • Visored: Purple
  • Hollows: Hot Pink
  • Arrancar: Magenta
  • Humans: White
  • Souls: Yellow
  • Quincy: Cyan
  • Fullbringer: Lime Green
  • Demon: Orange
  • Bount: Blue

Mastered Fullbring

Mastered Fullbring Name: Aether Pocket
Mastered Fullbring Appearance: Aether Pocket does not does not transform the item used as its focus. The power is not drawn out through the alteration of shape; rather, it is "pulled" directly from the object's soul.
Mastered Fullbring Ability: Through mastery, Remy can instantly materialize and summon her hammers directly into her hands as well as trade in and trade out hammers within her inventory within the blink of an eye. Ordinary objects and inventory can also be stored within this pocket space. Nothing quite as large as a car, but something the size of a backpack is acceptable. The storage space created within her fullbring is roughly equal to the size of a small home. Relating to her powers, the clauses governing Remy's abilities have loosened as well, allowing her to further manipulate reality. Some effects have actually strengthened while others have weakened. Take a look for yourself.

  • 50% Break:
    This occurs when Remy has met a specific condition. a hammer is granted this status condition, it shatters into pieces and its individual charm on Remy's bracelet becomes a dull grey color. The hammer is thus rendered unusable for one of Remy's posts.

  • 100% Break:
    This occurs when the hammer in question is forcefully broken or Remy breaches a certain condition that her Fullbring itself has created. When a hammer is granted this status condition, it shatters into pieces and its individual charm on Remy's bracelet becomes a dull grey color with a visible crack running along it vertically. The hammer is thus rendered unusable for three of Remy's posts.

  • 200% Break:
    This occurs when the hammer in question is forcefully broken or Remy breaches a certain condition that her Fullbring itself has created. When a hammer is granted this status condition, it shatters into pieces and its individual charm on Remy's bracelet becomes a dull grey color with various cracks running along the entire charm. The hammer is thus rendered unusable for six of Remy's posts.

  • Lucky Ducky:
    This is granted upon a target when struck with the Lucky Ducky Mallet. The subject is gifted with unfathomable luck and granted nearly unbreakable protection. Lucky Ducky also makes it so that healing abilities, stat boosts, and beneficial abilities that do not harm others are three times as effective as they normally would be.

  • Greedy Gilbert:
    This is granted upon a target when struck with the Lucky Ducky Mallet. The target in question is affected with a supernatural sense of greed. In this state of mind, one can only focus upon finding and obtaining valuables. If the person is actively utilizing an ability or transformation, it is disengaged.

  • Awesome McQuackers
    This status is granted when an individual removes the "Lucky Ducky" status; the "Greedy Gilbert" status; or both of them forcefully. The subject is then turned into a small yellow duckling. If they could in their previous form, they can still talk freely but with the quack at the end of every sentence and at every pause they make when speaking. Power within all aspects is reduced dramatically.

  • Asplode
    This status is granted when an individual removes the "Awesome McQuackers" status forcefully. The subject spontaneously combusts, bursting into flames which cannot be quenched by normal or spiritually enhanced water sources.

  • Diplomatic Immunity:
    This status is granted to Remy when she strikes an opponent she is facing with The Diplomat. When this status is obtained, The Diplomat becomes a defensive measure. Upon confronting an event that would negatively affect her, The Diplomat will instantly analyze it, gauge the amount of reiryoku it contains if applicable, and instantly draw forth from Remy’s reiryoku to manipulate reality in her favor.

  • Barry Bonkers:
    This status is granted to that which has been struck twice with The Scoundrel Shaker. The subject is rendered completely unconscious. Living subjects will awaken without grogginess but they will experience momentary disorientation.

  • Penny Pancake:
    This status is granted to those things that have the strength to actually survive impact with the 100 Billion Ton Hammer. That thing is rendered as flat as a pancake and will waddle around as such. Due to the compression and temporary shape of their new body, physical abilities and spiritual powers are severely restricted; durability does increase however.

    Technique Name: The Hermit Hammer
    Type: Various
    Charm:Remy's Skills and Techs [WIP] Headshaker_zps10bb7466 This charm is set against a yellow backdrop.
    Technique Description: Ah yes, The Hermit Hammer; it was The sagacious article that Lupi used to know where to go. The Hermit Hammer allows for feats of psychokinetic awesomeness. Merely holding the hammer grants Remy enhanced clarity and grants her greater perception. With The Hermit Hammer, Remy can psychically sense and know when she and others are being watched, stared at, and recorded and the like. This ability isn't just restricted to the eyesight, normal senses, or machines or equipment, but can be used to detect supernatural means such as when she and others are trying to be detected telepathically, or when people are trying to be viewed by clairvoyant power or any other form of sensory.

    By thinking of a certain person or object Remy wishes to find and then brutally and violently striking an object, she can produce an incredible amount of information. If something such as a camera is struck,  the camera will produce a single photo that shows a moment in time where a subject's location (be it an object or person), or in some cases, general location can be pinpointed with the help of general knowledge, maps, and so on. Through the use of a cell phone, computer, or television, the screen will show the person's location through their point of view, just as if you were gazing through their own eyes. One's mind can also be read using this method though, it's not recommended. The thoughts of an average person are more or less, broken sentences and are nearly nonsensical. During the feed, Remy can actually displace the current view point and assume another, choosing the view a person or location from a third person view, see as if she were overlooking the scene from high above or looking up from underground. Aspects of the feed can also be "zoomed" in on as well to gain better detail and clarity.

    Communication through these means becomes possible through both vocal and telepathic means. Unfortunately, this "live feed" only lasts for six posts. It can also be terminated at any time by the person being viewed if that person has knowledge that they are being watched. When the live feed is over, the object then takes on the damage that would be appropriate with being well... smashed into hell and back with a hammer and is rendered unusable.

    Using a radio as a medium, vocal communication is only possible and that can only be upheld for eight posts. When those four posts are up, the radio takes on the damage appropriate with being struck by a hammer. Aside from those aspects, The Hermit Hammer like all other hammers after it draws power through the idea that it's abilities were defined solely by the wording and the concepts surrounding it. Thus, The Hermit Hammer's psychokinetic aspects are more or less limited to Remy's creativity. Thus, other means such as crystal balls and other ways to divine can be used if struck. The vast potential and room for creativity is rewarded so long as plausibility on a level is maintained. Finally, The Hermit Hammer is also the only hammer that can function purely as a hammer; thus, it's suitable for standard combat. Objects or individuals that Remy has not seen before can be tracked and found, but they require an at least somewhat decent description before making an attempt.

    "Damage" Chart


    Technique Name: Lucky Ducky Mallet
    Type: Supplementary
    Charm:Remy's Skills and Techs [WIP] GoldenHammer_zpsa7c13902 This image is set against a burgundy red backdrop.
    Technique Description: The Lucky Ducky Mallet hasn't looked this darn good since its first appearance in Chapter 21 : "The Phantom Thief! Blackguard appears!" Lupi used it early on in the comic to take advantage of the greed of others and evade battles that could have been really tricky to get into. Of course, Remy's manifestation is pretty darn accurate in terms of how it works and functions.

    The Lucky Ducky Mallet used to be frail and feeble, but now, it's as durable and strong as any bankai level weapon in her current tier, shattering only upon meeting it's preset condition, forcefully broken, or if it's use violates another preset condition.  It gains power from several different aspects at once and if the rules and conditions are optimal, it becomes a pretty funky and quirky little tool

    That’s right, tool. It's not a weapon and doesn't deal damage on impact. It affects objects and constructs within Remy's perception so long as she not only scores a blow. Sounds complex and vast, doesn't it? Good news, it is! This power is activated at the point of impact.

    Upon impact, the mallet shatters into pieces which then take the form of currency that would be of the most use within the region that Remy is currently within. It is always a large enough sum of money that would make the average person rush in the grab it all up. The target is then inflicted with what Remy has named the "Lucky Ducky" and "Greedy Gilbert" status ailments.

    The Lucky Ducky status gifts the subject with what Remy calls "Absolute Luck". For starters, all healing abilities and beneficial stat boosts and such that do not harm others will be twice as effective. Probability also shifts supernaturally well to their favor, protecting them from all harm and allowing incredibly unlikely events such as attacks directed towards them to backfire or barely miss their mark, or tripping at the correct time to avoid a fatal injury.  This of course protects the person from being struck by Remy's attacks as well. Plausibility also can play a huge factor in how this luck functions. All the luck in the world can't overcome the reality of something such as a massive difference in power for example. It can however, help immensely in terms of survivability.

    The Greedy Gilbert status imbues the subject with a sense of greed that is well within the supernatural scale. Their only thoughts will be centered upon themselves and they will constantly spout the phrase "Mine!" Because of the greed deep within their hearts, they will be unable to focus on anything but the act of grabbing up any and everything that looks like it could be sold or kept, most likely starting with all the loot created. Any loot that the hammer creates can be kept and used by the subject in question.

    If someone who is capable of doing so decides to utilize a method that removes either status effect granted by the hammer or both of them at once, the affected subject, and the person and or item who attempted removal will be granted the "Awesome McQuackers" status for four posts. Each subject is then turned into a small yellow duckling. If they could in their previous form, they may still talk freely but with the quack at the end of every sentence and at every pause they make when speaking and when trying to use incantations of any sort. One’s Advantage Rating is decreased by two tiers while affected and incantations of any sort such as those used for kidou and zanpaktou abilities and transformations will fail to work; too many quacks ruin it.

    If an individual actually attempts to remove the "Awesome McQuackers" status forcefully, the affected subject and individual and or item that attempted removal will be affected by the Asplode status. The subjects then spontaneously combust and bursts into flames which cannot be quenched by normal or spiritually enhanced water sources. Luckily, The effects of the hammer do not affect Remy or anyone she sees as an ally in any way. As a rule, Remy cannot actively affect its effects with her abilities.

    "Damage" Chart

    Opponent is two tiers higher than you or more: The duration of the effects only lasts for the first half of a post
    Opponent is one tier higher than you: The duration of the effects only lasts for one post.
    Opponent is equal in tier to you: The duration of the effects only lasts for two posts.
    Opponent is one tier lower than you: The duration of the effects only lasts for three posts.
    Opponent is two tiers lower than you or more: The duration of the effects only lasts for four posts.

    Technique Name: Pikohan
    Type: Supplementary
    Charm:Remy's Skills and Techs [WIP] IceHammer_zps94c1de20 This image is set against a lime green backdrop.
    Technique Description: The Legendary Pikohan served as the tool that taught Lupi's opponents and his viewers important lessons about cause and effect. It beget unto objects a strange gift of life and overall, it seemed like a cute concept and even has a cute name. Pikohan is actually a very grim and macabre tool, forged during what was the darkest point of the series, when the heroes were at their low. The name very vaguely refers to how it not only toys with the lives that it does create, but how toys with the concepts of cause and effect.

    Upon striking an inanimate object, Pikohan's reiatsu takes hold of its matter, converting it into a being which Remy calls "A Starchild". This only affects matter that has no deep spiritual connection between individuals (i.e., Zanpaktou, Fullbring Items, etc) and cannot affect large objects such as buildings for example. Instead, a smaller section of such an object may be chosen to be converted. This section must be no larger than the size and dimensions of 12 ft x 6 ft x 6 ft. Starchildren are exquisite and will always be within the power level of tier "5-1" ( Oh and click me, I'm a picture!) Starchildren are capable of powerful feats such as roaming around in circles, cheerfully hopping about, babbling in childlike jargon, drooling, running at a fairly swift pace, and slow somersaults. Starchildren aren't very intelligent but they are capable of performing simple requests when asked nicely.

    A Starchild is harmless and sweet by nature. However, their presence activates an alarming, irrational sense of dread within one's psyche. If they see someone who could be a potential new playmate, they will become ecstatic, rushing off to meet that person. They attempt to shower them with hugs, asking that person to join in their merry games. But as they draw closer, their appearance begins to change. Their blue patterning shifts from a cool, docile blue to a fiery, flickering red. Their expression morphs into a more sinister, toothy grin and their cute rounded eyes narrow and arch for a more devilish look. The Question Mark atop their heads also becomes an exclamation point. The ominous globs that float around their bodies begin to pulse and throb with life, forming within them tiny, white little blots which resemble stars.

    Causality plays a key part in their existence, their innocence also a key part in what one would recognize as Karma. If a Starchild is attacked, it will not defend itself in anyway and will receive the attack fully, display emotions such as horror and agony, and then disappear. The pain and anguish that individual Starchild felt is then reflected back upon its assaulter. Starchildren also reflect back sensory feedback that is introduced to them. This rule applies to anyone who attacks one of the Starchildren, even by mistake. These effects are cumulative. Starchildren only vanish without consequence when Pikohan itself is broken. However, Pikohan now has durability on par with a bankai in Remy's current tier so, it's not as easy as it used to be. However, if one should manage to bust it up, the weapon enters "50% Break" status. Starchildren who have transformed in appearance are considered "Ascended". This amplifies their "powers" over cause and effect and the dread they exclude by a factor of two.

    "Damage" Chart

    [This only applies to Remy's current tier and not that of the Starchildren.]

    Opponent is two tiers higher than you or more: You only felt a little a little pang? Lame. At this point, even if the starchildren get closer, the best they really do is make your hair stand on end.
    Opponent is one tier higher than you: Hm... well, if you attack one normally, the pain would last for the first half of your post and attacking an Ascended Starchild would result in the same duration and depth of phantom pain that would follow if that individual was on the same tier as Remy. That's all I have to say.
    Opponent is equal in tier to you: Eh... well, if you attack one normally, the pain would last for one post and attacking an Ascended Starchild would result in the same duration and depth of phantom pain that would follow if that individual was one tier below Remy. That's cool too.
    Opponent is one tier lower than you: The emotion and feeling reflected back towards someone at this point would go on for two posts. Attacking an Ascended Starchild would result in the same duration and depth of phantom pain that would follow if that individual was two tiers below Remy. Owwie.
    Opponent is two tiers lower than you or more: The emotion and feeling reflected back towards someone would last for three posts. Attacking an Ascended Starchild would result in pain and anguish that would last for four posts along with a depth of phantom pain that would follow if that individual was three tiers below Remy. Owwie. Oh no, that must smart.

    Technique Name: The Diplomat
    Type: Various
    Charm:Remy's Skills and Techs [WIP] Hammer3 This charm is set against an orange backdrop.
    Technique Description: The Diplomat made for some interesting and memorable battle sequences during the third quarter of the series. It provided an unusual sort of defense so long as Lupi had managed to score a hit on his opponent. Its special effect is activated upon striking an opponent directly. The Diplomat upon meeting its condition then transforms into a small flip-top passport separated by two sections: from the top and then, the bottom half, hovering precariously next to Remy, keeping up with her every movement.  The top half displays documentation that reveals Remy's status as a quote on quote "diplomat". The bottom half is simply identification that displays Remy's name, height, weight, birth, marital status, and has a neat little photo of her face. When Remy faces something that would affect her or her equipment adversely, the passport flips open to reveal the documentation and I.D. When this occurs, Remy and her belongings are granted the "Diplomatic Immunity" status. It is then by paying 3/4's of the energy it takes to use an ability for example, she gains immunity to its effects. Attacks such as Cero for example will be negated upon impact. Poison will simply not affect her. Physical attacks can be negated if they are "simple" attacks. (I.E, the average blade stroke) Otherwise, special techniques that have costs will follow the rules as laid out. Environmental Hazards, effects, and other such things are treated as "Free Radicals" and thus, the cost to negate them is negligible. It has preset limits though. The Diplomat can only block attacks from individuals up to one tier above her own and is only capable of negating four negative events per post.

    Though The Diplomat is an automated option and will activate when facing an attack that Remy has not detected personally, Remy's subconscious does affect its performance and its activation. This is so she doesn't waste energy negating an attack she could have evaded or stopped herself. While it can be used freely, other abilities that require more taxing amounts of reiatsu (i.e. the special ability of another hammer) will instantly disrupt its abilities and disengage the mode change. Likewise, utilizing The Diplomat for over four posts will automatically disengage it and force the individual charm into the "200% Break" status. If another hammer's special ability was utilized during the time in which The Diplomat was in use, both The Diplomat and the other hammer utilized are instantly disengaged and granted the "200% Break" status. If it is willfully disengaged, it is merely granted the "100% Break" status.

    Technique Name: Scoundrel Shaker
    Type: Offense
    Charm:Remy's Skills and Techs [WIP] FireHammer_zps0a3b6f2e This charm is set against a purple backdrop.
    Technique Description: The Scoundrel Shaker would be considered the only real offensive weapon in Lupi's arsenal. Though it was the starter weapon, it remains a powerful weapon when put into use. It made an appearance in nearly every fight. Upon striking something, The Scoundrel Shaker sends forth pulses of destabilizing reiatsu that instantaneously disrupts the target, imposing upon that subject the "Barry Bonkers" status. Being affected by this debuff will knock someone unconscious. But, it takes two blows to do so. The first strike will send pulses of reiatsu into the target. For a being with semblance or an object made in the image of a living creature, (real or not)  this will induce nausea and vertigo. One's vision will distort, invert, and otherwise becomes very strange, alternating their perception in ways such as sharpening eyesight to the point that things that are distant appear much closer, only to suddenly bring everything out of focus. Sounds vary greatly in alternating sound and pitch, and the sense of balance is thrown off center. The ability to sense reiatsu and other such abilities become grossly unreliable. Common place objects that are knocked "unconscious" will crumple apart. Reiryoku based abilities such as Cero will lose it's 'focus' and becoming squishy like a balloon, droop downward, and crash to the ground with a thump, dissipating if struck with a pulse. Objects holding spiritual significance and or bound by soul are treated as 'Living beings'.

    Though for the living these effects only linger during the person’s next post, the memory of its occurrence is "carved" into The Scoundrel Shaker for the remainder of the battle or until a second hit is scored. This means that after the initial hit, a second hit will have a special effect. Upon a second strike, a subject will fly into the air, spinning like a top before flying back down into the ground. When they manage to pull themselves to their feet, the images of four small yellow ducks will hover quietly over top of the subject and race about in a circle. The subject will immediately black out. They will begin swaying back and forth, their eyes spinning comically and drooling at the mouth. Upon further inspection, it is identical to how characters in fighting games become stunned after taking large combos. Reality will treat this as a true and earnest knockout, meaning that all active abilities and transformations such as bankai are immediately disengaged. This effect only lasts for a single post or it will begin to wear off when Remy begins her next attack against the stunned individual. Whatever comes first. Upon waking up, there is no groggy feeling to be felt, but the subject will be disoriented and confused about where they are and their current surroundings, their minds trying to readjust to the situation at hand. Thankfully, the second strike "resets" the hammer's memory to a point of time before it ever struck that specific subject.

    "Damage" Chart

    Opponent is two tiers higher than you or more The duration of the effects only lasts for half a post. The second blow will not send that subject flying upward. It disorients someone mildly to the point where it’s just a brief feeling of intense grogginess.
    Opponent is one tier higher than you The duration of the effects only lasts for half a post.
    Opponent is equal in tier to you There is no change to the effects
    Opponent is one tier lower than you: The effects happen normally.
    Opponent is two tiers lower than you or more: The effects happen normally.

    Technique Name: 100 Billion Ton Mallet [100 BTM]
    Type: Offensive
    Charm:Remy's Skills and Techs [WIP] PiercingHammer_zps867e1484 This charm is set against a navy blue backdrop.
    Technique Description: The 100 Billion Ton Mallet is the final hammer that Lupi wielded within the final chapter of "GOGOGO LUPI!" Using it, he managed to defeat his last opponent and and restore peace to his homeland. Its powers are a bit more powerful than what Lupi displayed but its functions are faithful to the series. Its special ability is invoked upon contact with the object she wishes to hit. The 100 Billion Ton Mallet simply put, generates immense amounts of PSI and imparts that force upon objects it strikes. The most common forces generated are comparable to those of high grade military explosives within missiles which for example, generate 1.5 million pounds per square inch within an explosion. To put that in better perspective, imagine that 100 BTM is not a hammer but actually a fully sized battleship that she is actively swinging at you. Also imagine that taking that one blow grants you the same experience you would have if said battleship was dropped upon you.  

    This would be a cool way to actually kill someone. But no one bleeds; no one dies; A person will only be affected by the "Penny Pancake" status along with their items. The person is flatted down into a pancake and allowed to waddle around in a comical fashion. They can use any physical abilities that would be physically possible in a state with virtually no limbs and their own reiryoku is compressed and flattened down into the very soul of their being, meaning that their special abilities that utilize reiryoku are inaccessible. This compression does grant a certain perk though, Namely, it grants a two tier boost to one’s Advantage Rating in relation to defense. When facing objects however, it imparts the same destructive forces that a sizable explosion would actually do to that object. However, when that object in the process of being affected by the hammer's pulses touches a living being, they pass on the "Penny Pancake" status effect. The forces it creates do not affect Remy as she is the wielder of the mallet. Once used, all hammers enter the "50% Break" status.

    Damage Chart

    Opponent is two tiers higher than you or more: Congratulations for surviving that monstrous attack. Please enjoy a post as a pancake.
    Opponent is one tier higher than you: I always thought you were a "flat" character. But you're only flat for two posts.
    Opponent is equal in tier to you: That's the problem with opponents these days. They don't really stand out. Hur Hur. Three posts.
    Opponent is one tier lower than you: That's a nice new look. Stay flat and sexy for four posts.
    Opponent is two tiers lower than you or more: Cool pancake, bruh. Stay like that for five posts.

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