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#1Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Opening The Shop (Open) Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:04 am


Crosses alarm clock started going off at eight in the morning. He slowly crawled out of bed turning off the alarm clock then getting dressed into a black shirt and blue jeans. Cross sat at the edge of his bed and put his black sneakers on. Then tied his necklace to his wrist and grabed his long black caot and headed down stiars.

Cross yawned as he pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door of the shop and turned on the neon open sign. Cross has the owner of a little antic shop called Kungetso Antic's. Cross went behind a counter and stared up the coffee maker. After a minute or two Cross took a paper cup and poured some coffee into it. Then satdown at the counter and pulled out a ctoss word puzzle as he sibbed the coffee.
" A three letter some thing with nine lives" Cross siad starting on the cross word wiating for some one to enter the store.

#2Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:18 pm


Raising his right hand, Gust knocked on the door slightly. Opening it, the bell on the door rung. " knock knock? Are you open?" Gust didn't know if the shop was opened or closed, since there was no sign on the outside stating whichever it was. Looking to the left and right, he saw the man at the counter drinking some coffee. "oh, good morning!" he said with a smile on his face. His blonde hair was brushed back with his right hand, showing his blue eyes. "what do you have for me? If it's food, i'll be happy." he commented while rubbing his stomach. It was early morning and Gust hadn't had breakfast yet. Rubbing his forehead, He came to the counter, looking at the man. "well?"

#3Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:21 pm


Cross heard the bell above the door of the shop ring. He looked up with his eyes but didn't rise his head. Cross until he saw him and asked if Cross had any food for him yet he was clearly not a homeless man. Cross quickly filled in an answer on the cross word and then looked up.
" Well for one these is an antic shop not a restrent" Cross siad leaning back on the chiar.
" But hack i'm in a good mood to day so why not what you went to eat I'll pay of course" Cross siad standing up.

#4Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:26 pm


Zora walked down, and looked around for something to do. He was obviously bored as his head was kept low, his spinal cord bent with his arms hanging from the body. The weather was surprisingly hot, with little to no wind. The sun shone brightly, acting as if it is showing off it's magnificent energy that was stored inside of it's humongous body. Like usual, the people he met would stare at him in disgust to his unique appearance. He stopped when he saw what looked like a rare shop. He opened the door and spoke in a civilized manner, “Hello!”

#5Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:12 am


Cross noticed the person even before he entered the shop sating hello to them. Cross notice the persons unusual Appearance but what did he care.
"Well um hello welcome I was just about to head to lunch with um sorry whats your name" Cross siad one eye on each of them.

#6Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:12 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster

#7Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:30 pm


[ooc He could join the Divine Family/empire ]

It was rare a chance to visit the human world on a free experance. No battles or potentials just fun. As I step out of the divine light I pull up my cloaks hood hiding my,presense from all. I,then pull both,of my arms toward my chest quickly and sharply as thousands of cherry blossoms form my body around me. Cracking my neck getting used to the physical body I walk out of the alley and head toward a rather curious antique shop that feels of the divine

As I reach the shop and open the door the smell of age greets me as the books and curios sit on the shelves"hello is anyone here." I say out loud

#8Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:11 pm


(ooc ok what i'm completly lost)

Crosses eyes drifted to the new comer entering his shop. These one seemed nornol but yet agian some thing was off about all three of them.
" hello sir welcome" Cross siad now going behind the counter. There was a little to much he never had this many peaple in his shop.

#9Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:07 pm


Being inside the shop, he had seen what looked like two men having a conversation. One of them had silver hair with eyes that is colored, purple hair. Zora totally ignored the other person, as the silver haired guy talked to him. He totally ignored it until he heard a word that completely caught his attention.


Hearing that word had made him completely in need for food. He hadn’t eaten for a long time just because of him making a promise to his friends that he would not eat for a whole day for in return, a few cash as he needed them. Due to this, his friend spied on him trying so hard for him to not know, going as far as hiding at the most inconvenient places.

However, due to him knowing this, he had learnt a technique to how he could do this easily and that was to not think about food, nor getting near them. This was because that when seeing food, the brain starts to send out signals that he needed food. This meant that he couldn’t go to restaurants, a café nor anything that is involved with precious, delicious food.

His stomach totally rumbled making an embarrassing noise that seemed as if he was farting. However, hearing the shop bell ring, he completely forgot about being hungry. Seeing a man coming in, he turned around facing the door, and said with a smile on his face, “Hello!”

#10Opening The Shop (Open) Empty Re: Opening The Shop (Open) Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:11 pm


"hello,i am interested in any strange or out of the norm curios you may have here." I say to the young man behind the counter. For a second my eyes dart to the left and right"gust come out." I say again in a calm cool electric blue eyes scan everyone in the building"interesting place indeed." I say to myself

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