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#1Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:45 am


Shin laid on the roof of a nearby house, with his arms folded and with him looking towards the sky. From time to time his eyes would lazily close then open back up. The breeze that filled that air usually made him sleepy, though he knew that his duties were around the clock, as there was hardly no time for sleep, much to his dismay. Though he knew he had work to do, he usually hid from it, leaving piles or paperwork to be left on his desk. The more he left and did his personal duties, the less visible his desk was. He laughed as he thought about it, though the older captains might have a problem with it. Most of them were hardened, unable to have fun or relax, while others were the exact opposite, the fun ones. He knew he would never be like the veterans, though that was something he was okay with. Who would want to be like someone who cant even have a good time. Shin shuddered just thinking of it.

As his eyes started to close, he heard a bunch of voices coming from the distance. He rolled over and looked overhead and saw that it was a bunch of shinigami, from his own squad, walking in groups. Shin laid as flat as he could on top of the roof, trying hard to conceal himself, as he thought that they would probably make him do stuff. After they had passed for a couple of minutes, Shin stood up and smirked.

After another couple of hours, Shin had had enough of laying around, as it was starting to get boring. He stood up and looked around, seeing if the coast was clear and jumped down from the roof. He wondered on what he should do today. Work was out of the question and training was something he could do any day. He decided that it would be nice to have a calm and peaceful walk, just until he felt sleeping again or he saw a nice and pretty girl he could talk with

#2Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:31 pm


Mizuko had just finished with her training and needed to get out of the division 10 barracks for a bit. She'd been part of the division now for a few days and was setteling in nicely now that Joshua was gone. She still could not believe she made it into the division and as high as she did. She only wished she was under her friend Sayuri like she orignally wanted to, but Captain Aki was a good captain. She was not fully paying attention to where she was going when she ran into someone. "I'm so sorry about that. Please forgive me." she said as she looked up at who she had run into. She then noticed that it was a captain she had run into and felt bad about that. "Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it up to you." she added.

#3Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:22 pm


Senna's shinigami uniform and haori flapped noisily behind her with every flash step. She cleared courtyards and sprang over buildings. She had spent a good part of the day getting familiar with the other squads and their captains when she could find them. The time had come for some alone time to just walk around and collect her thoughts. She had to assimilate alot of information and plan accordingly in order to be effective as captain of the sixth division. She dropped down in an alley and took a few minutes to gather her thoughts before she moved on. Her violet eyes scanned one end then the other. She brushed her long bangs aside and chose to follow the far end of the alley. It sounded like a few groups of people were on the move and she had no desire to speak with large groups at the moment. Senna had plenty of work to take care of and as nice as everyone had been to her pleasantries often took a long time.

Senna turned the corner and nearly walked head first into another person. A captain by the looks of him, she was taller than he was by a few inches but he wasn't terribly bad to look at and since she had wanted to speak with as many captains as possible she didn't mind running into him. She stood where she was and stared at him, eyes unblinking for several moments. Finally, she blinked slowly and stared directly into his bright crimson eyes. "Senna Nikono, Sixth Division Captain." Beside him stood another shinigami. Senna nodded to her slightly, eyes still locked on the male captain.

#4Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:51 pm


Shin wondered off into his own little world, not realizing what was in front of him. He suddenly found himself kicked out of his trance, looking at the person that he had just bumped into. It was a captain, much to his dismay, as he thought that she was going to report him for lacking in his duties. He lightly smiled, and scratched his head. "Its no problem, its my fault." He knew that he had seen this shimigami around before, though he did not take the time to actually know it name. "I wasnt paying attention." He gave a small chuckle. He felt a bit respected and powerful, like this is what it meant to be a captain, and he liked it.

He then noticed another person coming up towards him, another captain that had long blue hair, something that he noticed all the time as he had spotted her around the seireitei. Shin felt that she was a bit odd after her fit of unblinking, then greeted herself suddenly, without any hi or hello. He shifted uncomfortably and tried to smile. "Shintaro Takayama, 8th Division Captain."

#5Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:18 am


Mizuko looked over at Senna as she also ran into Shintaro. She only shook her head and giggled as that happened. She then heard both of them give their names and ranks and felt a little out ranked by the two. She felt it time to giver her own name at this point. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Mizuko Ichikawa, LT of 10th Division." She smiled as she looked between the two captains, adjusting her LT armband a bit. She was still not used to wearing it, but was happier now than she had been in a long time. "Oh, and don't think you'r fully to blame for me running into you. I was also not really paying attention to where I was going." she added.

#6Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:06 am


Senna continued to stare, more at Captain Shintaro but her eyes darted to the 10th Division Lieutenant when she made her introduction. She contemplated going off into a long winded speech about a shinigami's duty and the consequences for dereliction of said duty but decided to hold her tongue at the moment. Her day had been filled with many similar talks with others and she did not want to go through it again but she had to say something. Senna had a horrible time dealing with people in social settings and often made them more awkward then they should be. The old familiar feeling of uneasiness crept into her but she shook her head and quickly blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "I like rice."

#7Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:57 am


Shin wasnt known for his friendliness at his division, actually he was known for being as foolish as he could possibly be, but because they were women that he decided to be a little calmer, trying to make an impression on the two, even though one of them was a rank below him. He leaned again and smirked at the lieutenant's continued apology. Shin thought that she was sucking up to him or something, since it wasnt exactly a common thing for people to be nice to Shin, mostly because he was not exactly a happy person, though it occurred to him that everybody was as cynical as him. "Its okay Lieutenant, no need to apologize anymore." Shin gave a light smirk.

He then turned to the odd captain and looked at her funny after she had said her weird remark. Now he had met everyone with different personalities, but he had never encountered anyone like her before. Maybe it wasjust him, but he was sure that Lieutenant Ichikawa was thinking the same thing. Shin didnt know how to handle the situation so he awkwardly nodded. "Who doesnt like rice?" Shin raised his eyebrow and continued to lean against the wall. "So, how long have you guys been a lieutenant and captain?" Shin thought that since he was here, he was as well make the effort to get to know them.

#8Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:38 am


Mizuko was indeed a bit thrown off by what Senna had said. Why would someone ask such an odd question? She continued to think on this till she heard Shin tell her not to apologize any further. She was going to apologize agian but felt it best not to. When she heard Shin's question she wondered how best to answer. She felt kinda bad due to being so new at all of this. That and the fact that she still had so much to learn about everything, this being her first officer post. "Not long at all actually. Just about a week or so I think. I'm still very new to all of this." she said, not sure of what else to say.

#9Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:39 am


She had let her mind wander again as she was prone to do. There mouths moved but Senna was so wrapped up in her own machinations that she didn't catch a single word. Soon they would look to her and expect some sort of reply or acknowledgement, she wished she had been paying attention. Senna just couldn't help herself. When a thought came to mind she chased it down, brutally beat it, and forced it to give up the names of all its other friends. When she blurted out and proclaimed her fondness for rice the red eyed captain had nodded and asked who didn't. That was when their words fell on deaf ears as far as Senna was concerned. Who wouldn't like rice indeed? To Senna it was one of the greatest foods ever. You could form it into various shapes if you wanted or add food coloring to make it more decorative or different sauces for a wide variety of flavors. It would be crazy not to like rice....Arrancar were crazy. She bet the Espada despised rice. Quincy probably liked rice but she wasn't sure, they all seemed a little off to her. Senna didn't even want to think about the Vizard. She disliked them to the point of almost being hate. If one day they all happened to drop dead Senna was sure she would not shed a tear nor lose a wink of sleep. She shook her head and wondered how long they had been waiting on her.

"It is forbidden for a Shinigami to acquire or attempt to gain Hollow-like powers!" she shouted at the two "Make sure you remember that. Senna Nikono, captain of the 6th." She said with a smile and stuck both of her hands out, one towards each person. "Pleasure to meet you!"

#10Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:14 pm


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