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#21Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:31 pm


Her eyebrows were raised in surprise as she let her arms drop back down to her sides. For the moment she she didn't care about the lieutenant speaking back to her in such a rude fashion. She didn't care about Captain Shintaro's promise to fight her if his hand was forced. Senna would deal with them later. Her eyes shifted from Shintaro to Mizuko and she bore into the lieutenant.

"You will tell me at once who this vizard is as well as how long he has been in the soul society. What's more you will also tell me of any others you know of. I suggest you do so without further delay." Everything around the trio seemed to have gone completely silent. She couldn't remember when the last time she heard other people moving about the Seretei. Senna wasn't sure if this was good or bad or neither one. The tension was almost palpable in the air. When she had first ran into the pair she certainly hadn't expected things to turn out this way but now that they had she fully intended to see justice served, one way or the other.

#22Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:22 am


Mizuko felt a little intimidated by Senna. She was worried about telling her about Hikaru, but worried about what would happen if she didnt' follow orders. She had, after all, just become the 10th Divison Lieutenant. She didn't want to loose her position for not obeying what she felt was an order. She backed away just a bit. "C....Captain Nikono. I only know of one Vizard. He's been in the Soul Society for as long as I can remember, about 300 years. As for who he is............" Mizuko said. She then looked down to the side and begins to rub her arm unknowingly. She does not really want to say his name again. She knows she should not have even said anything in the first place. She already felt bad that she had told Shin his name and Division as it is. She only hoped that Shin would not tell. "I made a promise not to tell his name or where he is. I did say it before, but I will not repeat it. He's happy here and I don't want to ruin that. Please, just leave him alone." she eventually says, hoping Senna would do as she asks.

#23Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:54 am


Senna did her best to smile politely at Mizuko. The lieutenant certainly was a loyal one. Too bad it was for the wrong side. Senna smiled again and put her hand on Mizuko's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. Senna had heard every word, she just wanted to see how the lieutenant would respond.

"Don't worry about it, lieutenant. I can see that this is a sensitive subject for you so I won't press the issue at the moment. I will have to make a report of course. You understand I hope? Nothing personal." Senna smiled at the girl a third time. What she had said was not entirely true. It had become personal for Senna. In her presence the lieutenant had admitted to knowing of a vizard in the Seretei and had known for a while. To make matters worse not only had she befriended the beast and not reported him but she now refused to answer a question from a captain. Mizuko had chosen her own selfish desires over following the law. To Senna it had become personal. "Come take a walk with me before I have to get to those formalities Lieutenant Mizuko. You may come as well if you like Captain Shintaro."

#24Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:21 pm


"Re....Report? I would rather you don't if at all possible Captain. I don't want to get anyone into any trouble. Can't we just leave well enough alone? Hika-chan is really sweet. I'm sure if you'd meet him you'd agree." Mizuko says, trying to talk her way out of the situatin she's in with Senna. She was pretty sure it would not work since Senna didn't seem like the kind to let things like that go. She then sighs. "Besides that, I don't want to get into any trouble. I've been working hard for a very long time to get to where I am at. I think, no, I know that everyone here in the Soul Society finally trusts me again. Most that didn't are now long gone. I'm sure it still stands, however, that if I mess up that I could be executied. I've worked to hard to ensure that does not happen. I'd prefer if you don't make that report if at all possible. I don't think Hika-chan would mind, but I'd loose my life over this silly little bit of talk. I'll walk with you, but I would like you to think about what I've said also." She said, ready to follow Senna in the walk.

#25Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:15 pm


Shin looked at Senna with a grin on his face. "Even if I did know who this person was or if i knew anymore, there is no way in hell I would tell you." Shin could feel his anger get the best of him, something that happen on a daily basis, but this time it was a good reason. Although he was defending himself, he did not take account for Mizuko's feelings and what she wanted to do.

It seemed that the whole mood of the atmosphere of the situation had shifted dramatically. What was once a showdown of ideals was now a sympathic conversation between the two. Shin was baffled about how Captain Senna had changed her tone seemingly to help the lieutenant. Shin smirked to himself, thinking that this was probably a girl thing, and made him chuckle lightly. After he had been asked to take a walk with them, he laughed. She couldnt possibly serious, after accusing him of a crime he didnt have any business doing.. Shin wasnt the kind of guy who could let that go. "Sorry, I have alot of paperwork to be doing. But have fun." Shin started to walk away and gave a little wave. "See you around Lieutenant." Shin continued to laugh, still thinking about Senna's offer.

#26Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:15 pm


Mizuko felt alone as she watched Shin leave. She knew she may be in some big trouble with Senna and really didn't want to be left alone with her. But, just to be polite, she answered him. "Yes, I do hope to see you around as well Captain." She then returned her attention back to Senna. "Ok Captain, please lead the way." she said to Senna, hoping that by being nice she could gain her favor as well.

#27Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:39 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
[OOC: Shintaro, is this RP topic done?]

#28Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:17 am


OOC: Yes this is finished

#29Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:13 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
[[OOC:Are you gonna join a new one?]]

#30Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) - Page 3 Empty Re: Relaxation (Mizu & Senna) Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:10 am


OOC: Yes, but not connected to this one

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