Amaya adjusted her skirt nodding to see the two butterflies returning quickly with success "thankyou friends, everyone relax, I will be back later to feed you all."She commented to the butterflies heading to her chambers to see tazuma and Amelia there as she shut the door behind her, not wishing for anyone else to hear or see what was going on. this was between the three of them.
Amaya moved over to a chair beside tazuma sitting down in it "Amelia...It has been brought to my attention from a source that you are over doing it with your constant trainig with neglecting to remember the condition you currently have with your minor episodes, where I was told that you passed out oncce because of this over trainig. As your mother, I am worried you are going too far too fast for your body to handle. I also heard you are training thinking you need to, to make me proud. No amount of training will make me think less of you and everyday I am proud of you in all ways and mostly just for being able to be your mother and able to help see you push through all the bad you have seen."Said Amaya starting it all off "All I ask Amelia, is that I am worried for your health in this wanting to train and become stronger for nothing. I dont care if you become stronger or if you are unable to."She commented gently "either take a few days of breaks and spend more time with me instead of training, or hang up your blade amelia...I am not doing this to harm you, for I would whether have you not fighting and being alive without these episods or dead because of these episodes. But I want your father's and your stand points on the matter so we all can reach an agreement on the same page to attempt to help you in the safest way."she said gently to her daughter waiting for her and tazuma's response to this meeting subject