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That fricking soul society. They always ALWAYS insist on making the newbie work harder. Sometimes, Hotaru wonders whether the Seireitei is doing it for the better, or if they just want to spite him for not having gone to the academy. Sometimes, it makes him wonder how it's like for other substitute shinigami... Hotaru had already left his human body, leaving it in the more or less capable hands of his mod soul, Mojo. Oh, who is he kidding? Well, Hotaru shouldn't worry so much. After all, he was expecting a battle.

By then, it was high noon. The sun had passed its zenith, painting the sky a bright blue gradient. There were barely any clouds to offer relief from the sun's brilliance. Only a thin blanket of cumulus clouds straggled over head, appearing like stretched out balls of cotton. Hotaru stood atop of a large abandoned apartment building which stood in the slums of Naruki City, long past its due date. Nonetheless, it was sturdy enough, perhaps enough so to withstand an Earthquake. Under the building was not a pretty site to look at. After all, ghettos are the same everywhere- they stink.

Now, the best way to lure out a hollow is to use bait. Unfortunately, Hotaru was running low, so the only way was to lure them in himself. Getting into horse stance, he started straining, letting out a large amount of spiritual energy, though not enough to kill any civilians in the area. His plan was to bring in hollows. Once he's carved through all the normal menos, he should find his real target- an arrancar.



"What is this..?" Nagato turned his head to the right. Activating hsi rinnegan to see the postion of the reiatsu he felt. "Poor poor shinigami, He doesn't need to drain himself like that to get attention." He stood up from the edge he sat on, rolling his head as he brought up his collar to right underneath the tip of his bottom lip. Tucking his chin into his neck, His nose pressed into the collar allowing him to hid some of his features. His orange hair flowed in the wind as he blinked a few times. "Maybe he would want to help to allow this land to be re-birthed".

For the ones that haven't met Nagato. When he talks about rebirth. It bascially means to destroy everything, and give new life from the ashes. Some liked the idea some despised it. In his head, from the way he was brought up, this was the only way he knew to live life.

Now that Nagato had to source and position of the reiatsu bearer. He used banido, his form of sonido, slightly warping the area as he left it, increasing his speed throughout each and every step. Each window he used banido on, shattered, Walls they dented in. He was doing anything to reach this shingami. Now, he had him in his sight. Landing behind him quietly, he spoke up. Standing straight up. "Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself."


Suddenly, Hotaru heard a voice, and stopped his straining to hear it more clearly. Sensing the spiritual energy behind him, he deduced that this was either an arrancar, or a smart hollow. "Oh, you must be an arrancar right?" Hotaru smirked, "well, I guess that makes you Mexican huh? Allow me to speak to you in your native language... buenas tardes, senora. Yo soy Hotaru. Todos, pateo tu culo." Hotaru learned Spanish at high school. It didn't seem like it was useful in a place where Asia is for Asians, but hey, it's good to be unique. Unfortunately, he has only taken his first year of the language, and can only speak it to a certain extent.

Hotaru's voice was a baritone. He spoke high in his high register, so that he sounds a bit posh, but not exactly. It's pretty difficult to do in Japanese actually, but not too difficult.

It seemed to early to draw his sword, but it was also too late to parlay. The best bet, was to raise his fists high. Still, he couldn't bring himself to hit a lady... wait, was it a lady? It's so difficult to tell sometimes. Hotaru used shunpo to get away. Of course, without proper training, his shunpo was a bit strange. As he appeared at the other end of the roof top, the building seemed to shake- usually it was much stronger, probably enough to demolish the building, but Hotaru needed to show some restraint. After all, he's fighting a battle.

Well, he can't wait forever. Besides, he who strikes first is the victor. Hotaru unsheathed his zanpakuto, namidasuke. its blade was fine, stretching thirty inches of long hard material which would appear to be solid mercury. A groove ran across the blade from tip to hilt, near the center not far from the etch at the blade's end. The tip was slightly curved. The hilt was a blue color, with bright yellow stripes around it. The tsuba was a gold ring, decorated with a tear drop motif. Hotaru grasped the sword in moth hand, and began making his first step, running quickly toward the androgynous arrancar.


"Stop making yourself look like even more of an idiot." Nagato commented. He didn't care to listen to the Spanish since he didn't speak it. Maybe this was some kind of mocking being done by the shinigami? He didn't care. He was not here to socialize. Nagato shook his head as he realized the time he wasting here. He was not here to fight either, but that seemed to of changed when the shinigami shunpo'd away. Rolling his Eyes, N held out his right arm, making his blades appear. Nagatos Zanpakutō is odd, in that he has 5 of them. His Zanpakutō consists of 5 pitch-black blades that he has hidden all over his body. Each blade is roughly 28 inches in length, and relatively thin. They dont have hilts, and instead, their handles are just blunt areas on the blades. The blades themselves are very sharp, able to cut through most objects, and are also quite durable, as they are each part of a Zanpakutō. Their main trait is their light weight. Due to their very low weight, they can be swung with very high speed, and can all be used at once quite easily, because of the lack of extra mass on Nagatos body that would otherwise wear him down.

Watching the shingami come towards him in a rush, he just smirked. "Senpū Surasshu"This is a Zanjutsu technique utilized by Nagato, usually to take out multiple enemies or stop attacks. Nagato wields all of his swords at once to begin this attack. He will then take a stance on one foot where he leans backwards, and then jump forward and begin spinning rapidly and striking with his blades rapidly and in quick succession. This technique is quite useful when being attacked from multiple directions, taking on multiple opponents at once, stopping an attack, and countering opponents.


"Wow, you're fast", Hotaru remarked, "no wonder you guys are so good at jumping borders!" Hotaru wasn't trying to be racist, it just sounded like an appropriate thing to say. After all, it wasn't like he was insulting the guy's mother- or maybe mothers? Whatever, hollow are weird zombie things. Hotaru could give less about the logic in them. With the ability to wield multiple blades in one hand, this arrancar was also very dexterous- not like it worried hotaru.

Hotaru's quick reflexes told him he was in danger. He was about to get cut- with five blades. This was bad. Hotaru had to think quick, and out of no where, he shouted "hyper cube!" A barrier of energy surrounded Hotaru. It was fairly primitive for any kido, but it worked nonetheless. Still in his little prism, Hotaru said "wow; you almost got me there!" He was surprised by the arrancar's ability over all. Hotaru, being so verdant probably wouldn't even comprehend what such a seasoned warrior could do. Still, he couldn't care less.

Lifting himself up using his kido, Hotaru was able to get himself from harm's way. Then the prism broke, Hotaru, making a quick air recovery, dive bombed his opponent, holding namidasuke straigh forward. Right before reaching his opponent, Hotaru cocked his blade, and readied a vertical slash through the arrancar.


Nagato didn't expect the kido, which surprised him, but he will not show that kind of emotion towards the shinigami. Nagato was only defending himself. He was attacked first, so it was the only way to protect himself. He knew the shinigami went airborne from tracing him with his reiatsu signature. Turning around and looking up, he placed his hand above his forehead, catching the blade as they both were shot down to the ground. Smashing into the road below creating a crater and a dust cloud. Appearing 10 feet away from The shinigami, Nagato rolled his neck, pressing his hands together, the spreading them apart as the cero disc came in between his hands. a Cero in the shape of a disk. By generating a cero, compressing it, and then adding in more energy, and then throwing it at an opponent or target. It is the color of Nagato's Spiritual Energy, and is about 4 feet in diameter. The Cero Disk has razor-sharp edges, and as such can slive through most objects when thrown, even able to cut attacks of higher power in half. It is quite strong as well, about 4 times as strong as an average cero. The main downside to the Cero Disk is the fact that when its thrown, it cannot be turned or homed after it is thrown, thus making it easier to miss than an attack that can home in on targets.

He would then use banido to get behind the cero disk, having two blades drawn in his sleeves as the rest appear behind him,floating. Each blade then scattered, appearing in different angles behind Nagato. One was strictly above him, one was as low as his ankles, another was infront of him 10 feet and the other was blocked by the sun. He was planning something. He wasn't taking this lightly.


The hyper cube ability needed time to recharge, and his only other kido spell didn't have enough coverage to take on five swords at once. At the same time, he didn't want to use his shikai yet- that would be his trump card. Instead, he would have to keep the arrancar busy until he can actually get a clear shot without getting himself maimed in the process. After all, a substitute doesn't get too much help.

Hotaru had no choice but to wear his opponent out. The only problem was that Hotaru was getting tired himself, despite how the fight hasn't started too long ago. Without thinking, Hotaru used another shunpo, the sonic boom able to send anything not held tightly to fly away a certain distance.

Stalling wasn't one of Hotaru's strong points, but against a stronger opponent, the best bet is to wait until he pulls a stronger card.


Nagato smirked as his cero was shot in another direction from the shunpo that this shinigami sued to get away. Stopping the run mid track, Nagato looked into the sky. "You need to learn control. Everytime you use that, your reiatsu surges throughout your body. Let it flow, don't hold it back." Even in battle Nagato would try to help his opponent train in some sort of power. Using banido, he appeared on a rooftop adjacent to the shinigami as the 5 swords came back into his sleeves. "You need better stamina as well. That shunpo of yours drains so much out of you." he said as his rinnegan pierced through the skin of Ichi.

Rotating his head, he held out his arms wide. "Let's see you try it again."


Hotaru knew that he could quickly demolish the other building, but he couldn't do that. People might be living in it, and he wasn't going to endanger people's lives just for a fight. That voice. Hotaru didn't like it at all. It was as though he was mocking him. Hotaru wasn't weak, though niether was his opponent. Maybe HOtaru lacks control, but no filthy hollow can tell Hotaru that- not ever.

Hotaru didn't believe that hollows were lower life forms- after all, for a moment he was one. Strangely enough, the arrancar did nothing. There was no attack. Hotaru didn't understand this. Maybe he was holding back. Or maybe the arrancar was behaving like a cat; playing with its food before swallowing it whole.

There was something in the arrancar's eyes though. They were strange. A ring like pattern maybe. Was this a hypnotic ability? It didn't matter. Hotaru materialized a sphere of energy in his palm, hiding it away from the arrancar- the malefic sphere ability. Fortunately, it passed through non spiritual objects, allowing Hotaru to keep it under the roof top, hiding it until the arrancar was in the right spot. Then, it would attack him, like asort of back stab- only blunter.


Nagato smirked underneath his collar. "The all seeing Eye. You can tempt me to come to that roof where you hid that energy, shinigami. But you know nothing of my ability." He commented, stepping on the edge as he looked up towards Ichi. "tell me. What is your rank? I am Nagato. I have no rank. No home. Nothing to call mine. But I will once I get the whole world to be re-birthed."
The whole goal of him was Peace. By all means necessary. "I feel like i shouldn't hold back any longer. As well as you, shinigami." By taking one of his blades and letting go of it, it will float in the air or be stabbed into the ground in front of him. Then, he places one of his hands at the tip of the blade, and a "seal" appears. He is then engulfed in a massive pillar of red energy, hiding what happens inside. After the energy begins to fade, Nagato disappears, and is replaced by 6 new bodies, all controlled by Nagato. "Seis...Rutas".In Nagatos Ressureccion, he is replaced by 6 new bodies, though he controls each one through their thoughts. Each body is different, ranging from a young girl, to relatively large man. Each body wears the same atandard outfit that Nagato usually wears. They are all black, except for red clouds all over the robes, and have high collars that reach to about their chins. Their is a zipper that extends all the way from the top to the bottom of the robes on the front of them, and are red. Each body also has odd black bars that act as piercings and vary from body to body.

When the paths are active together in battle, Nagato is able to see through their eyes, thus registering six separate fields of vision at the same time. Essentially working as shared vision for the paths, this allows Nagato to coordinate their attacks and to provide defence for them without a blind spot. This means, it is close to impossible to land a surprise attack on one of the bodies, especially in large open areas. Though, if the bodies are separated by walls or anything like walls, this ability is pointless, as they cannot watch each others backs. However, due to the fact that he can see through every body at once, he is also very well suited for fighting multiple opponents at once.

The Deva path form speaks up, being the main one to talk from now on. "Now, let's get serious shall we?" All 6 forms scatter,each using Banido to appear on different rooftops across the area, all eyeing the shinigami.

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