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#11A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:15 am


Sorin had made his stand right then and there and it had certainly pissed off the arrancar all too much He commented that he would have Sorin's shoes by the end of this and that certainly sounded like a challenge, "You can try." Sorin welcomed him as he waited for the fist to get within two inches of his perimeter before moving his neck back, with such a speed taking effect it forced piedra into a spin and with the palm of his hand placed to his back pushed him from himself

Shortly after such a shove he hopped off into the air a good thirty or fourty feet making this an official wild goose chase he laughed and suched as he did this knowing it was going to do nothing more than piss off the arrancar even more.

#12A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:26 am


"Eh?" Piedra felt almost offbalance as he swung at nothing but air. What threw off his balance all the more was the swift movements of his target as they pushed Piedra into the sand. A muffled grunt came from Piedra as sand ran down his shirt and into his mouth.

Piedra opened his mouth, just letting the sand run out, before spitting it out.
"That was...Lucky! I wasn't even tryin'!" Piedra said, hoping up. Piedra started to wind his right arm, working up that shoulder and arm of his. "Prepare to witness my powers!" Piedra would say before he quickly performed Sonido.

Piedra went in for a full on frontal charge. He shot a punch straight for Sorin's forehead. That would knock him back, especially considering the power that Piedra had focused in that hand of his. Even if it, which would surprise Piedra, didn't stagger Sorin...It would hurt. The punch would hurt something awful and Piedra was so sure that it would go through that he honestly would stop in an arm-outstretched-pose.

#13A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:31 am


Sorin turned as he laughed seeing that he was getting up replying to his supposed warm up shot, "Oh? Well then I suppose i'll have to humor you." from his pocket he pulled a small thin pole but from it came out some reishi he had drawn his schenider and met the Arrancar's fist with this Schenider smiling before he continued after a few moments, "Tell me what is your name, Arrancar?" He asked politely before using some of his strength to bat piedra away.

#14A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:16 am


Piedra had missed the quick movements of his opponent as they easily drew and blocked his attack with some sort of energy sword weapon that he had never seen before. Piedra's fist met with the weapon, cutting into his fist to what felt like his bone. Piedra drew back his hand, a quick reflexive jerk, as blood ran about and colored the plain white sands.

"Agggh! Freaking Light Sabre!" Piedra cursed, remembering the reference made by a few humans he'd seen wielding a weapon similar, albet a little artificial, as the one that Sorin so casually withdrew. "Bastard ninja!" Cursing again, Piedra wound his arm, trying to forget that his hand hurt. It really hurt. Were a human he probably would worry about being unable to use that arm later but, fortunately, he could heal with some time....A lot of time, but who would be counting?

"So ya ain't gonna say anything about having magical light sabre's huh? Just 'surprise! I cut your knuckles off', eh?" Piedra was angry. He was angry that this guy actually could fight, he was angry that his hand hurt, and he was angry that this guy could quite possibly be a little stronger than Piedra. Piedra would look at his hand a moment, poking the V shaped laceration that split his knuckles. The blood stopped rushing from the wound and a slight sizzle could be heard. "Ssssshhh" Piedra hissed, biting through the pain. He looked up at the humanish being, now curious about who they were. Did Shinigami use Light sabres? Didn't they use ordinary katana? Was there some sort of upgrade going on where Shinigami would be flying around in spaceships and mating with tentacle aliens?

"Names Piedra! Piedra Brazofuerte! What the hell are you? Some sort-a Shinigami on 'roids? And what the hells with cutting mah hand? Ya owe me big time!" The frustration could be heard, quite clearly, as the Arrancar complained about the injury that he received...Even if it had been his own fault.

#15A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:43 pm


Sorin gazed toward the man who had now received such a grevious wound that he literally stopped himself in his own tracks and complained a whole lot, to the point where a huge sweat drop appeared over Sorin's face and sorin slouched over but when questioned on Sorin's Schneider Sorin simply gave a shrug and smile

A few seconds later he made some distance between the arrancar and himself and heard him speak introducing himself and trying to figure out what Sorin exactly was, sorin ridded himself of the schneider and bowed as he bowed a boom echoed for miles as Sorin released some of his reiatsu into the air, enough to know what the now known Piedra was dealing with, "I am Sorin Nixilis, of the Nixilis tribe, Quincy leader, a pleasure." Sorin finished announcing as he stood up right and readied himself again.

#16A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:55 pm


Arekussu had been wandering the sands for some time now, not really paying attention to his direction and not walking with any amount of purpose. Still, it was something to do, something that could allay the boredom of being immortal, at least on some level. Its not as if the sands were very interesting to look at though, so he mostly ended up closing his eyes as he walked. This caused him to stumble often, and a few times he actually tumbled down a sand dune to the bottom, not very gracefully at all. Thanks to his hierro though, he would simply roll back up out of the fall and keep walking. It was definitely an interesting meander.

In his ears played some music from his past life as Segunda, almost 400 years old at this point. It was a soft hearted techno song with a light toned tenor singer softly wording lyrics over top. The lyrics interested Arekussu only a little, as they were about insecurity and bravery, two things that Arekussu did not seem to have a problem with. He had neither too much or too little of the commodities, and he tried his best to keep it that way. It struck him as mildly interesting that this music was probably lost to the ages, as he doubted many people besides immortals listened to music from the 21st century.

A sigh escaped his thin lips as he felt the spiritual presence of an arrancar and a quincy fighting. Really, his walks always seemed to be interrupted by something or other. He stopped for a moment and pondered on whether that may be the reason he takes these walks. Could he enjoy fighting, at least at a subliminal level? He would need to meditate on that later. For now though, it seemed as though the arrancar was heavily outmatched and would need assistance. That, and he was curious as to why a quincy was wandering around Hueco Mundo.

Arekussu sonidoed towards the fight and appeared standing off to the side, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders slouched a bit, making him seem shorter than he actually was. He took a brief glance at both the combatants, and finding nothing too out of the ordinary besides the vast difference in power, decided that he would help the arrancar. After all, there was a point where destroying a sentient being that many levels lower than you was shameful. That, and he had not seen a quincy since his escape. It would be interesting to see what the current quincies resembled.

Arekussu opened his mouth and blew some of his hair out of his eyes before saying, “So you lead the quincy eh? I didn’t realize the quincy were so organized nowadays.” He then turned to the arrancar, nodding to him before saying, “Hey, Arekussu, Segunda Espada.” He waved slightly with his right hand, the movement looking strange and awkward to him. “How goes it?”

#17A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:26 am


"Bull freakin' shit! Quincies don't use swords. Even an idiot knows that! If ya are gonna jus lie, ya should at least use half a brain and think about it first," He wanted to cross his arms across his chest, standing straight up with his head held out high as he was absolutely right, but flinched half way and just put a hand over that right hand of his. Ouch. Tender.

"And what the heck is a Nixilis? Sounds like a disease..." Piedra groaned after being punished by his injury earlier. His voice became lower and he was looking at it and not Sorin. "But, now that I think about it," Sorin didn't know how rare that actually was for Piedra to say that, "If ya are a Quincy, pretendin' or not, ya are gonna try and kill all the Hollow ya see, right? Heh. Even with that....Impressive spiritual power, ya ain't strong enough to do much here still. We got secret weapons here! Big, monstrous, mighty, city destroyin', colossal, godly beasts of an army with power 10 times as high as yours and with a bunch of-" As Piedra was in the middle of another long winded lie, Arekussu appeared and that threw Piedra off slightly. Segunda? Piedra had never meet this Segunda. Definitely new. Had Arekussu caught Piedra's claims of being King? Probably not. Though even if he had, Piedra wouldn't deny it. Oh no. He would simply drag Arekussu into the lie.

"Bastard...Just comes in while I'm in the middle of a sentence-" Muttering again. The other two probably wouldn't have even caught those words to himself, unless they had pretty excellent hearing. Piedra clenched his fist. Couldn't feel the pain anymore and the wound was closed, but it wasn't exactly healed. It was more like he caused enough additional damage that it in turn made his wound into a closed mess of damaged tissue. It was alright though. He could still hit with it.

"You sure you are the Segunda? I think I would recognize one of my lackeys..." Oh yeah, Piedra went there. Slipping his hands behind his head, his face took on an aloof carefree expression that looked almost as if he had bumped into a child that introduced himself. It almost looked as if Piedra were mellowed out by Arekussu's appearance, which he may have been while not focusing on the strangeness that was the other being, but there was also an apparent arrogance that had arisen from the lower ranked Arrancar. Almost like he was the boss here and not Arekussu or Sorin.

#18A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:00 am


Sorin sat on the ground and cross his legs indian style cupping his hands between his legs his head tilted back as a new arrival made his presence known introducing himself only as the Segunda Espada, Arekussu, Sorin in his kind hearted manner replied only kindly "A pleasure I am Sorin Nixilis." stated Sorin as he gave a smile looking up to man before his eyes adverted back to Piedra and spoke towards Arekussu, "It appears one of your lower arrancar likes to play games and introduce himself as the king of Hueco Mundo." Sorin continued to state as his eyes squinted and his head tilted as he looked into the eyes of piedra

Listening to him speak was interesting but he still did not believe Sorin was a Quincy and questioned him as they would a Quincy back when they were too dedicated to Slaying evil beings such as Hollow and arrancar, "No we don't have time for that we are too busy trying to survive and no Espada nor arrancar have wronged us as of late this generation 'round." replied Sorin before he got up

Revealing his Quincy Cross and his Sanrei glove, Sheoldred, The Whisperer Sorin's Cross was oddly unique from most a coffin for the base of the cross and the wings of a bat for the sides and the head of the bat with a jewel and chains to complete it dispersed and formed together to form his bow, solidified and all the bow itself was not like other quincies it had enough sides to it for maximum resistence when pulling back and seemed to be able to fire rapidly, "Well what do you think now? Piedra? Believable?" He asked The arrancar knowing full well he was fully known now for what he was.

#19A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:24 am


Arekussu let a small smile crest his lips as the two beings spoke. Both had interesting characters to be sure, he would need to write about them later. But for now, it was best that he attempted to take part in this conversation. He was not normally one for social contact, preferring a quiet room with his music to a group of people, but in situations like this it would probably seem strange for him to just turn around and walk away. Arekussu would have sighed aloud if he thought it would not be taken as a slight, but instead he did not allow his irritation to show in the least.

He reached up and rubbed the back of his head, his eyes only half open, as he said, “I was under the assumption that Cross was my leader, the only one aswell. Could you perhaps be the Cero?” That would explain why this arrancar was so cocky even though his spiritual pressure was so much lower than the quincy’s, and why he called Arekussu a lackey. Still, it seemed unlikely. There was a higher chance that this arrancar was simply running his mouth. Not that Arekussu really cared, it just helped to know the power level of the people hw would soon be engaging in a fight with.

Or at least, he thought they were going to fight. The quincy was acting incredibly nonchalant, sitting down and showing off his weapon as if it were a toy. He did not seem altogether zealous for their destruction, and his general temperament came of as a bit lazy. Perhaps Arekussu would just walk away from this. It’s not like he particularly wanted to fight anyways. In response to Sorin’s statement about the arrancar, Arekussu said, “Well, to be perfectly honest, I have only been the Segunda for a few weeks now. I haven’t really settled in too much yet, and I have yet to make this arrancar’s pleasure. He could be the King, I suppose.”

Arekussu smiled for a moment when Sorin spoke of the non-animosity between quincy and hollows, but after a moment the happy look left his face. He was not sure why, but the fact that this was turning out not to be a fight situation was making a part of him… sad? No, not sad… angry. It must be the beast itching for a fight. It had been 3 weeks already without letting the beast out, and he was getting anxious. Still, the tug was manageable, and he knew the beast would not come out without Arekussu letting him out… yet.

#20A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:50 am


"Pfah! Cross? That brat? His power couldn't even scrape mine?" Waving a hand, as if to dismiss the subject, he snickered with confidence. "There's no one better than me," Piedra would say, sliding up those long sleeves to show a number 1 that was tattoo'd there, symbolizing the First. Of course...There were two other numbers after that 1, but that wasn't important at all!

"Anyway, you are broken," Shooting an accusation finger at Sorin as his long sleeves ran forward again, Quincies have attacked us for ages...Well, other when they were killed off like bugs. Not a very cool way to go out either," Piedra had seen all the tools and nicknacks, not knowing what any of them were for, but he did recognize the energy that created a bow and could acknowledge that Sorin was a Quincy. Now, it was time to go racial.

"I mean, weaklings that got their asses handed to them and are runnin' 'round trying to play nice now. Don't matter that ya killed bunches of my own or that you all think ya are the best in everythin'. Guess that just shows you that Arrancar are the best and the rest is just a joke!" Bragging before a cocky laugh, he was totally looking down on Quincies. Assuming that the main reason behind Sorin's pacifism was that he lacked the moral and will to fight Arrancar after his pride had been smashed and his kin practically completely eradicated. They were hiding in holes. "Do ya think ya can just start camp here? Hahaha. Maybe if I want a pet," The arrogance was getting thicker and thicker. Really, he believed he was the King so he could carelessly say things like this. Even Arekussu agreed he was King. Good. They were all starting to recognize his greatness.

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