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#21A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:57 am


Sorin listened to the words of Arekussu provided that his wisdom was on par with that of their leader he glanced back to Piedra yet again un-impressed by his knowledge let alone how he hid his true nature of things, and though he had already picked up on his signature during his sonido's any words he said after were faulty and just something to really get under Sorin's skin, "It's not that we are weak, we just don't like to waste our time with the little fish in the pond, we tend to go for the big fish that actually post a threat, and judging by how my Schneider cut through your hand you are not shy of a little fish yourself." Perfect, words of perfection he shrugged some as the bow had dispersed and formed back into a cross mid air

The Cross had been spinning as he caught it and tucked it away fixing his suit and all as he looked back to Arekussu nodding some before approaching him to speak with him on somethings regarding the quincy and arrancar and the alliance they held with the Lord Marshal, "So I am to assume you know the Lord Marshal then?" Questioned Sorin to Arekussu it was time to start a new conversation.

#22A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:31 pm


This arrancar was amusing. He truly believed he was more powerful than Cross? And this quincy, from the small amount of reitsu he had released before, was also much stronger than the arrancar. Hell, Arekussu was probably more powerful, and yet he spoke as if he was the strongest being in the area. It was endearing in a way, like the Arrancar was a child. Arekussu decided that he liked this “Piedra,” he was an interesting character, not something Arekussu often found out here in the wastes. It is a shame that his insane levels of self confidence would probably get him killed eventually.

When Piedra spoke of his power, Arekussu simply nodded to him and said, “As you say, King.” Why not let the arrancar be full of himself? If the quincy got annoyed and attacked, it would make this whole situation a lot more interesting. And Arekussu liked things to be interesting. It made him frown however when Piedra spoke of the quincy and of their brutal destruction. When had this happened? He knew, of course, that the quincy were hunted by the SS, but when he had been alive their had been small families of them hidden around the world. Was that not the same now?

He had to hold in a chuckle at the insult Sorin through Piedra’s way. It was well worded and spoke the truth of the situation. However, Arekussu considered himself a big fish, so hopefully the quincy would not get it in his head to attack Arekussu. That fight might get… messy. The Beast was still contained, but in a life or death situation Arekussu knew that he would break free, and all hell would break loose. The thought pleased him more than it should and he shuddered with the realization of this. He had known when he made the deal with the Beast that it would cause a change in his psyche, and he was already affected negatively from his years in exile, but he had not understood how fast the changes would come.

Sorin posed a question to Arekussu, and he could honestly say he had no idea what a Lord Marshal was, or who it was if Marshal was a name. He answered honestly though, rubbing the back of his head as he said, “I confess, I have been gone from this universe for almost 400 years, I don’t know much of anyone nowadays. The only quincies I was familiar with were the Masaru family.” He didn’t want to ask for fear that the answer would shock him, but he knew he would find out sooner or later. “Can I ask… Do you know what happened to them?”

#23A Trip down memory lane(Open) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Trip down memory lane(Open) Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:19 am


"Ass..." Piedra frowned, like a child that had just been ignored when they asked for something they wanted. The rage could be seen in that furrowed brow and those tense cheeks, but he left it at that for now. They would...Definitely recognize him! They had too! Besides, how could he assume anything about Piedra while Piedra was sealed. Piedra was, in no way exuding his full power. Sure, it still wasn't anything near what he was boasting, however a mere single punch was not enough to estimate his full potential. Not all Arrancar had super cement Hierro. Especially Arrancar with a speical ability like Piedra. It was naive to think that and Piedra would be sure to make sure that guy wouldn't make a stupid assumption like that twice.

But, Piedra held his tongue and leashed his actions. This conversation was turning towards something alien. Something he had never heard of. Lord Marshal? Was that a person? Just the name sounded pretty impressive. Lord Marshal. Somebody's gotta complex namin' themselves that. Like King Lord or Queen Empress. Stupid. Sounds like a 12 year old pretending to be strong. I bet I could take 'em. But still, I ain't heard a name like that. I wonder if Cross would know? His obviously frustrated face started to calm down, melding with curiosity and molding into something more serious.

"Why do ya care about a bunch of sling-shot humans?" Piedra couldn't help but ask of Arekussu. Why would an Arrancar be so interested about Quincies? Oh god. He wasn't... "Don't tell me yer a human hugger like Cross?" Piedra practically facepalmed at the thought. What was happening to Arrancar these days? They were becoming friends with food! It as such a weak thing to think about. Sure, human's weren't so bad, but Cross would go as far as too chose a few smiling humans over an Espada in a heartbeat. That was so jacked up Piedra couldn't possibly make sense of it.

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