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#1Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Empty Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:00 pm


[OOC: This is a trainig between Arhellai and Senna.Happens in a courtyard of Squad 7.]

Arhellai was not entirely new to anything he did, despite becoming Captain recently. No. He served in Gotei 13 for a really long time, and he knew not only how to fight, but also how to run a Squad. After all, how many times did he step in to cover for his former Captains or Vice Captains. The truth is, too many times. But there were some disturbing rumors regarding his old Division, Sixth, and it's current Captain, Senna Nikono. Rumors were saying that she didn't hold sufficient power to lead the Sixth Division. Though, Arhellai didn't believe rumors. Many said that or similar thing when one of his former Captains, Mephisto, took place. And Arhellai knew that Mephisto was incredibly powerful, but created an image of weakness around him for another purpose. But Arhellai wanted to see why are rumors spreading, and as well to see how strong is this particular fellow Captain. After spending so much time as member of Sixth, he still felt that he needs to check up on them.

So here he was, sitting in a shadow of only tree in Seventh Division's courtyard, waiting for Senna to arrive. Once she would arrive, Arhellai would put her to a test, and a serious one for sure. And if she showed any displeasing things, such as weakness, lack of concentration... Arhellai would simply train her afterwards. She only needed to appear, and this would all happen. Of course, unless Arhellai falls asleep waiting for her. He ook his flask and drank a bit of his precious ouzo from it. "My, my... Where is this girl?"

#2Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Empty Re: Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:36 pm


Another meeting with another captain. It seemed as if she would never see the end of her current pattern but it was part of the job and it was good to know her fellow captains so she begrudgingly had set off to the courtyards of Division Seven. She found herself outside it's gates sooner than she would have liked. Regardless Senna parted the gates barely enough to let her slip through and crossed the expanse before her at a slow pace. It was all silent except for her soft footsteps.

The courtyard looked deserted but the spiritual pressure of a captain level shinigami resonated from the sole tree to be seen. The tiniest of smiles appeared on her face and threatened to become a giggle. She shook her head and did her best to fight the feeling away but she couldn't get the image of the captain actually being the tree out of her head. Her hand shot up to her mouth as the thought got the best of her and a giggle escaped her lips.

Senna stopped a few paces short of the tree and bowed ever so slightly. "I hope this day finds you well, Captain Twiggy. Senna Nikono. Division Six at your service."

#3Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Empty Re: Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:56 pm


Arhellai carefully observed newcomer. She was quite pretty as far he could tell. The question was, how would she handle what was going to happen. Arhellai was tired of waiting, but while he waited, he derived a plan to test her. In a way that she would not want to be tested for sure. As she approached he stood up. She said her greetings, which were unusual. She called him "Captain Twiggy". Which was generally not a smart thing to do. Still, Arhellai kept his cool with ease. A brat like her would never make him lose his cool. But he decided to let himself loose. "Nice to meet you, Miss Senna. I heard many things about you and I just had to meet you." While he spoke that, he actually taped his feet not once, but twice. and it was a signal. Senna of course, would have no idea about it. But Arhellai didn't use Shunpo for quite a while. Instead he derived his own stepping technique, Senshen Variai. A grin appeared on Arhellai's face before he disappeared. Senna might be surprised, and might not. But that was not important.

Arhellai used Senshen Variai after tapping his feet twice! as it is, accoriding to the rumors, she was not fast as much as him, not even close. That obviously meant that, if rumors are true, this movement would be completely and plainly impossible for her to see. After all, after tapping his feet twice, Arhellai's Senshen Variai was not as fast as Shunpo. It was twice as fast. Appearing 10 feet behind Senna, Arhellai spoken out again: "Did you even caugth a glimpse of me? Or did you just see me disappear? Answer truthfully, because it will decide how will the rest of this meeting happen." Arhellai also, while he was saying that, placed his hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto. It was up to this simple test of Senna's ability, really. If she didn't see him, than Arhellai hzad a lot of work to do with her. If she saw him, then he had a little les work in front of him. Either way, it was bound to be busy day for Arhellai.

#4Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Empty Re: Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:56 pm


It had all happened so quickly. One moment she had been face to face with the captain and then she blinked. That's all it took. Her eyes closed for the briefest of moments and when they opened again they found empty space where they once saw a man. She turned a few seconds later towards the sound of his voice. Senna braced herself while looking him over. She remembered her days in the academy and recalled being told that snap judgments could be your best friend or your worst enemy. She tried to give this captain the benefit of the doubt but if he was anything like the others she had met then she was prepared to deal with another male chauvinistic ego driven animal. It seemed that's all their was to be found in the Soul Society.

"If I had it my way all of my interactions with you brutes would be that short and end just as quickly as you vanished. I didn't see anything. One moment you were here and then you were over there." She pointed to where he now stood.

It really was a strange thing to do the first time meeting someone she reflected but she had meant what she said. In a perfect world she wouldn't have to deal with their constant belittling and condescending speeches. They would meet, state their business and strictly just their business, then disappear in an instant. That would certainly make life simpler. A passing jigokuchō caught her eye as it floated by on its little crimson tipped wings. She wondered what secrets they knew or if they were even aware of the messages they carried on a daily basis.

She decided that at some point she would have to start spending more time in the Twelfth Division and see if were possible to extract information from the butterflies without harming them or preventing them from reaching their destinations. If she could tap into that pool of knowledge there would be no end to the crimes she could stop or the justice she could serve. Her eyes followed it as it flew to the far end of the courtyard and out of her sight as it went on its way. She sighed and returned her gaze to the male captain.

"Now I have a question for you. If I were to turn into a vizard at this moment. What would you do?"

#5Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Empty Re: Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:38 pm


Looking at Senna's back, Arhellai knew that she didn't see him. So he was too fast after all. He remember his former Captains from time he served in Sixth Division. wang, Ginrei, Mephitso, Onya. All of them were incredibly fast. Arhellai actually developed Senshen Variai to be able to keep up with their insanely high Shunpo speed. And now she was in front of him, a woman, no, a girl who was given the captaincy of Sixth Division. And not only that she wasn't obviously capable of producing speed at level of Senshen Variai, but she was unable to see how he moved! Arhellai sighed. Senna needed to be taught great many deal of things to be worthy of Sixth Division's captaincy."If I had it my way all of my interactions with you brutes would be that short and end just as quickly as you vanished. I didn't see anything. One moment you were here and then you were over there." What? Arhellai was shocked. This was what she had to say. Instead of asking what he did, or how he did it, or could he teach her, she said such nonsense. The only good thing coming frome those words was the fact that he again taped his feet twice. She would probably ignore it, or take it as a sign of impatience. But Arhellai, he always attempted to have Senshen Variai charged for instant use if needed.

But what she said next surprised him. "Now I have a question for you. If I were to turn into a vizard at this moment. What would you do?" And not ony surprised him. It angered him. Arhellai held nearly eternal hate for Vizards, and he still held a grudge against them. As fast as he could, which was really fast, but still slow enough for Senna to see it in a blur, he took his sword, and immediatly followed up with release of Senshen Variai. He went straight in front of her, though not too close. His right arm was stretched out, and his Zanpakuto, unsheathed earlier was poiunted to her neck, only touching it. After all, Arhellai had no intention of harming Senna. He only wanted to fill her in on some things. "You would die by my hand. If you became Vizard, that is." Removing his Zanpakuto from her neck and jumping back several feet, Arhellai continued: "Vizards are abominations, and every single one of them must die. As for you, I am disappointed. Such words coming from your mouth... Don't you have any respect for your predecessors? Not one, but two of them died because of those foul abominations. And you say things like that? I don't care if you are srious or not. Show some respect to those who wore that Haori before you."

Arhellai made a brief pause, but continued: "Also, we have an issue. I served in Sixth Division for long enough to know what standards are required from it's Captain. All Captains I served under were above me at that time, and perhaps i finally managed to get on their level after all this time. But I must say you are somewhat coming short when it comes to fulfilling those standards. Each of your predecessors could move faster than i just did, and you just failed to see me at all. Luckily, I will help you improve, so you can make whole Gotei proud to have you among it's Captains. But before that, I need to see how you fight, and what is your level. Attack me." Arhellai was dead serious about this. Of course, it was up to Senna what would happen next, but Arhellai was already determined to make her stronger.

#6Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Empty Re: Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:26 pm


Senna pushed her neck slightly against his blade before he did his fancy flash step technique. She detested those that would bare their blade and were not prepared to at least cut the person they were threatening a little. It was another male show of power and she found it vulgar. She stood silent and listened attentively as she was berated yet again by another male captain. At this point she wasn't sure if it was simply that the Gotei 13 was filled with them or if it bred them. What she was sure of is that before her stood yet another one. How many stubborn pig headed boys would she have to endure before she came across a normal person? Goosebumps occurred on her arms as her warm blood slowly trickled down her neck. Senna smiled softly. All around the world people just wanted to fight. The reasons varied but in the end they didn't matter to Senna. She just wished people would say what they mean or better yet just got straight to fighting. Words were empty to her. She could take try and explain it to him but she didn't even bother. Her words would fall on deaf ears anyway.

She was getting a bit tired of the massive ego's of the Seretei. She wondered how so many existed in one spot. Her eyes darted to his feet when he tapped them again. Twice she noted, same as when she first greeted him. She suspected this had something to do with his faster movements. Either that or he was nervous around girls, probably both she thought. If he wanted to play she would be more than happy to humor him but she wasn't fool enough to play by his rules. Training had always been her favorite, especially with more skilled opponents.

She calmly walked over to him and slapped him playfully before she augmented her jump backwards with shunpo. A few yards away Senna bowed sightly to her opponent and drew her zanpakuto. Her free hand slid smoothly across the flat of the blade and off the end of the tip. She swung it in wide circles a few times then took a few bounding steps towards him before she broke out into a full sprint. This time around she fully intended to keep her eyes on him when he decided he didn't want to be near a female as she suspected and inevitably disappeared again. When he was within striking distance Senna jumped and brought her knee up sharply to test his jaw while she brought down her katana swiftly.

#7Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Empty Re: Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:15 pm


Arhelai looked calmly as Senna approached. He didn't get out of the way. She wasn't strong enough to harm him. He knew that her Kido couldnt harm him, nor could she do anything without her Zanpakuto. Why not try teasing her instead of outright fighting her? While she was walking towards him, Arhellai tapped his feet three times, in a really nervous manner. It was to break the pattern, so she wouldn't realize the trick with Senshen Variai. Arhellai didn't want her to realize what is it truly about. Not yet, at least. Now there was another catch with triple taps of Senshen Variai. Since it was three times faster than Shunpo, it was leaving afterimages, like Utsusemi, famed stepping technique that actually created afterimages, that would actuall appear to take damage. Afterimage was what Arhellai had in mind with teasing Senna. He really planned to do it big time. Some would call it cruel, some would say it's overdoing it. Arhellai would just say that it is required. She had to become worthy of being Sixth Division Captain, and to grow in strength. Otherwise, death was the only thing that she would truly gain from being Captain. Not, today, not tomorrow, but one day, some mission would be too hard, some opponents too strong, and she would die. Arhellai was actually hoping that she could help her to avoid that by becoming stronger, if she would accept his help.

But she was there, walking straight towards him, coming really close, stepping into the reach of his Zanpakuto. If Arhellai wanted to, he could turn her into bloody shreds. But he had no such intention. He let her come close. When she raised her hand, he realized that she wiull either punch or slap him. For a brief moment, Arhellai grinned. There were only inches now separating her hand from his face. and then there were none. Senna slapped. But not Arhellai. he just had enough time to get out of the way, to get behind her, with 8 feet distance between them. Senna slapped afterimage! Of course, as she slapped it, it dissolved. But while she was slapping it, Arhellai was fast enough raising his left hand with incredible speed, he aimed his palm at her. He was absolute master of this very spell, capable of foregoing ordinary use, which included drawing symbols in the air. Arhellai was capable to use it in a more efficient manner. His body glowed with red energy, and so did Senna's. She would be capable of breaking somebody else's Geki, but not Arhellai's. His Geki was too strong for her to dispel. Reason? Arhellai only knew a total of 10 Kido, but he was absolute master of each on he knew, making them more potent. "Not a wise thing, Miss Senna. Did you not hear my words just a bit earlier? I told you to attack me, but you know as well as I that I didn't mean this. Now draw your Zanpakuto. Release. And I will show you my strength. And also, even if it kills you, I will make you stronger." Having said that, Arhellai dissolved his Geki. He really wanted to help Senna, but Senna had to start ignoring what he says and start working on herself. For now, doing what she was told would just do fine.

#8Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Empty Re: Earth Shakes When Captains Train. Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:43 pm



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