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Akira Nakamura, the Captain of the 13th Division, was sitting back in his division and resting. He had just had a good lunch of some sushi and sake. He had also just finished some paperwork. Now, he was bored, but he was also glad that there was a little peace in Seiretei. About 10 minutes later, he heard a voice at the door. All that he heard was a voice asking "if Captain Nakamura is there." Hearing the voice, Akira spoke. "I am here. You may enter." said Akira. The door opened, and a younger Shinigami entered. "I am Ino Kentaro, 6th Seat of this Division." said the Shinigami. "Reporting, sir!", he continued. "We have just received data indicating that there is a rogue Shinigami causing serious trouble in the World of the Living." said the man. Akira was shocked and angered by the news. He was very unhappy that he wouldn't get to spend all day resting like he'd hoped. "Get out of here..." said Akira to the 6th Seat, who then left. "This is ridiculous!" said Akira. He was angry that a rogue Shinigami with bad intentions had managed to escape detection for so long. He sent a Hell Butterfly to all Captains and Lieutenants and waited for them to come to him.


While sitting in my garden in the lotus position,my reiatsu flaring slightly. I send out several vibration waves to further the distance I can send it out. I feel a small signature moving closer and closer until it was directly in front of me. I open my eyes and see a hell butterfly"hello little one. What message do you have for me?" Its message comes as a dull whisper"oh I see.thank you. Help yourself to some of the flowers here.

I get up and grab my bag and zanpacto. Leaping to the ground below me from my balcony garden I shunpo to the 13th division. Walking inside the building I make my way to the office. Standing in the doorway"you asked for me captain akira? I am here." My extra long hoari blows back in the cross draft of the zanpactos placed over my right shoulder. Held by my well muscled body "what is the problem you refered too?"


oh my, this is interesting, quite interesting indeed..."

Hollis says as he sits with his legs crossed. He appears to be in somewhat of a meditative state. He giggles a bit more to himself before he senses a small chunk of rieatsu enter his quarters. He opens his eyes to see a hell butterfly fluttering in front of him. It delivers a message to him instructing him to meet captain Akira in the 13th division barracks.

"Well now. i do believe that's some impecible timing..."

A snakish smile creeps across Hollis' face as he gets up and walks out of the door. he suddenly disappears as he shunpos across the sereitei until finally arriving at the 13th squad barracks . He clasps his hands together so that they become unseen because of his over sized captains haori which covers up most of his stature leaving only mystery.

"what is the matter captain?"

Edwards says with his normal smirk knowing full well what the problem is.


I was just finishing up warming up for a bit of a endurance sparring with my division when a hell butterfly flys down and lands on a finger i had put out for it to land on i hear it message then i say to the group that had gathered for this. "well it looks like this will have to be postponed for now a troubling matter has come up that i have to deal with." with that i shunpo over to the 13th division captain office not even bothering to change from my training gear so when i come into view i have black cotton gi pants tried with a white belt that is not white out of being new or washed but because it been weared so much that it had turned that colour with a light cotton singlelet and my zan strap across my back the way it is always with the hilt by my hip then i greet who there while brushing a lock of my ice blue hair out of my eyes. "hello zuma, hollis and akira"


Akira watched as the other captains began to approach. When a fair number were gathered, he began to speak. "You were all called here because of a situation in the World of the Living." said Akira. A few minutes ago, my 6th Seat reported on an operation sent to the World of the Living." he continued. "All the men on that operation were killed by a rogue Shinigami. His Reiatsu has never been felt before, so we can rule out treachery." said Akira. Akira thought of his next course of action for only a few seconds. "Let us now discuss what shall be done." he said. Akira sat back, waiting for another captain to speak.


"hmmm that is bad first thing first just how strong of a force was this group? For that would give up a clue as how strong this guy is and plan from there if any thing we need to send one captain at lest if we send some one to confront this rouge." i say as i walk over to a wall and leaned against it while finishing what i had to say i wait on a reply while i lean against the wall


"a rouge you say. Does your intel give a name by chance?" The fact that my,own lt went rogue peaked my interest a bit. I stand against a wall to listen to all the other captains and their ideas on the problem

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya was just relaxing as today she was spending it with amaya teaching her how to fight with her weak hand instead of her strong. She had to stop the fight when she sensed a hell butterfly come towards her. she lifted a fingers letting the hell butterfly land as it told her the message"I understand"She commented sending the butterfly off "I will be back Amaya, there is a metting going on and my presence is requested"She said before shunpoing away to the 13th's divison barracks. she sheathe her blade as she walked. the 13 divison members were right on moving out of the way of her walking, cause right now she was not in the best of moods with how this week turned out.

"Honestly, we now have a rogue to worry about? I can send some of my troops out and see what they can dig up or some some of the lieutients and a captain or two to check out this rogue shinigami or whatever race this person is."Commented Amaya moving into the office. Her whiteish siver hair swayed back and forth after her as she moved over towards tazuma's side "I say send a few captains and a few lieutinents to seek and capture"she commented "or seek and kill"


Hollis stands silently baring his normal smirk as everyone speaks until amaya enters. He continues to look foward as she mentions sending a few captains to check things out. One of his brows briefly raises in curiosity until he decides to finally speak.

"Well miss amaya, that would be a swell idea but im afraid my lieutinant has betrayed the soul society himself. or excuse me, is in the process of doing so.."

Captain Edwards says with a nonchalaunt expression on his face.


(OoC: Sorry that I've been rather busy lately and haven't posted here in a while. I have finals at school coming up, so I may not post as much over the next few days)

"First off, the group was small, consisting of but 4 men. It was lead by a 5th Seat, so the group was not incredibly strong." said Akira. "However, the scary thing is that this enemy has enough Reiatsu to cast Level 90 and up Kido. he said. "The way I know this is that their wounds and the Reiatsu traces left over show that they were all killed by a single Hado #90. Even worse, it seems as though no incantation had been used." explained Akira. Then, Akira heard Captain Tazuma's question. "No name was given, and, because all the men sent to investigate his Reiatsu signature were killed, we have no description of this rogue's appearance." said Akira. Then, another captain walked in. This captain was a woman with silvery-whitish hair. She spoke of sending some captains and lieutenants to capture the rogue. "This rogue is very strong and is probably a Kido master, as he killed 4 men at once with a Hado 90 with no incantation. said Akira. "As such, I believe that we should bring at least to captains and preferably someone from the Kido Corps." he said. As Akira finished speaking, yet another captain entered. He was the captain of 5th Division. He brought very bad news, saying that his Lieutenant was in the process of betraying Soul Society. "First the rogue, now this!" said Akira, his voice rising a little in his anger. Akira took a deep breath, calming himself, and then spoke again. "This is terrible news." he said. "Captain of 5th Division, please tell us your Lieutenant's name and his motives to betray." said Akira. Akira leaned back in his chair as he waited for a response.

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