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P.O.V = Shinigami Squadron

In the human world a large Senkaimon portal opened, this portal connected the Human World to the realm of the Shinigami, Soul Society. Immediately after the large doors opened a grouping of 15 shinigami exited the door, one their uniforms could be spotted the symbol of the current Captain Commander known as the 'Berserk Commander' Shunketsu Sokei. The group spread out quickly as if they already knew where they were going, and what they were after. The leader of the group sent a quick communication back too Soul Society confirming that they had already found the position of their target Amatsu Sabita. "Spread out and surround the location!" The lead shinigami shouted to his group as they all drew their zanpakuto. As the group surrounded the location they activated several Kido barriers before entering the building.

P.O.V = Amatsu Sabita, Current Rogue Shinigami

It was the middle of the night and Amatsu had returned to his hideout in the Human World, a warehouse in Canada to be exact. Amatsu was just about to shower when he felt several reiatsu signatures appear, immediately followed by what felt like several barriers going up. "So they finally found me here, after twenty-five years.. Well time to great the guests." Amatsu sighed as he reached for the black scabbard of his zanpakuto Miraboreasu Kuro Ryuu. As Amatsu moved to leave the room he was in an explosion ripped through the building from one of the shinigami's kido being fired. As smoke cleared Amatsu stood face too face with three shinigami which he felled quickly with his blade before sheathing it again. Quickly Amatsu rushed through the building searching for the leader of the group. This is when a carefully planned trap was sprung, as Amatsu exited the lower floor a series of Bakudo had been fired off, several #4, and several #63, each one binding him further. A few moments later Amatsu found him self face to face with the leader of the group, who was now about to make him an offer he couldn't refuse. "Amatsu Sabita, by order of Shunketsu Sokei you are too either return to the Gotei 13, filling one of the empty positions as a Captain, or die here and now. Which do you choose?" The shinigami looked down on Amatsu as he waited for an answer, all the while Amatsu just smiled. "Well it doesn't look like I have much of a choice right?" Amatsu laughed as he was grabbed and pulled along to an awaiting Senkaimon.

Soul Society

Within Soul Society an arrangement of Shinigami stood waiting infront of the central Senkaimon door, among them was the Captain Commander. After a few moments of waiting the doors opened revealing a group of shinigami, a red-haired, Bakudo bound person in the middle of them. "Ah! Amatsu Sabita you filthy rogue! You are lucky I spare you, and lucky that your skills are needed in the Gotei 13." Shunketsu roared upon seeing the rogue. The group of shinigami led this Amatsu Sabita to Shunketsu so that they could be face too face. With a snap Amatsu was unbound, and Shunketsu had the Haori of the 11th Division brought forth. "From today forth you are a Captain of the Gotei 13, the Captain of the 11th Division." With that said the crowd dispersed leaving Shunketsu and Amatsu, as the two past by each other one could swear the air between them ignited instantly.

"Some welcoming that was... Assholes dragging me back like that.. and THIS!" Amatsu roared on as he headed towards where he recalled the 11th Division barracks being. "Oh well.. at least I can make the best of this.."


Hiroshi chilled in his barracks. Actually, pretty much sleep, except....not in his normal attire. Actually, kind of his normal attire. The top part of the attire was off while the bottom was on. It's how he sleeps. Don't know why he does that but he does. He felt...nothing. It was kind of...peaceful and quiet. Strange. It never is in the Soul Society. Hiroshi got up suddenly and put on the top part of his attire. He ran out of his barracks. He stopped and thought.....He ran back to the barracks and grabbed his Zanpakuto. He ran back out but stopped....again. Then he ran back to muss up the front of his hair that he messed up during his sleep. He THEN ran back outside. He actually heard screaming. Well, parts of it. Actually, he heard someone say "THIS!" The voice didn't sound familiar though. From his hearing, it came from where the Gotei 13 meetings are at. Most likely where the Captain Commander would be. He started walking, not towards where the yelling was though. He had past the Squad 11th barracks, but he saw someone coming towards it. He saw Amastu, though...he didn't know who he was. Was it a new captain? Hiroshi saw the haori and thought that. So Hiroshi stood there, near the Squad 11th Barracks. Waiting to see if Amatsu is gonna come to him and meet him. Then again, Hiroshi can't show his aggressive side much because it causes a lot of fighting....So it's all talking now. Before Hiroshi talked, he waited to see if Amatsu saw him.


Combing his hand through his spiky red hair Amatsu threw on his Haori making sure it didn't look awkward with his long black coat. Looking around Amatsu's eyes stopped on a shinigami standing near the 11th Division Barracks. The black sclera of Amatsu's eyes seemed to shine in the light, making the crimson cross like designs that are his pupils stand out even more. "Yo!" Amatsu called out to the new face as he walked towards him, "You wouldn't be part of the 11th would you?" Amatsu asked the shinigami, his hand drifting to a pocket in his coat and pulling out a small black book that he opened and glanced at briefly before putting it back in the same pocket.


Hiroshi, stood there waiting. He saw the man having spike red hair and his seemed interesting. He started talking to Hiroshi. He asked if Hiroshi was in Squad 11. Of course not. Then again, he was standing near Squad 11th barracks so if Hiroshi was him, he would have thought that too. "Hey. To answer your question, no. I'm from Squad 9. Lieutenant of Squad 9. I just walked by here, I saw you and I stopped. Guessing your the new captain of Squad 11?" Hiroshi asked just to make sure. He didn't want his intentions seem wrong, so he has to make sure. God, his aggressiveness inside of him...He can't hold it. Then again....he is a serious and decisive individual. Since the guy isn't making Hiroshi mad or anything, Hiroshi's tone is normal as ever. Not very calm like in the cherry blossom tree areas, just normal.


"Ah good to me you then Lieutenant of squad 9, indeed I am the new Captain of the 11th division.. though not entirely by my own choice." Amatsu laughed lightly as he walked into the grounds of the 11th Division Barracks, inviting the Lt to follow after him. "So whats the condition of the Gotei now-a-days? Its been some time since I've been around." Amatsu questioned, curious to the overall situation in Soul Society.


Hiroshi, seeing him gesturing Hiroshi to follow him, followed Amatsu. Well Hiroshi didn't really know how to answer teh captain's question, for one, Hiroshi mostly spends his days training and/or sleeping and drinking unless there is a drastic problem involved. "hah. Actually, I wouldn't know. I spend half my day drinking sake and sleeping my ass off really. I only come out when there are huge problems and I am needed in it. Yet, you can ask my Captain. Captain Gust. I'm not sure where EXACTLY he is, but you'll meet him soon." Hiroshi said, trying to answer the question correctly since he did not know what to exactly say.


After entering the barracks and seeing that the Lt of Squad 9 had followed Amatsu took a seat on the barracks porch and pulled out a small bottle of sake before taking a swig and offering it too the Lt. "Ah I see, in that case I'll definitely need to meet with your Captain sometime." Amatsu replied to the Lt, letting his mind wonder. After a few moments Amatsu once again pulling out a small black book from his cloak/coats pocket. Amatsu sat there looking at the book for a few moments before standing, "Mind walkin with me through my Barracks? Unless you've got somewhere else to be of course Lieutenant." Amatsu hadn't had the chance too look around his own barracks yet, and didn't entirely mind dragging another Squads LT around with him while he did so.


Hiroshi, looking at Amatsu with the sake, denies it. He didn't want to look like a drunkie to Amatsu. Well, not yet. Hearing Amatsu ask Hiroshi to come with him to his barracks, Hiroshi refused. "Thanks for the offer, but I have somewhere else to be. Maybe I'll come back and check to see if the my Captain will come and check this out, but it was nice meeting you. By the way, Names Hiroshi. Hiroshi Ukita." Hiroshi said, just about to go out of Squad 11th's Barracks. Hiroshi fully leaves to go do his business after Amatsu said his name too.


After having his offer of sake and touring his barracks declined Amatsu just nodded his head while the Lieutenant went on too inform Amatsu that he had elsewhere to be but he may drop by later to see if his Captain had as well. As Amatsu moved to see the Lieutenant out he heard the man introduce himself as Hiroshi Ukita. "Well met Hiroshi! I'm Amatsu, Amatsu Sabita. Though there's chance you may know me as Arucane the Eternal Flame.. an old alias of mine." With that Amatsu bid farewell to the Lieutenant and turned to return to his barrack's grounds, noticing that his squad had gathered while he was busy with Hiroshi.

Amused by his squad Amatsu smiled widely, standing infront of the gathered men. With pride Amatsu's voice roared out, enough so that passer-by's would easily hear him. "For those who care for formality, I am the new Taicho of our mighty Jūichibantai, for those who don't well I'm just your new Captain. From now on I'll be taking care of you guys got it! Now lets get to some one on one sparring! Spread out in the field!" With that Amatsu took to patrolling the perimeter of the yard, watching his squad's sparring continue on.

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