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#1The Meeting (OPEN) Empty The Meeting (OPEN) Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:14 am


Hiroshi entered the World of the Living in his gigai. Hair perfectly mussed up, cold teal eyes, and clothes. He was standing straight so he had a cool guy muscular tone and was wearing black jeans with red sneakers. On top, he wore a white shirt with a ramen picture on it and a red leather-like jacket on top of the shirt. He walked down the streets of Karakura Town.

Hiroshi's expression was really bored. He was hoping to bump into someone or something. Hiroshi stopped at a Sake store and looked at the sake on the window display. All kinds of rum there. From cheapest, to the most richest and rarest. Hiroshi started to drool from the looks of it. He shook his head and wiped his drool away. He reached into hi back pocket and took out a wallet. Once Hiroshi opened his wallet, a dust came up and disappeared, meaning....Hiroshi was flat broke. Hiroshi sighed and walked away from the deliciousness of rum.

Hiroshi walked a little further and there it was, a food store. Hiroshi faceplanted his face on the window display, looking at all those delicious food. A customer opened the door and walked out, Hiroshi looked and sniffed the air, smelling delicious food, cake, ice cream, every thing you could want! Hiroshi looked at the food for so long, he had forgotten that he was broke. Once Hiroshi got his head straight, he shook his head and facepalmed himself. "Foood....."

#2The Meeting (OPEN) Empty Re: The Meeting (OPEN) Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:50 am


"Hell yes! CAKE!!!" A voice roared in the sky. All that came after was a sonic boom into the shop. Glass broke, and flew everywhere. Screams were heard from multiple people. Cross knew they couldn't see him, which didn't bother him. He just wanted cake. He grabbed multiple slices and stuffed them into his mouth. Frosting went everywhere. Crumbs hit people in the face. IT was all worth it though to him. He got his sugar fix. Stepping on the pieces of glass made the crunching sounds that all humans didn't care for.
His red hair was pushed back slightly, enough only for his eyes to see the cakes.
"So. Fucking. good." He said, stuffing more cake into his mouth before he stands up, looking over his shoulder over towards the man in the window. Smiling with his cake filled mouth. "you want some?" He said, holding out a whole cake to the man.

#3The Meeting (OPEN) Empty Re: The Meeting (OPEN) Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:06 am


Hiroshi heard a scream. Something about cake. He looked and saw multiple slices of the cake, gone. Just gone. No one even touched it. Or so he thinks. Then he hears a crunching glass sound, like someone was walking over it. Hiroshi turned to see, a little boy with red hair. He had cake stuffed into his mouth. The boy offered Hiroshi his cake. Hiroshi stared at the boy. That cake looked delicious. Hiroshi shook his head. " thanks. Thanks for the offer though." Hiroshi said, refusing the cake, even though Hiroshi wanted it so bad. Hiroshi felt his stomach and he started to think. Maybe he should lay off the sugar. Feels like he is getting fatter. Hiroshi looked back at the boy and introduced himself, "Name's Hiroshi. Hiroshi Ukita."

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