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In another world, Hueco Mundo to be exact, a brilliant flash of light occurred and at the same time a new mammoth reiatsu that felt identical to an arrancars, but at terribly frightening levels. The reiatsu that now boomed throughout Hueco Mundo would gain the attention of all hollow in a massive area of roughly 500km, the ping sent out by the arrival rivaled that of the levels of reiatsu released by an unreleased Primera Espada. From within the brilliant flash of light stepped out a humanoid form, lavender wavy hair lifted by the emanating energies, brilliant yellow-golden eyes seemed to pierce through reality itself. The humanoid form of Dyaus Susano'o was clothed in a pair of black jeans, a crimson t-shirt, and a navy blue cloak/trench-coat.

Dyaus Susano'o stepped forth on the sands, his hands in his pockets, spear on back, and a smile on his face. Slowly slight movements in Dyaus's chest because visible as his body formed a hollow hole in the center, next a mask of hierro appeared on the lower portion of Dyaus's face. Now the Chimera, the Divine Scorpion King, was completely identical in appearance and feeling to any other arrancar around aside from his mammoth levels of reiryoku/reiatsu. All around the new presence of Dyaus hollow and arrancar alike began to swarm, weapons, claws, and fangs barred. In a near instant fiery cracks spread through the ground before a hundred pillars of flame formed all around Dyaus in the shape of a star before beginning to rotate. In moments all hollow and arrancar charging Dyaus were turned into piles of ash that began to mix into the white sands of Hueco Mundo.

With that out of the way Dyaus began to calmly walk through the sands, a smile on his face while his eyes gleamed like an insane predator. Dyaus knew where he was going, Las Noches, home of the Espada. Dyaus planned to humbly offer his services to the Espada, or the highest bidder otherwise. As Dyaus walked on his voice would begin to echo throughout the realm, reaching the ears of every being in Heuco Mundo. "Rejoice Hueco Mundo! For I, Dyaus Susano'o, Arrancar of Old, offer my vast power to the highest bidder!" Following those worlds Dyaus's laughter would boom throughout Hueco Mundo before he decided to cut his travel short. In a burst of light Dyaus vanished, reappearing hundreds of kilometers away infront of Las Noches and its gaurds happily knocking on the large gates.

Dyaus Appearance Reference:

[ooc: Dyaus is 0-2, and no one but the other Chimera know of his origins or the fact that he is truly a Chimera. It is impossible to tell his reiatsu apart from any other races.]

Dyaus's Stats:


"Arek?" Cross almost stuttered as he lifted his head off the sand dune. He felt a major reiatsu presence near him, and that was the first person he guessed off the top of his head. He shook his head slowly, rubbing his eyes trying to get the sleepy out. "What..What is he doing 'ere?" He commented, yawing a little before he continued to talk. He slowly pushed himself up, by placing his hands near his waist, sinking them into the sand. "It's..late. He doesn't need ta be out 'ere." He stated. Cross was one to know the wilds and desert more than anyone at this point. Being out there for this long was something Cross was used to now. He used to be fancy, sleeping in beds, eating all the time, and listening to music. Atleast He had his music.

Slowly, he reached around his neck, pulling up those massive White headphones he has always had. "I betta go see what is goin' on." He said, rolling his neck while picking up his blade, Latching it on his back. He sighed again. He really didn't want to go see what was going on, but he had to. Henco Muendo Was his home, still is his home. He took one step, before disappearing in his sonido. The sand warps slightly from the pressure as he runs across the sand. He palm dips into the waves beside him, feeling the sand blast behind him. "I hate runnin' It gets on mah nerves." He whispered to himself. He was just feeling lazy all day, he didn't really want to move, even breathing took a lot from him.

All this stopped as he caught eye of the figure. He's never seen him before, he's never even felt his presence until now. He presses his ankles into the sand, stopping him as he hits a root of the tree, flipping and sliding on the sand on his sides,face,and back until he rolls into a dune, making sand explode everywhere.

"OWWIEEE!!!" he yelled, blasting the sand around with his reiatsu.


Arekussu was there in an instant, his sonido echoing around the area and off the large white doors of Los Noches. Over the past few weeks he and Cross had been re-terraforming the area around Los Noches back to sand and had built a huge circular wall of Sekkiseki around the base. It was almost impenetrable by reitsu at this point and would stop unwanted guests from simply opening portals into the center of the base. For a moment Arekussu stood and looked at the walls, one of his prime accomplishments as Primera. It was good to feel as though he had actually improved things here during his few moments as Primera, granted that it was with the help of Cross, the previous Primera.

After a moment of gawking, Arekussu reached down and grabbed the still flustered Cross by the collar, lifting him out of the sand and setting him back on his feet. Cross was a good friend and ally, but his childlike form was often the cause of comedic happenings and distractions. It wasn’t always a bad thing, after all the sands of Hueco Mundo were rarely filled with comedic relief, but at times like these where the utmost seriousness was required they came off a bit… childish. That was to be expected though.

After lifting Cross from the ground, Arekussu looked over at the new arrancar. The power level of this thing was freakishly high, something Arekussu had not witnessed in all his years of life. He could see the guards at the gate struggling to stand from the beings pure unbridled spiritual pressure. The fact that he did nothing to cap his reitsu worried Arekussu. Surely a creature of this power would have learned to stop the flow sometimes? It was something that even the most inexperienced beings knew to do. And the way he was acting reminded Arekussu of a newborn into the world of Hueco Mundo. Even if you are strong, you do not call out to the beasts here. Anyone who had grown in this world lived by the simple principle that there was always someone stronger than you, and calling out to everyone would lead to your death.

This man exuded confidence in himself, his lack of any retraints just adding to the effect. Arekussu didn’t like it. It was not how a hollow should act. Reserved, indifferent and calculating should be the standard traits of most hollow that survive the wastes. Still, he should not be complaining. He needed help to complete his plot and help had appeared. With a sigh, he tuned to Cross and said, “We’d best greet him. I don’t think he is the type to wait patiently.”

Arekussu walked over to the man, his clothes neat and proper befitting of his station as Primera. He exuded grace and class, his normal white shirt replaced with a white suit, complete with black shirt and white tie. He had a strong fealing that this man had an ego, best not let him think he was being taken lightly. “Welcome, Mr. Susano'o, to Los Noches. I am Arekussu, Primera Espada. I hear you are looking for work.”


Dyaus Susano'o was happily knocking on the gates of the large white structure he knew was Los Noches as he felt not one but two reiatsu signatures similar in strength to what he himself was currently releasing. As Dyaus continued to knock he heard something tumble, crash, then yell out. Turning Dyaus spotted what seemed to be a child arrancar, as well as a second one with brown hair. Dyaus listened as the taller of the two welcomed Dyaus before introducing himself as the Primera Espada. At the words "I hear your looking for work" Dyaus chuckled before speaking himself. "Greetings Primera and.." Dyaus glanced at the shorter arrancar and noticed the faded 1 on his face before speaking again, "Ex-Primera, I assume? Either way, I thank you for the welcome as you know I am Dyaus Susano'o..." Dyaus glanced beyond the two Primera infront of him and noticed the additional arrancar that he had failed to see before, they seemed to be struggling under the spiritual pressure released from Dyaus. Quickly Dyaus drew in his reiatsu allowing them to stand with ease once again. "Ah.. my apologies I didn't quite notice the reiatsu I was still releasing.. I came here quickly you see." Dyaus was enjoying this conversation already, although he was sure he may seem suspicious he didn't care, he was free and wanted to enjoy it.

"Now about that work... honestly, I care not for work, rather I seek to enjoy myself.. if it happens to be through work then so be it!" Dyaus ended with a small laugh before his eyes became serious. "If you do have a job though I'd gladly take it.. after-all someone you just met should prove themselves, correct leader of the Espada?" Dyaus spoke, his attention completely on the current Primera.


Cross shook his legs rapidly as Arek pulled him up to set him down. "I Could've got up by mahself Areky." He said with a grunt,wiping himself off. Sand was everywhere, in his pants, shoes, mouth, ears, hair. It honestly was annoying. Tilting his head side to side he yawned. He turned his head to look over back at Arek, nodding as he suggested to greet the arrancar.

Cross placed two fingers to his forehead, nodding while he spoke his name. "Cross Setsuzoku, Faded Primera, At your service!" It was kinda cheery even for the events that just happened. He shook his head at the new arrancar, folding both arms across his body. "How does someone like yu have dis much powah, and hasn't been foud yet? This is wat gets meh." Cross pondered for a moment, blowing air into his cheeks as he thought.

"No need. we can feel wat ya have ta offer, we do not want war on our turf."


[Waiting on Arek to post, or others to join]


Arekussu allowed himself a small grin at the childish twang that came from Cross’s voice as he complained about Arekussu’s manhandling of his collar. He wondered when the man would reveal his true form, or if he even planned to. Obviously this arrancar before them was of a caliber that they had yet to witness, surely Cross planned on showing the man why he had been primera in the first place. But it was not his place to judge, he supposed. Either he would release or he wouldn’t, its not as if it would have any effect on what Arekussu had planned for this new addition to the game of chess he had been playing for the past few months.

Cross voiced a very accurate concern that Arekussu had about this arrancar. His power level was far too high to have been hidden in the sands without a single one of his many spies noticing it. Could he have been in another dimension? He tried to think of a way it was possible, but in the human world he would have been easily picked up by shinigami sensors and hunted down by the captains there. Hell perhaps? He was not sure whether the demons would allow such a being among their midst but it was an feasible option. Then there was the other option, although it was rather unrealistic. This man could be another race altogether, from a new plane of existence entirely. Still the chances were slim, as he looked and felt just like a strong arrancar.

He nodded when Cross stated that he already knew the man was powerful. It was true, the power level of this creature was undeniably high, and yet Arekussu had no way to know whether the being could be trusted. He wasn’t even sure that, if it came to a fight, that he and Cross could win. After all, neither of their abilities were designed for co-operative battle, they both excel at one versus one or one versus many. “Dyaus, We already know you are strong. Even a child of this world could tell that. What I do no know, however, is what your intentions are.”

“You say you are looking to enjoy yourself. That is… rather vague. Also, before I can trust you with anything, I would need to know more about you. It is… unheared of for someone of your powerlevel to essentially appear out of nowhere.” Arekussu turned to the side, however, when the miniscule multi dimensional communicator in his ear began to crackle. The voice of one of his many hollow spies spoke, saying, “Sir, there is something… strange happening in the SS. Three super powerful beings just… showed up outa nowhere. I can’t get close enough to get a good look at them from the rukongai but I can feel their pressure from here.”

Arekussu felt a stab of awareness run through him. This was not an enclosed event. Arekussu looked at the man, a look of slight fear noticeable on his face. What could this being be? All idea that he was an arrancar was gone from Arekussu’s mind at this point, and all he could think about was what the spy had said. How could such b eings remain hidden for so long? He needed to do some more research.

The flash of fear lasted for only a second though, and Arekussu composed himself quickly. Neither of the other two beings could have heard the voice in Arekussu’s communicator so for now at least he should be safe. “That being said, I’d best let you get aquainted with Los Noches.” With a wave to the guards, the Sekkiseki gate lifted, allowing the three passage into Los Noches.


Now knowing that he was indeed dealing with the Primera, and the Faded Primera Dyaus happily answered the Faded's next question. But just before Dyaus could answer he heard the Primera speak up essentially stating that he'd to know more about Dyaus. Just before Dyaus started to answer he noticed an extremely brief emotional change in the Primera.. and though as brief as it was, Dyaus noticed that moment of fear. Acknowledging that moment of fear, Dyaus began to speak, "Once again, my thanks Primera and Faded Primera. In all honesty my tale is one that would easily cause doubt. So I shall keep my tale short. Millenia ago, myself and several other powers were sealed away. And while the ages forgot about use, time did not, and finally we were all free'd. Myself sent here... home... the others I know not of their fate." Dyaus would follow the two Primera as the wall Sekkiseki rose allowing them entry. "Another time.. I can share my full tale if you wish?" Dyaus left the offer on the table, not entirely afraid to reveal some truths about himself. For now Dyaus would follow the two Primera, awaiting the conversation to continue on.


Cross watched as Arekussu turned to his side, Whispering something, Cross couldn't make it out. He just shrugged it off, not paying it that much of attention. He hasn't been in las Noches for a while now, maybe a few months since that piece treaty. Maybe it was time that he went back to his normal form for a while, to relieve some stress. He placed his hands infront of him, Squeezing them together as his eyes glew red. A red bubble formed around his body, extending his arms, hair, and body proportions. His voice deepened, more to that of an adult. his horns on his head curved, having cracks go throughout them. His body retained it's tone shape it was in before. He rolled his neck, popping the bones inside as he watched the gates open.

"Hmph. It's been a while since I've been here." The man squinted his eyes as he looked up the towers. The fur on the edge of his coat blew in the slight gust that went throughout the area.

"Arek. Are you sure you want to let this man in? Are you sure you want to do this? Someone you know nothing of, and just let him walk into your home? I'm just a little sketchy about this man. I would have known about him from the hollows in the desert. I know this place inside and out, like the back of my hand. Even when it was terraformed. I Never felt his presence until just a few moments ago. We need to be more careful." Cross said, Folding his arms infront of him, looking over the new arrancar.

His 1 tattoo, even though he is no longer primera, still remains faded across his face. His red fiery hair covered just to his eyebrows. "I am not your leader, I am not your role model. I am just here giving my opinion for what I think is best."


Arekussu chuckled, resigned to his current fate. There was nothing he could currently do about this being or the others that had manifested, and to challenge him in combat would be folly at this point. His best bet was to go along with his demands and hope that he would remain non-violent. However, Crosses words rang true. He wished he had more power, had something that could give him confidence against this man, but as of now Los Noches was weak, and did not have a force sufficient enough to fend off this being.

Instead of admitting his fears in front of the man or trying to sate Cross’ distrust, he instead went with a less committed response. “Had you ever felt my presence until you freed me from my prison? In this complicated world of spirits it is entirely probable that this arrancar and his… brethren were encased in a place where we could not sense them. The fact that he has come to us and offered his services is enough to at least show him around Los Noches, or don’t you agree?”

Arekussu shared a quick look with Cross, doing his best to show his inner turmoiled emotions in the look. He needed Cross to stop pressing questions, at least for now. Later he would be sure to talk with the ex-primera and they would try and strategize about the new entrants to the game. After the second statement, Arekussu comfortably grabbed Cross’ shoulder, saying, “I know, my friend, and I value your opinion above all else. I just see no point in not allowing this new arrancar to join Los Noches. We offer the same hospitality to hundreds of new arranacar and hollow every day, what is one more?”

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