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Drolta stood in his own silence, in his own world, it didn't matter the size of a man if he could not stand against the elements he was nothing, the tall slender man Drolta, of whom brought about the end gazed over to his brother with hollow eyes and nodded, turning to do so he'd simply and slowly fade away from the plain of earth and to the outer rims of Rukongai the bedrock of Soul Society, he had gather nearly a great portion of the sea from earth and the earth itself and it was glowing inside of him in both their colors, the earth representing a brownish color while the sea represented the color of rain

He awaited for the others arrived but while he did so all sorts of people looked at him and he looked back he wanted to release it all on this world, devour them with great fissure's and massive waves to where no one would have made it but it was far too early for that and so he stood there with his hands in his pockets watching as the shinigami approached slowly to seek a visitation upon this interesting fellow.


On Earth

Alabosos watches as his beast brother vanishes into Soul Society. Snapping his fingers he vanishes as if made of sand. Heading for Soul Society carried by the winds.

Soul Society

Where the strange stands another figure comes into as if made of sand. Golden glowing sand!. His massive reiatsu screamed out into the world. His reiatsu feels shinigami due to his shapeshifting ability. He knew soon enough some one would,come running. His red armor glems in the sun of The Soul Society.


Drolta's body didn't shift though he was most certainly out of fashion in this world, his reiatsu shifted to that of a shinigami's feel as well but he kept the elements within him, his eyes watched the shinigami approach slowly and the shinigami spoke out "Hey who are you? What squad are you from? I've not seen your faces around here." The series of questions were quite annoying and so he simply just gazed down to the man, being as Drolta was taller than nearly everyone in SS standing at a ravishing 8'11"

Drolta turned his back to the shinigami shortly after and gazed to the scenary not much here save for forests and such he'd rather have let his brother speak as he wasn't much for subtle conversation it didn't satisfy his hunting nor his need to want to kill and so he just stood looking like a lost child.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
two more figures formed beside the two males as Fuyuko and her 'servant' stood net to the males "what ugly clothing....I have to admit, easy way of getting undressed but it has no shape....too much for such small people."She commented gently as the doll laughed in agreement "wearing black like that is strage and unappealing...I hope the females have better style or I am going to give you all a make over."She added before watching the two males of the group smiling


The shinigami came and asked there questions and my brother walks away silently lost to himself. Alabosos steps forward and begins to speak We are shinigami lost in time along with an ancient evil. That evil is long gone now and some reiatsu pulled us here. our reiatsu felt like a shinigami so the story would be believable.


The shinigami looked to the two then to the other shinigami who mentioned something of fashion, he had to admit something was off about them three suddenly appearing and having not really answered his question of a squad but he probably thought they meant well and so stepped aside, watching the one who stood taller than the rest and the two glowing orbs inside of him, Drolta was the first to walk forward after he turned his facial expressions were formless and his eyes were half opened but he walked looking around at the people with more so curiosity than anything his eyes veered left to right then towards the soul society building

Drolta never spoke and if he did it would have to be something of great importance to be heard and so he turned back to the shinigami and a deep voice came out, "What can you tell me about our history?...How did we come about to be?" The shinigami looked at him with a confused look "Well the Captain Commander would have all the answers, he sits in his quarters for remainder of the day until something comes up." Drolta looked at him and tapped his foot lightly off in the distance an earthquake and great fissue opened up devouring thousands and the shinigami heard such a thing having shunpo'd out his eyes gazed back to the quarters with death on his mind.


His eyes snapped open like a flash, the feeling of something screaming out through the entire Seireitei coursed through him and enveloped him. Something was coming, someone was coming. He'd barely had time to prepare himself, today wasn't a day he was expecting to be fighting. Yet his instincts and his sense of duty were now screaming at him that the time had finally come to shed blood once more in the name of the Shinigami. Acknowledging this, Eaon rose from his desk, where he'd been almost single handedly been managing Divisioin Six since Senna's disappearance and adjusted his Zanpakutou. Hopefully this wouldn't require use of the blade, but if it did, anyone who stood before the Lieutenant would surely fall.

Before Eaon left his office he took one last time to look at his Zanpakutou and the purple ribbon tied to it. Even though his religion had betrayed him once before in death by denying him the loveliness of heaven proper, Eaon still said a prayer. Maybe it was uncommon in a militant world of living dead to believe that still somewhere, maybe there was something better, but for various reasons, some lost to Eaon and some not yet realized, he believed whole-heartedly that there was a reason to pray before battle.

Afterwards Eaon wasted no more time, a quick Shunpo off in the direction screaming out to him. Eaon appeared before several people, he had no idea what it was they were conversing about, yet he had no reason to care. These things were irrelevant. All that mattered now was Eaon's diplomacy skills and if those failed, his ability to strike down his foes.

Eaon wasn't sure what to expect of these foes, however he was quiet sure what they would expect of him. Someone who relied heavily on his allies, as most Shinigami tended to. Yet they would be surprised if they thought of this notion. Eaon was a master of a sword style that no other Shinigami could even comprehend, and he was completely comfortable fighting up to five people solo. This is why Eaon was suited for his work, because nothing could stand before him and have an easy win.

"Pardon my interruption. I am Lieutenant Eaon Norellia of Division Six. I noticed a large amount of power coming from you, I was curious, what are your intentions?" Eaon inquired. There was no reason to start fighting just yet if it could be helped. Sometimes crisis could be solved through peaceful means, which truth be told Eaon preferred much more than with a blade. Sadly though Eaon was not quiet as good at diplomacy as he was with a sword. Still there was something about trying that made Eaon feel as though it was always worth the attempt.


This day was the day when Soul Society stood on the crossroads. And despite potential disaster hanging in the air, it was also lucky day for Soul Society. Enma, now legendary Captain of Seventh Division was in Seireitei. While there was a good reason for him to be here, it was lucky turn of events for Soul Society. Soul Society faced one of greatest threats ever, and was none the wiser about it. Not even Enma, who knew about general situation In Seireitei and Rukongai about as much and Onmitsukido, and far more than them when it came to wilderness outside of Rukongai had no idea that right now, at this moment, Soul Society was in grave danger. But that was nowhere in Enma's mind. He had no idea that beings who had the power beyond the grasp of comprehension not only existed, but were recently awakened and pissed off at the whole four worlds. Nope, he had no idea about that. He just came to the Seireitei to drop off written instructions for his Division. Barracks, which were recently demolished, were being repaired quite nicely, if not quite to the schedule. But there was no way of speeding that up. Gotei 13 and Seireitei in general were recently low on manpower. Anyway, Enma was quick, silent and stealthy. He dropped instructions inside as usually, and was just on his way when the ground shook violently. he barracks behind him collapsed, quickly being reduced to rubble. Screams, chaos. Soul Society was under attack.

There was no mistake. Whatever was the cause of this earthquake, it was certainly not natural. Unlike Human World, ralm of soul Society was long done with any kind of geotermal activity other than hot wells. So it was plain as a day. But Enma was stoned, petrified, as if he took a blast of his own golden flames and it worked. Questions were quicky sliding through his head. How could enemy infiltrate Soul Society without being found out? How could they get in the heart of Seireitei and attack, without being found out? and worst, what kind of enemy had the power to do something like that? Nobody could do this to earth itself. It was too strong, for most of people beyond the grasp of comprehension. But not for Enma. THough, truth to be honest, comprehension meant nothing. Enma figured out one thing really quickly. Whatever the being that did this was, it was beyond and above his current level. He couldn't fight it and hope to defeat it and survive on top of that. He knew it well. But Enma had no objections about dying,especially if his death ensured that Soul Society would remain standing. What was the best course of action right now? Find oponents and fight them. No matter what happens. For the wellfare of Soul Society.

But where to begin? Enma had good Reiatsu sensory. If he concentrated, he could probably pick distinct Reiatssu sources from even a long distance. But the fact was that there were no distinct, alien Reiatsu signatures at all. As a matter of fact, Enma couldn't pick out any Captain's Reiatsu either. Where were the Captains now, the fighting elite of Seireitei, the cream of Gotei 13? There were none out there, ready to fight on the front lines at the moment. But there were people willing to fight, Enma could sense them and that only made him fel slightly better. That meant that Gotei 13, despite hitting decline recently, still stood proudly. Enma felt one strong Rieatsu signature nearby, signature of Eaon Norellia, Vice Captain of Sixth Division. Enma knew that he might have some valuable information for him, so he headed off there. Quickly Shunpoing, he got there quite fast. He literalyl appeared in the middle of the scene. Well, not in the middle. Few feet left from Eaon was the place where he appeared. He just arrived in time to hear Eaon asking a question: "what are your intentions?" And Enma didn't need lot to figure out the situation. Multiple persons were around them, and Enma knew that setup wasn't exactly like for picnic. Despite the fact that those persons looked like Shinigami and gave away that kind of Reiatsu, there was something... wrong. Enma's guts were telling him that they weren't Eaon's subordinates. Placing his hand on his Zanpakuto, but not unsheating it, Enma spoke: "By my authority as a Captain, I order you to identify yourself. Failing to do so will lead to repercussions. After you identify yourself, surrender, and you will get a fair trial. Failing to surrender will allow me to execute you on the grounds of my authority." Enma said all that, but he didn't mean any of it. He was just trying to buy himself time to figure something out. Soul Society was lucky in the fact that Enma was present where he was needed most that day, but a lot more luck was needed in order for Soul Society to survive this, or at least it appeared that way.


Seeing a shinigami of some power appear,who later,introduced himself as"Eaon." Alabosos smiled then He fely another shinigami of a greater strength coming. He arrives in no time. Watching the shinigami appear and introduce himself as the captain of the seventh division,Enma and we were to submit and come with him for trial. Alabosos knew if he or his brother wished this enma would end horribly but at this time we were to intergrate and learn not destroy. Looking up to Enma Alabosos speaks againWe are shinigami lost through time to maintain an ancient evil. Such evil has been vanquished and a powerful reiatsu pulled us here. There is no need to treat us as enemies. If we were enemies would those men still drawn breath? I move towards Enma slowly looking at him as if analyzing him.Behind Alabosos his clothes form a short tanto like sword. His mastery of shapeshift was so perfect that he can make his body form anything. To futhur the intergration he can release a shikai and a bankai. He most likely will use his own powers and Abilities to mimic the power forms of his choosen form. Surely you have heard of the ancient order shinigami? Alabosos knew that Enma's pride was great and he would relent his questions and such at least for a short time. Alabosos armor glistened in the light as he moved closer to Enma not taking his eyes off of him until Alaboso spoke once moreYou Captain Enma have zeal. You love the soul society don't you? As do we.....we sacrificed everything to seal away the darkness...we are alike. Alabosos was the diplomat of the Chimera if his words different then his brother would speak and when he spoke the grounds quaked.

Backing up from Enma now not wanting to threaten him. I look around noticing the hands in which the men grasped there swords and how some stood off balance but others like Enma and Eaon stood as if they could handle a blade. Moving closer to his original starting point he remained fixed on Enma watching him for subtle clues. He didn't want to shed blood but if this was to continue he would have too draw his war fan.


Drolta's eyes wandered over to where he had caused the fissure and knew there was several casualties and so while his brother and the shinigami talked on her turned a full three sixty looking all over until his eyes fell on where the Captain commander had been his ears had totally blocked out all the talking and he began to pay attention to that particular spot.

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