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Kirei narrowed her eyes and flicked them to the side as her new captain approached her. She grunted a little and rolled her eyes. She obviously didn’t like him. Uncle or not, his presence was annoying her. But she just let out a sigh and faced the people who were being interrogated by several shinigami. They were the priority.

Kirei’s eyes narrowed as one of them repeated what had been said over and over. She clinched her fists as he moved, her elbow bending slightly, ready to draw her sword. He wasn’t attacking; he just merely walked past them. Her eyes followed him and then turned to the other that spoke, the same one that spoke when she approached.

He seemed the more mature one. He seemed to think situations out more clearly. He was the one to go to for talking. She looked at the other, he seemed hot headed. Drolta was his name? Odd name. Kirei looked him up and down. Defiantly be the one to jump the gun.

They wanted to see the commander? Kirei looked to her captain for a split second, almost as if to ask for an opinion but she shook her head slightly and looked at Drolta with a halfass smile.

“Drolta, was it?” She called out to him. She looked to the other one and bowed slightly. “I am Kirei Kurushimi, Lieutenant of the second division.” She straightened up her back and looked back at Drolta, placing a hand on her hip and pondering over the words in her head. “You say there is a great danger approaching…” She said calmly. “How would we know any better that you all aren’t the great danger?” she paused slightly and put her hand behind her head with a slight smile. “I mean, just all precautions taken, how do we know you all aren’t lying?”


Drolta was stopped not once but twice he turned back to give his brother a look with those half opened and soulless eyes, listening to him speak his way out of situations was like hearing him weave history with simple lies but being as they had always adapted their reiatsu to that of a shinigami's anything was believable he heard the next one speak, a little shinigami female, the assassin's of the thirteen divisions no doubt but he paid her no heed, gazing back up to the tower with a curiosity about it, how it was built and all it wasn't here when they were walking this earth long along with that demon.

Drolta's words flowed out again to reply to the second division Lt.'s Question, "Because if we were the threat you'd already be dead." a truthful answer in some manner or at least it had to seem so, and so he walked on not showing an eagerness this was more of a casual walk as he strolled towards the tower in his soulless passion


Shani didn't move from his spot, his hands crossed across his chest. He listened to his Fukutaicho speak, a smirk came across his face as he heard the 'so called shinigami' speak. His words bothered him the most, He would turn slightly to the side allowing his dark eyes to look at the two figures. It truly bothered him that they didn't fully answer his question. Shinigami or not. Entering Soul society was not a easy task. They would of been warned that someone was crossing threw the gates. And for a matter of fact they weren't at main gate to leave this realm. He would bite his tongue for a moment watching the two figure's before he let out a breath.

"Perhaps not. However, we may not be your targets to remove. Are commander may be. We would be a waste of time to deal with. Or perhaps you worried to use to much of your energy to deal with are commander after wards. Either way, We can not allow you to see him at this time. Explain your self's more, and perhaps we shall allow you to meet with him. Of course not alone."

His eyes would narrow at Drolta slightly, he may not look like much, but he didn't trust either of them. Shani gave no real fighting pose but if he was attacked for no reason he would be ready to defend him self. His main focus was making sure his Lt was not harmed in anyway.


Time whispers secrets upon the wind to Alabosos' ears. He smirks as one word repeats over and over like an endless waltz of information. His lips part as the time god spokeBerserker they call him now. He wields the great fire bird. He wants those masked by bone......he wants the vizards. the fact Alabosos knew the Berserkers ideals should loosen up the stuffy shinigami a bit.

Looking over at Drolta as the woman spoke his name and he quickly shut down her idea of us being the threat.. The fact that she,a vice captain figured it out before the captains amused Alabosos greatly. Looking at her Alabosos speaks againWe know your enemies.....don't add us too that would be fooish to do so. Alabosos says matter of factly.


Kirei listened to the men speak. Letting a low exhale from her lips, she dropped her hands on her hips, obviously getting slightly irritated with the two men. She looked down at the ground, her long purple hair sliding in her face as she allowed herself to get caught up in what the men were saying; even though nothing really made sense to her right now.

We know your enemies.....don't add us too that would be foolish to do so.

Kirei threw her head up, grunting a little at that statement. She looked the man square in the eyes, slightly glaring. She was a very impatient girl. She was trying to get her point across and felt as if these men just stuck corks in their ears. She grabbed her hips tighter, calming herself down and put all her weight on her left leg.

“Please understand, you come barging into a place that is nearly impossible to barge into. That’s suspicious in itself. Then you speak of a great evil and give us very little detail about anything that is going on. This adds much more suspicion. Now you ask to see a very important, if not most important, shinigami here…“ She raised her right hand to rub the bridge of her nose. “I am not saying we are marking you down as enemies, but with the lack of information you have given us, you are not our friends.”

Kirei looked up at her captain and turned slightly to face him. “We need to send one of these shinigami to go tell the commander what is going on here. He should make the decision of what we do with the trespassers…” She looked up at him, meeting his eyes.

How she wished she was looking at Taisho’s eyes. Taisho would have the situation solved with a cup of tea and some strict laughter. Taisho would understand Kirei’s eyes but still, she had to try to tell Shani her opinion without verbalizing it. She stared at Shani’s eyes a second longer, hoping he understood what she had just said without words.

She then turned around to look back at the intruders. “I am sorry for causing you all this trouble but please understand, this is our job…”


As is our job as well....we are as shinigami as you or the captain commander. The captain commander from the feel of his reiatsu is more like us then you. If we were your enemy then why would we talk. We would have just killed each of you as you arrived one by one. By the way, that is a terrible strategy. I mean obviously there are three strange and powerful reiatsu signatures and you lot decide im going this alone. I mean at least bring a second just in case the stranger were hostile but luckly for you we are not truely hostile. Alabosos was indeed telling them their faults. He moved over to Drolta seeming to float up to Drolta's ear and whispered something to what the shinigami can perceive to be nothing but to Drolta he would hear Summon the Captain Commander my brother. Time has whispered in my ear that he drove all vizards into hiding. Show him your mask and reiastu Drolta Alabosos then floats down slowly to the ground. Turning to face the shinigami once more he stand silently grinming looking at the shinigami if any were closer enough they would see the inner clock of his eyes strike twelve o'clock.


Drolta's eyes gazed back to that of his brother hearing what he wished of him to do hearing the thought zoom through his head he turned back and to the tower bringing out on of his hands he waved it infront of his face as a mask as porcelain as a white moon appeared on it, his eyes still gazing to the tower however, a huge boom sounded and a push of air spread through out all of soul society and suddenly the ground began to shake a massive earthquake began to give off as Drolta released his shinigami like reiatsu the reiatsu in itself was thick and like a beacon shot directly into the sky his clothes were floating a little bit but his reiatsu was so thick that it showed itself broadly nearly going off the scales as the ground underneath him began to crack, no this wasn't his elementals that he still had absorbed inside of him this was just the destructive nature of his reiatsu and so he brought un neede havoc to soul society as the civilians all ran with awe and terror as he awaited the infamous captain commander to make his appearance.


((OOC: This sounds like a fun RP to get into, might as well give this a go))

Giving a small nod like bow before leaving the abandoned village she lived in, giving her respects and such before turning her back and started to walk back to the Seireitei. Almost mid way on the path she made enjoying the mid days weather and the sounds that nature provided, she knew that this was going to hit her hard but it's been too long since she could see the village she grew up in, hopefully she can give her reasons to any higher up that she contacts with around this but to tell ya the truth nothing was really happening...Until a strange pressure grasped her instincts, something was off but gives a smirk as she shunpo'd there as best as she can.

Once getting there seeing a good sized grouping of shinigami while seeing two a ways back, tilting her head at this she approached a random fellow while speaking out mildy, "Oi, what's up with this? Why's everyone almost hyped up all of a sudden?"

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
The two strange females talked amongest themselves waiting for the men to take the situtation under control.

"Here is an idea....USe one of your kido on us, a binding one, before taking us to the captain commander...Take our weapons and another thing else that would make ou suspicous about us? Have the whole courtyard squads within the meeting of your commander. This should be enough security for only a fool would attack with all the shinigami in one area."She commented moving over to Alabosos side holding on to his arm walking the shinigami.

The doll watched "The most logical is the simple bind and conqure...the odds we woul attack and succed in accomplishing whatever goals you all think we got is a million to one."She said as fuyukio nodded lookingt back at the shinigami crowd

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