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As i sit in my chair watching my follow chimera move off to the different planes all the while tossing the 8 daggers in a flashing pattern. When the last of them are gone i catch first one on the tip of a finger point first then the rest i catch on top of the other till i have a tower made out of daggers balanced on my finger tip. then with a flick of a finger i send them all into a tiny spot on a post that i made form out of the ground all bunched together. i then stand and walk to the edge of the building and jump off of it turning into a owl i fly in the dead of night looking for a person to blast to atoms. Not caring about hiding my reiatsu or changing the feel of it let me be a becon to all that still remeber the chimera be they friend or foe no one will stand in our way.

then spying a pack of what can only be called punks due to my elemental nature i can learn things about a world by just being in it and letting the ghosts of things talk to me. I land in the middle of them they turn only to see a owl, they laugh and start towards me bent on doing harm to me. In a second i was back to my normal form shocking them stright out. Before they can react i am a blur the first one i hit with a fist to his chest with so much force that it impoldes, the next i kick his head so hard that it rips free of his body, a body is sliced in half with my bare hand and the rest just start to collaspe under my reiatsu or be pulled apart with a thought from me. It all over in a second and i stand in the only clean patch of ground for a few metres with out a spec of blood on me. I then just start to walk towards the rising sun bending anything out of my way waiting for someone worth my time to show up killing time before i act on my plans.




Though the world of the humans were being ravaged by the Chimera and they yet didn't know it, everything still seemed to thrive beautifully, people though did see the sea above the sky they did speak of the end of times, but for now nothing happened perhaps it was a phenomina unlike any other perhaps a good change in the world perhaps bad they didn't know but however while evil reigned from the gates high above down below the darkness was spreading through out the forest, living shadows began to devour all light within the forest and it was in the center that Dominique the ancient demon lord whom eon's go lived and thrived watched this Chimera with a smirk on his lips

He had recalled hearing something about them in his younger days and thought he had ran into one in that time but it had been so long he couldn't recall and so he let some of his reiatsu go hoping and counting on him to want to descend into the darkness, to witness madness and evil for what it was.


As i was walking i felt the reiatsu of a demon from the forest many Km away from me. Well, well looks like this might turn out to be useful if i play my cards eight. with that done i use quantum jump to get there to the demon it look like i just appeared out of no where i look at the demon and for some reason it feels like i should know of him but i just don't care. there is so many things that i want to do now that i am free. feeling that he on par with me i just rise one eyebrow and wait a moment then say in that charming voice. "Well looky here a old old demon now i wonder do you know what i am? if so do you know what i can do? now becareful on what you say it maybe your last." i let the threat hang but i don't intend to follow though with it yet it all depends on what he says and does also what i feel like doing.


What the Chimera had entered was the darkness as he had predicted it was almost too easy but then again he wasn't one to care, no light was shed here and yet Dominique was the only thing that glimmered like a vibrant light, that pale skin being the only bright color as his hand supported a rest leaf that was being eaten alive by shadows he spoke and with a high authority, "Chimera, you speak to me as if you can kill me." Replied Dominique which followed up with a chuckle then his glowing eyes rested on the Chimera, "Though you and I are nearly the same age, you are not so much different in power and while You can perish, I however will only reside in my kingdom to regain my power only to come back again and again and again, however should you perish you will go to my realm where you will be a lowly as this cursed ground we walk on." Continued Dominique, his smile broad and proud on his lips

He then removed his hand from the leaf and slowly approached him getting merely within an inch or two of him and leaning in to whisper in his ear, "The End is coming, if it is by your hand or mine, but the light will be extinguished and hell will reside on earth yet again." Dominique commented on a prophecy he only foresaw and from the shadows armies upon armies of demons made their way from the shadows, of all grotesqueries and shapes, sin's and power ready to do their lords bidding, "And now I leave you whilst I purge purity." a broad smile on his face as he simply gave the fellow a push and the Chimera found himself outside of the shadows unable to enter again.


Likely, the two powerful monstrocities would likely sense a energy similiar, yet vastly different, to Dominique's. This energy wasn't moving at any casual pace either. It was moving quickly, in a hurry, before slowing down admist the shubbery and the greenery. A forest was a wonderful place, but it was so dark and murky that it felt almost suffocating. He honestly couldn't feel relaxed or comfortable here despite his affinity towards the Earth. Taking one high speed step, the mysterious individual appeared between a few trees with one hand lightly touching the bark of an elder as he looked over other two creatures.

"Funny," He stated, lacking any signs of humor, "I thought I sensed a pair of dinosaurs roaming about," He boldly stated. "Though, one of you isn't technically supposed to be roaming about," Cubix mumbled, though it was easy for the both of them to hear as if it were intentional, and his eyes wandered over to look at the only other demon here. Broken free from his prison apparently. Cubix hadn't been paying much attention to the going-ons with the demons, but it was fairly clear that whatever order and organization that had been there was probably in chaos. Cubix had spent so much time cleaning up remenants of this very Lord's reign too. Looking back now, Cubix could see history already mending its infinite circle of casuality.

Too bad Cubix didn't care.
His eyes darted to the other creature. It was a creature he had never seen before in his entire life. That was something that was truly, absolutely magnificent. "You," Cubix said, half gasping out of surprise, as he pointed at the creature, "I am interested in you," He stated, carefully saying each and every syllable.

Having been in the surrounding area, Cubix's perception told him about the wake of such a creature. It beheld an energy unlike anything he had ever expirenced. It was ancient, likely many milinea older than his own, or at least if felt as if it was. What interested Cubix the most however, was that the energy attracted him like a child to fire. He wanted to grasp that heat in his own hands, as his own, to do with for whatever he wished.

"Align yourself with me," Cubix finished, his full attention directed with the strange creature he found.



About a mile or two away, our lovable local sociopath,Deadpool, rests on top of a skyscraper performing his bi-monthly ritual of spying down on the pretty girls walking below and eavesdropping on their conversations. However, as he 's listening, a large spiritual pressures bombard his body. He know he just has to check it out, even if it means interrupting his important research. He turns his binoculars in the direction of the energy, while also shifting his fancy shmancy listening device. He catches just one out of place looking guy jumping off of a building and suddenly turning into an owl.

what the flub?

This strange person then goes on to massacre a few random guys before stopping near a forest. Hollis continues to watch as another large pressure enters the vacinity from the shadows. Like the. Nosy Nancy he is, the rogue captain listens in on their conversation, picking up on key words..


As they converse yet another energy enters the scene, only his one seems weaker,around deadpools own power level, but it also feels kind of familiar.

oh whit! What's Cube man doing here?

After they all speak a little longer, the one that came from the shadows seems to dissappear, leaving only this, "Chimera " and the familiar demon. Hollis decides he 's done watching and ready to get himself into another craaaazy adventure. He drops his equipment and with a few steps, swiftly arrives in the middle of the two men, leaves poofing up around him from his landing.

.....hi! Is this the party in the forest? Ya know, the forest party? I 'm not late am I, I always miss the foodstuffs when I show up late. Like the cheesecubes would be all gone and the girls are always already drunk. Speaking of cubes. WTF 's up cube demon guy? You know owl- man?

Deadpool turns his head a bit over his shoulder to look at the chimera for a second

That's you by the 're owl man...


I don't react to any of what the old demon had to say, to me the only thing was that i could see that i could with some light planning could get this demon to speed up the turning of the wheel of chaos that i want to get started. even him saying that he just come back if i did manage to kill him i may not be able to kill the body, the spirit on the other hand well i could break that so well that there will be a good chance that he will never recover. i rise only a eyebrow as he gives me a light shove and i am standing in a more normal forest.

i turn my attention to the demon who has a very strong link to the earth and he seems very taken with me i chackle at him saying that we should 'join' up and just say in a charming voice. "Mind tell me what you can hope to offer me. A being that has control over matter and energy itself hmmm?" i then feel the movement of another being that on the same powerlevel as the earth demon i just lift a and up and make out that i am holding a sword aiming it just the tinyest bit over from where the being will stop. a wickedly sharp sword appears in my hand so sharp just looking at it is enough to give to a cut it also at the being neck level just off of it. i wait till it finish what it had to say onbly rising a eyebrow at the owl-man comment i then say. "you got 3 seconds to move or come up with a dam good no very good reason why i should not end your life right here you sad piece of a man."


Appearing in a swirling mass of time and space Alabosos appears only in a shade like manner almost like a wrath or ghost only chimera eyes could see me however some may hear bits of Alabosos' voice if powerful enough.Why do you fail to follow simple instructions! Learn first and don't tell the enemy your powers dimwit!! the time and space energy dissipates and the image fades with Alabosos face staring at the Chimera in anger


As the chimera holds its sword against deadpools neck, he already begins taking notes in his head based off of the vast amount of information the guy has given him un just the past few minutes. He also hears bits of some weird ghostly voice though he cant determine whether it's just another one of his hallucinations.

~well, this guy's uber strong but I agree with whoever just made that ghost whisper voice, he ain't exactly one of the smarter ones, this could be fun. Lets see, he can apparently control matter and energy which would explain the whole owl thing, shapeshifting wouldn't be that hard to pull off with a power like that. And the first thing he did was pull out his sword when I arrived, meaning he may be like a shinigami in the fact that his powers may be derived. From it. But the real question is, is this matter control power specific to him or all chimera? Hell, a better question is how many of these guys are there.hmmm. Maybe I should worry about this whole sword to my neck situation first..although I do like hearing the sound of my own voice in my head. Its kinda echoey. Helloooooo!hellooo, hellooo…~

Hollis shifts his eyes up towards the guy holding the sword, with about two seconds left to explain himself after using one for his "short " thought.

ooooooh, that's a mighty sharp sword ya got there son! Mind trimming my scruff for me while you're at it? Just below the neck, give it that nice 5 o clock shadow look, I haven't shaved in weeks..o wait, has it been three seconds already? Sorry about that I just loooove to gab i'm a regular gabby Kathy, Haha. Anywho, I guess you shouldn't end my life because well, as a pathetic piece of man I happen to have a great penchant for indecent proposals. You look like a betting man yourself am I right? Beings as powerful and intelligent as you usually are...

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