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Dyaus watched as he threw Raphael with ease, though Raphael didn't impact the buildings due to his own powers, they still cracked beneath the concussive wave generated. While Dyaus did receive Raphael's mental message he ignored him and watched as he morphed his form once again in hope of more power. With a sigh Dyaus prepared for a fight, at this point he knew it likely seemed to be odd at the very least that himself and Raphael would suddenly start fighting. As Dyaus prepared he heard the shinigami male speak out, the words "..what interesting fellows you two are.." reaching him. Turning his attention from the shinigami to the demon Dyaus was just in time to spot the stone, and earthen hand flying at him. "Slow.." Was all Dyaus spoke as he raised both hands, catching the large hand before tossing it too the side. "Lacking a few things? Such as what my energetic friend?" Dyaus would answer the demon, returning to a relaxed stance.

[ooc: Sorry for short post, couldn't think up much.]


Noticing that Dyaus was not doing a follow up attack i relax my stace just a bit all the while i am getting more and more info from the matter and energy of this plane. i use what appears as bringerlight to appear next to the earth demon just after that little trick with the earth hand, i then say in a voice that is hypnotic to most and hoping it has enough pull on it for it to make what i say more beleivable. "My, my, what a temper you have hollow and do tell me how do you know my name for i never meet you before. Anyway now that i think about it i may take you up on that offer Mr. Earth bender you seem to be more intune with the world then most and that may just be what i need to do what i need to do. So how about it then you do me this and i do something for you. As for you Fool i'll just say this stay out of things that you don't understand you may just be burned with out the right Knowledge." all the while i am saying this i am using my powers to build a laser cannon out of sight and hunging in mid air ready to fire one round that can melt though 5 feet of steel and if dyaus should take another attack move towards me it will aim and fire at him before it disappears into the ether.


"My interests are simple," Cubix said, eying Dyaus for a long moment as Cubix avoided the relaxed question. "I desire the destruction of something that is not here that I cannot reach with my current, restricted, abilities," Cubix stated, slowly closing his eyes and lowering his head in thought. "I have traveled there only once, in my entire lifetime, and I have been unable to forget even the slightest detail of that moment. I could easily count on one hand the rare instances that I have had the motivation to use the upper tiers of my abilities against another. That place, which I clearly remember, is called Soul Society," Cubix slid a hand through that long, dark silk that was his hair as he opened those bright, blaring red eyes. He said it strangely passionate, as if telling an important story.

"My interest is to get there and to have it, for the most part, devastated," He carelessly said, despite enjoying that place very much. That place was special and unique. It was a realm that was completely unlike the world of the parasites that the loud angry one came from or this one where the meat sacks roamed about with their fleeting fire. That place was strong, old, and was illuminated by mystery. Despite his favor towards it, he needed it destroyed.

"Something I need to destroy is there, buried under their ground, and the only reason I didn't sense it before is because I have only just realized that my power was afflicted there. In any case, destroying the very things that afflicted my powers and to raze the land would allow me to easily acquire and utilize what I am looking for." Looking to Raphael, Cubix pointed at him, those delicate hands hanging lazily as they were directed at the Fullbringer.

"I know, without a sliver of a doubt, that you possess the abilities to accomplish at least half of this," Then, looking towards Dyaus he decided to tack on, "You as well," Crossing his arms, he sighed. "Whether that is now or then doesn't really matter. I can assist you with whatever it is that you require should you have the intentions to ally to my own cause." Scratching each others backs. Cubix did have unnaturally honed resources that he could use, so he was in now way helpless or useless. Cubix could give these two, or just Raphael the very one he had intended to offer this towards, things that they wouldn't have ordinarily had access too. On the flip side, however, Cubix wasn't asking for any small compensation for the use of his skills.

War against Soul Society, for some mysterious something, for unclear reasons. Likely, if they were going to help him with that mission, as his mercenaries, they would be risking a lot for Cubix to gain. Cubix asked it lightly as well, if they refused he could always find another way, besides he was also very interested in the one known as Raphael because he was so unusual. Unusual things for something as old as Cubix were always deserving of his utmost attention until, eventually, he tired of them.

"Those are my terms. This is the part where you say yes so that I don't waste any additional time," He carefully watched Raphael with those blood red eyes.


As he watches things unfold, hollis stands next to cubix, nodding his head in agreement while still holding his weapons at his side.

Hmph, yeah I think so, these guys are playing games. Normally I'm up for such a thing but its just getting sad at this point.

Deadpool would utter as cubic launches a simple rock attack at the other strange being. The mercy watches as the 'arrancar ' catches the stone hand and simply tosses it aside. The main thing he notices however, is the fact that the boulder seemed to actually slow up a bit right after the guy said 'slow', leading Edwards to believe that this man must have some power that has to do with space, time gravity, or a great number of other things. Regardless of what that thing is Hollis does come to one conclusion. These two people are strong, but not just in the sense of raw power, but in regards to their actual abilities. Abilities you don't see too often in soul society or even hueco mundo. Anticipation builds within the shinigami as he waits to see whether these people will end up as great assets or mortal enemies, but no matter the case. They should provide a great amount of fun for the time being. Deadpool then turns to the chimera man as he speaks to him about burns.

ya know, people always call me a fool but, in my experience it seems the real fools are those that don't comprehend who they're dealing with because of the little Knowledge they possess.sooo they just write that person off as a fool that does not understand. Oh, and by the by, you don't have to try so hard to convince us that you aren't what you are. After all, if your sooo strong, why not just kill us where we stand to keep us from talking? What's the point in making deals if you have the power to take what you want. Unless of course you see us as a threat? Hahaha, is that it? Are ya scared of the masked 'fool ' and the rock man, teehee, what a chode muffin..

Deadpool just casually stands as he waits to see how the chimera dude and the pho- arrancar react to cubic 's terms and his own snide mouth.he also thinks about how cu e could've just asked him to get into soul society. He'd probably see it as some sort of weird ironic ioke to see a demon in the court of pure souls.


(ooc: ok waited long enough for you to post del so i post and keep it going and you post a catch up ok.)

ic: As i listen to the earth demon i nod my head then as he finish i then say. "So.... You want me to help you find something that under one of the most heavily gaurded area in all the planes? heh that will make some chaos for sure so yes i will help hell i would of done something like that myself given time." i then listen to what the fool has to say and i then replied with. "Heh of cause that all part of my plan and really please why waste my time killing you when doing that will not make much chaos while on the other hand. keeping you alive will let me make a lot more chaos and by the looks of you, you like chaos right. anyway i treat all people i meet as people who could do me harm it safer that way then i will only be bored when i find that they are not that."

I then look over towards my brother and make a shoing motion with my hand which then makes a wave of simi-soild air push against him. then saying while holding my hand out for anyone to grab a hold of. "If you are not going to help you may as well leave arrencar. So i think it best that we move from here for we be getting attention from things that we don't want so if you just grab hold of my hand i be able to transport us to somewhere were we can hash out the details." with that said i wait for the earth demon and any one else to grab my hand then i well use my quamtum jump to shift me and the ones holding my hands to a good size cave pocket deep under ground one of my safe places where only me and the ones that i let in can get to. also protrcted from being tracked or sensed from the outside of it. While looking like a cave it has things in it to make it liveable and down right comfy i also add all the little things that most places have now to it. i then say "Welcome to a little safe place that one of my homes away from home."

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