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#11When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:54 pm


"Just making sure, I'd hate to bore a beautiful woman." Eaon said calmly as he continued to watch Aki move around. Just trying to get used to the heat. That was a pretty good reason to move around, other people often times had to leave the water because the heat was so bad they actually couldn't stand it without getting sick. Eaon wondered how people handled the temperatures of really hot or cold Ice and Fire type Zanpakutou. People tended to have such odd preferences. Eaon knew both frigid Arctic cold and boiling heat. He wasn't particularly bothered by either, though he did prefer warmth to the cold.

Eaon continued to watch for a moment as Aki accidentally stood too far up and paused. Her figure was incredibly charming, which was nice. Eaon got the feeling she wasn't expecting it from the pause though, which was probably embarrassing for her, and while a sexy treat for Eaon he couldn't help but feel somewhat embarrassed for her. Then again maybe it didn't bother her and his sympathies were ill-spent. Eaon wasn't sure, but at the moment he didn't have sufficient evidence to complain about it.

"Quiet the opposite Captain, you're incredibly beautiful, I'd be a fool not to want to see beauty at its finest." Eaon smirked and continued to think. Aki's past, that would be interesting though he sincerely hoped if he sat through it she wouldn't inquire about his own. No one knew Eaon's past and that was the way he liked it. It wasn't so much he tried to hide it from them, he just didn't think they needed to know if they didn't have to. "I have all the time in the world to listen to you Captain."

#12When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:15 pm


Aki slightly smiled as she looked at him, "My history is not really a fun one or a happy one. I remember when I was still a human and I remember my death as if it were yesterday. See it was the eve of my 13th birthday, when I was consumed by a hollow, which was a spirit before it transformed on me. But then I came to the SS and found a new life, however death seemed to follow me. While I was training I lost my only teacher who was willing to teach me." she said as she looked up at the sky thinking of everything she was saying.

"color=violet] However now, I am not sure as to what I am going to do with the SS, it seems no matter what I do, nothing ever goes right, and I am not sure if I will be able to continue going with the SS, or if I will have to leave the SS." [/color] she said as she looked at Eaon, "Now I have to ask you something, and this may seem personal, however I am not sure what I am going to do now" she said as she moved next to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

#13When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:59 am


"Glad at least I'm not the only one who was a Human first and a Shinigami second." Eaon remarked upon hearing Aki's story. It wasn't that Eaon didn't like people who were pure Shinigami and born into the Soul Society, just it was hard for them to relate to someone who felt as though they had stake in the World of The Living. Eaon had lived a relatively short life, a Templar in days long past. Yet still he had lived, and it was nice to know that one of the Captains herself had also lived at some point as well.

"I don't know whatever became of my master. He and I had a disagreement about the ways our sword style was meant to be used, and he and I haven't spoken in a very long time..." Eaon trailed off, reminding himself once again that in his arrogant youth Eaon believed his blade could kill evil people and bring happiness to the Rukongai. However he was quiet wrong as while a group of criminals did die, the hatred his blade bred was so great that it consumed all Eaon could have ever wanted in the hellfire known simply as vengeance. Eaon supposed though that not knowing what had happened to his master was better than knowing for certain he was dead. Besides there were those in the Shinigami who hailed Eaon as a master swordsmen, yet in comparison to his Master, Eaon was but a simple minded pupil.

"Things can go better here than anywhere. Things may be a bit rough right now, but we can pull through." Eaon said as Aki pulled over next to him. She was getting oddly close, maybe a little too close? Eaon didn't know for sure, however she did say she had something personal to ask him. What would Eaon say? He didn't even know the question yet. His questions only escalated when her hand pulled from the water and rest upon his shoulder. Eaon's senses were instantly made hyper aware of her presence, and even the small drop of water making his way from where her hand had touched his shoulder down across his chest could be perfectly felt. "What is it you need Captain?"

#14When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:12 am


"I am not sure how to tell you this, but I would like to tell you something, however I hope you can keep it a secret because if it were to get out, I would probably be killed on the spot. Aki says as she looks Eaon in the eyes showing that she means what she says and hopes he understands.

#15When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:16 am


"What's the problem Aki?" Eaon said a bit quieter than before, his eyes narrowed in and curious. What did the Captain have that she had to worry on her life for. Likewise could she really trust Eaon with it? If it was illegal Eaon was obligated to take action upon it, that was what he did. He had a job to do, but did a job over-ride the personal needs of others? At what point does one become annoying stuck to laws that they forget about people? If Eaon failed to make that distinction he'd be as annoying as Senna when it came to the authority of Division Six. Hell at that point he was better off re-enlisting under Taisho in Division Two and just becoming an assassin again.

"You can tell me anything." Eaon spoke again softly. He didn't make any mention that it would necessarily be kept secret, he wasn't ready to pledge to not betray someone if they were breaking the law. Still if they weren't, they needed to feel like they could trust Eaon, because as long as what they were doing wasn't illegal they could. Eaon had no desire to see anyone killed if he could help it, still it was always an option, and usually the easier one at that.

#16When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:22 am


Aki looked over at Eaon, and she knew that what she was about to say may start a fight between the two of them, she looked at him up and down as she slowly spoke "It is time for me to leave the Soul Society, I feel as if I am a prisoner trapped with no way out, I have to leave because if what I am going to become, I will not be wanted, I know now what it is I am meant to do. This is all I can tell you. " she looks at Eaon watching for his reaction, as she stands ready to defend herself.

#17When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:27 am


Aki had trusted Eaon and now they were in a rather tense rather dark moment. What to do, what to do? Eaon could understand Aki's concerns, he really could, and he didn't think the Shinigami had a right to keep them there. So maybe it was okay to just let Aki leave? Some circles considered it treason for a Captain to just abandon post and then go parade around the World of the Living or where ever she wanted to go. Still, if she didn't want to be in the Seireitei any more who was Eaon to blame her?

Eaon leaned back as he thought, and didn't notice has his fingers sank into the water lightly brushing along Aki's back. Until he decided to speak finally. Eaon thought quickly, because it was what he enjoyed to do. Multiple situations, multiple outcomes. All required thoughts, and Eaon preferred to think than to act...usually.

"I was an Assassin. I killed many men, evil men too powerful to arrest, but too dangerous to be left unchecked. I thought I was an agent of justice, that if I stained my soul with blood maybe one day the world would be a better place." Eaon spoke quietly. He didn't need to go into details. Eaon was a genius swordsmen, in his opinion the most skilled in the entire Seireitei. Zanjutsu was a joke to him, Hakuda and easy kill. Kido was annoying, but if you didn't rely on fancy magic or your own raw power, Eaon could usually kill you. "I wish I'd never picked up a sword, so Aki your secret is safe with me. For now, I will follow orders if I'm told to go after you though. So don't get caught."

#18When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:05 pm


"Well if you are told to come after me, it would be wise not to, trust me, the last person that came after me was not in the best of shape after I was done with them" Aki said as she looked over at Eaon. She knew that something was bothering him, however she did not want to seem rude or insensitive and try to force him into telling her what it was. She sat back into the water and looked up at the sky wondering what it was that her life was going to be like, if she went through with what she decided would she be happy, or would she regret it and want to come back to the SS. Unsure as to what it was she just sat there and looked at the sky enjoying what time she would have left.

#19When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:03 am


"Sorry Captain, but I hate to break it to you, most of your fellow Captains wouldn't be able to stand toe to toe with me. I'd kill them before they ever even made it to Shikai. I'm the best swordsmen in the entire Seireitei." Eaon said as he went back to his relatively uninterested state in things. There was no reason concerning himself with Aki now, hell the most he should care would be in hoping she left the Hot Spring first so he could see her naked.

Still that wasn't like Eaon, he didn't care about people that much. A body was something that could be sliced through in less than the blink of an eye. Eaon was someone who could just kill anyone and that devalued everyone's lives around him. He also got the feeling Aki relied too much on her Kidou and Zanpakutou's strength to be a challenge. Eaon saw no value in such people. The most deadly forced Eaon held was himself and that was the way he liked it.

"So I guess random question time, You chose to lounge around Naked. Not worried about people spying on you?" Eaon asked curiously, he wanted a less than dark change of subject and awwkardness usually did the trick with most people.

#20When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] - Page 2 Empty Re: When The Lights Are Down [[OPEN]] Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:54 am


"I could care less if someone decided to spy on my while I was naked relaxing, because when it came down to it, I would be able to handle my own, I don't need my sword or my kido to defend myself. They only help out when I want to toy with people." she said as she looked over at Eaon, placing her hand on his shoulder and slowly moved it down to his chest " Besides I have a way of making most people stand down" she said as she came in close as if to kiss him.

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