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#1Is he really strolling right in!? [Open] Empty Is he really strolling right in!? [Open] Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:01 pm


Like before soul soceity was shrouded in darkness and there seemed to always be guards just patrolling the area another senkaimon opened up and the non-stealthy Masamune Date walked right in like he owned the place though his reiatsu was completely hidden didn't change the fact that he was dressed in vibrant colors of sorts, he looked around with those purple hues of his while his hands laid dipped in his jacket pocket and having been for the fact that if he were not wearing flip flops perhaps the most loudest foot wear someone could possibly buy he would be fine despite those colors he wore

He began to stroll down the middle of the road those who did see him did not even have to blink as he vanished from thin air with a simple sonido he was heading right for the fifth barracks in search of something of value, it was another scroll that was taken from the Divine family and the Thirteen Court Guards had seemed to have been grabbing hold of them left and right, he expected a welcoming party just for him and nothing less as he walked into the outer part of the barracks he looked around for any signs of a thread, tried picking up Reiatsu signature's in the air but yet found nothing.

Shortly after he began to walk into the inner region where he would lean himself against a wall and yawn waiting lazily for someone to pass by before he made his move, that sonido of his however gave away his position and all of soul society was alerted of an intruder people passed by the barracks but did not come in, those who did did not see him and could not sense as he were crouched against a wall completely hidden by both the moon and any light looking to give his position away. "Oh real nice job Masa, you avoid a few guards and give your position away.." His mind yelled out at him before shaking his head and waiting.


Hikaru had been in his office doing tons of paperwork. Seems like that was all he did lately. He wondered if the Captain Commanded had it in for him due to the rumors that he was a vizard. He was, of course, but he'd deny it unless someone had proof. That 6th Division Captain had none. He contiued to work hard and smiled has she finished up his paperwork. Just as he was standing up and stretching he heard a disturbance out in the courtyard. He left the Captain's quarters where he does his paperwork and walks out the the courtyard. He looks around to see if he can find out the reason for the disturbance.


Well it seemed no one else was coming and his crouching there was slowly putting him to sleep using his hands as support on the knee's stood and up and slowly walked within the barracks rooms and began to look around, though he was lazy he wasn't one to just go in and mess up places where he picked up things he'd place them back as they were when he saw them, that was something he always specialized in he had a photographic memory as well as an Edictic memory, where he could remember where something was he could always remember back in the past the events that took place and describe them word for word

Nearing the next corridor he entered it and looked around again making sure that each door he entered he didn't disturb anyone that may have been sleeping mind Akuma Semi was on the back of his waist he made extra sure that he didn't bump into anything with him, his lazy eyes veered to the left and right of him as he had found the scroll and walked over to it, for some reason the flip flops of his had silenced themselves even with the speed he was walking but something didn't feel right like something was watching him, keeping their eyes on him, he took the scroll anyways and tucked it into a sack which he placed on his back and turned before stopping again.


Hikaru had picked up on very slight sounds throuh out the squad barracks. He goes and checks them out but finds nothing. Blowing it off he returns to the Captains office only to see someone leaving the office. Hikaru only hoped it was not someone leaving him more paperwork for him to do. He walked over the Masamune and said, "Hey, what are you doing there?"


Masa saw the person knowing full well he would have his cover blown, If anyone looked at his attire they'd know he was not from soul society to them and his blade should have given enough information for people to know who he was from the past but he did not want to keep this person waiting for an answer for all he knew he could be like the sixth division, all for justice and all that crap and so he replied, "I am just here to grab a scroll Soul Society took." He went silent and slapped his face with the palm of his hand only shortly after

He had given away his motive like it was candy being handed out on a cold holloween night, his hand slowly left his face as he glanced to the person lazily and began to walk hoping he would just leave it alone and let Masamune walk right on out, that was what he was hoping but had a feeling that this was going to go south very quickly.


Hikaru looked over Masa and realized he was not dressed like normal. He looked him over carefully and listened to what he had to say. He watched Masa quietly for a moment as he slapped his face. Feeling that something was a bit off, Hikaru felt it might be better to ask him what was going on. "I was given that scroll to hold on to. I was told not to let anyone have it. Please hand the scroll back and I'll let you leave with no further problems."


Masa was on his way out the door before he was stopped in his tracks by Hikaru, glancing back at him he heard the authority in his voice start to take hold Masa only blinked twice and looked to the pack the scroll was in before looking back to Hikaru, "I am sorry I am afraid I cannot do that." Masa replied before continuing to walk out the door getting to the outside area of the inner barracks, looking around and to the moon as he yawned again

Masa wasn't one for fighting but would defend himself at any cost if things got out of hand, he looked back to make sure the shinigami wasn't behind before looking forward again getting ready to open a senkaimon he knew it wasn't going to be this easy but he figured he would give it a try and make an attempt at escaping before anything else.


Hikaru knew this would not be easy, but he knew whathe must do. He had to get that scroll back or end up being in serious trouble. He watches as Masa walks past and towards the inner barracks. He followed, gathering fire in his hands. He soon sent this out at Masa as he stoped. He then drew his sword and came around to face Masa. "Just where do you think your going? I said give me the scroll back. I mean it. Give it back now."


Masa was yet again stopped and knew then and there that this shinigami was going to fight to the end to get this scroll back well that wasn't really the case for Masamune he just wanted to get this thing, get out of SS and go to sleep nothing more nothing less but he sighed and took a few steps back before turning and walking the other way the last thing he wanted to do was hurt this kid, if he had to use one of his two commands well then so be it but other than that, nothing more.


Hikaru starts to follow Masa. "You sure don't listen very well. Hand over the scroll or else. Just hand it over already." He then sends out a few more fire balls to land before where Masa was stepping. Hikaru was begining to get fustrated with this guys lack of respect. "Hand it over I say." he says as the fire roars directly before Masa.

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