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Masa was being trailed and he looked back behind him only to see The shinigami hot on his trail a huge sweat drop formed on the back of his head as he sped up a little faster but suddenly felt warm, he looked to the sky but saw no sun and it was rather chilly tonight he looked behind him and blinked lazily only before shunpo'ing behind The shinigami, being at his level his speed was quite fast one didn not even have to blink to see him vanish

As he has made his appearance behind this male he ran off and around the corner then around another corner and another it was beginning to turn into a wild goose chase for this shinigami, but it was a little bit of fun for Masa dodging officials here and there jumping over walls every which way he could until the young man got exhausted, it was here that Masa began to understand why he was so annoying to many others, he was such an asshole.


Hikaru had lost track of Masa after he shunpo'd behind him. Hikaru had missed that Masa had left and was a little to late to see where the man had gone. Hikaru had jumped up on one of the walls and soon spotted Masa not far off. The chase was then back on but soon Hikaru began to get tired. He wondered if this scroll was even worth it. It really was not his to guard since he was not the 5th Division Captain. He wondered if he should just stop chasing the man. Knowing he'd be in trouble if he did not he continued his chase.

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