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#1Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) Empty Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:44 am



Who are you?

    Name:  Mizuko Ichikawa
    Alias: None
    Age: 285
    Age of Appearance: 19
    Gender: Female
    Race/Species: Shinigami
    Character Alignment: Good, but easily persuaded.

    Appearance: Mizuko stands at 4’9” tall.  She weighs about 120 pounds and her skin is a pure white color.  There are a few scars on her from her various battles, mostly hidden.  Her hair is short and a light blond color that falls to about her ears.  Her eyes are a sapphire blue and look almost water-like when you look deep into them.  She can be seen, at various times, with water flowing around her or dancing around her.  This is the use of her Hatsuden, something she is still working to master.  

    Mizuko does look a little pudgy around the middle due to the excessive amount of sweets she eats.  She does not work out as often as needed to keep a thin build.  Her arms are muscular due to the training she has had to become a good fencer.  Her legs are a bit chubby, but no so much as to slow her down.  She, overall, looks like she could match a Cabbage Patch doll if she were the same size, well, sorta.

    Style/Clothing: Mizuko's Shinigami outfit looks almost traditional. The top is the normal black with the white underneath. The sleeves flow down her arms to her wrists and somewhat cover her hands a bit as if the top is a little too long. The bottom looks like she is wearing a dress instead of pants like most wear. It is black and goes down to her feet and the white can be seen just barely down at the bottom. She wears white socks and the traditional shoes that everyone else wears. Her Zanpakuto lies on her left hip and she has a white shoulder bag that lies on her left shoulder, the bag falling at her right hip.  

    When she is not in her shinigami uniform she is in a loose fitting pair of black jeans that come down to her ankles.  She also wears a loose fitting white shirt that says "Dragons are awsome."  It also has a picture of a dragon on it above the lettering.  She adds to this a pair of blue sneakers the bear no brandiing.  One item she just can't be without, no matter what, is her shoulder bag.  She'll have this on her when not in her shinigami outfit as well.

    Tattoo's/Scars/Etc: Though not normally visible Mizuko does have a dragon tattoo on her right calf.  It appeared one day just has her Hatsuden did.

    Personality: Mizuko is a friendly person once you get to know her. Depending on if your male or female she will treat you differently the first time you meet her.  For males, if she feels that you may betray her or hurt her when she first meets you she may seem distant and uncaring.  She may ignore or stay away from you unless she needs to follow what you say in order to do her job.  If she feels you may be very friendly, she will warm up to you quickly and become a loyal friend.  She will be somewhat shy to almost any male she meets till she gets to know them better.  She is this way due to the number of times she has been hurt by different males she has meet in her past.  If you are a female she will be friendly to you, though may be somewhat shy at first.  Once she gets to know you she will become a loyal friend with you as well. She sticks up for any close friends she has and will fight by your side no matter what if you ask her to. Betray her and she will never speak with you again, no matter what.  She does not take kindly to those who are out to harm her in any way and will distance herself from you if she feels you are out to harm her.  She will, however, give you the benefit of the doubt at first and listen to what you have to say before making her choice.

    (For Likes, Dislikes, Ambitions, etc, go for 1-3 sentences per point, more if you wish.)


    • It’s fair to say that Mizuko does not just like but she loves Chocolate.  She carries some with her at all times and has been known to eat a piece when she fights to give her a small boost of sugary courage.

    • Mizuko also likes any type of candy.  She tries to carry some other candy on her at all times, but normally fails and has to buy more in the human world.

    • Mizuko does like to make friends.  It may not seem like it but she does.

    • Mizuko likes a nice, cool, rainy day.  She loves to feel the rain on her hair.  It relaxes her.

    • Mizuko loves to swim.  When she was alive she detested the idea of swimming.  Now she can’t think of anything better to do in her spare time but swim.

    • Mizuko likes to show people stories using her Hatsuden.  She even helps cool people down on a hot day if needed.  Though she is still learning, she likes to use her Hatsuden to be able to get better control over it.


    • Like most little children, Mizuko hates vegetables.  The only one she’ll eat and not complain about is corn, but it has to be on a cob or as popcorn.  

    • Mizuko hates men who say one thing and then do another or betray a person.  Not women, only men.  This comes from a prior relation she she had.

    • Hot, sunny days.  If it’s to hot outside she’d rather stay in and read a good book.  If she needs to travel she’ll do it, but she prefers not to.

    • Though Mizuko likes candy she hates licorice.  The taste of it makes her sick.  This is the only candy she will turn away.

    • Mizuko does not like to see her friends get hurt.  It pained her to attack her friends during her betrayal of the Soul Society.


    • Mizuko does want to eventually become stronger and gain her Bankai.  She knows this will take time and is willing to work hard to achieve it.

    • Mizuko hopes to one day find her true love.  A man who will treat her with respect and not leave her for any reason.

    • Mizuko hopes to become a master at using her Hatsuden and can be seen practicing it all the time.


    • Mizuko is strong against the elements of water and ice being a water and ice user.  She won’t take as much damage from these types of attacks.

    • She is very friendly, almost to a fault.  She’d make friends with an enemy if she didn’t know they were enemies.

    • Mizuko can be somewhat light on her feet.  This may make her seem faster than most, though only just slightly.  This comes from her training as a fencer.

    • Mizuko is quick to follow the orders of any commanding officer.  She will not talk back unless she feels a strong need to.

    • Mizuko does have a strong swordsmanship background due to her previously being a fencer when she was alive.

    Fears & Weaknesses:

    • Mizuko fears that she will knowingly betray the Soul Society once more.

    • Mizuko is elementally weak to Fire as that is the opposite to ice.

    • Mizuko is elementally weak to Lighting as that is the opposite to water.

    • Mizuko is afraid to get to close to any man due to her fear that he will betray her once more.  If you are a man it will take time for her to trust you under most circumstances.

    • Mizuko is afraid to be alone.  She does not want to loose her friends or anyone close to her.

    Battle Specs

    List of 'Known' Skills:

    Fighting Style: Mizuko is a close to midrange fighter.  She’ll stay up close when using her sword and back off to a mid-long range area to be able to use her elemental attacks.

    When in training Mizuko tends to take her work serious.  She’ll do her best to focus on the task at hand and the thing she is training for.  She’ll do her best to train hard and will fight with all her might to achieve her goal.  If she does not reach her goal  for any reason she’ll rest and then keep trying till she’s got it down.  She is not one to give up on training very easy.

    When fighting with someone on equal grounds she will do her best to make an opening for her to get in close and attack quickly.  She is more focused on her speed and trying to dodge attacks than giving attacks.  She will also try to stay back and use her long range attacks as opposed to getting in close.   She will also work to stay close to a water source should she need to use it to help with her attacks.   She will do her best to try and conserve her energy for one good attack once the other person has grown tired.

    When fighting with someone who is weaker than her she will try to take her time in battle.  She will do this so that the person may have a chance to learn a technique or skill they may have been wanting to use.  She use her speed to dodge the attacks when able to and will do her best to return attacks.  When she returns the attacks she will hold back on her power so as to prolong it.  She feels that by doing this the person will gain knowledge and experience.  When she feels the battle has lasted long enough she will work quick to end it.

    When she is fighting someone stronger than she is she will work to use some of her less used skills and attacks to make them stronger.  She will try to end the battle quickly.  If she finds she will not win no matter what she will work to quickly get out of the battle.  If that does not work she will do her best to call for help from any close by friends.    When all else fails she will do her best to try and talk her way out of the fight if possible.

    Personal Abilities:

      (Shinigami may not start with more than ONE personal ability. Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character. They are obtained at birth or through freak occurrences. These cannot be things you would able to teach others or simply obtain through hard work along.)

      Name:  Hatsuden

     Mizuko has the ability to control water and can use the water in the air. This does use spirit energy and prolonged use does wear her out. The control of the water normally is for defence but can be used in offence as well. The use of water only lessens the damage taken, depending on type and strengh of the attack. If the attack is water based it may do no damage at all depending on what tier the attacker is. For attack, it can varry from an annoying sting (Like a spit wad hit) to a bruse depending on her mood for the most part. When she uses this attack her eyes glow a sapphire blue. This takes one post to charge before use, unless she is very angry then it can be right away. This ability aslo takes two posts to charge in a social thread.  Mizuko also does not have the ability to control other water users attacks. She is able to use the water in the area to make her own attacks, just not the water from the enemy.  The ability, when used in a social thread, is more like a show rather than an attack but the figures are basic ones with little detail.  When in an attack thread it will be used mainly to help draw water in the area to aid in the attack.  There is a 3 meter limit on where she can draw the water  from.

    General Techniques:

    (Shinigami may NOT start with more than four general techniques. Techniques are not extra abilities, but rather, skills which use your abilities in more extreme forms beyond their basic use. For example... let's say I can shoot fire from my fingers. A technique might be gathering a whole bunch of fire for a few minutes and then shooting a fire-laser from my fingers, doing much more damage than what my ability normally would on it's own. Other special or basic techniques using your normal control over your spiritual energy can also be added here, like adding reiatsu to your punches to inflict more damage, and things like that. Think of abilities as special powers - and think of techniques as moves which use the powers you already have. These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.)
    These are not used for extra shikai or bankai techniques, elemental techniques, extra abilities and powers.
    Limit 4.

      Technique Name:  Mizuko does not have any as of  yet.  She may have some in the future when she masters her Hatsuden more.

      Shinigami's Partner

      Zanpakuto Name:  Selece
      Zanpakuto Element: Water/ice
      Sealed Weapon Appearance:  It looks like a normal sword like everyone carries.  It is 24” in length.  The blade is a duel sided blade with a blue guard and a hilt.  The sheath is a midnight blue and can sometimes seem as if it is flowing like water does.

      Spirit Appearance: Selece is a large, blue dragon. He stands about 10 feet tall and has a wing spand of about 20 feet. His underbelly is a cream color and he looks a bit intimidating at first. He has an alternate view he uses in which he appears to be a large, mechanical robot. He is, however, very much able to control himself The robot like Selece is about 6'5" tall. His amour is blue and silver in color and he mainly uses this version of himself when he is training with Mizuko.

      Spirit Personality:  Selece is like an authoritative person in Mizuko’s life.  He’s the one who helps shape and mold her to the best of his abilities when they are training in her inner world.  He tries to help Mizuko see right from wrong but she does not always listen to him.  He is her shoulder to cry on and someone whom she can tell everything to.  

      Inner World:  


      Mizkuo’s inner world is like a cave where Selece lays.  There is a walkway in the middle surrounded by two pools of water.  There is a door that leads outside that leads to a large, never ending lake.  Most of the interactions happen in the main room which is in the cave.  All is colored blue and green.  (see picture above.)

      Shikai Release Phrase: Rain down from the heavens and crush our enemies, Selece.

      Shikai Appearance:

      Mizuko's zanpakuto changes to a rapier that has a thin blade that looks to be made of water. Though it looks like water it is quite strong and can take a good hit.  The sword itself can take quite a bit of damage but is not completely unbreakable.  Those in a lower tier would not be able to break it while those in a higher tier would have the best chance through continued high power attacking.  Those in an equal tier would have a chance, but it would mostly depend on their strength as compared to Mizuko's defense.  The hilt of the sword is blue and fits her hand like it was made for her.  The guard trails out on either side of the hilt and looks almost like the tails of a dragon.  Also just above the hilt is a blue jewel that glows when she uses her water/ice attacks.  It's almost as tall as she is, 4'7" tall, since she is smaller than most Shinigami

      Shikai Abilities:

      (Shinigami may start with ONE shikai ability; you may have two shikai abilities only if you can get the tier of 3-3 or stronger. If you have two anyway and fail to get that tier, you will simply have to lock one of the abilities so you can't use them until you hit the appropriate rank. Shikai abilities are only usable in Shikai - they do not apply in bankai or your sealed form.)

        Name:  It has no name

       Mizuko’s ability helps enhance her Hatsuden by allowing the area she draws water from to increase by 1 meter.  It also allows her to have a slightly more defined shape on some of the items she creates with the water, but only to just draw the attention away from a friend who may be getting ready to attack.  There is no actual attack from the shapes.

      Shikai Techniques: (Shinigami are allowed to start with no more than SIX shikai techniques)

        Technique Name:  Water Dragon
        Technique Description:

        She calls for energy and gathers water in the area around her index finger or her sword. If there is not much water in the immidiate area she will use her Hatsuden to call water from a distance to her.  Once she has a sufficent amount she sends out that water towards her enemy. As it comes towards the enemy the water takes on the shape of a dragons head with the body following being the rest of the water. It lasts for 1 post and can't be used again for 4 posts.  There is no charge time to use this attack unless she needs to call the water.  If she needs to call the water from somewhere else this will take one post to charge.

        Technique Effect Chart:

        *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

        Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The attack will knock the enemy back, hard, knocking them down and soaking them and causing broken bones and deep gashes.
        Opponent is One Tier Lower: The attack will knock the enemy back, knocking them down and soaking them and causing deep, heavy scratches, broken bones and bruising.  
        Opponent is Equal Tier: The attack will knock the enemy down and soak them causing many deep scratches and some large bruising.  
        Opponent is One Tier Higher: The attack will knock the enemy down and soak them causing many scratches and bruising.  
        Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:

       This attack will knock the enemy down and soak them, causing light bruising.  

      Technique Name: Sapphire Whirlwind
      Technique Description:

      Mizuko holds out her hands and begins to gather water on her index fingers.  As she starts to gather the water she begins to turn around, raising hands above her head as she does.  Once she has fully turned around she can send this attack in any direction she may need.  Directions include but are not limited to directly in front of her, above her, and to either side. What is sent out is a spiral of water right towards the enemy, between the enemy and a friend, or at an enemies attack. Sapphire Whirlwind can knock you back into objects or push you away from Mizuko. It can also act as a type of barrier between the attacker and someone else being attacked. This attack is more defensive than offensive but can be used as an attack should the need arise. Can't use again for 4 posts and there is no charge time.

      Technique Effect Chart:

      *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: there is a 90% chance that the attack will block the enemies attack and, if used offensively, will push the enemy back into a building or object, causing damage such as broken bones, bruises and scrapes, and will get them wet.
      Opponent is One Tier Lower:there is a 70% chance that the attack will block the enemies attack and, if used offensively, will push the enemy back into a building or object, causing damage such as broken bones, bruises and scrapes, and will get them wet.
      Opponent is Equal Tier: there is a 50% chance that the attack will block the enemies attack and, if used offensively, will push the enemy back, possibily into a building or an object, causing bruising and scratching, and get them wet.
      Opponent is One Tier Higher: there is a 35% chance that the attack will block the enemies attack and, if used offensively, will push the enemy back, possibily into a building or an object, causing bruising and scratching, and get them wet.
      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:

    there is a 25% chance that the attack will block the enemies attack and, if used offensively, will slightly push the enemy back, mostly getting them wet.

    Technique Name:  Sensatsu Suishou
    Technique Description:

    An attack where she draws water from the area above the enemy by raising her hand. She then freezes it into thin, needle like projectiles. She then lowers her hand the projectiles fly downward towards the enemy. At one time she can call no more than 100 of the needles. Any more and they will be thin and easy to break, causing little to no damage. The fewest number she will call upon is 25. At this many they can be as strong as a regular needle. The more she calls up, the thinner and easier to break they are. Can't use again for 5 posts.

    Technique Effect Chart:

    *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: There is a no chance that the attack will miss. The attack will cause deep cuts to different parts of the bodies, and a stinging feeling from where the needles hit.  
    Opponent is One Tier Lower: There is a slight chance that the attack will miss. The attack will cause deep cuts to different parts of the bodies, and a stinging feeling from where the needles hit.  
    Opponent is Equal Tier: There is an equal chance that the attack will miss. The attack will cause much scratching, and a stinging feeling from where the needles hit.  
    Opponent is One Tier Higher: There is an equal chance that the attack will miss. The attack will cause moderate scratching, and a stinging feeling from where the needles hit.  
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:
 There is a decent chance that the attack will miss. The attack will mostly cause scratching and a small stinging feeling from where the needles hit.  

Technique Name: Water Bullet
Technique Description:

Mizuko uses her Hatsuden and the water in the area to gather a large sphere of water directly before her.  From this she forms multiple,  thick globs of water which then changes to the shape of a bullet, no more than 50 bullets at a time.  She then fires them at any enemies within a radius of 50 feet.  There is no charge for this attack and it has a 2 post cool down.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: There is a slim chance that the attack will miss. The attack will cause deep cuts to different parts of the bodies, and a stinging feeling from where the water bullets hit.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: There is a small chance that the attack will miss. The attack will cause cuts to different parts of the bodies, and a stinging feeling from where the water bullets hit.
Opponent is Equal Tier:  There is a general chance that the attack will miss. The attack will cause medium scratching, and a stinging feeling from where the water bullets hit.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: There is a decent chance that the attack will miss. The attack will cause light scratching, and a stinging feeling from where the water bullets hit.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:[/list] There is a good chance that the attack will miss. The attack will mostly cause light scratching and a small stinging feeling from where the water bullets hit.

Technique Name:  Water Prism Blizzard
Technique Description:

Mizuko uses her Hatsuden to help with this attack. Mizuko closes her eyes and concentrates for a moment. When she opens them again her eyes are glowing a sapphire blue. She then sticks her Zanpakuto into the ground and uses that as a focal point to draw a ball of water near her. Once she has a decent sized ball she sends it out towards the enemy. It covers the enemy in a bubble like prism that is hollow except for the person(s) inside. The prism is size of a small building. Once covered by the prism a giant blizzard forms, covering the person(s) inside quickly with snow, partially filling up the dome. Once the blizzard stops the pack of snow hardens into a block of ice, freezing the person(s) inside for the duration of the technique. If the person is of a higher tier than Mizuko they may, if caught in the dome, have the ability to break out. Mizuko can not use this attack again at all during the reminder of the battle as it uses quite a bit of her spirit energy. She also will rarely us this technique as it is new to her and uses most of her energy.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: there is a slim to no chance that it will miss. If the attack hits it will last for 3 posts. The attack, if it hits, will cover the person up to their head. Once the snow hardens into ice, Mizuko slashes her sword down, breaking the ice and causing major scratches, cuts, and heavy bruising.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: There is a slim chance that it will miss. If the attack hits it will last for 3 posts. The attack, if it hits, will cover the person up to their head. Once the snow hardens into ice, Mizuko slashes her sword down, breaking the ice and causing deep scratches, cuts, and moderate bruising.
Opponent is Equal Tier: the attack has a slight chance that it will miss. If the attack hits, it will last for two posts. The attack, if it hits, will cover the person up to the middle of their chest. Once the snow hardens into ice, Mizuko slashes her sword down, breaking the ice and causing scratches, some cuts, and bruising.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The attack has a general chance that it will miss. If the attack hits, it will last for two posts. The attack, if it hits, will cover the person up to the middle of their chest. Once the snow hardens into ice, Mizuko slashes her sword down, breaking the ice and causing scratches and bruising.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:[/list] The attack has a good chance that it will miss completely. If the attack hits, it will last for 1 post. The attack, if it hits, will cover the person up to the middle of their chest. Once it hardens into ice, if they do not break out, Mizuko slashes her sword down, breaking the ice and causing light scratches and light bruising.


(You may posses up to 10 hadou and 10 bakudo. You may give up some of one for the other for example, a character with 5 hadou and 15 bakudou. Custom Kidou also go here. Spells do not have tier comparison charts as their power varies greatly depending on the caster. YOU MAY ONLY START WITH 1 CUSTOM KIDO. The exception is if you are starting as a kidou corp member. Then you may start with 3 custom spells.)

Spell Name: Sai
Spell Type: Bakudo
Spell Number: 1
Spell Incantation: None known
Spell Effect: One needs only to point their index finger at the target and call the name of the spell.  This bakudo can be used on one target or a large group of people.  Mizuko is able to use it on a group of no more than 5 people at a time.

Spell Name: Hainawa
Spell Type: Bakudo
Spell Number: 4
Spell Incantation: None known
Spell Effect:  This attack binds the enemy with a rope that is made out of Reishi.  This rope will stop their movement by entangling itself around the targets arms and body.  To use this attack Mizuko will create a crackling yellow energy rope.  This is what she throws at the target to entrap them.

Spell Name: Seki
Spell Type: Bakudo
Spell Number: 8
Spell Incantation: None known.
Spell Effect:  Mizuko uses her Reishi to generate a blue orb of light.  This orb of  light blocks attacks and repels anything that may strike it.

Spell Name: Sekienton
Spell Type: Bakudo
Spell Number: 21
Spell Incantation: unknown incantation
Spell Effect: Mizuko will place the palms of her hands on the ground.  After a moment a red smoke will a burst from the point of contact and engulf the area with smoke.  It is red in color and briefly obscures the movements of anyone caught in the smoke.  This allows Mizuko to make a quick escape if needed.

Spell Name: Kyokko
Spell Type: Bakudo
Spell Number: 26
Spell Incantation: unknown
Spell Effect: When Mizuko uses this she is able to hide both her physical from and Reiatsu by bending the light.  Mizuko will not use this often as she is still learning to use and control it.

Spell Name: Enkosen
Spell Type: Bakudo
Spell Number: 39
Spell Incantation: no known incantation
Spell Effect: This Bakudo is mainly used for defense and can be used by either Mizukos hands or her Zanpakuto.  When used the spell generates a dull yellow energy that looks like a spinning shield or disk made out of condensed reiatsu.  This is formed in front of Mizuko and blocks an opponents attack.

Spell Name: Rikujokoro
Spell Type: Bakudo
Spell Number: 61
Spell Incantation: Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!
Spell Effect: This spell is used to immobilize an enemy with six spiritual bands.  Mizuko will point her finger at the target and say the incantation.  This will generate a spark of yellow energy that summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into the targets midsection.  This holds the target in place and they are unable to move any part of their body.  This includes the parts which were not struck by the beams.  Mizuko would normally use spell soon after using Hainawa since the six beams of light can be made from the light already used by the spell.

Spell Name: Sajo Sabaku
Spell Type: Bakudo
Spell Number: 63
Spell Incantation: unknown
Spell Effect: This spell is a bit hard for Mizuko to use but is similar to Hainawa in that she will create a very thick rope from the yellow energy she creates and ensnare the target with it.  To create this rope she will raise her palm to the target and close her hand into a fist.  This spell will bind the upper body of the target.  According to Hachigen Ushoda, physical strength alone should not be enough to break out of a level 60 Bakudo spell.

Spell Name: Sho
Spell Type: Hadou
Spell Number: 1
Spell Incantation: Unknown
Spell Effect: Mizuko will hold up her hand and pointer her index finger at the target.  A small amount of energy will be dispelled from the tip of her index finger with enough force to thrust a considerable amount of kinetic energy at the target.  This will cause the target to be pushed back a few feet from the caster.

Spell Name: Byakurai
Spell Type: Hadou
Spell Number: 4
Spell Incantation: Unknown
Spell Effect: Mizuko will gather high-density spiritual energy.  She will this discharge this from both hands.  An alternative way to use this attack is for Mizuko to point her index finger at her targer and generate a concentrated bolt of lighting to use against him or her.  She won’t use this attack often since it may be weaker than a normal Byakurai due to it being opposite of her element of water and ice.

Spell Name: Shakkaho
Spell Type: Hadou
Spell Number: 31
Spell Incantation: Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!
Spell Effect: This spell has different uses and can vary depending on how much energy is used.  Mizuko will generate high-temperature flames either on her finger tips or in the palm of her hands.  The energy generated will range from a small orb to a large orb.  This destruction caused by this can either be small or large depending on the size of the orb and amount of energy used.  No matter the power the spell causes concussive as well as burn damage.

Spell Name: Okasen
Spell Type: Hadou
Spell Number: 32 (customized)
Spell Incantation: Unknown
Spell Effect: Mizuko actually uses this spell but not in the usual way.  She has adapted it a bit to suit her elemental affinity.  Instead of calling forth yellow energy like most due she will call forth blue energy along the length of her sword.  Once she has fully charged it she will widen the orb along the length of the sword and fire it outward as a horizontal blast in a wide arc of blue energy.  Due to the variation she is only able to create it when holding her sword rather than with either her sword or hands like most.

Spell Name: Sokatsui
Spell Type: Hadou
Spell Number: 33
Spell Incantation: Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws.
Spell Effect: Mizuko gathers energy in the palm of her hand which then turns into a blue flame.  She then aims the palm of her hand at the target and discharges this in either a direct blast or a large wave of energy depending on the amount of power placed into it.  Mizuko is not versed enough to have much effect on a person who is using attacks at the same level as Bankai.

Spell Name: Tenran
Spell Type: Hadou
Spell Number: 58
Spell Incantation: Unknown
Spell Effect: Mizuko will take her Zanpakuto and levitate it.  She will then tap the end and cause it to spin like a fan.  Then she will reach out and catch the end of her sword causing the spinning to stop.  This creates a widening tornado-like blast which is fired toward the target.

Tell me your story...

History:(The minimum here is 3 paragraphs)

Mizuko was born to a small family.  She was an only child and grew up happily.  She got most things that she wanted due to being an only child.  Her father was a politician and traveled a lot.  At times, during her breaks from school, she would travel with him.  She got her love of fencing one day when she was with her father.  They had been invided to attend a fencing match while in England.  Mizuko enjoyed this much and her father noticed this.  He hired a tutor and soon Mizuko became the best in Japan, winning multiple titles.  She did travel to Europe and other areas on occasion to compete, but did not win to many awards.

It was during a match that Mizuko had lost her life.  It was the final match to determine who was best in all of Japan.  Mizuko, after a 3 year hiatus to have her children, had made a wondeful comeback and made it to the final match.  The person she was facing had won during the 3 years that Mizuko had been gone.  It was an epic match with the lead going back and forth between the two girls when the challenger accidentally missed placed her attack and knicked a major artery in her neck. They worked quickly to stop the bleeding and rushed her to the hospital.  She died while at there due to her loosing too much blood.

She woke up a short time later.  She looked around and wondered why everyone around her was sad and crying.  She walked over to her husband and children and tried to talk to them or touch them and found they didn't respond and her hands went right through them.  After a short time she saw the chain of fate hanging from her chest and realized she was dead.  Once she realized she was dead she the felt the need to stay around her home and keep an eye on her friends and family. While doing this she found that her husband never liked her and had only married her due to her family's influence and the money her family had. Once she found that out she was happy that she set it up to where only her 3 children would get any money should she die an untimely death. Her ex-husband and her children left soon after he remarried since he found another job elsewhere. Due to the strain of emotions she felt from them leaving  and him betraying her love she became on the verge of becomming a hollow. That was when a Shinigami performed a Knoso on her, sending her to the Soul Society. She does not know to this day who it was that performed the Konso.

Once in the Soul Society she found it hard survive.  She found life there different than was she was used to and struggled to get by. During this time was when she meet Hikaru Shibata, a male Vizard in hiding.  He was in Division 5 and was not a seated member at that time. He felt really bad when he saw her struggling. Though she was not the main reason he had been sent there, he took it upon himself  and began to look after her like a brother would a sister. She started off by living in the Kusajishi area of the Rukongai. Hikaru taught her how to survive in that area and basic defence.  Some time after that Hikaru was assigned to a different task.  Mizuko then ended up joining a group of people who where younger. They kinda looked up to her like she was a sister to them. She taught them the same things that Hikaru had taught her and the group survived together.

To survive she stole food for her and the group. By doing this she became an adept theif. She was able to steal from even the most causious of merchants and not get caught.  She was the best one in her group.  She was, at one point, almost caught by a member of the Stealth Force.  She was able to avoid this by paying for the item with some change she had found one day.  

Eventually the group wondered over to another area where this one family lived. It was rumored that they had lots of valuable treasure inside of the house. The younger ones, one day had dared her to steal something from the house. She was not sure she wanted to as she normally only stole what she needed at the time. The younger ones kept begging her and so she did it to keep them quiet. When she first looked around the house she didn't realy find anything special. As she was getting ready to leave she passed by this sword. It didn't look special due to being old looking and a bit rusted. However, something inside her told her to grab it. Just then a member of the household spotted her.  She made her way out the window as quick as she could.  The family member just missed grabbing her as she left. She ran off and all the person saw was her back. The family, in an attempt to find Mizuko, asked around the area to see if anyone could put a name to the description they had. One of the members of the group knew Mizuko was whom they were asking about and gave them her name. To this day they still search for her, but mainly by name since they don't have much of a description.

Once she was away from the house and out of sight she took a moment to catch her breath and look at the sword. She watched as it changed from a rusted, ugly sword to the beautiful, shiny sword she now carries. It looked like a regular, 24" sword to her. As she looked over the sword she knew, somehow, that she must keep it hidden. A few days later she discovered she was able to control water. She found it mostly by mistake. One day she was super emotional and her eyes started to glow a sapphire blue. She then noticed that water was being drawn to her. She tested it out just making differnt items, such as animals, with the water. Once she had better control and a better understanding of her new power she began to make her living off this. She stopped, however, when some people began to take advantage of her and wanted to just use her and her power to make a quick buck. She didn't like that idea and eventually moved on to a differnt district. She decided to keep the ability to use water to herself so as to ensure the saftey of herself and the younger ones around her. Eventually the younger ones either died or moved on to other groups.  Some even became Shinigami.

About a year after she took the sword she met one of the members of the family in a dark alley. They had asked her to return the sword back to them. She told them she would not hand over Selece and the person got mad. The person went to attack but she was able to get away quickly. She knew that they only knew her by her name name and not her face. Due to this she decided to use the name Umi Ryuuzki for a time to keep Selece safe. Due to her constant moving around she's never really had a place to call home. She has for the most part kept Selece hidden from the family and was able to start using Jinzen about 2 years before joining the Shinigami Academy. She joined the Academy in hopes to learn to control her sword and power better.

During her time in the Academy she found that normally Shinigami don't get the Zanpakuto's the way she did. She found out later that Selece had received a gift, the water ability Hatsuden, that allowed him to stay after his partner had passed and allowed him to form a bond with someone else. The family she stole it from was hoping that someone in that family would be the next wielder. Instead Selece called out to and formed a bond with Mizuko. It was shortly after finding this out that she went back to using her real name and stoped hiding. Her main reason was that Selece would not lend her his power properly as long as she continued to use her psudo name. She also hoped that someday a member of that family would find her so that she can tell them what happened and hoped that they, and her, can come to an agreement.

While in the Academy she had made a few friends. One, Atsushi Kujo, became very close to her. In fact, she fell in love with him. One day while visiting the real world with Sayuri Kameshima,Atsushi Kujo, and Nakahira Kujo, a powerful man came and grabbed Atsushi and took him to Hueco Mundo. She, and her other two friends, were able to go to Hueco Mundo with the help of a local shinigami merchant. He had made a garganta appear and they went thru. Once there she, and her friends, battled a few Arrancar on there way to find Atsushi. Mizuko, somehow, had been able to defeat the number 8 Espada, Chi-Han.  This drained her terribly and she had to be helped out a bit by Nakahira Kujo.  Once she was feeling better they continued on the search for Atsushi.  Once they found him, however, he said he was not returning with them. Mizuko became upset and asked him the reason why. He said that he was part of the Kujo clan. The Kujo clan was once one of the noble familys. When he and his sister were younger the family mansion was raided. He and his sister watched the slaughter of all the members of thier family. He said that he and his sister struggled after that and that he was mad at the Gotei 13 since it was the members of the Gotei 13 that killed his family. He said that he was joining with the poweful man that took him to get stronger and be able to defeat everyone. Mizuko felt bad for him. She wanted to help him so bad she would do anything. It was then that she joined him and his uncle, saying she was following her heart. They walked thru a garganta and appeared in Karakura Town.

Once there she stood below where the powerful man and his two allies were standing. After the  group was covered by the fire barrier made by the current Captain Commander, she was ordered to take out any lieutenants in the area. The first one she found was the current Lieutenant of Division 10. During their fight, the Lieutenant from Division 10 was joined by the current Lieutenant of Division 5. Mizuko fought and was able to badly injure the Division 10 Lieutenant. Just as she was about to take out the Divison 5 Lieutenant, Hikaru showed up. She was trying to get him to leave the area when one of her friends showed up as well. Sayuri Kameshima was a substiute Soul Reaper and was Mizukos best friend in the Academy besides Atsushi. Sayuri tried to talk some sense into her but Mizuko just kept getting more angry and upset. Eventually she went to attack her friend. Sayuri blocked and was able to easily knock Mizuko out. Once Mizuko came around Sayuri and a few others attempted to get her to come back to thier side.  She thought about it at first and then called Atsushi over to see what his thoughts were.  He only wanted to seek revenge against the Soul Society.  Because she still wanted to help him out she once agian joined on Atsushi's side, ignoring her friends pleeding to stay with her.

She ended up near Atsushi's uncle at one point, Tetsuya Shimazu. The Lieutenant of Division 6 joined up with the two of them and challenged Tetsuya to a fight. Tetsuya didn't want to fight and had Mizuko fight him instead. Mizuko was running out of spirit energy by that time and the Divison 6 Lieutenant  seemed to get the best of her at first. Once the fire around the powerful man began to disappear the Division 6 Lieutenant's attention turned away from Mizuko and to that man. Mizuko took this chance to rejoin Atsushi and his group. Once the Division 6 Lieutenant saw this, however, he used his Zanpakuto to grab her by wrapping it around her and bring her face to face with him. He berated her for her choice and made her feel bad.  She was about to give in and give up.  That was when Tetsuya was able to get her released from it by knocking out the Division 6 Lieutenant.

Sayuri soon called on her Bankai, something she had recently obtained.  This allowed anyone inside of it, a grove of cherry trees, to see the darkness in thier hearts as a type of shadow around them.  Mizuko, trying to attack the Division 6 Lieutenant, ended up inside and trapped by one of Sayuri's trees.  Sayuri, outside of showing people the darkness in thier hearts, was able to control the trees within the dome of her Bankai.  Traped by a tree Sayuri talked to her and showed her how dark her heart had become due to her actions.  Not wanting to continue, she once again called Atsushi to her.  She told him what she had learned and showed him the darkness in his own heart.  He paid no mind to this but ended up getting captured by Sayuri as well.  Once the fighting outside the dome began to get worse Sayuri eventually let them both go, saying that if they want to leave to do so now.  She also said that if they both leave that she would then consider them enemies and would attack them both.  Mizuko once again followed Atsushi over to a building about a 1/4 of a mile away.  There they watched the rest of the fights from there till the group they were with reformed and they left the area.

Eventually, after all the fighting was done, the powerful man was caught. Tetusya took the group, along with Mizuko, to an undisclosed location. Not much is know about what happened in the three years Mizuko was gone from the Soul Society. The only amount of time Mizuko is aware of is the 3 months it took her to get back to the Soul Society. During the 3 year gap she was gone Mizuko did train and worked hard to be a productive member of the group. However, due to her not being at the same level as a captain Mizuko could not join the group that Atsushi and the others had joined. The group would only take in Captain class and above who were no longer members of the Soul Society. As a way to prevent Mizuko from getting hurt and to keep her from remembering about the group they erased her memory and left her only with the memory of seeing Atsushi leaving her behind. She was devistated to see this as he was her whole life at that point. It broke her heart to see him walk away. Since then she has not been able to get close to any other male person for fear the same thing will happen again. The only person she can get close to is Hikaru becasue she see's him more as a brother figure than someone she could spend the rest of her life with.
During the 3 months she was traveling she found herself in plenty of fights. During one fight she seemed to be out numbered. She was using her water ability as well as her Shikai to fight off the attackers. A young looking man came around and helped her to finish the fight. This person seemed to have similar powers to hers, but he wielded fire instead of Water. His name was Hotaka Aoki. Hotaka was the one who told Mizuko a little about her power, Hatsuden. They spent some time talking a little at an inn, mostly about what Hatsuden is and a little about what it can do. The next morning Mizuko wanted to see if Hotaka would help her develop her powers. She looked around and could not find him. Eventually she found out that he checked out in the middle of the night leaving Mizuko there to wonder more about her power, Hatsuden. It was also at this time she realized that she had a tattoo on the back of her right calf.  She knew this had something to do with her Hatsuden ability, but nothing more than that.

Once she came back to the Soul Society she was brought before the current Captain Commander. She, as well as Nakahira Kujo, Atsushi's brother by marrage, pleeded with him to spare her life. He granted it but with one main condition. If Mizuko were to betray the Soul Society again that not only would Mizuko be executed but so would Nakahira. Mizuko and Nakahira agreeded and Mizuko was then assigned to be part of Divison 3 as part of her punishment once she graduated from the academy. She was also told she could not be a ranked member right away till they felt she would not be a traitor any further to the Soul Society.

As time passed, Mizuko still does not remember what happened during the 3 years she was away from the Soul Society. She has grown a bit mentally and phycially, but not in height.  Mizuko eventually graduated from the Shinigami Academy and joined Divison 3 as she was told.  She went thru many captains and worked hard to do as she wasl told.  She worked hard doing most grunt work that many, even in Division 4, would not do.  She did these things in fear that if she did not she'd be going against the Soul Society, something she did not want to do. She remained in Divison 3 through all the bumps in the road that have occured.  She had inquired in the past if she could move to a different Divison and kept being told that she could not due to being part of her punishment.  Eventally, as time went on, Sayuri, who was human, passed on and did not return to the Soul Society.  Her other friend, Nakahira, never acknowledged her and died during a missiong protecting his wife from harm.  Thier child grew up not knowing his parents for part of his life.  He later died during a mission shortly after becomming a Shinigami.  

As for Atsushi, Mizuko didn't see him much as she never left the Soul Society.  He did visit at times due to the special unit he was in.  She made an effort to talk to him whenever he did.  Each time, however, he didn't give her much information and didn't really talk to her much.  He more pushed her away from him and told her that he was only doing this to protect her and to ensure that she was safe.  She would tell him she loved him and wanted him to come back to the Soul Society.  He would never say he loved her back and would just stay that this was something he could no do.  Deep down, however, he was still very much in love with her and knew that, if he allowed her to follow him or came back to the Soul Society, that she could get hurt and that was something he did not want to happen.  After he said that he took off and made it so that Mizuko could not find him any further when he was there.  Each time this happend Mizuko would spend days in her room crying and not wanting to be social.  

A few years ago she found a letter in her room.  It was a letter from a the group that Atsushi was a part of.  It did not mention the name of the group but the letter did state that he had died during his last mission.  This broke her heart even more than when she found that her original husband did not love her.  She remained in her room for a very long time, many months to be specific.  It took her current Captain to get her out of her room.  It was around that time that she started to be assigned to the world of the living in hopes that she would snap out of her depression and begin to enjoy her life.  Eventually she began to get over her depression and she began to enjoy her job more.  She did spent time in both the living world and the Soul Society after that, alternating betten assignments.  At times when she is in the Soul Society and alone in her room her mind did wander back to her friends, all of whom had passed on by the time she found out about Atsushi. To work out her feelings she wrote down in a book how she felt and what memories she had.  To this day she has filled 3 books and is working on a fourth.

RP Sample:[/list](The minimum here is 3 paragraphs. You my use posts from other rps and forums, but we will require a link and proof that you were the original poster.)

It seemed to be the typical morning for Hikaru.  He woke up and followed the same routine as he always did.  He'd get up, wash, and get dressed.  All seemed well in his life.  This was about to change, however.

Hikaru had finished up his breakfast and went out to the sparing area where he'd be sparing with his Captain and Vice Captain as was his usual routine.  His Captain, however, had an assignment for him.

Hikaru, just the person I wanted to see.  I've got an assignment for you.  I don't know how long it will last but you must report to me weekly on the status of your mission.

But I've never been given a mission before.  Why start now?

I've been under pressure to give you a mission.  I feel this one may be very easy for you and, should certain things happen, things will be easy to explain and be taken care off.  Are you ready for the details of this mission?

Yes Captain.  I'll do my best to complete the mission with no incidents.

There have been reported incidents in the Roukongi of hollow attacks centered in one area.  You are to go to that area and see if this truly is a hollow, or something else.  If it is a hollow you are to take it out at once.  If not, see what you can do.  There have been rumors that the hollow is actually a person who changes to a hollow.  This is why I selected you for this mission.  You and your hollow powers can help me out if this is a person.

Yes sir Captain sir.  I won't let you down and will work to bring everything back under control.

With that being said Hikaru had returned to his room.  He gathered everything he thought he would need for this mission and took off.  The Captain of Division 5 had given Hikaru a packet of information before leaving to his room.  Inside the packet was a map showing the location of where the attacks have been taking place.  Hikaru became a bit excited.  His parents had a home not far away.  He felt this would be the best place to start off and would make this his base of operations till the mission was finished.  Once he had everything he may need he took off.  It was mid-day by the time he reached his house.

As Hikaru walked in he realized just how dusty the place was.  He'd not been there in quiet sometime.  The house was a beautiful Victorian home that had 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.  It had one large kitchen with a dinning area, a den, and a living room.  In the back was a spacious porch with a swinging chair on it.  The house overlooked a beautiful lake off in the distance.  Since the house was rather dusty Hikaru took a bit of time to clean up a bit.  He then headed out to look for this person they called a hollow.

Hikaru walked through the Rukongi area where the map had shown the hollow had shown up.  He was about to give up on his search for the day when he heard people yelling something about a hollow.  He ran towards the direction that the people were running away from.  He knew this must be what he was after.  Upon arriving he saw what looked to be a hollow, but it seemed like it was human as well.  The hollow standing before him looked human in nature, but was also dragon like.  She had a long tail that resembles a dragon’s tail.  On her hands and feet where claws for scratching.  Her body was covered in blue scales from head to foot.  Her face seemed dragon like as well.  She had the snout of a dragon, her ears where on top of her head rather than where they normally would be, and her eyes were yellow with slits down the middle.  Hikaru walked up to the hollow/human and attempted to speak with it, thinking that he'd try to calm her down first.  It only threw him against the wall.  He quickly recovered and drew his zanpakuto.  He then charged in, attempting to hit it with his sword.  She blocked and was about to swipe at him with her clawed hand. Hikaru ducked and, when he stood back up, delivered a swift but hard kick to her mid-section.  This seemed to have done the trick since it did knock her out.  Once she was knocked out she reverted back to normal, but naked.  Felling it best not to leave her here as she was, Hikaru picked her up and took her back to his house.

It was a few hours later when the girl finally woke up.  Hikaru was by her side.  He had so many questions, and was sure she had many questions herself.  He first made sure she was comfortable and was not thirsty.  After that, he began to ask her some questions.

Welcome to my home.  My name is Hikaru Shibata.  I found you in need of some assistance and brought you here.  What is your name?

Mizuko Ichikawa.  Why are you helping me?

Becaue you needed help Mizuko.  How long have you been able to do what is was I saw you do?

I don't really know what your talking about.  All I know is that one minute I'm getting really upset and the next thing I know, I wake up with a small headache and no memory of what happened to me.

I see.  Maybe I can help you with that, if that is alright with you.  I can help you to where you won't blank out any more.  I'll even try to see if I can cure you.

That would be wonderful.  Thank you Hikaru.

From that day on Hikaru helped Mizuko to be better at controlling her other side.  Eventually, due to her lack of control, Hikaru and Captain Aizen locked the hollow side away, wiping out some of Mizuko's memories in the process.  This is why Mizuko actually thinks she is newer to the Soul Society than she really is.

#2Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) Empty Re: Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:55 pm


Appearance: 3+
Personality: 3+
History: 10+
RP Sample: 6+
Overall: I'll grade this at a 3-2 for an impressive app!

Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) 21oyps5

#3Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) Empty Re: Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:33 am


accepted. I give. I've put enough work into this already and don't feel like putting in much more effort. 3-2 it is.

Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) HanataroApproved

#4Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) Empty Re: Mizuko Ichikawa (App for reboot) Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:52 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Remove the tier charts, and any AR stuff you may have mentioned and I'll approve for 3-1. Oh, also, any blocking attacks should have a max damage for defense. Example "Will/can deflect attacks up to a Cero/Gran Rey Cero/Bala or Hadou 85, Hadou 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, et cetera."

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