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#1Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Empty Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:07 pm



Who are you?

    Tori Murasaki



    Age of Appearance:



    Character Alignment:

    Tori is your average-looking girl with dark brown, pixie-cut hair. Her skin has is slightly off-white and tanned. As her arms are strong, her knees and legs are weaker. Tori's eyes are a lovely golden-brown that seem to light up when the sunlight hits them directly.

    This young lady's build is slim and average. She weights roughly one-hundred -twenty pounds. Her arms are slender and nimble while her knees are prone to dislocation from a weakness that she was born with. Often, she will wear a hidden knee-brace under her outfit that she designed herself.

    The clothing Tori prefers is a real-world fashion. She wears a sleeveless pure-black shirt and khaki capri cargo pants in which her make-shift knee-braces are under. Her hair is worn very short in a pixie-cut, however, she keeps it combed. On her left wrist is a loose bracelet with a feather charm which she cherishes. Her reasons for cherishing the bracelet is unknown.


    Tori has a casual personality. She takes things seriously, but never acts like it. She often has a tendency to make everything a joke, even if it is a rather unfortunate situation. However, on the inside she is very sensitive, but a great actor. She rarely lets her true emotions show, and plays an act of some other personality for the time being.

    Because of her seemingly cheerful personality, some people are open to her. She is a natural counselor, but prone to make mistakes often socially. Tori is unable to pick up on social queues, thus making her a bit awkward in a group setting. Like some girls her age, she adores animals, but birds especially. Mentally, she has depression, which often tears her down at times. However, some days she covers that with a free-spirited attitude. Overall, she is quite random and enjoys having fun despite her mental and social flaws.


    • Tori enjoys blustery days that are gray and cloudy. Her reason for this is unknown, but it's obviously one of her likes.
    • Heights! Unlike many, Tori enjoys high places. She feels at home when up far above the ground.
    • Do you like watermelon? Tori does. Who would have guessed that a fruit that is ninety percent water could be so loved by a visored? Who knew?
    • The color.... purple! Purple is a lovely color, or at least in Tori's opinion. Although she does not wear any purple, it is her favorite color.
    • Music. Who doesn't love music? Tori enjoys the latest real world music and artists.
    • Autumn. The leaves change to bright colors and the air is nice and cool. This, in Tori's mind, it the best season.


    • Loud noise. Who doesn't hate louse crashes and annoying sounds? Well, Tori can't stand them!
    • Tori dislikes underground regions. They make her clausterphobic since it contrasts from the high places she prefers.
    • Another thing that Ms. Murasaki hates is chicken. She enjoys red meat, but cannot eat poultry or chicken.
    • Summertime. The warm seasons are too hot and humid for Tori's taste.
    • That annoying guy that lives next door. No, just kidding. Tori hates crowded places, and prefers to be alone.


    • Tori wishes to live a solitary and normal life. However, her hopes are always interrupted....
    • A secret thing Tori wishes for is to become a better singer. With her enjoyment of music, this fits.
    • A wish and dream of Tori's is to learn the 'special kido'. This is what Tori refers to it as. She hopes to learn how to change shape, whether she invents or learns the kido.


    • Silence. If Tori was best at anything, it would be keeping silent and solitary.
    • Counseling, of course! Tori is a natural counselor and has given herself the alis, "The Exhorter".
    • Slyness and cunning. Despite her knee problems, she is a quick thinker and clever.
    • Arm strength. Though her knees and legs are weak, Tori does make up for that with arm strength. However, it is limited to a normal fifteen-year old girl's arm strength.
    • Spirit pressure detection expert. If there is something Tori is an expert on, it is this.

    Fears & Weaknesses:

    • Knee dislocation. Each time her kneecap dislocates, it feels like a nightmare. It always seems like the first time even if it may be the eleventh. This often traumatizes her.
    • Hot weather considerably weakens Tori whenever she fights or goes about her normal business. It is probably because of the high pressure in the air. She highly prefers low pressure.
    • The depression that goes on inside Tori is one of her worst weaknesses. It causes both trauma and senselessness.
    • Tori, unlike most girls of her 'age', is rather shy. She rarely tries to be social unless it is direly needed. This is often a weakness because of the anti-socialism and having no communication.
    • Political Correctness. Tori enjoys engaging in real-world politics, making her get into rough situations when it comes to being social in these settings.

    Battle Specs

    List of 'Known' Skills:

    Fighting Style:
    Tori Murasaki's preferred way of fighting is confusing at first glance. She uses what speed she had and makes a quick attack at the enemy before backing away. She often throws an enemy off-guard or tries to figure out a way to outwit them. Throughout most of the battle, she aims to spend time dodging their attacks and looking for a weakness or opening. Once she finds that, Tori quickly develops a fast strategy to strike.

    Because her physical strength is not as strong as her mental strength, Tori relies heavily on her cleverness and cunning. One slip-up could be the end of her if she never used her head. Once an enemy strikes at her, a common comeback for Tori is to instantly dodge it and aim her own fast attack at the opponent.

    Personal Abilities:

      Name: Kakin no Hanashi
      Effect: The ability, Kakin no Hanashi, is a power that enables Tori to communicate with avians, or birds. It doesn't necessarily seem to her as human speech, but she understands what the fowl is trying to
      'say' with its behavior. This ability also enables the bird to understand Tori and respond accordingly. In other words, this is very similar to Sajin Komomura's ability to communicate with dogs.

    General Techniques:

      Technique Name:

      Technique Description:
      Kamihayai is an ability in which Tori uses her Shunpo to move at such high speeds that she can become invisible. However, she must be moving and be hiding her reiatsu.

      Technique Effect Chart:

      *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Opponent is completely unable to detect Tori's reiatsu or see her. They can even be tricked into believing she is not there.
      Opponent is One Tier Lower: The opponent may pick up bits and pieces of her reiatsu, but is completely unable to see her.
      Opponent is Equal Tier: The enemy can see Tori, but it is difficult.
      Opponent is One Tier Higher: The enemy can see Tori, but it is hard.
      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The opponent might be able to see Tori, but barely. It is still able to see Tori better than being one Tier or on the same Tier as her, however.

    Shinigami's Partner

    Zanpakuto Name:

    Zanpakuto Element:

    Sealed Weapon Appearance:
    Kazehana appears as a a normal low-ranking soul reaper's katana with a black hilt while in her sealed form.

    Spirit Appearance:
    Kazehana appears slightly taller than Tori. She has dark brown, almost black, long hair that reaches down to the end of her back. The hair is straight, thin, and soft in appearance. A large eagle feather hangs on the left side of her head, stuck in her hair. She wears a black kimono with a white golden lining and pale swirl patterns. However, the arms of the kimono become dark feathers that completely cover her arm, including her 'hands'.

    Above her torso is a long falcon tail that sweeps down to her feet. The tail is black with a neat white line that cuts horizontally through the middle like a mockingbird. She wears shiny gold sandals, each with a feather-ornament on them. Kazehana has heterochromia, which makes her right eye silver, almost blue, and her left eye golden.

    Spirit Personality:
    Kazehana's personality mirrors Tori's in a way. However, she is slightly more free-spirited and has no depression. She cannot stand despair, and reprimands Tori whenever she lets her sadness get the better of her. She acts almost as an older sister figure to her master and is referred by Tori as Kazehana-sama. In return, Kazehana was asked by her master to call her Murasaki-chan.

    Inner World:
    Tori Murasaki's inner world looks like a large hilly field with a twilight, starry sky overhead. There is a large, crescent moon in the center of the violet and pink sky. It is always very windy here, but Tori, Kazehana, and the Inner Hollow don't seem to mind.

    When she is depressed, the sky clouds up, which her zanpakuto hates. This happens rather often with Tori's depression. The Inner Hollow doesn't think anything of it.

    Unlike some inner worlds, Tori is able to walk on the air layers in hers, as is Kazehana. She states it always "feels like she's flying", even if she is in on the ground. The zanpakutou has a special tree perch that sits in the middle of the plains. The tree is a cherry blossom, and blooms when Tori is happy or in light moods. It withers when the skies become gray.

    Shikai Release Phrase:
    Take flight, Kazehana!

    Shikai Appearance:
    Kazehana's released form looks like an extra-long katana with a smooth, silver guard. One side of the guard curves upward, while the other curves downward. The blade is bright silver while the hilt is obsidian black. A long, three-inch feather that is pure white comes out the bottom of the hilt.

    Shikai Abilities:

      Kaze no shōheki

      This ability allows wind to coat Tori's body, starting from her zanpakuto. The air forms a barrier and protects her from anything that touches it, depending on the tier. During this, Tori has the ability to fly, but must be moving for the barrier to actually protect her. She can also control the air in a three-inch radius around her(thus, the techniques.) The more spirit energy she uses during this technique, the longer it will stay. So in short, Tori's "price" for using the ability is her spirit energy. Anyone over one tier can get through the barrier if they use an equivalent-powered technique. Almost any Bankai can also cut through the barrier.

      ***Credit to Thouzer for the shikai ability***

    Shikai Techniques:

      Technique Name:
      Soyokaze Buredo

      Technique Description:
      With the air surrounding Tori, she is able to swing her blade vertically or horizontally at an opponent from long range. With the swing comes a large blade-like current of air that is capable of cutting an opponent. She can use this for four posts. After that it requires a four post cooldown.

      Technique Effect Chart:

      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: A large gash. No broken bones.
      Opponent is One Tier Lower: A smaller gash.
      Opponent is Equal Tier: Minor wounds.
      Opponent is One Tier Higher: Scratches and cuts.
      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Minor scratches.


      Technique Name:
      Kyōfū no itami

      Technique Description:
      The ability, Kyofu No Itami gives Tori's physical hits, such as punches and kicks, more force by help of the wind barrier. She can use three hits per post, and use the technique for two posts. It requires a three post cooldown.

      Technique Effect Chart:

      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Bruises, possible internal damage or broken bones.
      Opponent is One Tier Lower: Major bruises and possible slight internal damage.
      Opponent is Equal Tier: Major bruises/sprains.
      Opponent is One Tier Higher: Bruises
      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Minimal pain.


      Technique Name:

      Technique Description:
      The ability, Hariken, causes Kazehana's blade to disappear and turn into a small twister. The tornado begins to move away from the blade, getting longer as it goes until Tori can control it like a whip. She can use this for three posts, and it requires a three post cooldown.

      Technique Effect Chart:

      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Large gashes, broken muscle-tissue, sprains, etc.
      Opponent is One Tier Lower: Smaller gashes, etc.
      Opponent is Equal Tier: Many cuts and wounds.
      Opponent is One Tier Higher: Some cuts/scratches.
      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Broken skin/scratches. Little to no pain.

    Are you a Vizard?

    Inner Hollow Appearance:
    Tori's Inner Hollow looks like her, except the colors they wear are reversed. It has silver hair, white skin, a white shirt, and gray pants similar to her own. The eyes are like any hollow, black and yellow. Tori often calls the inner hollow 'Phantom', having no other name for it. The hollow never seems to mind the name.

    Mask Appearance:
    Tori Murasaki's hollow mask appears to be a humanoid mask with normal, sharp hollow eye holes. However, near the mouse/nose there is a long falcon/eagle beak that pokes out. The mask is white, but has purple swirls on certain parts of it, including a violet tip on the bill.

    Mask Duration:
    4 posts

    Mask Techniques:

      Technique Name:
      Iro Bala

      Technique Description:
      Iro Bala is a normal Bala attack that is violet in color. It is unleashed from Tori's blade, however, and appears as a 'slice'. It can be used in one post, and requires a cooldown of one post.

      Technique Effect Chart:

      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Major cuts/wounds
      Opponent is One Tier Lower: Wounds/cuts.
      Opponent is Equal Tier: Normal wounds.
      Opponent is One Tier Higher: Minor injury.
      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Minor injury.


      Technique Name:
      Hayai Sonido

      Technique Description:
      Hayai Sonido increases Tori's speed for up to two posts.

      Technique Effect Chart:

      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Unable to 'see' the opponent.
      Opponent is One Tier Lower: Barely able to 'see' the enemy.
      Opponent is Equal Tier: Able to see Tori at certain times.
      Opponent is One Tier Higher: Able to see the user depending on focus.
      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Able to see the user depending on focus.


      Technique Name:
      Hari Cero

      Technique Description:
      Hari Cero is a basic Cero that forms from the 'beak' of the mask. It is purple in color, the same color as Tori's reitsu. She can use it in one post only while hollowfied.

      Technique Effect Chart:

      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Major injury.
      Opponent is One Tier Lower: Major injury.
      Opponent is Equal Tier: Injury.
      Opponent is One Tier Higher: Injury.
      Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Minor injury.


    Tell me your story..

    Tori lived a human life once, just like all of us. However, one day each life will end, but this is where hers truly began. Soul Society is a harsh place in the seventy-ninth district of Rukongai. Most die in a place where death and hunger is supposed to be vacant. Tori forced herself to survive no matter the hardships...

    However, this was easier said than done. Tori had considered the thought of suicide multiple times, and had been as close to a shard of broken glass near her neck. However, something always stopped her. It wasn't long before she started having dreams and visions of a large black and white bird. At the same time, however, nightmares would ensue of a humanoid shadow with a haunting voice. The voice threatened possession and promised to one day be in charge.

    Frightened, Tori decided to become a Soul Reaper. She started in the Academy and worked her way up. In three years, she managed to graduate and become a low-ranking Soul Reaper in Squad three. All was good for a while and during those few years, Tori managed to learn her zanpakutou's name and achieve Shikai. Being a bit of a loner, Tori's only friend was her blade, Kazehana. However, the nightmares of the shadowy figure started coming back. From the energy she noticed it was a hollow. Terrified, she deserted the Sereitei and her position as a soul reaper and fled to the world of the living. The fact that there was a hollow inside of her made her realize that staying there would only get her executed.

    Having only stayed a decade as a low-ranking soul reaper and having never achieved a seat, Tori knew that she wouldn't be missed. Besides, she did not have any friends besides Kazehana. In the real world, she took up refuge wherever she could, and stole while being invisible to humans with low spirit-energy. However, at times she was caught and driven away by those who could see her.

    Unfortunately, even though she ran away, the nightmares kept haunting her. Then, suddenly, there came the day when she was defending herself from a menos. The hollow was on her, and her life was nearing an end. She was about to accept the fate when suddenly, she lost control of herself. The inner hollow took over, and nearly half-transformed her. In that state, she managed to kill the hollow, but was still under the monster's control. Finally, after using much spirit energy and struggle, Tori took back control of her body. However, she continued to have nightmares and threats from the hollow who now had a full shape and form. She nicknamed it 'Phantom' for her own sake and hopeful less fear.

    However, it was to no prevail. Resolving that the only way to stop Phantom was to kill it, or at least defeat her. During that fight, Tori was unable to find Kazehana, but after a lengthy fight and near-defeat experience, she managed to contain the hollow and master its powers. Ever since that time, Tori has simply been wandering, killing hollows, and making a living off of thieving when necessary. However, she plans to return to the Soul Society soon enough.

    Roleplay Sample:

    Golden eyes opened to glittering light flickering in through the large crack in the roof of that rotting building. The human world never ceased to amaze her. The concrete, as it was called, was old and rotted, but still very interesting when sunlight cut through. It was almost as if a golden knife was cutting through hard gray bread.

    Still, once again the weather was going to be hot and humid. The sky had few clouds, but they all were low-hanging and never clogged the sky with the gray despair. Even thought she preferred it, hoping for rain or storms was pointless. Right now, she had another boring day to drag through.

    Tori reached her arms towards the ceiling, stretching her two limbs and yawning. Next, the hands went for the head and snapped it one way, then the other. It was an awful habit of her's, but she enjoyed the release of tension through popping out the air spaced in between her joints. After the neck, Tori cracked her back, then all ten of her knuckles. Feet bare at that time, the toes were next.

    After the wonderful sensation of the popping of joints, Murasaki glanced to the side of her. There were two black leather knee-braces which were tormentingly uncomfortable. Giving a sigh in despair of her two weak leg-joints, Tori slid one brace onto her left knee, then her right. Once both were on, she tightened them with the Velcro straps, in which each knee-brace had two.

    Giving a grunt, Tori slid her dirty khaki capris over the two black leather 'torture devices' on her legs. She was dreadfully embarrassed by them and hated it whenever someone laid eyes on her ugly legs. Giving another long, bitter sigh, the Vizard grabbed her Zanpakutou, which lay right next to her sleeping area. Her muscles ached from the hard cement ground, but it was better than sleeping under some muddy tree. Now for the next part of her routine: breakfast.

    She had some leftover boiled eggs from the day before, but knew that most likely they were not good anymore, and probably rotten by now. Wrinkling her nose at the smell of the old eggs, Tori gripped the old food and through it to the other side of the ruined building. The area was most likely in construction before, but the project was stopped for some reason and the area left to waste. Tori surprisingly found comfort in the godforsaken ruins, and made it a temporary home.

    Throughout the town- she could not quite remember its name- Murasaki had many homes. It all depended upon where she was when night fell. Even though she preferred the moon and starlight over the blazing sun, stealing food from closed stores was harder than open ones. Yawning again and rubbing her eyes, Tori moved towards the exit of the wasted building. Outside she noticed some dandelion growing in between two slabs of old concrete. Grabbing the leaves, she ripping them from the stalk and chewed on them.

    There was not anything else to eat, but this would hold her for a while. Besides, dandelion was a healthy blood-purifier and would suit her hungry soul until she could find real food. Perhaps having a gigai would be easier, but Tori didn't care either way. She did was she could to survive nowadays. Ever since she left the Soul Society... this was how it had been. She was in solitude, but still found the surprising bits of comfort in it. Breathing in the 'fresh', but human-polluted air, Tori took a step forward, ready to officially begin her day. However, steps to the side of her were caught in her earshot. She was not alone. Someone else was nearby, and it was time for either action, or flight before fight; her preferred way of business.

#2Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Empty Re: Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:42 pm


Bump! ^.^ Making this as a NPC for a death-enabled training thread. It's a former character of mine.

#3Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Empty Re: Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:48 am


As an NPC, you don't require an approved app ;)All you need is another rper willing to be the thread master and control it. Assuming you're still going for a death enabled training thread. If you aren't then you can simply control the NPC yourself. You could even still kill the character off if you want! But it wouldn't count as "death enabled" since you're killing your own character and not another player who is trying to kill you back.

#4Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Empty Re: Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:51 am


Lol I want it to count as training either way. ^^; So I'll probably ask Jeff or someone to use it.

Could you assign it a tier to use based on what it is now?

#5Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Empty Re: Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:56 am


You can make it whatever tier you want. It's an NPC. You don't need staff to regulate it as that is entirely up to the thread master's discretion. Just use the RP Template to assign Jeff(or whoever) to be the thread master and add whatever tier you'd like the character to be in the extra rules section of the template.

#6Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Empty Re: Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:57 am


Oh I see. :O Thanks!

#7Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Empty Re: Tori Murasaki [reboot app] Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:29 am


Moving to NPC Database since it's an NPC.

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