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#1Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:17 am


The cool evening was setting the sun to sleep and bringing the moon and the stars to life. The sky overhead was crystal clear, twinkling and sparkling as the diamonds overhead reflected their distant lights. Mostly everyone had long been off work and was headed home to spend the rest of the day with their families, pets, friends, or television. It was the time to unwind from the adventures of the day and to relax before the sleep that would bring the warm sun of the morrow.

There was an exemption to this norm of the work week. The entire block of a certain neighborhood street had been cleared by what looked like foreign federal agents and police support. These men had used their influence to encourage all the citizens to take leave for the rest of the night and find a nice hotel room to stay in or some family member to visit. They had cleared out, for the most part, and all the homes were dead and quiet. Not even a single light or candle broke the empty, cold darkness of these homes and even the street lights were off. All the houses...Execpt one.

It was an incredibly familiar building, one that a certain someone would definitely recognize. The front door was wide open, having been broken into after all, and all the lights were on in this house. It still had the smell of a brand new home and practically looked like it wasn't used all that much. Despite it's youth, it was being ransacked and violated. There were three men in there and only one upstairs. They were dumping drawers on the ground, cutting through couch cushions, breaking televisions, ripping apart books, flipping tables, dumping refrigerators, and breaking anything that was closed, locked or sealed. The homeowner hadn't been here when they decided to break in, nor were they notified by the trespassers at any period.

"Ey, why we doin' dis anyway? I don even know what is suppos' tah be in dis mess..." One of the men said, missing teeth and having a few scars on his face he was as elloquent as an elementary school child. Despite his intelligence, or lack thereof, he was big and broad. He looked like a brick wall of muscle.
"We are looking for something. Something small and golden. We are just hired to do whatever they ask." One responded, he had short black hair that was spiked up. he had a a few guns on him, hidden in his jacket, and he had a metal pipe at his back around a leather strap across his chest. That pipe could grow longer.
"It's still pretty strange," the third said, he was younger than the other two by a good decade, "What would this Ash Wyvern person have done to have his all this attention?" This person didn't have any clear weapons. They had longer black hair that fell back into a sleek pony tail.
"Don' mattah, right? Les jus get it over wit and get us some monah," The wall said, excited. The other two didn't argue and went along with their destruction of the house. The big one had decided to tear up the floor boards with a hammer he happened to find.

#2Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:38 am


Ash was walking home from a full day of free running when he came with in sight of his street he saw that there were what looked like foreign federal agents and police support blocking off the street.
great now what has happened here looks like it over the roofs with me then geez why can't things be normal around here for more then a week.And so he jumps onto the roof of a near by house and then starts to run over them to his house as he get closer he notice the lights are on and there are shadows moving about.
Man this just get better and better now doesn't. with that he releases his fullbring and activate the Cloak of the Shadow dragon and he sneaks into his own house.
thought that i would never have to do this at my own home. when he sees two man ripping into his home he goes to the one that like a wall and makes a nerve strike on his neck to make him fall asleep but he needs two strikes for it to take effect then Ash see the other guy taking something form his jacket but Ash is over there and gives him a uppercut to the jaw and takes him out before he even has the thing out then he turns around and catches sight of a third person.

#3Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:27 am


"What the..?" The only remaining search man said. Having a good idea on where Ash is, he runs out in the opposite direction. His life is more important after all, why waste it?

The three of them were out, but there was another. The creaking of the stairs was a clear indicator on just who the final member that was in Ash's home. This person walked down the stairs, a white dress shirt, neat, crisp slacks and fine glossy dress shoes. The man looked like he just came from work or a wedding. His hair was combed back and he had a gun holster across his chest, implying the weapon was at his back, and a gun at his waists. This man, tall and muscular, was a grown man and he looked deadly serious.

The man pushed something into his chest. It was bearly visible, but it was some sort of dark colored chain or something attached too it. It was gone when he touched the top of his chest. "You are early. You were supposed to be gone another half hour," Cobalt would said, his booming deep voice seeming to resound throughout the entire downstairs. His voice was heavy and throaty and seemingly added a threatening edge to his words, despite that he was fairly collected and composed going down the stairs.

Information. That was what the information had estimated based off of Ash's prior habits. He had a tendency to run, a great deal, and he ran for certain lengths in each event. An estimated average of this duration wasn't a perfect law that could be used to say how long he was going to be gone all the time. Cobalt really wasn't all that surprised by this. After all, he found what he was looking for. "I suggest-" Cobalt would say, lowering his hands as he unbuckled the cuffs of his dress shirt, "That you let this go and go about your own business," That was probably hard.

Cobalt came into Ash's house, basically destroyed it, and, though Ash didn't yet know this, stole something.

#4Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 11:23 am


I starched out my back also getting rid of two kinks with a loud snap-cracking sound then i hold up two fingers while saying.
"There two reason here that kind of piss me off one is that you pick the wrong time of the mouth to pick on me the Flame Ninja and two i just about got every thing in a way that i like do you know how long that toke. Can you tell me why you would want to break into a house like mine when their a richer picking not to far from here and depending on your answer." i look straight into Cobalt's eye showing how deadly resolve i have.
"I might just have to kill you! Can i have your name for i don't want to fight an unnamed opponent."

#5Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:00 pm


"The wrong time of the month," Cobalt said, tired of such an indirect and pointless statement. Was this man a woman? Was that why it was relevant? Cobalt didn't have time for riddles or this individuals biological anomalies. Cobalt had business to take care of and all these oh so bold and threatening statements were holding him back. Cobalt couldn't find the care or will to even pretend to be interested and, quite honestly, listening to him spouting about his lady problems wasn't going to get Cobalt out of this house any faster.

"Opponent. Kill. You are insuinating that I would degrade myself to brawl with you" Slightly insulted, Cobalt moved his hand to his gun, "As for what I was looking for," Straight to the point. There was no time to go explaining just how barbaric this man was being. Cobalt would explain things in such a way that would enable his easy leave of this house, "I was looking for something of interest. I came here to pick that something up. I have it and now I no longer have any need or desire to remain here. That being said," Cobalt would have hit the last step and was now off the stairs, not all that far from Ash, "You should just step aside."

He didn't offer his name, he didn't think it was necessary. Why should they know each other's name? Why should Cobalt go through introductions with someone that he didn't have business with and that didn't have anything to offer him? Did Cobalt go around introducing himself to every beggar on the street? What was the point of that? Why should he give his name? Even better, why did Ash think that Cobalt needed anything more from him? Cobalt didn't even need to talk to Ash and, if it came down to knowing your opponent, Cobalt had more than enough information on file that detailed every aspect of Ash's life.

#6Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:13 pm


"Ok so you had info on my habits and you were hoping to take what you wanted with out me interrupting you while you were seaching no wonder i felt that i was being watch just wondering did your little birdies tell you about me disappearing and then falling into a sleep and losing me?" as i finish that i move so that i block the exit but there was still about two meters between me and him and then i also said with a smile in my voice.
"Oh and so that you know i had a feeling something like this would happen it was a gamble but it paid off i did change my habits a bit back there so what you may have on me may not be all true then again it could all be true or it all could be false or it could be a mix now which one is it the one you choose could get you out of here with little blood shed or there always the choice of talking. your move white."

#7Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:44 pm


"It doesn't matter," Cobalt said, a clear exasperated sigh. "Why would I care about information that can be of no further use?" He asked, pulling out his gun. "Since you are going to continue to be a nuisance, I will tranquilize you," He said, pointing the tranquilizer gun at Ash. Cobalt wasn't going to waste his time talking.

"Take the bullet." He would say, pulling the trigger while aimed right for Ash's neck. If he hit, Ash would be out in a few seconds, especially if the neck was hit. There was no reason to turn this into a chore. Cobalt had what he needed, this was supposed to be the less difficult part now.

#8Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:00 pm


I say with a sigh while i dodge the dart.
"So you have decide on fighting and not talking a sad choice for i would of thought that we might of been able to join forces or at lest part ways with out shedding blood." then like a whip like movement hit a pressure point on your wrist causing you to drop the gun (If it hits) then i return to where i was and wait for your move.

#9Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:21 pm


Not only did the attack fail, from Cobalt's lack of reflexes and ability to send signals form his skin and to his spine, the moment Ash touched Cobalt's skin he would feel a terrible burning. Almost like he grasped and hit a splash of acid. The pain would run up Ash's fingers, stoping 5 cms passed his fingernail and it would burn with a terrible intensity. Everything he used to strike and come into contact with Cobalt's wrist would blister, fast, and would look flushed red. The pain was only one factor as the pain in the fingers would make easily using them a little difficult. Graphing something, making a fist, or holding unto something would hurt and it would be just as bad if it was his knuckles that were hit. Just flexing the muscles in those fingers would cause that area of contact to hurt terribly.

As Ash was hitting Cobalt's wrist, Cobalt's own hand would be swinging straight for Ash's neck. It would be a quick chop for the front of his neck. The shock and surprise of the extraordinary pain, as well as his focus on Cobalt's wrist, left Ash somewhat open for this attack. If he could hit Ash in the throat it would hurt, as being in the neck would, but what would be worse was that same sharp, dangerous pain that would fly throughout Ash's neck as if someone shot his neck with a watergun full of lava. Getting hit in the neck would be really bad for Ash.

"You say you would be a comrade of mine? And you have something to offer me? Something that I could gain from? I listen to money and, according to your file, you don't have any great amounts or any political power. What would we have to gain from joining hands in comrade? It's nothing but a game of playing friends, which I don't have the time for." Cobalt would say that after swinging his chop, whether it connected or not. "My goals and yours are not aligned." Cobalt would say this calm, tensing the muscles in the very hand that Ash aimed to disarm. Unable to feel the pain of a blow to a nerve or of the pressure of squeezing a nerve made pressure points pretty much dead spots on his body. Other than a few in his spine, his joints and tendons would offer Ash no leeway.

"Tell me," Cobalt would continue, "Why should I consider anything like the sort? I came here for one thing and I have it already," Cobalt was patient. He really was. He could listen to Ash, if Ash really had something to offer, but why should he? Patience and work went hand in hand only when they were going in the same direction. Listening to Ash talk about joining up just for the sake of joining up was foolish. There had to be a reason. There had to be logic behind a union. Otherwise, what rewards would be reaped?

#10Search and Seizure[Ash] Empty Re: Search and Seizure[Ash] Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:39 pm


I feel the pain in the two fingers that i use to strike with then i just catch in the corner of my eye the other hand going for my neck i bearly manage to dodge it.
That would of been a near finishing blow with that poison skin tech that this guy has and he want something from me well what can i give him he seems to be a man of the money world well what worth more then gold info and that Demon that i had face he seemed to be a CEO or chairman i wonder? then i hit a couple of nerve points on my own hand rending it useless but numb to the burning pain then i look at the guy and say.
"they say in the part of the world your from money good gold better but best of all is Information. so say if i happen to know a said chairman is not at all what he seems and he seems to be plotting something bad for the world something that would even money that you so like to use?" i stand there waiting for a reply.

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