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#1Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:20 pm


Tenju was walking through Karakura town still trying to get the hang of modern day culture, it was certainly different as a hundred years ago his green, gold, and black martial arts clothing wouldn't have drawn any attention but these days it seemed to be getting a lot of looks his way. The way people talked and dressed was so different now he was having trouble adjusting and decided to take a break from walking around by sitting down at a bench at a park. The large man would let out a sigh as he sat down and stared up at the sky, the world was so different these days, everything from the people to the random bodies flying through the sky...wait a second! That certainly shouldn't be normal no matter what day and age it is and yet that is definitely what he just saw.

Tenju would pop a gikongai to take care of his gigai and emerged from it in his shinigami uniform only to immediately jump off the ground breaking into a shunpo. He would launch himself up towards the figure coming out of his shunpo not too far away. Now able to tell it was a woman he could see she was horribly injured, it looked like a Kurohitsugi's work if he wasn't mistaken and she appeared to be in critical condition, "Hey! Hang on, I've got you!" He would shout as he reached out taking her into his arms just in time to roll mid air so when they crashed into the ground he took the brunt of the force, "You're gonna be ok..."

He would look around for any sign of her attacker and once sure no one was coming to finish the job he started going to work using kidou to heal her. He wasn't the best healer and certainly no 4th squad captain however he wasn't bad at it either and started trying his best to stabilize her as his gigai trotted up from behind, "Good timing, start tearing up whats left of her cloths and use them to bandage her up and stop the bleeding while I heal her! Stay with me, you're gonna make it, who did this to you?" He would say to her as the gigai followed it's orders, he was trying to get her to stay conscious for fear if she went under he wouldn't be able to get her back.

#2Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:42 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya looked around in the darkness as suddenly a light shinned in her head as hadkazuki stood in his two forms. One form was of a boy about 8 years old in a really really large shirt that was too big his sktrain witin was a light tan and his hair a spike green. he had gold snake eyes. beside him was an adult version in a pin strip suit. his hair was pulled back in a ponytail

"Amaya-chan...dont give up...we didnt train with you this whole time for you to die..."said the little hadikazui
"I failed"she commented
"You called us and we asked you why you wanted to be a shinigami...Do you remember what you told Us amaya"commented the older one
"That i wanted to be stronger and find my little sister no matter what it takes"She replied
"Well we came for that amaya but the one before us is a sad pathetic girl like before...we placed our faith in you...being like this isnt going to bring you closer to finding your sister and you now have an adopted daughter...that needs you...fight for her...figt to live amaya. she fought her way to get back to you even with that can do the same for her."said the older kazuki as they both seemed to fade away.

She heard another voice calling...trying to get her to stay with him. there was a bright light from a hole as amaya to and through it. into the light, her left eye opened as she gasped and had a coughing fit coughing up a bit of blood as she then bit her pain as a rush of pain flooded her body from her wounds. She listened to him speak and could tell he wasnt udarsha as she took in shallow breaths from the pain in her ribs being great. She managed to say "Udarsha..." between her shallow breaths as she felt like a puppet without strings.

#3Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:56 am


Tenju wasn't really listening to the words she spoke as he was so focused on treating her before she dies however the fact that she did speak did not go unnoticed, "Good, that's good! Hey you got hurt real bad but you're gonna be alright. Is there anyone you know who can help me take care of you?" Upon asking the question he was focus more on her response and less on maintaining the soft green glow of reiatsu which would be restoring her own inner reiatsu reserves to assist her body in healing itself.

#4Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:02 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya kept her eyes shut as she winced with every breath as she tried keeping calm but the pain was the real thing that was more or less, making her situtation alot worse then it should be "A-Amelia...My a-adopted daughter...Ke-keep her safe from U-Udarsha."She said between gasps as she was trying to manage the pain in her mind.

#5Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:25 pm


With the gigai done bandaging the girls wounds Tenju would ask, "Can you tell us what she looks like?" waiting only long enough for a reply before nodding to the gigai sending it off to look for Amelia. Something this girl said bothered him though, this time he heard the name clearly, Udarsha. The captain commander of the gotei 13 before Tenju was trapped in Hueco Mundo, just what was going on here?

Tenju would soon be reaching the limit of what he could do for her with his limited knowledge in healing arts, soon it would be up to her own will to survive to get her through the rest of the healing process, "You need to try and relax and stay still, I've sent my gigai to go find your daughter. My name is Tenju Ichiken, whats yours?"

#6Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:31 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
She is blonde and should be looking about...oh 11- 13 in age...she isnt in her giga."she commented wincing some "Amaya Nanashi, New Captain of Division 2."She commented gently "I am in your debt for all you have done to help me. We orginally came here with the intent of finding an hollow that was reported..instead we had udarsha chasing us trying to kill us."she commented taking a break coughing more before contining "I fought to protect my adopted daughter...Udarsha...He is cray and hungry for blood."She commented shutting her eyes tightly at a stabing pain in her lungs.

#7Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:40 pm


Tenju frowned as he ended his spell and the green glow of reiatsu faded away leaving Amaya's body to do the rest of the work. The former exiled shinigami would wipe the sweat off his forehead that had been worked up over the past few moments and sat down next to the captain, "Not at all Amaya Taichou, I was once a part of the 2nd division's patrol corps. it is simply my duty to assist." There was a slight pause as Tenju was unsure if he should reveal much of his past, however Tazuma already knew of his existence why not the rest of soul society. "I have been locked away in Heuco Mundo for the last 100 years...last I knew Udarsha was the Soutaichou so why would you be attacked by him?"

#8Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"He is a retired captain...he has taken residence here in the spirit world and seemed to be attacking anything that is not human from varying reports of my spies watching him and knowing when to run and hide from him...He isnt the commander we grew to know...he is a mosnter and needs to be stopped...before it is too late for all the spirit races...He hasnt attacked a human, as far as I know."She commented

#9Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:53 pm


"Hmm..." Tenju closed his eyes and pondered these words for a moment. If this was true the it is highly likely that no single person in all of soul society would be able to stop him, "If what you say is in fact true then we have a serious problem on our hands...Taichou, before I left soul society I was but a mere 3rd seat however I've grown stronger these last 100 years and have had lots of experience fighting opponents far stronger than myself. I'd like to help stop this menace even if only from a tactical stand point."

#10Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Empty Re: Medic!!!(Amaya Only) Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:16 am


The gigai finally arrived with Amelia following it, in her shinigami form. Her face went white as a sheet when she saw Amaya's present state but she didn't start instantly accussing Tenju of anything. She remember what Udarsha looked like and she was smart enough to relize that if Tenju was an ally of Udarsha she and Amaya would be dead by now. She ran over to her adoptive mother and knelt by her side
"Mama?" she asked, her voice shaking in fear

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