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#1Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Jade Kimura [Finished] Fri May 22, 2015 8:52 am



Who are you?

Name: Jayden Kimura
Age: 16
Age of Appearance: 16
Gender: Hermaphrodite (Referred to as Male)
Race/Species: Human/Fullbringer
Character Alignment: Lawful Good



Jade has a physic of a woman which he was born with. Jade has soft features. His face is oval in shape giving him a youthful appearance. His lips are small soft and pink adding even more youthful appeal. A small nose is place in the center of his face but what is the most appealing part of his whole face are his eyes. Jade as large round eyes that seem to change color from blue to green to brown to hazel. It’s hard to pin point what is true eye color is. Then to his ears which are bit small to the size of his head but many people found them to be cute. But his ears aren’t seen very often since his most loved feature covers them almost 90 percent of the time.

Jade has long dark brown hair that is thick and heavy. It has been joked that his hair is the heaviest thing on his body which is probably true with his small thin physic. Jade’s hair soft to the touch and falls through ones fingers like water. Jade’s hair has three lengths. The back part of his hair falls to the floor almost becoming slightly thinner as it passes his hips. The second length is his hair passed his ears that falls around his ribs. The last length is the shortest being cute bangs that falls into a triangle like shape in the middle that comes down to mid eye length but this length never comes around his eye area. To hold his hair in place Jade is always seen with the majority of his hair which falls in the back being held together with a single piece of white fabric that holds the hair together from the middle of his neck and goes down to his waist with the rest of his hair being free from that point. For the other pieces that hang around the side of his face they are held together with a white piece of fabric. This piece is very small being almost six inches long and starting probably a few inches from the roots. But on the left hair piece are two bronze bells that are tried tightly to this bundle of hair.

This youthful human is very small standing only five foot four inches high and weight just a bit over one hundred pounds. Jade wasn’t built to fight and has been known to be very physically weak but even though he isn’t physically strong he is extremely flexible have long muscle that can bend to his will. With the talk about his size he is pretty proportioned with his legs having a bit more length than normal. His chest is not very masculine and has more of a round smoothness to it. His chest is equal to a female with extremely small breasts or as most men called it flat chested. His shoulders are small and fragile looking with his collar bone being fairly prominent.

Jade’s arms are thin to the point that someone could easily wrap one hand around his arm with ease. His legs are a tad thicker but still hold that smallness to them. But what catches the attention of most people is his extremely round butt. His butt is not large nor it is small but as it goes in Goldie Locks it’s just right. Its round and its size fits his body type. His skin is said to be as smooth and as soft as a new born baby and seems to hold not a single blemish. His skin is an ivory color and has said to be as white as snow.

But what makes Jade unquiet to other humans is that he has both male and female genitalia making him a hermaphrodite. Even though Jade prefers to look and act like a woman but he still classifies himself as a male because of his genitalia.

Style/Clothing: (What does you character wear? Does he/she have several outfits? Whats their style, is it more relaxed, professional, etc? Maybe include mannerisms here as well.)

Tattoo's/Scars/Etc: (Does you character have any interesting tattoos? Scars? Any sort of markings that have a significant story behind them?)

Personality: Being one in the medical field Jade has to be carrying for his patients but Jade is truly a carrying person. Jade seems to be blinded to good and evil and sees everyone in the same light. Jade has taken care of injured arrancar once before saving their life after almost being killed by a shinigami. Jade believes killing is just an easy way out of things and an inhuman act at that. But being carrying he is also very kind. Jade is sweet and has an aura about him that puts people at ease. Jade doesn’t really have a single bad bone in his body. Jade has hated before but he has never been blinded by it. His kindness for others has reached to all lengths of the world and all kinds of creatures big small evil good Jade is kind to them even if they aren’t kind in return. Jade believes a smile and a kind nature will eventually be the solution to all the problems in the world. As said before Jade doesn’t have a bad bone in his body and that includes being violent. Jade is very soft spoken and in most cases very gentle. Jade seems to know the magic touch both verbally and physically. Jade has never hurt someone unless it was completely necessary, example being if he is trying to save someone’s life, then he will use the uncommon action of force.

Jade is very friendly and seems not to be afraid of anything. Jade is friendly to the point that it would cause others to be slightly uncomfortable. Example being his habit of hugging people he has just met. Jade loves the feeling of hugging another human being and believes it can create a bond even if the other doesn’t know it’s there. Jade loves people and his friendly personality is a great asset in the line of work he does. But one of Jade’s most amazing traits is his selflessness. Jade has given up a lot and is willing to give more to help others in need. Jade isn’t afraid of what the future holds and lives life as if it were his last day. Jade doesn’t hold much value in his own self even though he would never admit to it. Jade help others and keep them safe than let people sacrifices themselves for his wellbeing.

But Jade isn’t all rainbows and lollypops he does have his down sides since he is also just a simple human being. Jade tends to be an unconscious flirt, he doesn’t know he is flirting until someone tells him that he is flirting. Jade has come to learn that flirting with his looks is a powerful tool and he uses it unconsciously to get what he wants. Many men have gotten blue balls from this beautiful but strange creature, but Jade never knows he is doing it. With his uncousiuose flirting comes his space cadet. Jade has a tendency to space out when he isn’t doing his work. Jade tends to think about his past a lot and how his life use to be before his mother died. Jade knows he shouldn’t think about it too much because of how much it hurts him but he believes it the only way he can keep his mother’s memory alive within himself.

Another of Jade’s traits is his naïveness or innocents. Jade is a flirt but he is also a virgin. Being what he is not many people have wanted to be with him. Jade does know how sex works being a medic in all but he is clueless when it comes to advances since no one has actually wanted to have sex with him. Men have tried but once they found out what was under it all they quickly turn tails and ran. From this Jade feels ugly and unwanted. Jade hides this part of himself behind his smiley friendly personality. But Jade is secretly hurting inside tearing apart piece by piece and is always on the line of why he is still alive. But Jade’s love for people and his love to take care of other keeps him from crossing that line and falling to his death. All Jade ever wants is for someone to love him and not just for his beauty and personality he wants them to love all of him even his deformities.

(For Likes, Dislikes, Ambitions, etc, go for 1-3 sentences per point, more if you wish.)


• Sweet Alcoholic Beverages - Jade isn't a huge drinking being a light weight in all, but he does enjoy a fruity cocktail from time to time.

• Music - Jade can play several type of tradition instruments and enjoys playing them from time to time but he rather listen to others play.

• Warm Days - Jade being so small and thin prefers warmer weather over cold weather since cooler temperatures go right to his core freezing him up like a icicle.

• Summer Festivals - Summer festivals have always been the better memories in Jade's life. He spend every summer helping his mother with the summer festival.

• Beautiful Kimonos - Jade as a young child was spoiled by his parents who bought him beautiful kimonos both male and female types. Jade loves the feeling of the silk on his skin and how beautifully made they are.

• Hair - Jade takes great pride in his hair and keeps it in the best condition possible. Jade believes keeping his hair long like his mother's keeps her spirit alive within himself.

• All Creatures - Jade has seen enough hate to last him a life time so he has no anger or hate for any race not even hollows.

• Taking Care of Others - Jade feels better about himself when he uses his powers to heal others.

• Flowers - Jade seems to see flowers like himself. Flowers are beautiful but are both male and female like himself.

• Romance - Jade has always wanted to have a romantic relationship with another but no one has been accepting enough to love him for what he is.


• Straight Drinks - Jade like alcoholic drinks but drinking something like rum or Gin straight up is a horrible taste and feeling.

• Violence - Violence has never solved anything and Jade believes that violence is nothing but childish rage.

• Hatred - Jade has always been hated but believes that hating will only cause more hate and pain.

• Dark Nights - Jade prefers to see the stars out and the moon light up.

• Bitter Green Tea - As a young child Jade learned the art of tea ceremony from his older sister but he hates the bitterness of the green tea that is used.

• Father - Jade loved his father dearly but hated him for leaving his mother high and dry when she was dying but he had now joined her in the afterlife.

• Black - Jade hates the color because of how dark it is and it seems to screen darkness.

• Being Alone - After the death of his mother he became very alone and after that Jade has hated the feeling of being completely alone.

• What he is - Jade has accepted what he is but he wishes at times that he was female since he believes it would make his life easier.

• Being Confused - Jade likes knowing what is going on in a situation and being confused is both painful and annoying for Jade.


• Learning more about Medicine - Jade has only been studying medicine for about 4 years now and Jade knows there is much to learn. Jade wants to know everything he could possibly know about the world of medicine so one day he will be the best medic in the world.

• Being Accepted - Jade as always been banished to the outskirts of the social scene because of his condition and Jade hopes one day peoples view will change and that he will one day be accepted as a normal person like everyone else.

• Being Loved - Jade is a lover for romance and hopes one day he will find a partner who will love him and romance him as he so dreams. Jade missing the loving touch of another person and craves it almost every day.

• Having a Family - Jade has lost most of his family with his only living family being his older sister who hasn't spoken to him since their father's death. Jade wants to get married one day and have kids.


• Healer - Jade is a natural healer, he trains extensively in this field and is very good at this category of skills. He is remarked as one of the best healers in the spiritual realm.

• Co-operative - Jade is a team player, he works much better in a team and is more efficient it also adds to his confidence since he knows he has people to protect him.

• Friendly - Being very nice and kind Jade is a great friend. He is caring and helpful even giving up his own time to help others. He is very caring and is great to talk to.

• Body - Jade's body is that of a female's yet he has male and female gentiles. It is believed that with practice Jade could even begin to manipulate his bodies sex organs because of soul manipulation.

• Manipulation - He is an unconscious flirter and does it naturally, it is very alluring along with his female body which can easily draw him targets and then he can lead them somewhere where they get pounced.

Fears & Weaknesses:

• Dependency on Others - Since Jade can't protect himself because of his lack of offensive abilities he has to rely on another for protection.

• Weak Body - Jade has always been physically weak since he was a young child and becoming strong has never been his top priority.

• Kindness - Jade being so soft and too kind to all creatures he ends up getting into a lot of dangerous situation where he ends up being the damsel in distress.

• Hermaphrodite - Jade being both a female and male its hard for him to be in romantic relationships with others since no ones seems to be ok with what he is.

• Dark Nights - Jade isn't afraid of the dark but nights where the stars are hidden and the moon is gone makes him feel uneasy. Jade isn't completely sure why he feels this way.

• Small Spaces - Jade has always been claustrophobic and avoids small spaces as much as possible. Jade hates the city because of this.

• People Leaving him - Jade has a bit of abandonment issues from both his parents die and how people had treated him when he is younger. Jade fears those who still call him a friend will leave him eventually.

Battle Specs

Fighting Style: Jade doesn’t have much of a fighting style. He is only knowledgeable in basic self-defense and Japanese archery. Jade can fight off a normal human with no sweat but if he were to face someone like himself or something of the spirit kind he would be screwed. But Jade has learned to be flexible and a quick thinker so he is one to try to escape before he is cornered into a battle he can’t win. But Jade does have one skill that many would die to have in their possession. Jade is a masterful healer. Jade has wide knowledge on medicine and on the human body. Jade has never been to medical school but he has learned a lot on his own. After understanding his fullbrings power he was told it would be wise for him to pursue medicine as his line of work.

Jade is an excellent medic when it comes to basic human wounds and sickness. Jade implicates both western and eastern medicine. Jade knows quite a lot about medical herbs so if he is out in the wilderness he can find specific plants to have relieve pains of stomach head or to help cleanse a wound of infection. Jade's western medicine is quiet skilled. Jade has a very steady hand and can stitch up a wound quiet easily and quickly. Jade has said to be one of the best stitcher at the clinic. But Jade still doesn't know everything there is to know about medicine but he is a persistent learner.

List of 'Auto-Known' Skills:

Object of Affinity: In this form Jade's fullbring is in the form of two bronze bells. These bells are almost the size of golf balls but are a bit smaller. The bells weigh about two to three ounces and have beautiful ribbon like designs alone the outer shell of the bell. But inside the bells are a single bronze ball that is used to smack against the sides of the bell to create the ringing sound. The rings of these bells are quite loud and can be heard from meters away. These bells make it very hard for Jade to sneak away since with every movement he makes they jingle. People have called him a cat because of the jingle sound he makes when he walks around. These two bells are always tied to Jade's right hair bundle. When Jade is asleep or lets his hair down his bells are strung around his neck as a necklace.

When these bells are released into their first level they merge together to form a two foot long staff. The main part of the staff in a simple rob with a round marble top. But the staff has two added additions to it. The first part is a pair of serpents that wrap around the staff until their noses are pressed up against the main part of the staff about three inches from the marble topper. The two tails of the snakes are molded into the very bottom of the staff. Each snake has a pair of jems for eyes, one has rubies the other sapphires. But directly under the rounded top are a pair of angel like wings that are about four inches long each and about two. The staff when first seen is bronze like the bells but once Jade grabs onto it, it will change to gold but the staff itself has the hardness and durability of platinum but it is quite light.

Affiliation: Esper

Personal Abilities:

(These are traits your character was either born with or attained through special circumstances. They cannot be taught to or learned by others. Examples would be fire elemental reiatsu, unnaturally sharp reiatsu sensing, and genetic mutations.) Limit: 3

Name: Healer
Effect: Jade is an incredible healer, his skill is incredible from combat first aid to surgical procedures. He knows most things off by heart and can treat most things easily. Because of this when touching someone while they use a healing technique, it minuses one post off of their timer. For example an Arrancar using High Speed Regen has one less post to be fully healed.

Name: Super-Natural Senses
Effect: Jade can touch a person and sense their condition. Jade’s senses are supernatural compared to any normal human. Jade can hear the smallest of sounds and can feel to simplest of vibrations in the ground. This ability increased Jade chances of avoiding confrontation and in some cases being able to determine how to dodge and escape his enemies. But the way Jade avoids fighting all together is using his words. Jade is quiet smart very observant and can read people quite easily. Jade uses these three abilities to talk his way out of a fight. In most cases with humans it works but when facing a shinigami, Quincy or some sort of hollow Jade had to be a bit more creative.

Name: To be earned

General Techniques:

(Shinigami may NOT start with more than four general techniques. Techniques are not extra abilities, but rather, skills which use your abilities in more extreme forms beyond their basic use. For example... let's say I can shoot fire from my fingers. A technique might be gathering a whole bunch of fire for a few minutes and then shooting a fire-laser from my fingers, doing much more damage than what my ability normally would on it's own. Other special or basic techniques using your normal control over your spiritual energy can also be added here, like adding reiatsu to your punches to inflict more damage, and things like that. Think of abilities as special powers - and think of techniques as moves which use the powers you already have. These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.)
These are not used for extra pre-evolved/evolved fullbringer techniques, and elemental techniques.
Limit 5.

Technique Name:
Technique Description:(Include any cool-down or charge times needed. Times are based on posts.)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:
Opponent is One Tier Lower:
Opponent is Equal Tier:
Opponent is One Tier Higher:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:

Pre-Evolved Fullbring

Pre-Evolved Fullbring Name: Bells of Healing
Pre-Evolved Fullbring Type: Object
Elemental Affinity: (Can only choose up to two elements here. But they don't have to be fire/wind/water/etc elements. It's more like the theme of your fullbring's power.)
Pre-Evolved Fullbring Appearance: When these bells are released into their first level they merge together to form a two foot long staff. The main part of the staff in a simple rob with a round marble top. But the staff has two added additions to it. The first part is a pair of serpents that wrap around the staff until their noses are pressed up against the main part of the staff about three inches from the marble topper. The two tails of the snakes are molded into the very bottom of the staff. Each snake has a pair of jems for eyes, one has rubies the other sapphires. But directly under the rounded top are a pair of angel like wings that are about four inches long each and about two. The staff when first seen is bronze like the bells but once Jade grabs onto it, it will change to gold but the staff itself has the hardness and durability of platinum but it is quite light.

Pre-Evolved Fullbring Ability:
Healing Hand
This is giving Jade the ability to heal any wounds. From just a simple paper cut to a deep slashes that could kill a person. This ability can be implicated through skin to skin contact or skin to staff contact. When this healing ability is implicated the eyes on the snake glow and the winds on the staff grow in size. When Jade uses his hands to heal they glow a gentle white light and this light seems to flow over the target like water. Poisons will be absorbed by the white light when found and is extracted from the body soon after. This ability has different costs depending on the severity of the would.

[1 Post] Wounds are small and barley go a couple centimeters deep. Examples would be paper cuts, scrapes and bruises. Also simple everyday sicknesses like the cold, fevers, food poisoning and muscle aches. No Cool Down
[2 Post]Wounds are cuts from bladed weapons going from a couple centimeters to the depths of an inch. These are sword wounds, small stabs and sever bruises of larger sizes. These are also 1st to 2nd degree burns. Sprains, twists and pulled muscles are also under level 2.
Cool Down: 1 Post
[3 Post] Wounds are deeper cuts stabs and gashes going from an inch to up to 3 inches in depth and range from an inch to up to a foot in length. 3rd degree burns are also categorized here.
Cool Down: 2 Posts
[4 Post] Wounds are broken bones and sever fractures. Small fourth degree burns are also listed under this. Cool Down: 3 Posts
[5 Post]Wounds are deep and very sever and are known to be life threatening. Sickness and poisons of life threatening conditions are also at this level. Examples being deep stabs bites and gashes of 6 inches or more. Large fourth degree burns and punctured organs are also categorized under level 5. Cool Down: 4 Posts
[6 Post] There is only one wound that is categorized at this level and that would be wounds which would others be mortal and fatal sometimes. This is the most sever of all wounds that someone can receive and are the most costly. Cool Down: 5 Posts

Pre-Evolved Fullbring Techniques: (These techniques are available only in Pre-evolved Form) Limit 6

Technique Name:
Technique Description:(Include any cool-down or charge times needed. Times are based on posts.)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:
Opponent is One Tier Lower:
Opponent is Equal Tier:
Opponent is One Tier Higher:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:

Tell me your story...

History: Jade’s story will start before his birth. Jade’s mother Yumiko was a beautiful youthful shrine maiden who married a foreign official from America and the two conceived a beautiful daughter who they named Trinity. Yumiko would raise Trinity on her own for the first two years of her life since her father would be away from home for most of those years. But shortly before Trinities’ second birthday her mother was attacked by a hollow but unlike most hollow victims she survived. This survival would give birth to Jade’s unique ability the fullbring. After the attack Yumiko’s husband Christian took permanent resented in Japan and promised to stay at her side. The two would shortly conceive there second and last child Jade. Jade would be born into this world classified as a male but would eventually be classified as something else as he grew older.

Jade would grow up being raised as a temple child but would live in a home his father built off the temple grounds. Jade grew up as any normal child would but he would be able see things, things that normal people couldn’t see. Jade’s mother explained to him he was probably seeing spirits and that it was a gift he should cherish. Jade accepted what his mother told him and cherished his gift but he feared it at the same time since he saw the other side of what a spirit could be. Jade has seen hollow attacks but surprisingly he has never been attacked by one.

As Jade grew older he would go to the hospital one day for a surgical procedure and that’s when they would find his female organs. Of course it was a shock but Jade wasn’t treated any differently by his family but when news broke out what he was he was teased and outcasted by his peers. This was a hard time in his life that he had to transfer schools and when he transferred he went into the school as a girl. It wasn’t hard to hide his gender with his natural female looks and his already small male genitals. So Jade grew up for most of his middle school years as a female before graduating.

But one memory that will always make Jade smile is the moment he met Taiga. Taiga was a fairly popular upper classmates in Jade's middle school. Girls melted under a single glance and most of the male population hated him. Jade was one of the few who didn't hate nor love him. Jade admired him yes but he was like those girls loving over him and squealing every time he sees him. Taiga found this unusual and took an interesting in Jade. Taiga would persuade Jade to go out with him but Jade being scared of what he was declined him every time.

Eventually Taiga got sick of the avoiding and making up excuses so he cornered Jade. It was after school activities ended and Jade was just about to get his bike when Taiga cornered him in the front entryway. This would be the first time Jade would ever be kissed. It wasn't like those first kisses on TV it was hot, demanding and rough. It oozed wanting and Jade having the physical strength of a 2 year old wasn't able to push the other off when he started to grind up against him. Taiga being a very observant young man noticed Jade's differences when he touched him. Jade was preparing for the worst but surprisingly Taiga didn't do anything. He just chuckled and smiled.

After that day Taiga took Jade up as his friend and made it look to the public that Jade was his girlfriend. Jade agreed to act like his girlfriend at school but the two would just be friends. From that day Taiga kept Jade's sexual orientation a secret. But those happy times would slowly melt away as graduation came creeping up.

Jade’s mother fell ill. Jade would spend almost every waking moment with his mother. He would do all he can to make her more comfortable. At the time Jade's older sister was off at school and his father had become a workaholic because of his wife's condition. Jade’s mother wouldn’t last long and would die in 4 short months. After the funeral Jade would wear the bronze bells his mother wore and would never take them off. These bells would be the most important thing to Jade and would shortly become the item for his fullbring. By this time Jade was already 15 and had chosen to go off to school.
Rp Sample:(Show off your posting skills, keep in mind this should mirror how you will normally post. You may use posts from other forums by linking us, but if you do you will need to prove to us that you are the one who made the posts)

#2Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Re: Jade Kimura [Finished] Fri May 22, 2015 6:47 pm


Bumping for Completion, you will find he has no techniques and that is because I want him to start low in tier, he currently has just awoken and realised his powers and wishes to train to master them. This is why he is so basic with just his abilities and he will earn everything else including abilities and techniques.

Going for tier: 5-2

#3Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Re: Jade Kimura [Finished] Mon May 25, 2015 7:17 am


Appearance: 3+
Personality: 3+
History: 8+
RP Sample: Still needed. Please provide one or a link.
Overall Quality: Very well-written app with few to no grammar errors.
Ready for Approval? Almost
Tier Grade: 5-2, as you aim.


Jade also can touch a person and sense their condition. Jade’s senses are supernatural compared to any normal human. Jade can hear the smallest of sounds and can feel to simplest of vibrations in the ground. This ability increased Jade chances of avoiding confrontation and in some cases being able to determine how to dodge and escape his enemies. But the way Jade avoids fighting all together is using his words. Jade is quiet smart very observant and can read people quite easily. Jade uses these three abilities to talk his way out of a fight. In most cases with humans it works but when facing a shinigami, Quincy or some sort of hollow Jade had to be a bit more creative.

These all seem like abilities to me. Please treat them as such and put them down as so.

Healing Hand needs a cooldown please.
Other than that, you're good. Please edit and bump!

#4Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Re: Jade Kimura [Finished] Mon May 25, 2015 12:58 pm


Changes made.

#5Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Re: Jade Kimura [Finished] Mon May 25, 2015 7:28 pm


Healing Hand
This is giving Jade the ability to heal any wounds. From just a simple paper cut to a deep slashes that could kill a person. This ability can be implicated through skin to skin contact or skin to staff contact. When this healing ability is implicated the eyes on the snake glow and the winds on the staff grow in size. When Jade uses his hands to heal they glow a gentle white light and this light seems to flow over the target like water. Poisons will be absorbed by the white light when found and is extracted from the body soon after. This ability has different costs depending on the severity of the would.

[1 Post] Wounds are small and barley go a couple centimeters deep. Examples would be paper cuts, scrapes and bruises. Also simple everyday sicknesses like the cold, fevers, food poisoning and muscle aches. No Cool Down
[2 Post]Wounds are cuts from bladed weapons going from a couple centimeters to the depths of an inch. These are sword wounds, small stabs and sever bruises of larger sizes. These are also 1st to 2nd degree burns. Sprains, twists and pulled muscles are also under level 2.
Cool Down: 1 Post
[3 Post] Wounds are deeper cuts stabs and gashes going from an inch to up to 3 inches in depth and range from an inch to up to a foot in length. 3rd degree burns are also categorized here.
Cool Down: 2 Posts
[4 Post] Wounds are broken bones and sever fractures. Small fourth degree burns are also listed under this. Cool Down: 3 Posts
[5 Post]Wounds are deep and very sever and are known to be life threatening. Sickness and poisons of life threatening conditions are also at this level. Examples being deep stabs bites and gashes of 6 inches or more. Large fourth degree burns and punctured organs are also categorized under level 5. Cool Down: 4 Posts
[6 Post] There is only one wound that is categorized at this level and that would be wounds to the soul. This is the most sever of all wounds that someone can receive and are the most costly. Cool Down: 5 Posts

This all looks fine until you get to the bottom healing chart. I have to point out that is is somewhat irrelevant in the fact that most beings in Bleach are spiritual in nature. Jade's ability to heal the "soul" of someone is the same thing as healing their spiritual body- I recommend rewording or changing this because otherwise it insinuates that your other 5 healing charts pertain only to humans and being with a physical body.

#6Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Re: Jade Kimura [Finished] Mon May 25, 2015 7:42 pm


Changes made.

#7Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Re: Jade Kimura [Finished] Tue May 26, 2015 8:15 am


Thank you for making the needed changes!

I approve of this app for your requested tier of 5-2! You need one more approval.

#8Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Re: Jade Kimura [Finished] Tue May 26, 2015 8:17 am


I second the tier approval of 5-2.

#9Jade Kimura [Finished] Empty Re: Jade Kimura [Finished] Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:09 am


3-5. It seems you want a low tier ^_^

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