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#1Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Empty Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Thu May 29, 2014 1:22 am

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
So this is a thread for NPC zanpakuto concepts, meaning anyone can post a zanpakuto idea here for a NPC, that they themselves do not have time to finish or are too lazy to make. Post the zanpakuto concept of yours, primary ability and element of zanpakuto. If it contains second release, be sure to describe both releases in depth, and optionally, you could describe sealed appearance and spirit personality/appearance too. I personally would prefer the concept to include some sort of information about the NPC too, meaning a few facts about them, especially of their personality, and how their nature suits this specific zanpakuto.

Plot Suggestion #1:

#2Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Empty Re: Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Thu May 29, 2014 1:45 am


I've pm you four zan ideas but they don't have masters atm but I forgot to mention that Ākuenjeru's zanpakuto's spirit is of a archangel as show here:

Ākuenjeru's zanpakuto spirit:

#3Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Empty Re: Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Thu May 29, 2014 2:21 am


the zanpakuto ideas i sent Erida are free for any npc builder to use, so long as i am credited for the zanpakuto being used ^.^

#4Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Empty Re: Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Thu May 29, 2014 9:12 am

Mushami Shuuryou

Mushami Shuuryou
Zanpakuto Name: Chīsai Shōgun (Little Warlord/Shogun)

Zanpakuto Element: The Molecule

Sealed Weapon Appearance: Standard Katana

Spirit Appearance: A finger sized suit of armor. It would be ferocious and fearsome looking, and truly something to make even the toughest warrior's blood run cold, were it not so tiny and cute.

Spirit Personality: This spirit acts as one would expect him to act, were he 100 times his size.

Inner World:The innerworld is an exact replica of the outside world. This differs depending on which world he is in. In heaven, it's a tiny duplicate of Soul Society, while on earth, it's a tiny replica of the expansive world and it's continents.

Shikai Release Phrase: Concur, Chīsai Shōgun!
Shikai Appearance: This takes on the form of a single kodachi sword.

Shikai Abilities:

Name: Divide
Effect: Before Chīsai Shōgun can truly concur anything this ability allows for it to divide a target. The first cut on a target is just as one would expect. There is no secondary effect. If the sword swing isn't strong enough to penetrate a target then the blow counts for nothing. However, the effort is not wasted. The second strike on a targert, regardless of whether the same area is hit or not, regardless of whether actually penetrating or not deals a direct internal blow to the entire area that is struck. If a person's arm for example is struck every muscle, bone, and tendon is cut. The third is the final blow which effects a target on the molecular level is likely the end. A good sized chunk of whatever is struck disperses. The cut separates all molecules of an area, scattering them about.

Shikai Techniques: (Shinigami are allowed to start with no more than SIX shikai techniques)

Technique Name: Ambush
Technique Description: A technique which creates dozens of kodachi blades beneath a surface like the ground. Each containing Chīsai Shōgun's base ability. They appear sword tip pointing upwards. They all rapidly burst up out of the ground before retreating back into it as if playing a dangerous twisted game of whack-a-mole. The area effected is a circle a dozen feet or so in diameter with the zanpakuto user in the center. After striking something once, the individual blade loses the base ability even though it keeps moving.

Technique Name: Marching Fire
Technique Description: Like the first, Ambush, this creates dozens of kodachi blades  each containing Chīsai Shōgun's base ability. However these ones are suspended in midair at the zanpakuto user's back with tips pointing where ever the user is facing. Either one by one or simultaneously, they propel themselves forward. After striking something once, the individual blade loses the base ability even though its physical form remains.

Technique Name: Fighting Patrol
Technique Description: Like the first two techniques, this one creates dozens of kodachi blades each containing Chīsai Shōgun's base ability. These blades, like the first technique appear in a circle pattern around the technique user, but like the second technique, they are based in the air. These blades rapidly spin and twirl around the user, creating a defensive technique with major offensive capability. After striking something once, the individual blade loses the base ability even though its physical form remains.

Bankai Release Phrase: Rule, Chīsai Shōgun
Bankai Appearance: The suit of armor that is his zanpakuto spirit takes on tangible form with one major difference. It is now as big as Chīsai Shōgun's personality. This suit of armor more than life size. It's gigantic. Further still, Chīsai Shōgun has a certain amount of free will in this form.

Bankai Abilities: Chīsai Shōgun retains its shikai ability and techniques, only their range is increased due to its new size and thus the size of its blade(s) which follow suit.

Name: Delegation
Effect: As the name implies this ability assigns tasks to Chīsai Shōgun's subjects. Who are its subjects? The very molecules its base ability causes to disperse. This ability is essentially like telekinesis on the molecular level. The molecules can be re-worked and molded into entirely new objects for different purposes.

#5Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Empty Re: Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Thu May 29, 2014 9:53 am

Mushami Shuuryou

Mushami Shuuryou
Zanpakuto Name: Seven

Zanpakuto Element: Physics

Sealed Weapon Appearance: Standard katana.

Spirit Appearance: A little girl in a ripped yet pristine white dress. She is pale as can be with white hair and bright green eyes. She is the same size and shape of the average 7 year old girl.

Spirit Personality: Seven is scared of everything and is extremely timid. She believes herself to be bad luck.

Inner World: An endless world of glass and mirrors. Endless stretches, mountains, and hills covered in glass structures and mirrors.

Shikai Release Phrase: Break, Seven!
Shikai Appearance: A standard katana made of glass.

Shikai Abilities:

Name: Shatter
Effect: This zanpakuto is the most brittle. It is potentially a one time use zanpakuto. It breaks after striking an object. It is not permanent though. It breaks whatever it struck as well. This zanpakuto can repair itself on command, however the thing that it broke will be fixed as well. The thing broken will also be fixed when this is sealed once again.

#6Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Empty Re: Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Thu May 29, 2014 9:56 am

Mushami Shuuryou

Mushami Shuuryou
I should also say, these ideas and any I submit here are free for NPC usage, so long as I am credited ^_^

#7Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Empty Re: Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Thu May 29, 2014 10:09 am

Mushami Shuuryou

Mushami Shuuryou
Zanpakuto Name: Saiko

Zanpakuto Element: None

Sealed Weapon Appearance: Standard katana with a yellow smiley sticker on the sheath.

Spirit Appearance: A man clad in all black. He wears an ancient Greek style theater mask which is canary yellow in color. It appears as though he's always smiling.

Spirit Personality: To say that Saiko has a sick sense of humor would literally be the biggest understatement of the century. He constantly makes the most inappropriate and disturbing jokes and statements. It's always followed with a laugh.

Inner World: An entirely black setting with a single spotlight which shines on Saiko. The zanpakuto's owner can't even see their own hand unless they are standing next to Saiko.

Shikai Release Phrase: Make them smile, Saiko!
Shikai Appearance: This shikai takes on the form of a black mallet.

Shikai Abilities:

Name: Laughter
Effect: This zanpakuto doesn't actually smash everything struck by it despite its form. It smashes inanimate objects only. When it makes contact with targets like people or hollows, it actually cuts. Further still, it doesn't necessarily deliver cuts where the blow lands. It targets the head. The first blow causes the formation of tiny cuts on both corners of the mouth. Each strike after that causes these cuts to grow until they connect at the back of the skull. At this point in time the opponent is decapitated.

#8Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Empty Re: Zanpakuto Concepts (NPC Requests) Fri May 30, 2014 11:01 am

Mushami Shuuryou

Mushami Shuuryou
Zanpakuto Name: Feng Hou-ou (Male) and Huang Hou-ou (Female)

Zanpakuto Element: Fire and Life

Sealed Weapon Appearance: A pair of Jian long swords double edged.

Spirit Appearance: The mighty phoenix bird of legend resides here, within this zanapkuto. A bird like creature made of fire and feather.

Spirit Personality: It is without speech because it has no need to speak. Its owner somehow knows what it wishes to communicate.

Inner World: This world changes each lifetime. It's typically world shaped by the experiences of the wielder.

Shikai Release Phrase: Rise and breathe life, ravage and restore ash, Feng Hou-ou and Huang Hou-ou!

Shikai Appearance: The hilts are wrapped in red and orange plumage and fabric which resembles flame more than anything. Flames jump from the blade with each movement.

Shikai Abilities: This is hailed as the most powerful fire based zanpakuto in all of Soul Society yet the most miraculous ability of this zanpakuto is to maintain the original holder's very being or rather the thing that makes the being who and what they are; the soul. It somehow has shielded the soul of the original user from time and the part of the reincarnation process which wipes the memory of a soul that is crossing over, either on its own or as a result of a soul burial. The moment the soul returns to Soul Society and places their hands upon this sword, the soul stops aging. Time will not kill this soul, however other things may very well.

Name: Phoenix Fire

Effect: It has another ability which to many is equally fascinating. The flames that it creates are capable of both destruction and restoration. The effect depends entirely on the will of the user. The same flame may wash over two people within the same space and heal one while turning the other to ash. This will heal wounds without leaving a scar on those the user wishes to heal, even completely rejuvenating those within an inch of losing their lives. It is said that this power burns away death so long as a person has only just become subject of its clutches. On the flip side, things the user intends on destroying it doesn't simply burn, it immediately turns it to fine ash.

Technique Name: Burning Lotus
Technique Description: The special flame of this zanpakuto surrounds the user. Like the name suggest, it's as if a giant burning lotus has surrounded them. Like the lotus, it also blooms. When this happens waves of flame spill outward radially like a tsunami. It washes over the ground, climbs up surfaces, and seeps into cracks.

Technique Name: Falling Petals
Technique Description: This creates a technique that many would assume is a small meteor shower. Lines of fire actually shoot upwards from the blade and into the sky. They then arch downwards in any direction as if they were guided rockets.

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