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#1Iota Vuela~ by Luke Yasenha Empty Iota Vuela~ by Luke Yasenha Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:35 pm


NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

Name: Iota Vuela
Alias: to be earn IC
Age: 266
Age of Appearance: 19
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Arrancar
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

Iota Vuela~ by Luke Yasenha Element-Air

Personality: Iota is quite carefree in terms of personality, even while fighting, she shares a big sister-like relationship with Mù as they also share a love of shopping and acting cutesy, although Iota tends to act more innocent then Mù as it's her way of luring her targets in so she can kill them, although she acts carefree and cutesy, she is a sophisticated killer as well, being able to tear her opponents limb from limb without so much as breaking her smile, she is also a devoted lesbian as being raped by Dante, which she shares with Mù and Tau.

(Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character, such as being able to put your enemies into an illusion trance by touching them, or being able to turn your energy into solid dirt permanently. These are traits your character was either born with or attained through special circumstances. They cannot be taught to or learned by others. Examples would be fire elemental reiatsu, unnaturally sharp reiatsu sensing, and genetic mutations.) Non-Arrancar Limit: 2 Arrancar Limit: 3

Name: Wind-Based flight
Effect: Iota has the ability to manipulate the winds around her to lift her off the ground, granting her the ability to fly or simply float a few meters of the ground

General Techniques:

(These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.) Limit 5 (Arrancar have 2 for unarmed/cero based, 3 for sealed weapon based.)

Technique Name: Slicing wind Blades
Technique Description: Iota can use wind to channel it around her arm and making a slicing motion, can fire a curved piece of wind or multiple wind blades that can slice through most objects, causing bloody cuts on higher tiers and for lower tiers, has the power to slice limbs off entirely or leave deep, bloody wounds in the process. Requires two posts to be used again.

Wind Blade Appearance:


Zanpakutou Type: a Katana with a single bird like claw on the guard, spikes along the base of the blade and some near the tip of the blade, it has green wrapping with a green feather on the guard as well as on the sheath, the blade has a green tint to it and there is a light green wrap around the sheath.
Zanpakutou Appearance:
Iota Vuela~ by Luke Yasenha Katana_Night
Ressurrecion Name: Keres, Release command is "Tear them apart..."
Ressurrecion Representation: Lost

Ressurrecion Element: Wind
Ressurrecion Appearance: to activate her ressurrecion, Iota grabs the handle of her zanpakuto and holds it with her left hand with the blade pointing east, speaking the release command before spinning the blade in front of her as it turns into a whirlwind, surrounding her before forming into her released form; she has in this form a large, cape, shaped like one large fan-shaped wing, with a long, green skirt that flows down just enough to not cover her feet, above she wears a green, armored corset and twin chain scythes with feather to the backs of the blades with green silk tassels wrapped around the center of the chain scythes, both of them colored green with green jewels put into them, she also has a mask fragment that covers her forehead and down the sides, just passed her eyes with her ears becoming covered in green fur, looking more bird like with the back covered in more feathers as well.
Main outfit appearance:

Corset Appearance:

Chain Scythes Appearancae:

Ressurrecion Ability: (What ability does your character have in Ressurrecion? This would be something your character was 'born' with/obtained upon becoming an Arrancar. This cannot be learned or taught to others.)

Ressurrrecion Techniques: (These are techniques available only in Ressurrecion. Limit 6)

Technique Name: Full Wind manipulation
Technique Description: Iota in her released form has full control over the winds, being able to make tornados, fly faster and increase the strength of her wind blades by AR+2.

Technique Name: Cárcel Muerte Torbellino (Whirlwind Death Prison) (Trial by Wind)
Technique Description: This is Iota's trial ability: she manipulates the wind around her and her opponent into a tornado, then forming a sphere within the eye of the storm, both Iota and her opponent must fight as the sphere will start to remove the air from the sphere over the course of seven posts, if Iota isn't defeated in time, her opponent will pass out due to lack of oxygen and Iota can leave, if Iota is defeated however, her opponent is allowed to leave and it is Iota that falls unconscious due to lack of oxygen. requires four posts before reuse.

Intended Role: Second-in-command of the Army of Blood's Punishment squad, otherwise known as "The Furies Squad" (Tier 3-1)

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