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#1Mù Fusor~ by Luke Yasenha Empty Mù Fusor~ by Luke Yasenha Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:59 pm


NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

Name: Mù Fusor
Alias: to be earn IC
Age: 246
Age of Appearance: 24
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Arrancar
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral Evil

Mù Fusor~ by Luke Yasenha Spirit_of_fire_by_razor4-d4i8uik

Personality: Mù is by far, the most complicated member of the furies as she has a split personality; she is quite "cutesy" and flirty normally, loving to play, even while fighting, she especially loves to wear revealing or skimpy looking outfits like the one in her appearance picture to gain a advantage over male and females alike, using her voluptuous body and stunning natural beauty to get people to do stuff for her, although she is a devoted lesbian after being raped by Dante, having renounced males as lovers, she shares a three-way lesbian relationship with herself, Tau and Iota but sometimes during heated combat, her other, darker personality comes out, replacing the cute and friendly girl with a more blood thursty woman, who has Hematophilia (Blood Fetish) who enjoys slsahing at her opponents to draw blood and making rather lewd moans when she sees them and will always go for more, although this more psychotic side normally goes after the battle has finished but leaves Mù without the memory of what happened after her alter ego took over.

(Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character, such as being able to put your enemies into an illusion trance by touching them, or being able to turn your energy into solid dirt permanently. These are traits your character was either born with or attained through special circumstances. They cannot be taught to or learned by others. Examples would be fire elemental reiatsu, unnaturally sharp reiatsu sensing, and genetic mutations.) Non-Arrancar Limit: 2 Arrancar Limit: 3

Name: Phoenix Tears
Effect: Mù has the unique ability, having once been a phoenix, if she cries and they fall into a target's mouth, they are healed of critical injuries and restore their reiatsu, making her a critical member of the team, regardless of her other abilities

Name: Volver de las cenizas (Return from the ashes)
Effect: Mù also has the ability to be revived from her ashes, she does this when she is hit by a fatal wound, she glow with reiatsu and turn into ashes, when fire is applied to the ashes, her ashes with float within the fire and reform her complete, using the flames' energy to restore her reiatsu. Use to once per thread.

Name: Flame manipulation
Effect: Mù is naturally able to manipulate flames around her body to attack her enemies with or as a flame shield to cover her body from melee attacks.

General Techniques:

(These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.) Limit 5 (Arrancar have 2 for unarmed/cero based, 3 for sealed weapon based.)

Technique Name: Cremación cuchilla (Cremation Blade)
Technique Description: This ability is used with her sealed blade to charge the blade with flames to superheat the end to more easily cut through objects, other arrancar's Hierro or even Reiatsu defensives with a AR+1 to attacking and cutting power (See Zanpakuto appearance where the blade glows red for technique appearance). Requires two post cool down after deactivation.


Zanpakutou Type: A slightly curved Katana with a modern red handle with a similarly modern black sheath with a white pattern on it, similar to the death mark used by soi fon
Zanpakutou Appearance:
Mù Fusor~ by Luke Yasenha Warframe_katana_design_by_revincproductions-d6wm9ka
Ressurrecion Name: Lampades, Release command is "Torch the sky..."
Ressurrecion Representation: Lust

Ressurrecion Element: Fire
Ressurrecion Appearance: to activate her ressurrecion, Mù points her katana up towards the sky, saying the release command, she becomes surrounded in flames, shaped like a phoenix that flies around her before forming into armour with a armored Bra and panties, flame like miniskirt with a dark red silk skirt underneath the armored part of the skirt, shoulder places of a similar color, her mask fragment formed into something similar to a plague doctor's mask, only without the eye holes and the top of the mask, more like a face mask shaped like a beak with red stripes going either side of the beak, she also has a phoenix's wings with the feathers on fire coming from her shoulder blades, although the armour is skimpy to say the least, she is coated in her fiery reiatsu along with a roman gladius and a rectangular shield, both colored crimson (red wrapping around the handle of the gladius and red paint for the shield).

Ressurrecion Ability: (What ability does your character have in Ressurrecion? This would be something your character was 'born' with/obtained upon becoming an Arrancar. This cannot be learned or taught to others.)

Ressurrrecion Techniques: (These are techniques available only in Ressurrecion. Limit 6)

Technique Name: Lava Manipulation
Technique Description: Mù, while in her released form, gains the ability to generate lava from her sword, able to fire a slash of lava at her opponents or create pools of lava around her to defend an area from attack for one reason or another.

Technique Name: Ventana jaula Pájaro (Glass Bird Cage) (Combination Technique)
Technique Description: A combination technique from Lambda and Mù; Lambda first summons sands from around her either by manipulating the sand around her or if sand isn't around, by breaking down the various materials in the earth below her to create the sand, she then sends this sand swirling around her opponent/s where Mù comes in, using her flames to superheat the sand until it becomes glass which takes the shape of a giant egg with a large bird on top with its wings coming either side of the egg, trapping anyone within the glass egg like an insect trapped in a piece of amber.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: No change of being able to break the seal without outside assistance.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: takes about eight posts by slowly sending spiritual pressure to crack it, post time is halved with outside assistance.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Takes about six posts to break the seal, post time is halved with outside assistance.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Takes about four posts to break the seal, post time is halved with outside assistance.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Takes two posts to break the seal, only one post with outside assistance.

Technique Name: Flight
Technique Description: Pretty self explanatory as she can use her phoenix wings to fly around.

Technique Name: Phoenix Zona Abajo (Phoenix Down Arena) (Trial by Fire)
Technique Description: This is the strongest technique and Mù's trial ability: using a large amount of lava, she breaks down a area of about thirty to forty meters in width and fifteen feet in height before using the lava to raise them up, forming a tower, using flames to block the exits, Mù and her opponent must fight within the arena as Lava slowly comes up the tower, taking a total of seven posts to fully reach the top, anyone left in the arena after that time will be hit by the lava filling up the arena while the winning gets to leave. requires a four post cool down.

Area appearance:

Intended Role: Light support member of the Army of Blood's Punishment squad, otherwise known as "The Furies Squad" (Tier 4-1)

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