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#1A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:48 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
A female giggled dissappearing and reappearing from place to place as her blade slashed and cut down the shinigami after her "cant you boys leave a poor girl alone, I dont want to go with you or let you anything."She exclaimed as she cut down the last shinigami. She looked at the destruction of sotrage containers in disgust. "Now I got to find a new place to relax where the demons or arrancars or shinigami wont bug me."She said racing from the storage containers trying to find a place quickly as she soon hid her reaistu to invisible as she moved through a crowd with her hood up looking around.

#2A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:58 am


"Not so fast, demon-child." Kato appeared in front of the girl with his sword drawn. She had just cut down about 5 of Kato's comrades as if they were nothing. She felt no remorse whatsoever. As a matter of fact, she was laughing about it. This petulant little child would pay for what she had done, one way or another. After all, she didn't look that tough.

#3A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:19 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt slide to a stop a few feet from him "what now? I am trying to hide and you shinigami wont leave me be....I have noeugh patience to end you where you stand shinigami, Now out of my way. I dont like being out in the open when i am being hunted."She growled holding her blade with her right hand as she was not liking today at all.

"this is a waste to time."she whispered to herself as her eyes darted around while her guard was up She raised her left hand "Cero"She whispered as a bright cyan blue ball formed in her hand before she let it blast a beam.

While the beam was sent, She rushed right after it at him. She hoped he had moved so she could just continue to run. If not, She slashed infront of her at him at several different angles and speeds growling about needing to refind a hiding space to lay low.

#4A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:11 am


Kato sidestepped to his right and awaited the incoming girl with an outstretched arm. If she was going anywhere it would be straight into his extended left arm. This woman was crazy if she honestly thought Kato would let her get away with what she'd done without a fight. This girl needed a lesson in respect, and Kato would be the one to teach it to her.

#5A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:26 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt twisted landing on her feet as he did what she wanted "Sorry shinigami its self defense."she commented racing off again hoping to get to another hiding spot before any more decied to give chase.

#6A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:29 am


Kato smiled as he shunpo'd in front of the girl and grabbed her by her robes. "Stop running, you coward..." Kato let go of the girl's shirt and drew his blade once more. If the girl ran once more, Kato would have no choice but to cut her down without a fight. He was giving this girl a fighting chance and all she wanted to do was run away. What could she possibly be running away from? She just cut down three Shinigami as if they were nothing.

#7A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:40 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt gasped a she felt something hold on to her robes. she turned around slashing at whoever was holding on to her robes. Luckly they let go before she could do harm "Leave me alone shinigami, I dont have time to mess around okay...I have orders and i must follow them, if you stand in the way of my orders I will have to slice you down where you stand, I need to go so quit interfering."She commented holding her blade out and ready for if he planned on attacking her. She didn't like fighting at all. She growled watching him as her eyes darted around as if to make sure no one was going to jump in

#8A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:50 am


That's the fighting spirit Kato wished to see. He didn't need to make the first attack anymore. She would do it. She was fired up enough. Kato was testing this woman. He was testing her the same way he tested any other opponent he faced.

Kato stood tall, much taller than the girl. He looked down on her, his blade facing her. His broad shoulders made her appear puny next to himself. Still, size and strength were not always everything.

#9A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:12 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Go Away!"She said growling as her grip tigtened her her hilt clearly not in the mood "I need to get going so go away."she yelled to him taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down

#10A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Empty Re: A fighting Chance (Kaito and Amaya) Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:33 am


"Fight me and win. Then, and only then, shall I let you pass." Kato looked down at the girl with a stern, demanding expression on his face. He was completely serious about his proposition. He faced the girl with an ultimatum. She really had no choice. If she said no, Kato would chase her down. If she said yes, she'd have a shot at escaping whatever she was running from.

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