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Identity of a Soul

Name: Takumi Atanasi
Alias: Alpha (Referring that he is the first version that Oleg created)
Age: 6 weeks old (currently within a unconscious state)
Age of Appearance: 21 years old
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Artificial Soul (Built into a unique shinigami body of its own)
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Face claim: Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy)

Personality: Takumi, having been only recently create, has a somewhat "dead" personality, with very little besides the pure knowledge, given to him by his creator/father/captain, Oleg, at first, Takumi is very serious and robotic, even in battle, he fights with precision but without any practice, meaning he has the knowledge to fight, but without a real style of his own, going with a by-the-book approach to things. Eventually, once he has experienced what life has to offer and has grown up, Takumi becomes a more relatable person, becoming polite and soft spoken, giving off a air of a gentleman, although he still obeys his captain and master without question, Takumi will eventually grow into his own ways of thinking and being able to make his own judgement on things without having to be ordered to. He'll also come into having a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor, his favourite being that he out of anyone in the soul society, he is the only person who can get away with the line, "Sorry, I was only born yesterday". Although being made from Oleg, he shares similar abilities in science and technology, being a expert in chemicals and a expert mechanic, being able to mend most of the soul society's technology like the soul pager with little difficulty. Although unlike his captain, Takumi is also a highly trained swordsman and a expert in Naginatajutsu as his shikai is a pole weapon, his highly skilled at being able to use the long shaft to his advantage and being able to switch from his axe blade to his pickaxe side in a mater of seconds as well as being able to release his shikai's power with natural flow. He also can use a variety of kido up to #70 kido (once he has trained a little and gained his humanity) and is able to use Oleg's technology as his own as they share knowledge.

He also possess a mark in the shape of the Greek letter for Alpha, located at the base of his neck on the right side, which he sometimes rubs out of habit. The mark was put on his body by Oleg to symbolize that he was the first successful version.

Alpha mark appearance:

In regards to his creator/Father/Captain, Oleg, Takumi is at first, completely compliant in following Oleg's every command, but Even during the first stages of his life, Takumi was extremely protective of his "Father" and would act hostile to anyone trying to come even remotely close to his captain, acting like a protective child for the only thing he's ever known. But eventually, once awakening his humanity and coming to terms with his feelings and his own personality, he still is protective of Oleg, but doesn't blindly follow his orders if Takumi feels that another way is better, although sharing the same brilliant mind as Oleg, but with his own thoughts, Takumi in a way can read Oleg's mind, letting him know more then anyone what Oleg is intending him to do and therefore, can make a judgement on whether to follow that order or ignore it and come up with his own plans in battle.

Takumi also possesses a unique adapting and evolving program within his head that allows him to grow rapidly as he lives and especially during combat, allowing his growth rate in terms of his character, personality, fighting style, strategy and power to grow with him, allowing him to make the changes necessary in record time to grow from a unfeeling child to a mature, gentlemanly and likely man with a will and wishes of his own. Takumi also receives help on understanding his feelings and how the world works from his zanpakuto spirit, Sekiko, who he views as a motherly figure (while in her manifested form) and has a great amount of respect for her in helping her, although sometimes she annoys him with her attempts to get a reaction from him when he doesn't feel like it, although she is trying to get him to practice feeling more. But he doesn't mind too much as he respects and cares deeply about her since even before he was "born", she was always there, deep inside his mind, giving him the will to live and to rise above the pain and sorrow to escape the slave like mindset that Oleg put him into when he was first born.

Personal Abilities:

(Shinigami may not start with more than ONE personal ability. Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character. They are obtained at birth or through freak occurrences. These cannot be things you would able to teach others or simply obtain through hard work along.)

Name: Augmented Body and Mind and Advanced growth rate
Effect: When Oleg created Takumi, he programmed a selection of mental and physical traits into his body; an advanced growth rate, enhanced mental prowess (observation, learning skills, working memory, etc., are augmented beyond natural), hysterical physical enhancements (+1 FAR to physical strength and speed) as well as access to a large collection of scientific skills and data within his brain. Hysterical physical enhancement refers to a mental phenomena, that allows one to feature strength, speed and stamina beyond what is considered normal, due to a release of epinephrine and norepinephrine in their body - basically, the brain tricks the body to think, that they are strong enough, for example, to lift a car; they do not become physically stronger, but being convinced that they are, they are able to carry out a feat of superhuman strength. Takumi is constantly evolving, via being exposed to an external stimuli, and learns and adapts into new things far more easily than a "real person" could. The collection of information and skills is largely scientific and cold data, making it impractical in social intercourse; he's an adept mechanic, holds expertise in chemistry, anatomy, technology, as well as in other areas of science, but this knowledge is simple, cold data, since he doesn't have actual experience in the science. Due to his quick development, he's spiritually evolved, in the sense he has already became familiar with his zanpakuto and capable of manifesting a shikai.

(Description from Erida)

Name: Compatible drill arm
Effect: A truly cruel yet devious weapon, crafted into Takumi's left arm by Oleg; making his left arm (up to his elbow) cybernetic with a flesh like exterior, Oleg granted his creation the ability to produce a large drill from his arm by deconstruction it, which appears to make his hand glow with blue circuit-like patterns before sliding into his upper arm before being replaced by the drill, which Takumi can use at will, being able to spin it up without need of gas or other fuels, more the user's own spirit energy to get it going, although it only requires a little bit to get it going into full rotation, once at full rotation, it will keep going at maximum speed. It also possesses a electromagnet Dynamo, hidden within the core of the drill that can reflect human arms fire and kido of equal or lower tier in the #30s range. The drill is quite durable and composed of spiritualized steel; steel capable of both protecting against spiritual attacks and interacting on the spiritual plane, meaning its also capable of harming spiritual beings like shinigami and hollows. it's durability is the same as Takumi's zanpakuto, although the drill, unlike his zanpakuto, is more likely to either break or have malfunctions, especially if left operational for more then three posts.
Drill appearance:

Appearance as it is activated:

Name: Phrase Controls
Effect: Oleg while working on his creation, modified Takumi to respond to certain phrases spoken by him and him alone, in case he needed Takumi to do something or had to remind him of his place:

First Phrase: "Would You Kindly?" or WYK for short as it is spelled in the experiment file is the Phrase Oleg can give to Takumi, along with the order, like for example "Takumi, would you kindly remove them from the barracks?" and he would obey that order, he is however conscious while this is happening and is fully aware of what is happening. Oleg set it so Takumi would set up a thought pattern to convince him that what Oleg is telling him is the right thing to do at the time. Although Takumi can resist this if he resists both the mental conditioning and his programming, although it appears to cause a large amount of pain to do so and causes his spiritual pressure to fluctuate wildly.

Second Phrase: "Cold Yellow" or CY by it's codename, is a failsafe in case Takumi tried to resist his orders against him, even while under the influence of the WYK command; When spoken within earshot, it causes Takumi's heart to slowly stop beating over seven posts by the command manipulating the autonomic nervous system that controls out of all the things it monitors; heart rate and by manipulating this during his creation and by the trigger, causes Takumi to eventually have a heart attack and pass out.

Third Phrase: "Hot Red" or HR by it's codename, is more along the lines of a second phase of Cold Yellow, in which after Takumi has passed out, speaking this command will cause him to open his eyes and stand up, his blue eyes will become cloudy to show that he is in a unconscious state, similar to being within a hypnotic trance in which Oleg can make him do whatever he pleases without defiance from his creation. although in terms of Both CY and HR, both can be stopped by Oleg snapping his fingers or be ordering him to stop. The only other way to stop Takumi once he is in the Hot Red state is to manually wake him up, although since Takumi is unconscious and within a deep trance, it would take a lot to wake him.

Name: The Alpha Protocol
Effect: This was designed as a way for Takumi to work with his older models; the mod souls and act as a alpha unit. With the mod souls or fellow artifical shinigami's permission and by touching them, Takumi gains the ability to use the mod soul's power (not shinigami powers like zanpakuto or kido) for two posts. During this time, the person who Takumi took the power from looses the ability to use it themselves for the period of time that Takumi is using it, but Takumi does receive the knowledge of how to use the powers he gains and how best to use them as well as the person he took them from. During this time, his irises will glow a light blue and the alpha mark at the base of his neck will also glow with a darker blue.

General Techniques:

(Shinigami may NOT start with more than four general techniques. Techniques are not extra abilities, but rather, skills which use your abilities in more extreme forms beyond their basic use. For example... let's say I can shoot fire from my fingers. A technique might be gathering a whole bunch of fire for a few minutes and then shooting a fire-laser from my fingers, doing much more damage than what my ability normally would on it's own. Other special or basic techniques using your normal control over your spiritual energy can also be added here, like adding reiatsu to your punches to inflict more damage, and things like that. Think of abilities as special powers - and think of techniques as moves which use the powers you already have. These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.)
These are not used for extra shikai or bankai techniques, elemental techniques, extra abilities and powers.
Limit 4.

Technique Name: N/A
Technique Description:(Include any cool-down or charge times needed. Times are based on posts.)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:
Opponent is One Tier Lower:
Opponent is Equal Tier:
Opponent is One Tier Higher:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:

Shinigami's Partner

Zanpakuto Name: Sekiko (Stone Lake)
Zanpakuto Element: Petrifying Liquid
Sealed Weapon Appearance:

Takumi's zanpakuto, in its sealed form, is a beautifully crafted katana with a silver or grey handle, decorated with scenes of various animals, mostly birds of prey, appearing like statues in various positions like they were trying to escape, the guard appears like a thick celtic knot, made of silver. His sheath is the same as the handle
sealed zanpakuto appearance:

celtic knot guard appearance:

Spirit Appearance:
Golem form:
This is the first form most entering her inner world will see; she appears as a petrified stone Golem-like creature; like a cross between a large gorilla and the aforementioned stone Golem. In this form, she is thirty-eight meters tall and quite visible from the center of the lake, where she stays and waits for her master's arrival. While in this form, she comes across as male, due to her low gravelly voice within this form and her eyes (if they open) glow gold. although her naturally walking speed is slow (about the same as a regular human walking), she is capable of flash step, even with her large size.

Manifested form:

This is her true/manifested form; appearing as a young woman in her early twenties, her gold eyes (her irises, not whole eyes) are covered in a mask that covers the top part of her face, appearing like the top half of her Golem form, only smaller and just covering that section, it also possesses feathers around it along with various horns. her dress is that of a traditional Indian sharwoman with a open bra-like top with shoulder wraps, leather harnesses around her midsections, straw-like gauntlets around her lower arms with a skirt made from long feathers. She has thick bandages wrapped around from below her knee to her ankles and wears rope-like sandals. She does also wear panties, made from natural cotton and a similar appearance to her bra-like top. She wield's a staff with a few animal horns at the top with feathers and a long shaft and various talismans around it. She also possesses painted-on marks over her cheeks and upper legs. In truth, her staff is her version of her sealed form as she can change the staff to her shikai form at will. and unlike her more bulky form, she possesses equal flash step to her master.

She can also willing become as hard as the stone of her Golum form, she still possesses her natural fluidity, but her body becomes stone, giving her a FAR+1 to defense.
Spirit Personality:
While in her Golem form, she doesn't tend to like moving too much from the center of the lake and for the most part, sleeps in this form. When her master visits her while in this form, she can appear to be like someone who woke up on the wrong side of the bed, berating her master for waking her as she is trying to keep her energy going in this form by resting, although she'll assist her owner while she can. She can also be tricky in this form since most would presume she was a male by how she sounds and looks and most wouldn't expect her to use flash step while in this form, which gives her the advantage when she does use flash step in this form.

While manifested, she is somewhat serious, but does also like to play around with her master to see what will get him to react to her, she finds amusement in his somewhat robotic ways as she enjoys finding ways to get him to react more like a human being. She does care for him, like the aforementioned part, she enjoys finding ways to teach him to relate to ours and become his own person, outside of his slavery to his master and captain, Oleg and wants him to be his own person with feelings which Oleg suppressed, but never removed. She is quite knowledgeable and able to teach her master various things and sometimes things which she gets him to say, just for a laugh. In battle, she comes back to being serious, coming head on as like all zanpakuto spirits, she fights like her master would and also possesses the same levels of strength, speed, spiritual pressure, etc as her master as a lieutenant-level zanpakuto.
Inner World:
inner world appearance:

Sekiko's inner world is a large grey lake, surrounded by mountains and there is constant mist around the lake. Within the lake is various creatures, turned to stone by coming into contact with the lake's liquid, becoming permanently petrified. The lake also possess petrified statues of people or hollows Takumi has killed. There is a single stone bridge that ends at the center of the vast petrifaction lake, where Sekiko's Golem form lays at the center, looking like any other of the petrified creatures within the lake. There is also a cave nearby the lake that provides cover from the acidic conditions around the lake. Sekiko will take on her manifested form to enter her cave, which is covered in native american/Indian symbols and writings. There is also various animal skins, used on the large chairs within the cave with candles and a large fire that burns within a stone table.

Shikai Release Phrase: "Stare into the Basilisk's eye ..."
Shikai Appearance: Takumi Atanasi (Lieutenant of squad twelve) $T2eC16F,!y0E9s2S5WotBRwuoz273!~~60_35

The Shikai appears as a Halberd, with a large axe head on one side, measuring three feet in length and curved like the shape of a crescent moon, it also possesses a spear head on top and a red tassel. But on the opposite side to the axe lays a pickaxe's pointed end, measuring about the same length as the axe head, which can be used to break down walls, rock or anything you use a pickaxe on and also useful as a way to climb up walls by using it like a climbing pick. The end of the shaft has a corkscrew point which possesses secret vents that open at the wielder's will to release the petrifying liquid.
Shikai Abilities:

(Shinigami may start with ONE shikai ability; you may have two shikai abilities only if you can get the tier of 3-3 or stronger. If you have two anyway and fail to get that tier, you will simply have to lock one of the abilities so you can't use them until you hit the appropriate rank. Shikai abilities are only usable in Shikai - they do not apply in bankai or your sealed form.)

Name: Sekka no noroi (Curse of Petrifaction)
Effect: The Main power of Sekiko is it's ability to produce a grey-lish looking liquid, composed of unknown chemicals that on contact with living things, starts to petrify the thing that the liquid comes into contact with, say a arm or leg; the liquid when it comes into contact with a living being will normally start burning like a acid, it won't eat away at the flesh but it causes the pain receptors in the area covered to go berserk before starting the petrifaction. It can produced a effect on non living objects, but can create constructs instead of petrifaction. It cannot fully petrify (besides NPCs and PCs with permission and within death enabled threads) But if a part of the body is fully petrified and is broken, it is destroyed and the limb broken won't return in the sense it will return to being flesh, but will be gone until they can get medical assistance. The liquid in its pre-petrifaction state, can be set on fire and it comes from the corkscrew-shaped end of his shikai. He can also manipulate this liquid to form into a variety of techniques.

Shikai Techniques: (Shinigami are allowed to start with no more than SIX shikai techniques)

Technique Name: Ishigaki (Stone Wall)
Technique Description: Takumi first releases the petrifying liquid either in front of him or around him and then, by saying the name of the technique, the liquid boils before shooting up either in front of him or around him, forming into a stone wall to protect against either sealed zanpakuto of a tier down or below or kido at the #30s level or below. At a equal tier, it's possible to crack it and above can simply break through it. Lasts for three posts then two post cooldown.

Technique Name: Ishiha (Stone Blade) (Unnamed IC)
Technique Description: This technique is used by Takumi summoning the liquid and sending it onto any of his blades; this forms around it into a razor-sharp stone that extends any of the blades by a extra foot and increases it's attack power by FAR+1, but since it's made of stone, it can be easily broken with a direct strike. Once destroyed, cooldown is three posts.

Technique Name: Ishi no tate (Stone Shield) (Unnamed IC)
Technique Description: This technique mimics Ishiha, only instead of forming it around the blades, it forms from the tip of the top section of the axe blade to the base of the corkscrew pike, taking the shape of a kite shield to protect the wielder against attacks, although it does make it more difficult to attack, although attacks with the pickaxe pike is possible, the shield's size makes the weapon bulky so attacking while using this technique isn't recommended. Gives a FAR+1 to defense and protects the same as the stone wall technique. Lasts for three posts, then from when the technique is destroyed or runs out of post and breaks off, two post cooldown.

Intended Role: Lieutenant of squad 12 and Oleg's "unofficial" son (Tier 3-2)

RP Thread list:


bumping for completion ^^

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Like I mentioned in the NPC Jam thread, I'd like to see some detail on the character's relationship with the Division in question; in Takumi's case, this would be the information on Takumi's relationship to his "father". How exactly he came to be? I assume this is because of Oleg's interaction with Mayuri? Please explain this.

Luke wrote:Although being made from Oleg, he shares similar abilities in science and technology, being a expert in chemicals and a expert mechanic, being able to mend most of the soul society's technology like the soul pager with little difficulty. Although unlike his captain, Takumi is also a highly trained swordsman and a expert in Naginatajutsu as his shikai is a pole weapon, his highly skilled at being able to use the long shaft to his advantage and being able to switch from his axe blade to his pickaxe side in a mater of seconds as well as being able to release his shikai's power with natural flow. He also can use a variety of kido up to #70 kido and is able to use Oleg's technology as his own as they share knowledge.

Okay, so this thing is about his base ability, right? His brain was engineered with knowledge, in addition to his physical body being enhanced, right? I find the ability intriguing and fitting for the character. However, there's one thing, that doesn't make sense. The knowledge could be implanted in his brain, but if he's only a few days old, how could he be skilled at anything? True, he has the theoretical knowledge of technology and naginatajutsu programmed to him, but that doesn't give him high levels of skills. Also, he's a melee oriented character, so don't make him able to use #70 kido; the amount of reiryoku flow inside his body would probably incinerate his insides - he has the knowledge to use a spell of such a high level, but his body isn't used to reiryoku channeling; learning kido is not a process of a day, even with the theoretical knowledge programmed inside your brain.

Next thing is, the shikai and his tier. Seriously, if he was made a few days ago, he wouldn't be that strong, nor would he had time to attain the shikai. Realistically, I don't think the character fits for the role of lieutenant? Why wouldn't you make it a regular seated officer? And where did the previous VC of Division 12 go, if Oleg could just place a few days old creation as his vice-captain; which, he wouldn't do, not having enough proof that Takumi is entirely functional.

Despite this, don't give up on the character. Make it a seated officer. The plot behind the character is good, since it's logical Oleg would be keen on making his version of Nemu. The shikai concept is awesome and original! It is a good character, just not for the role of a vice-captain.

I think Takumi seems more like Oleg's son/assistant, who follows him around, while a vice-captain should be someone capable of giving orders; think of 3rd seat Akon in the canon. Finally, since we're having canon and alt universes, it would be ideal for the universes to be different; Nemu and Mayuri already exist in canon universe, so we shouldn't focus on making something similar to them. Normally I would dislike the idea of alternate "Nemu", but you convinced me with this character ^_^

That's my opinion.


Well, the idea is that, although he's only just been created, he possesses the necessary experience and knowledge to be able to use what he has to their fullest; think of Takumi like when Ulquirra was first introduced; melochory, unemotional and I was trying to say that at first, Takumi acted like Ulquirra in the way that he's skilled, but hasn't yet developed as a human being as all he has ever know was Oleg. and that's fair enough that, although he possesses the knowledge and power to use kido, he hasn't yet ever used them, kinda like with Neo when he first woke up in the real world, his eyes hurt because he had never used them before, similar thing to this, he had never really used kido before.

also, a good question to how he possesses a shikai, and this was due to the fact that his zanpakuto was "grown" with him, connected to him, allowing for the zanpakuto to forge properly. Besides, Oleg would want him to be that strong and would have designed him acordingly. I doubt when Mayuri created Nemu, he would have wanted her to be strong enough to take on the lieutenant's role, not make her weaker then he needed her to be.

glad to hear that, Yes, Takumi was made with a similar technique to Nemu, but this is done in Oleg's own crazy way to one up him and make a better model.

Oh yes, I forgot something; I forgot to mention that Takumi possesses a adapting personality in where he evolves and adapts, which is how eventually, he becomes less a slave and more someone who is capable of being the lieutenant. The idea is at first, he's a puppet lieutenant who obeys Oleg, but eventually, over time, becomes his own person with his own desires and wants and more human in a sense, but also allows him to evolve in battle, going from strength to strength in adapting to his opponent and becoming more able to fight them as time passes.

Besides, there hasn't been a lieutenant of squad twelve, there was never one to begin with, which is why Oleg got fed up with having no lieutenant to help him and decided that he should make his own, it's in the alt plot guide that's what happens.

and I mentioned the rp thread I wanted to do with him? that's to explain how he came to be, I feel I can do it justice if I write it in a rp thread ^_^ I know exactly how I would do it, but I wanna rp it out, if you get my drift, but I can add the stuff about how he would interact with his "father" and add his ability for evolving and adapting Smile

But thank you for your kind comments about his shikai and character overall; I'm quite happy with his shikai and I agree; it's very unique and original to him <3


updated with the following:

-Updated about Takumi's relationship with Oleg and his zanpakuto spirit, Sekiko

-Updated him with his evolving/adapting ability that gives him a unnaturally good growth rate

-Updated so he can't use kido yet, but can quickly learn to in a thread with the aforementioned growth rate

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
I am on my phone so I will make it really quick. You will get a better review later on.

There is still some issues, but because I prefer to get back to them tomorrow, there's a few things you can fix.

1. Do some grammar checks on it. #sonotagrammarnazi

2. Growth rate does change things entirely. It's an ability so I would advice you giving him a simple advanced growth rate, a term which refers to both physical aging and learning. Dont put it under personality. You could do some research an include the traits that are enhanced; working memory, reaction, senses, etc. Detail what Oleg programmed in his head.

3. I am about to work on aging mechanics, btw. You should change his age from a day to a few weeks, for sake of realism. I'll get back to this asap.

4. Everything else will come, I promise.


1. could you look it over and tell me what is in error in terms of grammer because I'm not very good at that ^^;

2. Well, normally it would go into strengths, but NPC don't have that, so I include it all within the personality sections ^^; The rest I'll try to work on, but I would like your opinion on this too, as to what Oleg programmed into his head; that would be Oleg's knowledge of various sciences like biological science, the anatomy of living things as well as Oleg technological brillance, allowing him to be as good as a scientist and mechanic as Oleg. This along with the advanced growth rate which allows him to rapidly grow both as a person as well as a fighter, despite having only been born, allows him to have near enough unlimited potential to learn and evolve. of course, I can take suggestions on what else can be programmed into his mind, one thing is possibly using the command phases from bioshock and use them here, here's a example of what they would do within the context of Takumi:

First command: "Would you Kindly?" or WYK for short, whenever Oleg (no one else but Oleg) uses this command along with what he wishes, Takumi would automatically obey him, regardless of what he wanted or wished to do, his body would obey Oleg.

Second command: "Cold Yellow" a variation of code: Yellow, this is a failsafe in case Takumi was either compromised or defied a order Oleg felt was more important to both the soul society or his own twisted research, speaking this within earshot of Takumi (by Oleg alone) causes Takumi's heart to slowly stop beating over the period of seven posts, gently weakening him until he has a heart attack and passes out, Then by speaking the phrase "Hot Red", This causes Takumi to enter a state where he is kept in a unconscious state, but appears to wake and stand up, his blue eyes would appearly cloud as he isn't conscious, but will follow Oleg's every order without knowing he is. Of course, Oleg has a antidote to this, locked in his captain's quarters. Of course, Oleg can stop him during the stages of Cold Yellow by snapping his fingers, causing the effects of Cold Yellow to stop unless spoken again, same with Hot Red.

3. Now, this is something else I took from bioshock; Oleg built his body to appear to be a young adult human (21) then designed the artificial soul to act his age, so to speak, similar to in bioshock, the main character is artificially "aged" to grow from a baby to a adult within the span of a few days. Of course, since this is bleach and Oleg has much more advanced tech and smarts, he could do this as he built the gigai for his new lieutenant. You do have to think of Takumi as a mod soul within a soul reaper's body; Like Nemu or the twin mod souls from the gotei 13 invasion arc, that both possessed zanpakutos and shinigami powers. Besides, since watching the lastest avenger film with the vision giving the line "Well, I was only born yesterday", I really wanted to have a character who is the only one in the entire bleach universe who could say that line <3 and yes, in a way, I'm borrowing from the vision's birth from the film as well as how he was created, alongside how the mod soul twins were created during the aforementioned arc.

4. ok then, I'll be waiting <3


Is Takumi really a mod soul? Yes he had a Zanpakutō but he hasn't be modified except to be obedient and a few alterations like the drill and augmented body. Wen Nozomi from the Invasion arc had high speed healing so I was just wondering btw. Just watched the new avengers movie like less than forty minutes ago, loved it so much especially when the Vision was so powerful but born in a single day lol. Anyway I was just wondering since my WIP mod soul: Izuna Kimura currently has his modified and body abilities but one day will IC obtain a Zanpakutō.


Yes, Takumi is a mod soul within a shinigami body, designed for him by Oleg, similar to Nemu and Nozomi. awesome and ikr, and I've taken some inspiration from the vision to Takumi with him being strong but created within a single day, I also want Takumi to say "oh well, what do you expect? I was only born yesterday" xD

anyway, what exactly are you asking me here? ^^; I'm not sure what your asking


I was wondering if he was "modified" when I read him it felt like he was a normal artificial soul with a Zanpakutō. I was just wondering if he had any modified abilities and techniques really.

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