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#1Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Empty Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:11 pm




Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Tenseigan_Chakra_Mode

Zanpakuto Name: Senju Jizō
Zanpakuto Element:
Sealed Weapon Appearance: Senju Jizō is unique among the zanpakutou, despite it looking like an ordinary katana it has a variety of traits that make it incredibly useful, even in its sealed form. The katana is of a regular length, made to fit Izuna's person at anytime. The sword has an elegantly made blade, the blade itself is modified to be made out of a strong alloy which Izuna made, the blade was originally crafted by creating an alloy that is made out of small amounts of soul-synthesised steel, the original blade of Senju Jizō being the very durable material of the asauchi, to finally complement Izuna's zanpakutou she was able to get her hands on a small portion of sekkiseki ore that she got her hands on, this makes her blade nigh-impossible to break, the alloy it is made of is called Aethium which she named after the fifth classical element; Aether.

The blade as well as being strong has a secondary modification, a very small and microscopic addition to her sword is that the blade is covered in microscopic barbs that made to tear into the flesh as she strikes however they also used to excrete a deadly venom over her blade. The blade itself is hollow and the handle is too, she is able to place a canister into her handle and upon doing so it is taken into the blade. Now inside the blade, the venom is able to coat the blade in a venom of her choice, this is done due to the blade having small microscopic holes all over the blade so it appears completely normal yet the blade is made to truly hold its own in combat.

The handle of the blade is wrapped in a royal blue wrap, its dark blue shade contrasts nicely with the silvery metal that adorns the handle. The handle is hollow and allows Izuna to have a canister of venom or a poison of some description which she can have coat her blade, this hollow blade makes it incredibly light and Izuna is incredibly capable of using it fast and with excellent precision.

Spirit Appearance: Senju Jizō is a being who often has no physical form, he actually inhabits Izuna's inner world as an entity who is invisible to the naked eye, it is only when he condenses himself into a smaller body that he becomes visible to those around, when he is manifested into the real world Senju Jizō is forced into his condensed form. The condensed form of Senju Jizō is a being of pure energy, as he is of pure energy he cannot be physically harmed however this means that he is always a intangible entity and he cannot interact with people. This greatly limits him in his capabilities which relate to fighting and training, to fix this he later developed a new form.

Based on condensing his energy to such a point he could create a physical body out of it, in this form he can sustain damage and interact with the world around him although in this form is no longer intangible and now sustains damage. He appears as an adolescent male with his hair covered in his green energy, his eyes are also the same colour as his hair. He gains four markings on his face, two on each side. The majority of his body is covered in a black one-piece suit with a jacket of flowing energy and his shoes are also formed of pure energy. He gains some markings on his jacket and one-piece suit which are mainly magatama around his shoulders and a circular pattern on his energy jacket. In this form if he doesn't have himself to utilise he can manifest a black rod, which is mainly used for blunt striking force and has a pointed end for stabbing however he cannot slash.

Physical Form:
Spirit Personality: Senju Jizō is a very intelligent being, as he is a being of pure energy he is not a zanpakutou who cares about his physical form which Izuna wields, which is why he appreciates her doing experiments on him and making modifications to him as it actually gives him every ability that she gives his sword form.

While he isn't male or female, or human for that fact. He prefers the male form, hence why he appears male him his condensed form. He is a very open minded person and can think outside the box, he tends to not mind being used by Izuna with scientific problems which he tends to be quite good at, mainly from using their strange ability to manifest knowledge into a physical source. He is the one being who can exist side by side and understand every thing that Izuna does.

This makes him quite supportive, to Izuna's wishes as he can understand her emotions, her logic and every other aspect of her choices. He also seems quite unattached to society as he has trouble really understanding social normalities as Izuna herself can find these quite difficult to understand at times especially to sarcasm and facetiousness, he often thinks that they mean are not joking and only reading Izuna can explain it.  
Inner World: A very strange world, Izuna's zanpakutou inhabits world of light blue. That is simply it, light blue is all you can see and it seems to be illuminated by some unknown force. Senju Jizō and Izuna are capable of actually altering the very world itself, this place can often chance depending on her moods, using symbology one can guess that if the world is a very dark blue she is upset, if it is red then she could be angry or in love. This pattern is usually involved in terms as it radiates Izuna's emotions meaning Senju Jizō can often read her quite well, unlike many others also dependant on her mood it can bring in stronger signs dependant on stronger emotions like when in despair her world is not just blue but it rains as well.

The world is similar to a plane of existence, both Izuna and Senju Jizō can shape it to their liking through unknown means, it is theorised that as it is Izuna's soul then they can do as they please in it, this can often make either of them have the capability to effortlessly make the inner-world as they desire and this can even force intruders from the world by making it uninhabitable for them. The world stretches on forever and no matter how far you walk you can never get to where you began, the only way back is to enter a sub-conscious state and visulise the start point. Things can also be manifested with a purpose, as in Senju Jizō could manifest an endless library which represents Izuna's knowledge, it can also then be used to read books that related to her history and knowledge. He could also manifest her heart in many forms such as a love heart, an actual heart however while he uses his symbology, he could literally form it into anything like a book, a box etc.

Shikai Release Phrase: Evolve, Senju Jizō
Shikai Appearance: To release Senju Jizō, Izuna must hold the blade vertical in front of her and utter its command, when this command is given then Senju Jizō comes alive and if Izuna wills it it will create a large explosion of kinetic energy from from its blade which repels everything around her and shakes all reiatsu based attacks such as arrows and cero, this is because the vibrations cause so much stress that the reiatsu can't bond and negates it.

Afterwards the blade's handle becomes golden however it has a very strange texture to it, this is because her golden handle is an organic metal substance which Izuna purposely modified. The very shikai tends not to change that much except that the blade also becomes straighter and more like a daito than a katana. The blade also becomes black with a white edge, it's straight edges make its tip have a perfect forty-five degree edge. The shikai now has its guard become two hands positioned as if in prayer holding the blade in place, the hands are gold like the organic metal material.
Shikai Abilities:

(Shinigami may start with ONE shikai ability; you may have two shikai abilities only if you can get the tier of 3-3 or stronger. If you have two anyway and fail to get that tier, you will simply have to lock one of the abilities so you can't use them until you hit the appropriate rank. Shikai abilities are only usable in Shikai - they do not apply in bankai or your sealed form.)

Name: Vibration Emission
Effect: The shikai of Senju Jizō emits vibrations, or seismic force which can be devastating to those around her. The vibrations are caused by the atoms that are constantly vibrating in the blade of the shikai, this also allows Izuna to increase the movement of atoms and as such emit more vibrations, the vibrations can only reach 20 meters in any direction.

Name: Venom Manipulation
Effect: Constantly being released onto the blade in liquid form is a very potent venom, it is created by the organic handle of the Shikai Release. The venom of Senju Jizō is quite potent in the aspect that its effects often are used to cause paralysis in the area of being hit, however the venom has a weakness and it can be suppressed by stronger reiryoku than Izuna's which is more or less its biggest weakness. Izuna of course is immune to her own zanpakutos venom; it is able to be removed by medical means although it will begin to break down after three posts of leaving the vicinity of Senju Jizō

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: People who are of this tier will instantly lose the ability to use the affected limb, although being hit in the chest does nothing instantly. Throughout the next two posts the affected will lose the use of their other four limbs and body control. This leaves them completely vulnerable.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: At this level they will still instantly lose the ability of the stuck limb, being hit in the chest still does nothing instantaneously. Over the next three posts the affected person will lose control of their body.  
Opponent is Equal Tier: At this level they will still slowly lose the ability of the stuck limb, being hit in the chest still does nothing instantaneously. Over the next four posts the affected person will lose control of their body.  
Opponent is One Tier Higher: At this level they will still slowly lose the ability of the stuck limb, being hit in the chest still does nothing instantaneously. Over the next five posts the affected person will lose control of their body.  
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: At this level they will still slowly lose the ability of the stuck limb, being hit in the chest still does nothing instantaneously. Over the next eight posts the affected person will lose control of their body.

Shikai Techniques: (Shinigami are allowed to start with no more than SIX shikai techniques)

Technique Name: Repluse
Technique Description: Repulse lives up to its name, by emitting a very large amount of seismic force Senju Jizō is capable of blowing back any opponent that is not two tiers higher than it, it also causes all energy spells that are in the vicinity to either break apart and as such be rendered useless or weaken it to be one tier less than its actual potential if it was cast by someone who is two tiers higher than Izuna in power. This defensive technique can also be employed to an offensive manner, in close combat Izuna is capable of using this technique to devastating effects. The technique has an area of effect of 20 meters in every direction.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Targets of this calibre are expected to have multiple broken bones, internal bleeding and serious injuries which would be like they had been right next to an explosion when it went off.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Targets of this sort are expected to receive pretty serious injuries. Highly unlikely they will sustain major internal bleeding and broken bones however they will still feel quite damaged. It would mostly leave the victims in a great deal of pain with multiple broken bones and some internal bleeding of course this is entirely determined by what you hit, they will be thrown violently backwards or away from the point of origin, this means they might only get a few bruises if they are pushed upwards.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Someone on equal footing as Izuna when she uses this technique is likely to feel like they had been beaten in a fight. Basically they can expect some broken bones, a couple of bad bruises and like a gang of people came up to them and all started kicking and punching the affected area. Quite painful but not inhibiting, although they still get thrown a good fifteen or so metres away.  
Opponent is One Tier Higher: When you get hit by this technique it will feel like you have been in a fight and won, you'll get a few bruises and painful hits but no overall damage. The main thing is the throw back of about ten metres.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: This level of power really sustains no wounds, imagine you'd just been punched. Might hurt but no serious damage, the main effect is that they will often be forced from their balance giving good opening for a follow up strike.

Technique Name: Earthquake
Technique Description: Impaling the blade of Senju Jizō into the ground, Izuna sends a large amount of vibrational force into the surrounding ground. This causes an artificial earthquake, from the sheer amount of seismic force that travels into the ground. This earthquake is the equivalent of a magnitude seven earthquake, however by increasing its cool down Izuna can strengthen it to a maximum of magnitude nine. The earthquake is highly destructive and can not only destroy physical structures and objects it can also break spiritual barriers which are one tier higher than Izuna's power level. It has a cool down of seven posts, nine if it was augmented. Its area of effect is the same as a normal earthquake.

Technique Effect Chart:
This technique creates an Earthquake, those in the air are unaffected. Those on the ground would be affected like they were in an actual earthquake.

Technique Name: Edge
Technique Description: A very basic but deadly technique which Izuna employs through her the blade of Senju Jizō. She can manipulate the sharpness of her blade to such an extent it can achieve an almost absolute cutting edge, when this is in use, Izuna's blade can cut through any and all defence enhancing techniques such as Hierro. Her blade can also slice through a kido spell at the level of Danku. She does this by causing the atoms that make up the blade to vibrate stronger but stay condensed which ultimately controls the cutting power. This ultimately makes it nearly impossible to stop her blade unless you have a physical object which is made of something incredibly durable to stop it, another way is being three tiers higher than her natural power (ie without the use of her shikai stat boosts) in terms of reiryoku or defence (in relation to defence; all boosts are mitigated meaning you have to have a defence which does relate to reiryoku protecting you). It has a duration of five posts and a cool down of five.

Technique Effect Chart:
Izuna's blade gains +2 FAR to her attack stat but only in relation to Senju Jizō being used to cut no other attacks gain this boost.

Technique Name: Razor
Technique Description: This technique is an advance form of "Edge", it was created upon the idea of creating a ranged attack, what it does is by vibrating the atoms of her blade to simulate the technique; 'Edge" she however then can swing or stab Senju Jizō in order to release this seismic force gather at the tip and it sends an incredibly sharp strike in the direction she stuck in, the strike of seismic force is dependant on her attack, when she slashes the attack is a long very thin strike which is quite easy to see but covers more striking distance. The stabbing attack is employed for a covert attack which is much harder to make out due to being smaller, it has a cool down of 4 posts.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Someone struck by the attack at this calibre is looking at having whatever got hit being either pierced or cut away. This would be like having an incredibly sharp blade hit you and you wouldn't even feel it. This can be highly deadly as it pierces through all defences for someone of this tier level.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: At this level of strength you can expect a good wound, the attack can still pierce through defences and slices skin like butter however despite the fact that your skin is still cut like butter and also your muscle your bone structure will only receive fractures.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Someone on equal tier with Izuna can sustain a  heavy wound from the attack however it would be incredibly painfully and the wound be like someone ran a scalpel through it.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Someone of this tier finds themselves with a deep gash or puncture wound from the vibration. They tend to avoid major damage however the wound is damaging to her opponent.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: This causes wounds of medium depth, they cannot be considered hindering and the fighter can still fight pretty well from the strike.

Technique Name: Counter
Technique Description: Counter is a very dangerous technique and mainly to be used for last resorts when it comes to defence. It can only be used once per thread and upon its completion Izuna's shikai is sealed for three posts. The technique works by first isolating the vibrational frequency of something that is near her, this is usually one post to understand it however this is mitigated if Izuna has been in shikai for two posts with constant exposure to the target. She then emits a vibration which travels on that specific frequency for one hundred metres in all directions. Once it comes into contact with something of said frequency it becomes like anti-matter meeting matter and both the target and the vibration is destroyed, it should be noted this chains however as Izuna can analyse a kido spell like sai and when she releases the vibration every sai cast by everyone is destroyed. This cannot be done to other characters due to the fact there are too many vibrations for Izuna to pinpoint and then emit a single vibration to destroy it.

Technique Effect Chart:
Doesn't effect characters.

Technique Name: Defence
Technique Description: Defence is the primary defensive technique employed by Izuna's shikai, it uses a constant emission of vibrations to create a field with a circumference of ten metres around her. This then repels all other vibrations on the frequency emitted, anyone who is one tier higher than her is capable of entering although at the limit of first -1 FAR to speed in the 5-10 metre mark, a second cost of -1 FAR to speed is required to get into the 0-5 metre mark with zero being where she is. It should also be noted that people able to emit a frequency which is akin to that of the field around Izuna are able to enter without trouble. Just to note that all reiatsu based attacks cannot enter this field, however in order to use this Izuna cannot move at all hence someone able to enter can move her body and then deactivate it, this then leaves her open for attack.  

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: People of this tier are unable to enter the field in any way or form.  
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Those who are just below her level of power are able to force their way in if they use a high enough velocity however they will be repelled almost instantly and thrown quite violently backwards.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Someone on equal footing can find themselves able to enter the first field however the second field cannot be passed through.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: People who are one tier higher can enter the first field without much trouble although they still lack the ability to get into the second field, with the exception of using high velocity.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: These people can get to Izuna through the first and second fields, they are not limited in their entry of fields.

#2Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Empty Re: Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:53 am


I feel that Vibration Emission could use an area of effect and Venom Manipulation needs to say how to break or get rid of the poison.  Repulse also needs to have an area of effect.  Otherwise looks good to me.   Up to you if you wish to make the changes but I approve none the less.  Still have to train for it I think.

#3Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Empty Re: Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:05 am


All issues addressed, waiting on second approval.

#4Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Empty Re: Senju Jizō [FINISHED] Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:16 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Technique Name: Edge
Technique Description: A very basic but deadly technique which Izuna employs through her the blade of Senju Jizō. She can manipulate the sharpness of her blade to such an extent it can achieve an almost absolute cutting edge, when this is in use, Izuna's blade can cut through any and all defence enhancing techniques such as Hierro. Her blade can also slice through a kido spell at the level of Danku. She does this by causing the atoms that make up the blade to vibrate stronger but stay condensed which ultimately controls the cutting power. This ultimately makes it nearly impossible to stop her blade unless you have a physical object which is made of something incredibly durable to stop it, another way is being three tiers higher than her natural power (ie without the use of her shikai stat boosts) in terms of reiryoku or defence (in relation to defence; all boosts are mitigated meaning you have to have a defence which does relate to reiryoku protecting you). It has a duration of five posts and a cool down of five.

Edge needs some fine-tuning. No boost should be negated by the technique, and the cutting power shouldn't be too strong.

Razor needs a new tier effect chart - someone two tiers higher will not receive moderate injuries.

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