Cirujano Nadroj
Request Template
Thead Name: 450 Years Ago There Was Blood
Thread Link: WIP
Thread Master: Cirujano Nadroj
Thread Participants:
Cirujano Nadroj
Thread Limitations: Death is enabled here and as such special attention needs to be paid to technique effect charts and character limitations. Every participant is expected to post AT LEAST once in a 24 hour period. Refusal or inability to post will result in being skipped. This means that if an attack was initiated in the previous post the attack(s) may be considered a success.
Plot Guide: Nadroj is a fairly new Arrancar, only centuries old. While exploring earth he happens to gain the attention of Shinigami.
Thread Location: This takes place on earth 450 years ago in Japan.
Resolve Drive: Yes
Comments: Your character's tier should reflect its state as it would have been 450 years ago.