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#1Sickbed Is History now Empty Sickbed Is History now Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:18 am


A white cloud hovers above his head. Raiden looks upwards. to the sky. The Morning is young in Soul Society. And finally after weeks of illness. The Captain Commander is back on his feet. He Smiles. And for the first time in a long while. His signaturee summer breeze blows through souls society. Instantly recognised by lots of people of people from Rukongai. The word spreads quickly. "The captain commnder is back". Raiden walks back inside his mansion. When in his bedroom he openes his clouset. And stares at his Shinigami uniform. He had been wearing his white robes for weeks now. It had felt good. But nothing felt like his lether gloves and his captains Haori. His White robes hit the floor and his back was now bare. He grabbed his uniform and put it on as perfectly as he could. And within minutes he was ready. He spoke words with his normal kind voice. Something he wasnt able to do due to his illness lately. and spoke kindly : Please enter His back was facing the door. The door opened and outcame 3 of his personell. All 3 bowed for him then proceded. The first Put his Captains haori on his back. It felt nostalgic. The second. Delivered him his heavy black leather combat gloves. They had been maintained perfectly with leather polish He put them on and adjusted them to where they fit his fists perfectly once more. He clenched both fists a couple times. The two helpers stepped back and the third walked out in front of him and got on one knee. He presented Jujikakaze. He bowed his head and lifted the sword up to his Master. with the words Your sword Commander Raiden grabbed it by the sheath with his left hand. And immediately felt his power surging again. He had to surpress his reaitsu in order for his personell to remain standing. He looked at his sheathed blade for a few seconds and then proceeded to put it in his Sash ( belt). After that he turned around to the 3 helpers who were standing in a line again. he smiled and kindly spoke: Thank you. You may leave now have some tea with the other personell he smiled turned around. then walked out into the yard. The white could was gone and now all that was left was a blue sky. he looked at a target that was set up. in an instant. At his former extreme speed he cut it down without seeminly having drawn his sword. But he didnt sheath it after he finished like he normally would have. He now held it up at the sky. THe blade shimmered in the sunlight. It had been amintained perfectly. there was not a spot on the mirror finished katana. The white wrapped handle was as vivid in color as snow on a cold winter day. He smiled and thought to himself whilst his people were spreading the message he was back. And his now strong and warm summer breeze blew. It has been a while my friend

#2Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:38 am


Dotachin walked slowly while his attendees kept pushing paper after paper in his face. Grabbing each piece he signed them and the ones he didn't like he marked a large "X" over. They were trying to stop him from leaving but he was determined to leave today, although it was one of his most busy days. When he got a few thousand feet from his barracks Dotachin gave his seated officers the stink eye. They backed off with the papers and started to head in different directions back to the barracks.

As he continued to move his sleeves got shorter and shorter until his skinny arms could be scene. He was planning on visiting his cousin seeing as people were telling him he was all better. Dotachin hadn't visited Lucas once the entire time while he was sick. People felt that Dotachin had been neglecting his family too much so he decided to see him after he got better. There was no harm in that was there, he was his own person. Although he hated to admit it Lucas's servants made the best tea as well....

Today Dotachin was wearing the standard black shinigami outfit with neon green sleeves and neon green stripes on his pants. Kazutano was hidden as it always was at the front of his pants. Dotachin was wearing the same old same old captain haori. It was all white with green chrysanthemum flowers on it. The largest chrysanthemum flower rested at the center of his haori followed by Squad One written in katakana. Though his haori sleeves were shorter today it didn't bother him much.

After walking for a few minutes Dotachin started to move quickly shunpo'ing here and there. When he made it to Lucas's courtyard he regrew his sleeves and smiled like a fox. "It seems you are back to your original power and ability." Dotachin said outloud to officially announce his presence. Though he had been flaunting burst of his reiatsu here and there to let Lucas know that he was getting closer and closer to him. He stopped and started to look around for the servants. He wanted some tea already he had been here too long and no one had offered him any.

#3Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:53 am


Feeling a very familar reiatsu and a soft breeze blow by me. I,instantly know that the captain commander is back and well. I quickly shunpo to his residence and move through his attendents. I see his sword held in the air and drop to my knees and clear my throat" captain commander it is good to see you well. When you are up too It physically perhaps we can continue our training. I am almost fully healed from the attack and am here for your command." I stay on my knees and my reiatsu flares briefly from excitement. Its stronger then before and pure white. I realize that the flare is happening and quickly restrain it."i brought you some of my mint tea." I say trying to lighten the mood

#4Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:37 pm


I am back on my feet for 3 minutes and my cousin comes barging in. And a captain comes asking for training Raiden jokingly spoke. He smiled. Welcome my friends Raiden had continued it felt good to have his friends and family around. Remembering his power he hadnt wielded in a long time his sword seemed as strong as it always had been. Lets all take this one step at a time. And have a cup of tea. With the thanks of the 10th division Captain. But instead of calling some of his servants Raiden made some tea for his visitors and another cup for his personell. After they all had taken a seat Raiden joined them with the famous cookies from his sister. Id like to hear story's on what has happened in the soul society during my absence A pleasant summer breeze blew by.

#5Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:48 pm


I rise and hand the tea over to the captain commander." I have continued in my training by myself. Several new captains have been appointed since you were taken ill. oh and my wounds from the battld are fully healed. Please take your time and get full strength my captain." I turn to captain dota"its good to see you once again captain."

#6Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:55 pm


It is good to hear that Koshi Taichou. I havent been sitting here doing nothing. In my mind i havent gone a day without combat. For as you all know in your inner world you are never ill. I have fought my sword. And i have improved my final attack. It is near to being fully mastered. And now that i can walk upright again. I can go and see just how well itll do. But i have a feeling it will be quight Raiden stopped and thought of the word he was searching for. Destructive Raiden laughed at his own inability to find the word. He took a sip from the tea wich was as exelent as it always had been

#7Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:04 pm


"my vibrato is near perfected as well. I can now use it out of combat to,feel my surroundings. My final technique still remains just outside my grasp however." I take a sip of the tea and smileit is quite good I think to myself bur none the less it is good to have raiden sama back

#8Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Sun Dec 18, 2011 3:38 am


Dotachin walks over to the table and joins the two seated captains. He hadn't expected to see anyone else but he was happy that they were here. Taking a seat he looked over at his teacup and lifted it up to take a sip. He drank it slowly and carefully so he wouldn't waste a sip. He didn't mention or say anything when they were talking about their techniques and abilities. From what it sounded like they were fairly close and which was a good thing. "I'm sure you've been piled on with paper work as well. Squad members tend to be a bit ruthless when it comes to that." Dotachin said in an inside voice. He wasn't trying to be loud or rude or even interrupt their conversation.

He grabbed a cookie and started to munch on it. These were infamous cookies that were second to none in soul society. He enjoyed everything about this brunch or little occasion. "These cookies are as delicious as always. So Lucas have you gone back to the country side?" Dotachin asked simply. He wanted to know if he had gone back during his illness. Family always knew how to treat you the best.

#9Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:39 am


Eating a cookie I look up eyes wide"these cookies are amazing.give my regards to,whomever made them. (i look at dota) so captain how is the first division treating you?" I am sincre and kind in my voice and body language. I take another sip of the tea and look up"so can anyone tell me what I blended in with the leaves?" I am half testing dota because I know raiden is a tea conacere.

#10Sickbed Is History now Empty Re: Sickbed Is History now Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:00 am


Riaden ofcourse immeditatelly knew the awnser being the tea lover that he was. He was enjoying sitting with his friends. And enjoying his favourite tea. He kindly replied to Koshi I will give your regards to my sister next time i see her ofcourse
The sun was now at about midday. There were a few small clouds scattered across the sky. It was a beautiful day

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