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#1[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:53 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Latest?cb=20070316041547

Ika found himself transported to a mystical arena and over the intercom with the fans cheering loudly, he heard one simple rule. "Kill or be Killed." Upon hearing this, it was pretty simple.. he found a cigarette in his pocket and drew his Zanpakuto, marking the sand with an X, the X would be where this mans corpse would lay by the end of this fight.. this battle this.. war.. He looked on to see who his opponent was, Cero Espada Graven Fel. But.. was he on roids... He may have even matched Ika in terms of power, well.. Perhaps this WOULD get interesting after-all.. It was doubtful sure, but perhaps Ika may get to go all out for once... The thought made him salivate a bit, and he didn't want to contain himself though he did..

"Graven, I like you buddy, I do, but if only one of us is walking outta here it's gonna be me... so why don't you just lay down like a good little pup, and make this easier on both of us eh?" Ika smirked, he knew that ploy was NOT going to work at all, the man was not going to give in that easily but.. Ika knew he may as well have fun while he could. Who knows, he could be dead by the time the day was done... Okay, that's a stretch, but it wasn't going to be fun regardless... "I'll leave it up to you who goes first.." and like that, Ika sat back, hands in his pockets nonchalant as ever, against the Cero Espada...

#2[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:53 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel



©2013 caliburn

Well, this was a new one...Looking around, Graven saw Ika Mazi, the leader of the Vizards, across from him, along with hearing an order to kill or be killed. After that, there was a lot of cheering from what seemed to be empty stands, and a weirdo screaming that it was time for a Death Battle...Oh Hell...."Were...were we just transported into a YouTube series?..."

After hearing Ika's greeting, a wolfish grin spread across Graven's face as his reiatsu grew ominous. It seemed as if they had been placed on an even playing field, which made things a little more interesting. "Well, Ika, as friends it's all the more important for us to fight even harder, right? Wouldn't want to insult each other by just giving up!"

technique log

Name: Sanguine Reiatsu
Effect: Arguably, this ability places Graven among the most powerful Arrancar, perhaps even dominating in combat effectiveness. His reiatsu is…unique, in that it has the form and consistency of blood. When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the “blood” created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. He can control about 30 gallons at most, half of which is produced upon release of his reiatsu, gaining 5 gallons every post afterward until he hits maximum capacity. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense.

#3[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:44 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The man looked across to Ika, and being the smart-ass that he was Ika smiled, then waved at him as though he didn't have a care in the world and if we're being fair here, Ika really didn't. He knew this outcome, Acid vs Blood? Pfft.. "Well in terms of a youtube series they could have picked shittier ones, we could be in like, the Pewdiepie universe for fucks sake... that really would be terrifying now wouldn't it?.." Ika continued wearing that sly smirk he always wore across his face, he knew for a fact that he had the advantage, and that this would only end one way.. and it was with him as the winner.

A grin crossed the mans face as though he were a wolf and his Reitsu increased in a rather ominous fashion, not that Ika would actively give a damn. Seemed he had taken notice of the even playing field, which maybe wasn't the best thing for Ika's long-term health in regards to getting out of this fight with minimal injuries.. As Ika spoke to the man, he seemed to return as if they were going to be friends in this situation.. "I suppose we should fight pretty damn hard since we're friends and all, eh?.. Of course we should.." Ika pointed his Zanpakuto at him with one hand, and he placed his hands in his pockets.. "Go ahead.. make the first move.."

#4[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:04 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Smiling even further, Graven released his reiatsu to it's maximum, causing him to glow bright red for a moment, giving off a torrent of energy that settled into about fifteen gallons of blood on the hard-packed dirt. Drawing his blade, he burst into a Sonido to slash at the back of Ika's neck, coincidentally in the same spot as Ika's demonstration when they had first met. He was testing Ika's defenses and reaction time, knowing that the blade was likely going to be blocked. Bringing his left foot around in a classic roundhouse towards the Vizard's ribs hard enough to crack a building, he fired off a Bala from his booted foot at the last second in order to enhance the strike further. Stretching his blood around his opponent and form three separate pools, Graven would clench his fist to bring it all in towards the other combatant while using Sonido to disengage about twenty feet, analyzing what he'd managed to do as he summoned his blood back to him. Ika hadn't released his sword yet, so Graven had a slight edge for the moment considering an Arrancar was always at the level of a Shikai comparatively, but that could change in an instant, especially considering he knew of Ika's manipulation of acid. As powerful and versatile as blood was, something that eats away at both living and nonliving matter while in the same liquid state would have the advantage.
technique log

Name: Sanguine Reiatsu
Effect: Arguably, this ability places Graven among the most powerful Arrancar, perhaps even dominating in combat effectiveness. His reiatsu is…unique, in that it has the form and consistency of blood. When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the “blood” created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. He can control about 30 gallons at most, half of which is produced upon release of his reiatsu, gaining 5 gallons every post afterward until he hits maximum capacity. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense.

#5[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:27 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The man seemed to be smiling from ear to ear, releasing his Reiatsu till it peaked, a move which require Ika to counteract it by doing the same thing. Blood poured out of the Reitsu in what appeared to be gallon buckets, caking itself on the pavement relatively quickly, not that Ika actually cared.. "Oh look, the Cero Espada is bleeding, do you prefer pads or tampons when it's that time of month Graven?" He drew his blade and would proceed to burst towards Ika, making a slash at Ika's neck which Ika would summarily parry by putting his Zanpakuto up vertically to block, maintaining the one hand he had in his pocket to begin with.. Ironically it appeared he was aiming for the same spot Ika had when they first met. He seemed to be taking things slow, probably testing Ika's reaction time and his general speed, but the test wasn't really going to accomplish much given that Ika wasn't even needing to try at this point. The man brought his left foot around at full force for a roundhouse kick, speeding and powering it up with a Bala. Ika Shunpo'd to get behind the man to dodge the kick, and as the leg would surely be retracting to normal placement Ika would aim to sweep the leg of the Arrancar, and if he succeeded he would aim to cut the mans legs off in one swoop. If he had not succeeded, he would contunue watching as 3 pools of blood formed near Ika, and he decided it would probably be best to go Shikai at this point..

"Doku Hakimasu" was all Ika would say before his body began to be enveloped in skin tight armor that was even with average Heirro.. Ika laughed a bit to himself as 3 separate pools of blood formed around him, as though that was going to somehow phase him in the slightest. The man brought it all towards Ika with a clenched fist, and Ika smiled as he proceeded to Shunpo forwards, then forwards once more towards the man, having effectively avoided the blood and caught up with the Arrancar. "My turn.." and with that Ika would form a giant hammer made of acid, and slam it towards the Espada's ribs from the right side. If it made contact, it would be equivalent to being hit by an actual war-hammer, but it would have more burn to it. On top of that, if it was met with any resistance at all, it would splatter and form a full hammer worth of liquid acid for Ika to toy with. If the man dodged, Ika would point his finger and launch two acid bullets towards the mans back. They were once again Reitsu based, condensed solidified Acid, that would pack the extra punch of liquifying on impact. They were the size of 50. cal bullets, and had the penetration power and speed of a small bala. "Don't bore me now Espada.. I haven't had a chance to truly test myself out in quite some time now.." He readied his Zanpakuto, and prepared for what was to come.

#6[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:27 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel



©2013 caliburn

Graven's eyes widened slightly as Ika avoided his barrage. He had managed to use Sonido to escape just as the Vizard had attempted to sweep the leg, but now he knew that play time was over. Five more gallons of blood seeped up from the round beneath his feet while the other fifteen reformed in the air around him, but honestly, it wasn't going to do much good unless he got fancy with it. Jumping over the hammer swing, he was in the midst of an attempt to grab Ika's shoulder to flip around him when a pair of condensed balls of acid shot at him from nearly point-blank range. There was no time to form a shield with the blood under his control, there was no time to dodge...Well, there was no time for anyone else to dodge, at least. Graven, however, was one of the fastest beings in existence for a reason. Time seemed to slow down for the wolf as he solidified reishi beneath his feet, his boots gripping into their new hold as he launched a blisteringly-fast Sonido with a twist. By compressing his reiatsu, then spinning out of the way of the bullets at the last second before launching himself a good twenty feet away while lowering his reiatsu output to nearly nothing, Graven used one of his trump cards, Gemolos. The husk where his reiatsu once was, and where it would still appear to be took the acidic bullets straight to the chest, the acid eating away at what would appear to all the senses to be Graven himself. A shocked expression covered his face as a pair of fist-sized holes drilled ever deeper into him before he disappeared, the real Graven's reiatsu returning to normal, matching Ika's inch for inch. There was no one alive that was able to keep up with Gemolos' top speed, as it was far faster than an average Sonido due to leaving the extra "weight" of one's reiatsu behind to trick an opponent.

"Well, that was certainly an interesting experience, wasn't t? I'm not about to disappoint you, Ika." Graven's smirk widened as he spoke, Zanpakuto spinning lazily in his hand before it rested backwards, the point facing down towards the dirt. "Awaken, Emperador Pesadumbre."

Once those words, feared throughout all of Hueco Mundo, were spoken, a massive pillar of blood-red reiatsu rose and engulfed the Cero Espada, enough to weigh down on even Ika's shoulders. The tower would explode outward with a howl, the earth beneath them cracking with the force of the Arrancar's cry. Once the dust cleared, Graven would have taken a completely new form, once far more suited for his fighting style than a mere blade. His uniform molded itself into a bodysuit, the white fur and v-cut remaining among the sleek plates as fur-trimmed gloves spread and form themselves into claws likely capable of shredding steel with ease. Graven’s mask fragment expanded on either side, mirroring each other to extend 7 inches out from his face, forming a wolfish muzzle with downward points at the “chin” on both sides. The back of the fragment spread across his back and down his spine, creating armored hackles before ending in a wolf’s tail made purely out of the bone-like substance. A blood-red glow appeared between the plates of the armor as red-stained reishi began to be absorbed into Graven's new form in a manner similar to Shunko, seemingly being formed into an energy signature that matched a Cero before entering the suit between the hackles. The Arrancar's grin was beyond shit-eating at this point, showcasing his too-long canines as he leaned forward, adjusting his form to compensate for the change from blade to claws. The blood surrounding him spiraled and formed into twenty needles, one gallon each, before pointing straight at Ika. "So then, Ika, why don't we kick this up a notch?"

Using a Sonido, even faster than before, he'd appear in front of the Vizard and slash his claws in a powerful downward stroke, spinning his left foot around to sweep the leg before launching off his right into the air, lashing his tail and firing off a Cero with seemingly no effort, as if it needed no time to charge as it was just waiting to burst to the fore. All twenty needles crashed down towards the other man as well, each one with the destructive force of a Cero compressed into their forms. Getting a grip with his now-white bone covered boots, Graven launched himself into a downward Sonido to increase the velocity and power behind his claws as he stabbed towards Ika to finish the combo. This fight definitely wouldn't end so soon, and Graven could only hope that the display of force was enough to injure the Vizard and show that he was serious. His reiatsu and speed were three times that of Ika's sealed form, and his strength was double that of an average combatant of their caliber while in his Resurreccion, just confirming the fact that an Arrancar's Resurreccion was comparable to a Shinigami's Bankai. If this fight was going to progress any further, then Ika'd have to take the next step. Graven's job was done in that regard.
technique log

Name: Sanguine Reiatsu
Effect: Arguably, this ability places Graven among the most powerful Arrancar, perhaps even dominating in combat effectiveness. His reiatsu is…unique, in that it has the form and consistency of blood. When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the “blood” created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. He can control about 30 gallons at most, half of which is produced upon release of his reiatsu, gaining 5 gallons every post afterward until he hits maximum capacity. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense.

Name: Gemelos
Effect: High-speed movement is an exceedingly fine art, and none are more natural to it than Graven. As a wolf, it is part-and-parcel with his nature to strike hard and fast with as much grace as a cat. One might even call him a savant, albeit a deadly one. Due to his natural grace combined with either blade or claws, Graven is capable of preforming advanced techniques with little to no difficulty. His skill with this technique has even become such that he can be considered one of the fastest of his tier, stunning his foes as he moves at supersonic speeds in combat. The key behind Gemolos, however, is that this advanced form of Sonido allows him to create afterimages of himself that act as mirages. He can create up to 5 mirages of himself using this ability per thread, and they immediately fade after an attack, appearing for only around 2 seconds as if Graven himself were stuck before disappearing.

Abilities: Emperador Pesadumbre draws reishi in from the surrounding area to form Ceros, imbuing and mingling them with Graven’s blood to pump the destructive power through his entire body. He can then release the Ceros at will through his body or the blood under his control. The control Graven has over blood is increased, allowing him to manipulate double the original 30 gallons at once. His claws are insanely strong - on the level of a Bankai of equal tier - complimenting his natural abilities and replacing a Zanpakuto when necessary.
Boosts: x3 to Speed and Reiatsu/Reiryoku, x2 to Strength

#7[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:35 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The mans face seemed frozen if only for a moment when Ika avoided his barrage and eluded him, the counter-attack was barely avoided as the man used Sonido just in time to avoid having his leg swept. Perhaps now that his life was nearly ripped from his hands a second ago, the man would begin to take this a tad bit seriously.. Well, it seemed as though he had, as more gallons of blood seeped from the ground beneath the mans feet, and the blood that had formed prior to reformed in the air around him..  For whatever good that was going to do him.. It wasn't going to do him dick unless he got almost obtusely fancy with the shit.. The man tried to jump over the hammer swing which was met with acid bullets being shot in his direction, he was fast enough to avoid them with a twist but they hadn't went away, they were heading up! Ika smirked, as they came right back down at the same speed, heading towards the Espada's Shoulders while he was trying to get his bearings.. It would surely suck to be him here in a minute.. The Arrancar may have used Gemelos to get away, but Ika was no stranger to changing plans as the newly launched bullets would soon indicate..  The man apparently thought his Gemelos gimmick was going to surprise Ika whom for one thing, knew plenty enough about Arrancar to know they were capable of it, and for another thing, still had eyeballs and could look twenty feet away.. He also noticed that despite the weight of the clone, the reaction was not one that would match that of the normal prideful kings.. It wouldn't matter though.. It never had..

The man spoke and by this point Ika was apathetic to whatever he would say, that was of course until the man released which was certainly not what Ika was looking forward to.. "Well, looks like you're not giving me a choice here Graven.. Yūdoku fu~yūrī" As he said those last 3 words his entire form changed.. He had a long sword on his back with two Katana's crossing it and a scythe.. He had hand-blades and brass knuckles, along with knives in each boot.. His armor was essentially strong Heirro, and he was covered from head to toe.. "Well.. I haven't gotten to check this form out in a while.. Let's see what you've got Arrancar.." The mans appearance began to resemble that of a Canine as opposed to the typical humanoid form Arrancar and Shinigami alike took on.. Ika smirked from ear to ear as the mans shit-eating grin enveloped his face, and his claws and newly formed Hollow markings began to show.. The man leaned forwards a bit as twenty needles made of blood were formed Nope. Not today friendo. Ika Shunpo'd to the side and then forwards, using all of his might to slash forwards with the long sword, hoping to cleave the man in half or at least occupy his attention, because the real show was about to begin..

The Arrancar used Sonido, even faster than he had prior to and appeared in front of Ika, claws slashing at him as they would but Ika parried by knocking them aside with the hand-blades, and as the man went to sweep Ika's legs Ika only jumped high enough to avoid them before returning to the Earth in an instant, with Shunpo if need be. The man then launched himself to the right and launched a Cero which Ika smiled at, pulling his mask over his face as one might expect Ika launched his own Cero to match it, they'd explode against one another but the Arrancars problem was going to be the acid splatter.. After all, Ika's Cero's were acidic on the inside, and on the outside.. As the twenty needles crashed down in Ika's direction, he avoided them with a hard Shunpo to the left, though one still ended up lodged in his left shoulder.. Ika looked at it, but would not have time to dwell on the matter seeing as the man would then descend upon him as though he had a vengeance of sorts. Ika grinned, and timed his Shunpo just right. The man would essentially be punted with a Shunpo behind it, and sent spiraling into the air if Ika connected, this would be followed up with yet another Cero, aimed at the mans position in the air. If it missed somehow, Ika would Shunpo away immediately to create space.

Seeing his chance, Ika would launch the acidic ball at Graven, it would form in an instant and was essentially a giant acidic spirit-bomb that was like being hit by two Cero's covered in acid. Their utility was however not only that they could blow someone away, but rather the acid created from it could be used by Ika for other purposes.. Regardless of whether or not this hit, Ika would throw a ball into the air, and the opponent probably wouldn't have a fucking clue what to expect from it, seeing as it was currently being mixed in with the clouds.. Rain would fall soon, but not quite yet.. Ika used Sonido to get to Graven's left-side, before following it up with a Shunpo around to the mans side, once there, Ika would fire off two more acidic bullets towards the mans lungs hoping to penetrate them, and burn him up a bit. Ika would then Shunpo backwards, and wait for the man to make his next move, curious as to what would be next..

#8[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Wed Feb 08, 2017 4:40 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel



©2013 caliburn

Graven winced at the backlash of Ika's acidic Cero as the two orbs of energy collided, continuing with his attack until Ika countered with a kick to his side. Lashing out to counter with his claws at the last moment, the Arrancar would attempt to dig them into the Vizard's leg before he was launched away, angled slightly towards the ground as he tumbled head over heels, trying to get a grip on the reishi present in the air of the arena. Seeing another Cero headed in his direction, Graven re-liquified the blood he had present, five additional gallons forming in the air around him as the rest rushed to join his decent. A rather interesting wall, made up of three gallons, spread in front of the Espada before turning concave, allowing the Cero to enter slightly before shifting suddenly, reflecting the energy back at Ika. Twenty-two gallons of loose blood joined an orb rotating in the opposite direction, showing that the wall was nowhere near overpowered quite yet. Of course, that was liable to change fairly quickly.

Cursing as he saw the large ball of acid get built up and launched at him just as he had gotten a grip on the ambient reishi and stabilized himself so that he could land on his feet, Graven pointed a hand at Ika and his bomb, flicking his clawed thumb across his palm to draw some blood before building up a chaotic, blood-red Cero that seemed to bend the air around it. It was utterly massive, something that only an Espada-level Arrancar could manage, and as it fired it would become clear that it wasn't the air being bent around the massive, discordant orb of was reality itself. "Gran Rey Cero..."

Watching the explosion out of the corner of his eye with satisfaction, the King of Hueco Mundo flinched as he was hit with the remnants of the acid that weren't destroyed when his Cero impacted. Building up energy for one of his two signature attacks within his hackles, the reishi being drawn in from the surrounding area would increase. The random splatters of acid that had hit him so far definitely hurt, even through his Hierro, and he really didn't want to get hit with it full-force. Of course, Ika wouldn't have it any other way, it seemed. Turning to one side as the Vizard used Shunpo to close in, Graven would step about a foot back the moment the acid bullet was launched, flicking his eyes to the other side and spinning in an attempt to avoid the second shot. He knew how much the damned things hurt, as the first two had come back around and struck him in the shoulder. His release had managed to heal the damage completely, where his high-speed regeneration wasn't quite enough at the time to do much more than keep the acid from spreading. As the bullet passed him, the Arrancar felt it hiss and pop against the skin on his chest. Watching the orb that mixed with the clouds briefly as Ika used Shunpo to disengage, Graven would form his shield above him just in case the damned thing exploded. Watching the Vizard closely, Graven's grin would come back, his voice slightly more gravelly and animalistic than before, but still the deep, royal tone that most had come to associate with him. "You know, Ika...I didn't take you for a hippie, but all this acid is making me wonder...Oh, and the first time I started bleeding I just grew a pair and SUCKED IT UP!"

Using Sonido to close once again, Graven would start laughing as he brought his right leg around in a spinning crane kick, one that belied the real danger. If Ika blocked it, his tail was right there to lash out with just as much force as the leg itself. If one wanted to get technical, the kick was only there to sweep away the opponent's defenses, allowing the Arrancar's tail to slam into the target full-force. In addition to this, the blood under Graven's control would surround Ika in a half-crescent with the Espada at the opening, glowing red before unleashing a single Cero that curved around the entire area and rushing in to augment the energy attack. Graven also began building up an even larger amount of energy than what was released with his Gran Rey Cero along his spine, as his unique attack neared completion. Just a little more time...
technique log

Name: Sanguine Reiatsu
Effect: Arguably, this ability places Graven among the most powerful Arrancar, perhaps even dominating in combat effectiveness. His reiatsu is…unique, in that it has the form and consistency of blood. When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the “blood” created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. He can control about 30 gallons at most, half of which is produced upon release of his reiatsu, gaining 5 gallons every post afterward until he hits maximum capacity. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense.

-Technique Name: Negation Wall
Technique Description: Graven forms a partial dome of pure, densified blood, defending himself from any attacks on the chosen side. The dome itself is amorphous, allowing it the potential to redirect an energy-based assault back at the attacker as well as reinforcing its strength against melee attacks. The curvature of the dome itself varies according to necessity, and it can be either concave or convex as the situation dictates. This technique is instant, and lasts for 3 posts or until struck as dictated. Negation Wall requires 3 posts to cool down after its collapse, and uses up 3 gallons of blood. It is capable of reflecting any attack up to a 60's Hado in strength, and is capable of absorbing up to Hado #70. After that, it merely reduces damage done to Graven.

Abilities: Emperador Pesadumbre draws reishi in from the surrounding area to form Ceros, imbuing and mingling them with Graven’s blood to pump the destructive power through his entire body. He can then release the Ceros at will through his body or the blood under his control. The control Graven has over blood is increased, allowing him to manipulate double the original 30 gallons at once. His claws are insanely strong - on the level of a Bankai of equal tier - complimenting his natural abilities and replacing a Zanpakuto when necessary.
Boosts: x3 to Speed and Reiatsu/Reiryoku, x2 to Strength

Technique Charging:

Technique Name: Cero Devastación
Technique Description: As this technique is released, Graven draws his power back in upon itself, causing a large blast of crimson reishi to draw itself from the target to his finger, tail, or mouth. Anything caught within the blast collapses in upon itself from the sudden gap, much like a vacuum. Of course, the sudden rush of matter colliding with itself proceeds to evacuate outward, causing a large-scale shockwave that slices through anything in the vicinity. This occurrence marks the key difference between Cero Devastación and the Cero of any other released Arrancar; Graven’s Cero has the ability to implode instead of explode.  This technique takes a single post to charge, and takes 4 posts to cool down. It strikes with the force of a Cero Oscuras initially, and the return shockwave is equivalent to a 40's Level Hado.

#9[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:30 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The man winced a bit and that led Ika to believe that at least the acidic part of the Cero made contact with the mans skin, (for future reference, If it did or didn't hit you, clarify that and state where.. Makes life a lot easier.. Specifics are a huge part of combat when it's being simulated and you're needing some level of vision to proceed, not bitching, just throwing that out there Razz) As Ika went to kick at the man, he seemed to lash out with his claws and though the claws certainly found their mark, it wasn't enough to phase Ika as he launched the man seemingly half-way across the arena. They barely grazed his legs, but they did penetrate about an inch into Ika's calves, the wound extended about an inch down in 5 separate spots, and it was bleeding at a rather fair rate..

Some may assume this was a bad thing for Ika, that is until they consider that Ika's leg was now essentially an acid covered club.. The man seemingly needed some time to catch his grip as he flew throughout the arena, but caught himself just in time to form a blood wall to seemingly reflect the Cero back at Ika. Thankfully, the range was enough where Ika could simply jump out of the way, and he was more than a little excited about the acid produced from it. Now, a huge mass of blood formed around the man, and Ika smirked, using Acid saturn to have a rotating ring of acid surrounding him.. It seemed that the blood was used up when it blocked things.. Interesting, perhaps Ika needed to continue to test the shielding.. As Acid surrounded Ika and spun at a continuous rate, quite literally as though Ika was the planet Saturn, and the acid was the enormous ring that surrounded it.. It's defensive capabilities and offensive capabilities would soon be known to the Cero Espada if Ika had any say in it..

The man cursed once more and stabilized himself once more to launch a massive Cero, a huge Cero in fact it looked to be a.. "Gran Rey Cero eh?.." As he said this, he smirked a bit, Having launched the Acidic Ball Ika used Shunpo to clear the area, before saving at least half of the acid from being eviscerated entirely via moving it out of the way, then scattering it around the ground like rain in a 100 foot radius, soaking the ground and giving him ready made access to the majority of it.. Much of the acid had dissipated, but plenty of it splattered on the man, staining his skin with burns of which he would be lucky to recover from any time soon..

Graven began to draw in Reishi for some form of attack as Ika had begun to close in on him, As Ika launched the bullets towards the man, he stood there with a smirk knowing full well that despite the fact that the man had dodged them both, he now took them both to be a threat. After-all, the Holes in his shoulders were clear proof that they had been shown to be a more than formidable threat to the man.. He had stepped about a foot back and as he was in the middle of dodging the bullets Ika would smirk to himself, before launching the acid splatter from the first wounds that had went a little lower down the mans arm and on his shoulder, towards his eyes as he was dodging. The odds of him dodging this were minimal given the proximity and speed, as well ast he fact that he was already occupied, and the blinding effects it could have on him would be beyond troublesome.

The mans release had been troublesome to the extent that he regenerated sure, but the bullets were showing themselves as being more than effective at this rate.. The Acid from the bullet seemed to hiss near his skin, and it was clear that his Regen alone was not enough to keep up with the injuries he was collectively incurring.. Something had to give, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be Ika.. The man seemed to form an umbrella made of blood as Ika launched the orb into the sky, which was no problem given what was about to occur..  

The mans voice became a tad more gravelly and leaned more towards beast as opposed to man.. The Regal tone that Ika had come to know was essentially gone.  The man made some amateur hour quip about Ika being a hippy, and how when he bled he grew a pair and yada yada yada, to which Ika would snarl and retort, "Huh, that's funny poochy, that might make sense if a bitch could grow a pair, but seeing as you can't, that kinda collapses on itself eh? Besides, a Hippy, REALLY? That's the best you've got. Holy mother of christ dude, if you survive this I suggest you get a shit-talking coach. I've gotten better response from 10 year olds!" Ika shook his head, and awaited the mans response, and then.. well..

Assuming the man either pushed his way through with blood, or simply viewed being burned from the waste down to be a casual endeavor, Ika would smile in his general direction as he closed the gap. As he made a spinning kick towards Ika, Ika would raise acid around him like walls, about twenty feet high. IF The man didn't escape now, Ika would launch a cero towards him, and block it with his own wall assuming it didn't hit Graven directly. The problem was, if Graven wasn't completely out of the ring, he would be hard-pressed to avoid the concussive blast at his back which would be less than a foot behind him, assuming he just tried to move outta the way..

The tail went through Ika's fore-arm, though it was stopped there and if he did not retract it he would find that it was summarily severed from his body via Zanpakuto swing. The mans blood began to surround Ika a bit as though it was just a backup to Ika's acidic shielding.. The Cero came towards him from the blood crescent and Ika Shunpo'd to the left, presumably either once more covering his poor foe with acid, or prompting him to Sonido along with Ika to avoid it. It would amount to at best a positioning move though because Ika had not been capable of blocking this attack given he used the shield as part of his attack strategy earlier on.. Half his body was burned, and he would immediately allocate resources to healing his left side from below the neck since his head wasn't impacted.. 1st-2nd degree burns maybe?.. it would take a bit, and it hurt obviously as Ika let out a grunt, but it wouldn't amount to much in the long run.. Then? The Rain would fall.. And boy if the man was a victim? He was going to know about it..

#10[Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Empty Re: [Death] Graven vs Ika (Battle) Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:51 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel



©2013 caliburn

Graven hissed as his eyes were splashed by the acid that remained from the attack on his shoulders earlier. Bringing about a gallon of blood up, he splashed it into his eyes to clear them, then ran it over his body in an impromptu chemical shower. Finally, he could feel his regenerative abilities kicking in, but not nearly fast enough considering he was down to the last layer of skin over a large portion of the right side of his face, and his shoulders were lit up with what had to be borderline third-degree burns at this point. Continuing with his attack, the Arrancar would-almost too late, mind you-that Ika had brought a ring of acid around to defend himself. Lashing out with the blood at his disposal not being used for his shield, he managed to create enough of a gap that he could get through, but he supposed that really didn't matter, considering that it was filled in with a wall that stood twenty feet high behind him and surrounding the two combatants. The Vizard's acidic Cero was dodged by moving to the side, although the explosion and subsequent acid splash covered the left side of his body in second-degree burns.

Watching as his tail made it past Ika's initial defense, he brought it up to parry the other man's sword strike. This was the time he was thankful that the bones that made it up, while not as strong as his claws, were augmented by his Hierro and were already as strong as a human femur. While he was sure that, given the opportunity, Ika could cut through it like he'd intended, it'd be extremely difficult considering exactly how prehensile it was. His blood crescent formed and went off without a hitch, thankfully, so Graven disengaged while he could by using Sonido in an up and backwards motion before moving to his right, following Ika to stand around 10 feet away. Hearing a hissing sound as rain splattered against his makeshift umbrella of blood, the Arrancar realized that the bastard across from him had created acid rain with that orb from before. Narrowing his eyes as his blood rejoined him, followed by the creation of even more, the Espada winced once again as the acid on his back ate away at his Hierro, causing him to give himself another blood bath. "So, Ika...I suggest you stay over there. I really don't want to get hit with this."

Using Sonido to put about twenty more feet of distance between them, Graven would open his pitiful Pesquisa to lock on to the Vizard as best he could. It was easier than normal, given that he was giving off just as much reiatsu as Graven was, and he was the only other person anywhere near them, which was a bonus. Flicking his tail at the other man's reiatsu signature, he drew his own energy back in on itself just as a Cero was to be fired, causing a razor-thin line to appear headed straight for Ika, who seemed to be attempting to heal the burns he had acquired from their last exchange. Of course, this wasn't the main point of the attack, as all along the line reishi began to rush inwards back to his tail as the Cero imploded in on itself. The beam was massive, and felt even stronger than a Gran Rey Cero. At the center of the line, once the main attack appeared to be over, a coagulation of reishi had occurred, all vying for the same location at the center before exploding outward, the shockwave cutting through the smoke and debris like a knife while giving off a similar reading to a 40's Level Hado. "Cero Devastacion..."

Panting lightly, Graven searched for Ika without using his Pesquisa, as now that there was actually roadblocks in the form of leftover reiatsu from his attack it made it nearly impossible. The rain definitely didn't help matters, as it still splattered against his shield. This really just wasn't his day, now, was it? At least the burns on his face and shoulders were nearly repaired now, leaving the more-visible wounds on his face pink against his usually-tan skin. Oh, his back was killing him, though, and the only reason he wasn't too worried about it was because he had managed to remove the acid so that it could heal properly, although it was going to take a while. "Oh come on, Ika! Come out and play!"
technique log

Name: Sanguine Reiatsu
Effect: Arguably, this ability places Graven among the most powerful Arrancar, perhaps even dominating in combat effectiveness. His reiatsu is…unique, in that it has the form and consistency of blood. When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the “blood” created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. He can control about 30 gallons at most, half of which is produced upon release of his reiatsu, gaining 5 gallons every post afterward until he hits maximum capacity. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense.

-Technique Name: Negation Wall
Technique Description: Graven forms a partial dome of pure, densified blood, defending himself from any attacks on the chosen side. The dome itself is amorphous, allowing it the potential to redirect an energy-based assault back at the attacker as well as reinforcing its strength against melee attacks. The curvature of the dome itself varies according to necessity, and it can be either concave or convex as the situation dictates. This technique is instant, and lasts for 3 posts or until struck as dictated. Negation Wall requires 3 posts to cool down after its collapse, and uses up 3 gallons of blood. It is capable of reflecting any attack up to a 60's Hado in strength, and is capable of absorbing up to Hado #70. After that, it merely reduces damage done to Graven.

Abilities: Emperador Pesadumbre draws reishi in from the surrounding area to form Ceros, imbuing and mingling them with Graven’s blood to pump the destructive power through his entire body. He can then release the Ceros at will through his body or the blood under his control. The control Graven has over blood is increased, allowing him to manipulate double the original 30 gallons at once. His claws are insanely strong - on the level of a Bankai of equal tier - complimenting his natural abilities and replacing a Zanpakuto when necessary.
Boosts: x3 to Speed and Reiatsu/Reiryoku, x2 to Strength

Technique Name: Cero Devastación
Technique Description: As this technique is released, Graven draws his power back in upon itself, causing a large blast of crimson reishi to draw itself from the target to his finger, tail, or mouth. Anything caught within the blast collapses in upon itself from the sudden gap, much like a vacuum. Of course, the sudden rush of matter colliding with itself proceeds to evacuate outward, causing a large-scale shockwave that slices through anything in the vicinity. This occurrence marks the key difference between Cero Devastación and the Cero of any other released Arrancar; Graven’s Cero has the ability to implode instead of explode. This technique takes a single post to charge, and takes 4 posts to cool down. It strikes with the force of a Cero Oscuras initially, and the return shockwave is equivalent to a 40's Level Hado.

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