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Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Graven landed lightly on the helicopter pad atop the Committee's headquarters, waiting for his Segunda to join him. As he did, he looked around and took in the sights of New York City. It's not that he cared for what the humans had built, but the fire and destruction...idly he took in the locations his fellow Espada were supposed to be frequenting, frowning as he saw the limited amount of effort they had put in. So far, there had been minimal resistance, but that was likely to change.

The eldest Arrancar's reiatsu weighed down on the surrounding area passively, not actively being channeled but still ominous and heavy enough that most of the pathetic humans below were dropping, even the Committee's relief efforts being incapable of breathing under the weight. They were dying, alone and forgotten in the tomb of an ancient king. Cold, unforgiving...It was like drowning in an ocean of their own blood, crushed under the weight of failure.

Turning to his second when she arrived, Graven would speak in his typical monotone, only a hint of warmth showing the care he gave to his closest subordinates. "Selica, it's only a matter of time until the human leader comes, and I'm not sure what pets she will bring. Your duties are to deal with them. Is that acceptable?"
technique log [click to open]

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Accelerator was in a bad mood. This was his day off, his day of relaxation, and these fucking Arrancar just had to ruin it. He couldn't just have a fucking day off these days without SOMEONE having to fuck it all the way up. Accelerator spent a few minutes blocking Cero's/redirecting them back at the Hollow's launching them, before using Blur to arrive in front of the most powerful two Reitsu signatures he could find, figuring that Natasha would probably be around soon as well. He strolled up with his hands in his pockets, and a very apparent look of irritation etched across his face. One of the opponents was at his level, and the other was above it. He was an even match for Natasha at least, and at worst? He might be too much.

Accelerator didn't know much about fear or being over-matched, and he wasn't exactly enthralled with the idea of learning about it here and now. To be honest, the idea of someone more powerful than Accelerator.. excited him a little bit.. a sadistic and excited grin began to form across his face, as laughter began to trickle out of his mouth as he stared at the two Arrancar.. "I'm giving you one chance to leave Arrancar..This is not a negotiation, a suggestion, a deal, an entreaty, an agreement, a compromise, or a capitulation.. to choose anything but retreat is a One Way Road.. and I will NOT be denied you fuckers! Kehehe!" Accelerator's Reitsu flared out in an instant, and his blood-lust grew by the minute.. He was going to gut these bastards whether they liked it or not. The only question was as to whether or not Natasha was going to arrive to help him do it.


Selica hated the color white and she absolutely refused to wear the disastrous outfits that Graven seemed to hold so dear to his heart. Thankfully, she persuaded him to allow the espada to wear their own designs of clothing as long as they were white. Selica was pleased with such a compromise and as such, decided to change the leaves of her dress the color to match the few others that followed them. So instead of wearing green, she was now clad in the whitest of dresses bright for all of the humans to see. At least she had that going for her.

The group would follow Graven out through a large garganta overlooking the city of New York, which wasn't all that familiar in Selica's eyes. She hadn't ever actually had a need to be in such a place, but it was quite the beautiful city. It was such a pity it was run by filthy, human scum, now they would have to destroy it. Selica would watch, listen, and wait for her orders as it seemed Graven wanted her to accompany him on this mission. Well, it seemed that way until he ran off without her leaving her to have to catch up. She would follow him to the top of a building that seemed to hold an array of important individuals inside. Graven would speak to her asking her to take care of the stragglers that would blindly follow the human woman into battle. "Yes, My King. I'd do anything you asked of me," Selica would say in her most seductive of manners. Of course, she was forced to turn on the charm around such a powerful man knowing full well what boundaries she was not allowed to cross.

Everything seemed to be running smoothly, until a rather frail looking child showed up before them. His hair was white as snow, yet he seemed to be a bit crazed. He spoke as if he was something mighty and powerful, which had Selica staring him down as if amused by his show of aggression. "You're not serious are you? You must be one of those human mutts following your bitch with your nose up her ass. Get lost, little boy," Selica would snarl with full rage filling her bones. She wasn't quite sure what had triggered her anger the way this boy had, but she was thoroughly filled with excitement. As his reiatsu filled the air, Selica would smirk releasing hers as a response. She was ready. She wouldn't attack, until Graven was ready and the human leader arrived. However, she wanted this boy's blood. She wanted to see him in pain, in agony, squirming on the ground. She would grow more excited just thinking about it.


Natasha could feel it the moment the garganta had opened in the sky above the city. She knew something was wrong, but she could already feel her soldiers falling into place. Citizens were screaming in terror, damage was already being done, and Natasha was growing ever so angry. She would make her way to the outside as quickly as possible. Green eyes would see nothing but debris, death, destruction, and it had only been a short amount of time. However, only a bit of the damage was really large, which was highly concerning. Where were the strong ones? Where was the cero? He had to be close.

In that moment, reiatsu would pound against the Earth around her as mindless bodies collapsed dead in the streets. Others gasped and gagged for breath, but Natasha had pinpointed the location. Up she went coming in just in time to hear Selica talk down to Accel as both of them were now flaring their power. Natasha couldn't help but hope that her people were far away from this point of pressure. The pressure was growing at an immense rate at a level that would crush most individuals in just mere moments. She couldn't help but be concerned over all of her boiling rage. "Why are you here, Espada?! What have these people done to deserve this? Or is this just some game to you, monsters?" Natasha would speak calmly, although her eyes were cold and fierce.

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Graven would give Selica one of his rare, genuine smiles at her understanding, and her playful nature in general. This, however, would turn into a frown soon after as another white-haired individual would appear on the scene, declaring that they needed to retreat in a rather vulgar manner. The king did not need to reply, however, as his Segunda snapped with an unusual amount of bite, both of them seeming to unleash their reiatsu on the surrounding area, the building's supports obviously struggling but holding up admirably. The stand-off occurred for but a few more moments before Graven's true prey arrived. Natasha, the leader of the Committee...

At her demands, the Arrancar's face would form into a lazy smirk, one that the other Espada had seen on his face a few times, but only those who bothered to understand it would know what it meant. It was a look that showed off his extra-long canines, and made his face look slightly more animalistic than any normal human. It was predatory in origin, and meant that he had his prey in his sights, that his blood was boiling, and that he was excited for whatever was about to happen. If Natasha cared to look him in the eye, her primal instincts would likely begin to fire as if she were looking at a wolf, not a human. "My, my, such hostility...You see, I recently learned that your Committee possesses technology that allows them to travel into Hueco Mundo at will, and you humans have always been capricious and cold-hearted at best, and many are downright cruel. Call it whatever you wish, but I personally prefer the term 'preemptive strike..."

At that, Graven would actively begin channeling his reiatsu, letting it out of his body actively instead of his simple, passive output, bringing it's full might to bear on his surroundings. His eyes began to glow red, and fifteen gallons of blood seeped from his form, floating around them as the building below them gave an audible protest and the cries from the street below abruptly vanished. The sounds of the city could still be heard several hundred yards away, but their immediate area had gone silent, leaving the four combatants alone with their thoughts.

His smirk growing as his actions were registered by the others, their senses being able to confirm what his instincts told him, he burst into a ridiculously fast Sonido, stopping with his nose not six inches from Natasha's own, despite his greater height. The blood floating in the air spread out into fifteen separate needle-like objects, each as long as a human arm and containing a gallon of the life-giving fluid that the Hollow controlled. Five of them pointed at the unknown human facing off with Selica, and the remaining ten aimed over Graven's shoulders at Natasha, daring her to move. With an almost-playful hint to his usual monotone bass despite the fact that he likely just killed several hundred innocent bystanders simply by releasing his reiatsu, Graven completed his statement, giving the irate young lady a bit of wisdom. "...A monster, you say? A filthy animal like me? Monsters come from the heart, and I just can't find it in me."

The fact that, if she listened carefully, she would hear only her own heartbeat no matter how hard she looked would be telling as Graven used Sonido to return to his original position around ten feet away, firing the needles of blood at their respective targets. They each fired with the force of a Cero, and it would feel as if they were impacted by one should they strike.
technique log [click to open]
Name: Sanguine Reiatsu
Effect: Arguably, this ability places Graven among the most powerful Arrancar, perhaps even dominating in combat effectiveness. His reiatsu is…unique, in that it has the form and consistency of blood. When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the “blood” created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. He can control about 30 gallons at most, half of which is produced upon release of his reiatsu, gaining 5 gallons every post afterward until he hits maximum capacity. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense.

Name: Transcendent
Effect: Graven's reiatsu and reserves has become so high that he cannot seal it away, even with Unbound, and most can sense him even if they have trouble sensing. Passive x5 boost to Reiatsu and Reiryoku. As a result of this, however, he has become completely unable to sense the reiatsu of others, having to rely on his own enhanced senses.

x6 to Reiatsu/Reiryoku, x3 to Speed

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Natasha arrived, but not before the woman had said enough on her own to set Accelerator off. "I've had about enough of you fuckers today.. TIME TO DIE.. KEHEHE" And like that it was on, Accelerator quickly used Blur to get over to Selica's position with a plasma ball in each hand, he would try to push the left one through her chest and as she moved back she'd find the one in his right hand flying towards her. Accelerator was definitely in a blood-lusted mood, but stupid isn't the word I'd use to describe him. He saw the needles heading towards Natasha and immediately Blurred back towards her to launch them back at the two annoying cunts.

Accelerator scowled for a moment coldly, dragging a car forwards towards the man known as Graven trying to jam it into him at Cero speeds, while at the same time a semi-truck was barreling towards Selica at similar speeds. Accelerator's face was one of anger and amusement. "Don't just stand there Natasha, use that fucking arsenal of yours and BLOW THESE MOTHERFUCKERS AWAY. KEHEHE." He was trying to pump Natasha up for a simple reason, as much as he hated to admit it he was going to need her in this fight, especially to deal with the two Arrancar at hand. They were clearly powerful, and while he'd be confident in a one-on-one with the plant girl even he knew the man was probably too strong for him.

This did not however extend to Natasha, who's Reitsu may not have matched the man's but was certainly close enough to on par to be noteworthy. It was with that in mind that Accelerator continued to get more and more excited.. He wanted to test himself, he wanted to be the strongest and all these powerful people were just a means to that end! They'd all have to die someday for sure but for now!?.. Accelerator was going to do whatever he could to make it a bad day to be an Arrancar.


Selica would look rather surprised as the boy came at her with two balls of something probably very deadly in his hands. However, she wouldn't have any problems dodging his hands as she would use sonido to move backwards once to avoide the first and again as the second one came around. She found a smile crossing her lips as she was feeling rather excited for this challenge. It wasn't often that Selica got to fight, but when she did, the challenge was always great. The lust was glowing hotter throughout her body, even as this boy seemed to be able to block all of their attacks. That would eventually get annoying, but for now things were just fi- wait, was that a-?

Before Selica knew it, she was being slammed by a a large vehicle. The hard metal slammed against her skin causing full on pain to shoot through every part of her body. Sure enough, she would find herself removed from the building and repositioned on the ground with a large truck crushing her into the pavement. Her body would lay limp, her head would spin with dizziness for just a moment, and every breath she took felt like she wasn't getting enough oxygen. As her head began to clear, she would begin to become annoyed by the crushing feeling her airway was having and a violent growl would escape her mouth. Thorns large enough to easily impale the vehicle would protrude through the metal leaving no effort to be made as they separated ripping the object straight down the middle. Large vines would then toss the truck to the sides. At this point, blood had begun to drip from her nose and lip, but it wasn't really a bother, except she was worried about her white dress. Nobody would love her if she was messy.

Swiftly, Selica would return to Graven's side only to see that more problems had risen. These humans were insane. These humans were strong. Did they even stand a chance this time?


Natasha had heard what Graven had said, but she didn't want to believe it. Nobody in the Committee would have told him such a thing, because nobody knew about it except Aria. Aria was a respectable girl and knew better than to cross the Committee in any way. She believed that the Committee was her only home, so who else would have known about it? Natasha would be stuck in some sort of daze as Accel seemed to begin to attack the duo. He began with the plant broad, who was easily knocked off the building. He protected her from an incoming attack. He was doing everything she should have already been doing, but her mind wasn't focusing on the task at hand. They had to defeat these two and they had to do it quickly.

Finally, Accel would begin to yell at Natasha to kick her ass into gear, which would have the machine in her head steadily rolling again. In a moments notice, she would have one cannon falling out of the sky on her right side and another on her left. From her right side, three cero level blasts would be aimed for Graven and a Gran Rey equivalent on her left would fire just after the three blasts had taken their turn. Reaching her left hand into her pocket dimension, Natasha would pull out a Giant hammer that had to be at least 50ft in size. She held it with ease and she could swing it around as if it were a feather. Green eyes would glare at the two as angry as ever.

"You came here looking for a device we couldn't possibly have the technology to perfect such an item with... and you kill innocent people who have no part in a battle.. innocent people who are scared and don't understand what's happening. Innocent people. That's something... I can't ever forgive, Espada," Natasha would speak coldly, with a fire now burning bright in her eyes. "Aim to kill," Natasha would say to her partner before looking back to Graven. He was her target.

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Graven's eyes flashed as he stopped the momentum of his blood, preventing it from injuring either himself or Selica when it was reflected. Leaping into the air, he avoided the vehicle that was flung at him, and began flipping around the cannon blasts, avoiding the three from the right and using Sonido to close the gap and avoiding the larger blast simultaneously. Throwing a haymaker at Natasha's face, even as she drew massive fifty-foot hammer, he would make sure he stayed within melee distance. A weapon that large would be great for crowd control and in wide, open areas with quite a bit of distance.

Thankfully, Graven excelled in getting up close and personal.

A roundhouse kick towards the shoulder that was holding up the hammer hard enough to blast her through the next building over ensured that he'd get some breathing room as he glanced over towards his companion. Noticing the slight spatter of blood dripping onto her white dress, Graven gave her an approving once-over and a genuine smile before turning back to their opponents. Most of the Espada hadn't realized this, but the reason the Cero had chosen white for their uniforms was because the splatter of blood across a canvas so pure was captivating.

Listening to Natasha speak once she had begun, his predatory smirk would return and grow until it looked almost half-crazed, while an explosion of red reiatsu lashed out and cracked the roof of the Committee building. His eyes began glowing red along with his estigma, and a pair of claws formed out of the energy along with a wolf's tail. As a faint red aura surrounded his body, he dashed forward in a burst of Sonido, and began speaking in the same taunting monotone. "Why don't we just stop lying to each other? Innocent? A device you don't have? I haven't been that naive in almost six thousand years..."

Lashing out in a right straight to Natasha's body, Graven's claws were extended in a knife-handed strike capable of tearing through nearly anything. If they struck, he would leave a bit of his reiatsu in her body, completely harmless and unnoticeable at the moment but having the potential to be utterly lethal later. Regardless, at the end of the strike he would fire a Cero from his fingertips completely without warning, the aura around him seeming to draw in reishi from the surrounding area if one looked closely.

Generating five more gallons of blood, Graven would lash out with ten of them towards the white-haired human, creating a serpent-like shape that would strike with the force of a Cero and continue with the flow in an attempt to prevent the redirection abilities he seems to possess, or at least determine what the root of the power was. The other ten gallons would split into two separate spears, each containing five, and launch at each of Natasha's cannons.

Hopefully Selica would be able to capitalize on any openings the usually-lazy wolf had made for her.
technique log [click to open]
Name: Unbound
Effect: Graven is able to power up much like an Arrancar would normally by using Resurreccion and Segunda Etapa, except there is no change beyond the wild showcasing of his massive spiritual energy. Unbound has two stages that Graven can access. Level 1 grants him power equivalent to his Resurreccion, an explosion of crimson reiatsu coming forth to reveal that his eyes and estigma have begun glowing, and he glows lightly himself. Level 2 heralds a far different change, red-trimmed black reiatsu surging outward before dissipating, showing that the red glow that previously surrounded his body had restrained itself to his blood stream - much like a Quincy's Blut in appearance - and his schlera have turned black in addition to his irises and tear-mark estigma burning red. He is able to hold any of these indefinitely and swap between them at will.

Name: Emperador Pesadumbre (Sorrow-Sworn Emperor)
Description: While using Unbound Graven draws reishi in from the surrounding area to form Ceros, imbuing and mingling them with his blood to pump the destructive power through his entire body. He can then release the Ceros at will through his body or the blood under his control. The control Graven has over blood is increased, allowing him to manipulate double the original 30 gallons at once. Ghostly claws of red reishi extend about an inch and a half from his fingertips, and a three-foot tail spreads made of the same, each of which is insanely strong - on the level of a Bankai of equal tier - complimenting his natural abilities and replacing a Zanpakuto when necessary.

Name: Transcendent
Effect: Graven's reiatsu and reserves has become so high that he cannot seal it away, even with Unbound, and most can sense him even if they have trouble sensing. Passive x5 boost to Reiatsu and Reiryoku. As a result of this, however, he has become completely unable to sense the reiatsu of others, having to rely on his own enhanced senses.

Name: Sanguine Reiatsu
Effect: Arguably, this ability places Graven among the most powerful Arrancar, perhaps even dominating in combat effectiveness. His reiatsu is…unique, in that it has the form and consistency of blood. When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the “blood” created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. He can control about 30 gallons at most, half of which is produced upon release of his reiatsu, gaining 5 gallons every post afterward until he hits maximum capacity. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense.

x6 Reiatsu and Reiryoku, x4 Speed, x3 Strength, x0 Sensing

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
So Selica had been summarily fucked by the Semi-Truck, causing Accelerators grin to stretch even further than it had prior to this interaction. Even as she began to slowly pull it off of herself by using her plant shenanigans, it seemed that the first victory of the fight had almost certainly went to Natasha and Accelerator. It was at that exact moment that he had noticed Natasha pulling two enormous fuck off cannons out of the sky, along with a giant hammer. Accelerator's excitement couldn't even be contained at this point, this was just too fucking enthralling, too fucking exciting! As the cannon fire rolled in Accelerator knew that Graven was more or less going to be looking for an opening to get in, he could tell that just from how he had approached the situation so-far, that and his reputation wasn't exactly that of a distance fighter.. So with that, Accelerator made his move.

Accelerator made his move quickly, throwing himself into the line of fire as he saw Graven moving in. He wouldn't have been able to beat him to her if he was further away, but he was in Blur Range so he arrived at roughly the same time. As the kick was thrown Accelerator knew very little fear of it, and was immediately able to counter it by punching at the Arrancar with a fist-full of Plasma, while also using Rego-Kinesis to swat the hammer inward at Bala speeds. If Graven didn't move quickly enough, New York was going to turn into a Baseball Stadium sooner rather than later, and Graven would be playing the role of a baseball in this scenario. Accelerator's smirk remained, he knew that all he had to do was avoid taxing his shields too heavily from the outset, and if he could do that this fight would be easy. He didn't want to forget about Selica, so as the fires from the semi-truck and from the plasma began to intermingle, he made sure that the gas-tank rolled right into the open flames. Needless to say, she was going to be occupied with that. But now onto Graven!

As the blood danced towards Accelerators general direction, he smirked knowingly. It was certainly copious in quantity but it was slow enough that he could avoid it while darting Plasma Balls in Graven's general direction while he was occupied.. Oh, and for some reason Natasha had dropped her hammer.. and that was gonna come in handy here sooner rather than later..


Selica was not having a good day, nor was she having a fun time. In fact, she was having the worst day ever and having the least amount of fun anyone could possibly have. She was struck by a semi. She was bleeding from her nose and lip. She was angry. She was seething. Of course, Accelerator had the audacity to worsen her rage by setting the flammable liquids on fire simultaneously. As she saw the gas tank rolling towards her and the fire, Selica would swiftly use Sonido to get away as fast as possible. She was not going to have burning hair and flesh if she had anything to say about it.

Soon enough, the redhead would find herself on the building watching an array of actions take place. Graven was attacking, Natasha's dog was protecting her every single step of the way, and Natasha was blasting ceros like there was no tomorrow. Just what kind of human was she? Certainly she didn't have hollow powers? Unless, they weren't actual ceros. Either way, Selica did not want to get caught by one of those.


Natasha would find her eyes trained on Graven as he avoided her blasts and came in her direction. She wasn't quite sure what it was he aimed to do, however she knew that she wasn't sure how to stop him in that moment. She wouldn't exactly need to know either, as she found Accelerator standing before her blocking the attack from connecting with her being. She would also notice that her hammer was definitely not moving of her own will and decided it would be best to let it do whatever it was that Accelerator had planned to do with it. She would release the hammer fully from her grasp allowing him to be in control of the 50 foot object. That may not have been the best idea, but it may have been her smartest option. However, Accelerator wouldn't be able to stop the claws that were now coming for her, but that was no problem. Natasha's left arm was made of zanpakuto strength materials leaving her to block his claws easily. As his claws collided with her metalic limb, she would swing her arm outward leaving his torso a wide open target. With her right fist, Natasha would punch Graven in the stomach with no mercy from her monsterous strength. If it collided, it was safe to say Graven would not he within the vicinity he wished to stay in by a long shot.

At this point, Selica would have arrived upon the building again being the biggest annoyance on the Earth at the moment. She would loudly proclaim that she called dibs on Natasha leaving Graven stuck with Accel for the time being. In an instant, vines would errupt from the ground leaving Natasha's right arm stuck and pulled tight. She could see the look in Selica's eyes. Her forest green eyes stared at the Committee Leader with anger and a delusional smile. She had snapped. Something in her was terribly wrong and she was losing herself. "I think I'll keep a little souvenir from this battle. Don't worry.. I'll take good care of it," Selica's voice had grown sweet and eerily unsteady. A demented smile would cross over her features as her vines began to violently pull on Natasha's arm leaving her in agony. She was trying to remove the arm. Natasha would groan in pain and wince with every tugging motion the vines placed on her arm. It seemed that Selica was unamused with the ease and the resistance to her plans. So, she would grow a large thorn instantly from the ground imapling the mechanical object through the shoulder. "Oh? What's this? Metal and wires? I wonder if all of you is this way. Should we test it?" Selica would giggle leaving Natasha with only one option. While Selica was distracted, one of her very famous canons had positioned itself pointed diagonally at Selica from behind Natasha. In position, the canon would fire off three cero level blasts at the arrancar, who was taken by surprise and again... blasted off the building.

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Things certainly could have gone better, Graven mused, as he was tossed back, flipping to arrest his momentum and landing on the balls of his feet. The right arm of his kimono was burnt off when he blocked the plasma-laden punch by the foolish pet that attempted to defend Natasha. Avoiding it on it's own was easy enough, but the fact that he had deflected the initial punch, then somehow forced the hammer to swing at the Arrancar was problematic, and had forced him to jump and take the hit instead. Clever.

The rest of his attacks were made more difficult by the balls of plasma, but the real issue came when Natasha's arm was revealed to be some sort of mechanical device capable of deflecting his claws, the Cero firing off near-harmlessly to the side. Near, simply because there was suddenly several buildings vaporized off in the general direction of 'that way'. The punch that came afterward?

It was probably one of the hardest Graven had ever taken, and that was saying something.

The breastplate he wore shattered on impact, he coughed up blood immediately, then was rocketed through another building before coming to a stop. Groaning, Graven looked down, past his burnt and ruined kimono to the ground below him. His vision was fuzzy, and he noticed that he was floating despite the fact that his control over the reishi in the air required a slight bit more concentration than he was able to give at the moment. The blood back at the Committee building had splattered onto the ground, his control over it having vanished the moment he left the area. Wondering why all of this was happening, why his extremities were starting to feel cold, Graven looked down once more, forcing all of his concentration on a broken metal support that was sticking out of his chest, right where his heart should have been.

As he did, memories flashed before his eyes, his long life playing before him as if he were suspended in time. One image, however, stood out through the rest. A sandy haired woman dancing in the rocks and ice of Northern Hueco Mundo, moonlight glowing off of her skin. A warm smile, despite the frigid, dead air surrounding them. A playful laugh, a rush of soft, smooth skin across his own, a child with hair the color of blood. A voice, laden with honey, speaking to him even now..."Show everyone why you're the strongest...Show everyone why I love you..."

Gritting his teeth, Graven pulled himself off from the spike and used his unnatural regeneration to repair his body before exploding into a pillar of pitch-black reiatsu, tainted with bright crimson, that spread for a hundred feet in every direction, and extended upwards, an unearthly howl ensuing as the sky above New York City was briefly turned into an unending night. The sun flickered, and for a moment one could swear that it looked more like a crescent moon. A Hollow moon...

A buzz of Sonido would herald Graven's return the battlefield, as the reiatsu that had shot into the air began to rain down as blood. His kimono was discarded, allowing those present to see his well-muscled form, and bright red lines that formed across it like a Quincy's Blut, centered around the point over his heart in a bright red circle that could have been a hole, or not, depending on the angle. The energy that made up his claws and tail had turned the same black and red color, brief flickers sparking up like fire. The sclera of his eyes had turned black, and the irises themselves were a dull red, glowing softly with raw power. On his right pectoral, the black gothic "0" stood defiant, even in the midst of his changes. His reiatsu, while not truly any heavier, would seem more oppressive and forceful, as if the air itself was full of blood and the sensation of loneliness was all around them.

Glancing over at Selica, who had given in to her instincts admirably, Graven growled as she was blasted off the building once more. Turning back to the two humans, Graven spoke, his voice sounding both regal and primal in equal measure. "Humans are such simplistic creatures. Do you honestly think either of you is strong enough to kill me? The oldest of our kind, the one known as the God of Hollows?"
technique log [click to open]
Name: Unbound
Effect: Graven is able to power up much like an Arrancar would normally by using Resurreccion and Segunda Etapa, except there is no change beyond the wild showcasing of his massive spiritual energy. Unbound has two stages that Graven can access. Level 1 grants him power equivalent to his Resurreccion, an explosion of crimson reiatsu coming forth to reveal that his eyes and estigma have begun glowing, and he glows lightly himself. Level 2 heralds a far different change, red-trimmed black reiatsu surging outward before dissipating, showing that the red glow that previously surrounded his body had restrained itself to his blood stream - much like a Quincy's Blut in appearance - and his schlera have turned black in addition to his irises and tear-mark estigma burning red. He is able to hold any of these indefinitely and swap between them at will.

Name: Emperador Pesadumbre (Sorrow-Sworn Emperor)
Description: While using Unbound Graven draws reishi in from the surrounding area to form Ceros, imbuing and mingling them with his blood to pump the destructive power through his entire body. He can then release the Ceros at will through his body or the blood under his control. The control Graven has over blood is increased, allowing him to manipulate double the original 30 gallons at once. Ghostly claws of red reishi extend about an inch and a half from his fingertips, and a three-foot tail spreads made of the same, each of which is insanely strong - on the level of a Bankai of equal tier - complimenting his natural abilities and replacing a Zanpakuto when necessary.

Name: Sangre Del Emperador (Blood of the Emperor)
Description: While in Unbound Level 2, Graven has an infinite supply of blood. He can never bleed out fully, his manipulation of the blood is unlimited, and he is coated in it, increasing his Hierro by 3x. His "claws" and "tail" are now as strong as a Shinigami's Toukai, able to defend against the strongest Shinigami technique without worry.

Name: Transcendent
Effect: Graven's reiatsu and reserves has become so high that he cannot seal it away, even with Unbound, and most can sense him even if they have trouble sensing. Passive x5 boost to Reiatsu and Reiryoku. As a result of this, however, he has become completely unable to sense the reiatsu of others, having to rely on his own enhanced senses.

Name: Sanguine Reiatsu
Effect: Arguably, this ability places Graven among the most powerful Arrancar, perhaps even dominating in combat effectiveness. His reiatsu is…unique, in that it has the form and consistency of blood. When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the “blood” created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. He can control about 30 gallons at most, half of which is produced upon release of his reiatsu, gaining 5 gallons every post afterward until he hits maximum capacity. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense.

Name: Enhanced High-Speed Regeneration
Effect: Graven has discovered how to hasten his natural regeneration and the regeneration he previously gained in Segunda Etapa with his blood manipulation, shaving a significant period of time off of the healing process. This works one post faster than normal, meaning most injuries will be healed in less than a post, medium injuries will be healed in a post, and the most severe of injuries, such as limb loss, take two posts.

x6 Reiatsu and Reiryoku, x5 Speed and Durability, x4 Strength, x0 Sensing

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