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Sol'Elis, First Creation of Seralin (Finished)  6078b50e89d4e0cb0ce058a44bde3976

Name: Sol’Elis (Savant of Lightning, Enterprised Life Insurance Security)
Apparent Age: 18-22 Years Old
True Age: 1 Month, 2 Weeks
Sex: Female
Personality: Though sentient and able to make her own decisions, Sol’Elis is a follower. She is indifferent about almost everything, the only two exceptions being when either her creator’s life or an innocent animal are in danger. She is like a child, naive and ignorant of how the world around her truly works. Though ignorant she was taught basic life lessons by her main creator, Seralin.

‘One, always be nice to strangers. You never know when a future friend will pop up around the corner.’

‘Two, don't let people pressure you into things you don't like or don't want to do. It's your life, as such you should decide how you want to live it.’

‘Three, keep your friends as close as your enemies. Just because someone has your trust doesn't mean you should give them the chance to stab your back.’

Sol’Elis prefers to keep herself out of confrontations, however will keep to the lessons her creators have given her. Unlike Seralin however, she will not actively avoid a fight. If she is challenged, Sol’Elis will fight.

Height: Sol’Elis is 5 feet and 4 inches tall.
Weight: Sol’Elis weighs 146 pounds and 2 ounces.
Physical Traits: She is a petite girl, matching her short childish height. However, her sharp facial features and womanly charm make up for her short stature in showing her age. She has bright blue hair that reaches down nearly to her knees, and is as smooth as much as it is flowing. Her outfit would remain the same on a daily basis, only putting on a large trench coat when cold if need be. She keeps the sword on her back with her wherever she goes, the weapon being a part of her as much as the body she now inhabits. Like an Arrancar’s Zanpakutou, it is a silent weapon and conduit for her powers. However, it does not grant any transformation or power release like a proper Zanpakutou would.

General Fighting Style: Sol’Elis is a fighter who values Speed and Damage Output in a battle. Her lack of armor means she can move around faster, and her smaller stature means she is less likely to be hit. As such, her fighting style fits her body type. She mainly uses hit-and-run tactics, quick strikes and exploiting openings.
Strengths: Speed, Dexterity, Durability, Stamina
Weaknesses: Endurance, Physical Strength, Spiritual Pressure
Ability Name: Electricity/Lightning Manipulation
Description: An ability that gets stronger with each stage, Sol is given access to true Lightning/Electricity manipulation unlike before. She is able to use this ability for 1/2/4 attacks up to a Gran Rey Cero in damage max in her Primary/Secondary/Hyper-Mode Stages, the cooldown adding up across all attacks made. She is able to absorb half of hostile lightning/electricity sent her way, which she can use to either replenish part of her energy reserves or reduce this ability’s cooldown by half of what it currently is upon the absorption. Cannot be used to affect a different ability’s cooldown.
Ability Name: Spark Dash
Description: In a universe of creatures and people that have access to high-speed movement techniques, Sol would be severely lacking without this ability. For this ability Sol shoots out a single harmless bolt of lightning, and is just as quickly transported from one end of the bolt to the other, like a train on its track. Only faster and better than a train.
Ability Name: Thor’s Bolt Lunge
Description: For this ability Sol chooses a specific limb on her target she wants to strike at. Then while using her lightning to enhance the speed of her legs rushes by at extreme speeds, her sword pointed up and aimed for that limb. It is intended as a quick, precise strike against a small part of the target’s body to whittle them down.
Ability Name: Thunder Fang
Description: This ability, made to rival the Bala, does just that. It may not be as damaging, being only 3/4th as strong, it is twice as fast and requires little energy to use. Sol is able to easily rain down a storm of these fang-shaped projectiles at a moment’s notice. For a 2 post cooldown, while in her Secondary Stage, Sol can mix her Spirit Energy within them for 1 post to increase their possible damage output to just over that of a Bala.
Ability Name: Electric Nerves
Description: Being a manipulator of lightning and electricity, Sol is able to safely enhance and speed up the electric pulses of her nervous system. She can process information faster and react quicker to what she sees and feels. This is a passive ability.
Ability Name: Blue Lightning
Description: The first ability in which Sol mixes her Spirit Energy with her lightning. For this, Sol spreads the mixed energy and lighting across the length of her blade, giving her strikes a Cero-Level punch for 2 posts. Or, she could release this as a Cero-Level wave attack. She cannot use it for melee once and then follow up with the wave attack.
Boosts: 2x Boosts to Speed, Dexterity, Spirit Energy

Ability Name: Electrosphere
Description: With the speed of a Bala and the power of 2 Ceros, this ability is one of Sol’s more generic attacks. Simply put, it is an energy ball coated in lightning shot out from between her palms. Has a 2 post cooldown.
Ability Name: Monsoon
Description: For this ability, Sol’Elis sends lightning mixed with her spirit energy into the air. Clouds gather, bringing about and starting a heavy storm. Across 5 posts, 15 total bolts of Blue colored Lightning Bolts each the strength of half a Cero attempt to strike Sol’s target, 3 bolts each post. This has a cooldown of 4 after the ability ends.
Ability Name: Thor’s 5 Bolt Lunge
Description: This works in the same way as the earlier variant back in Sol’s Primary Stage, however instead of one single strike it is five consecutive strikes made as she passed by in the span of one second. This has a 1 post cooldown.
Ability Name: Ride The Current
Description: Only while in the Secondary Stage or Hyper-Mode Stage, Sol’Elis is able to do the same thing as with Spark Step with any of her ranged lightning attacks, in which she travels shortly behind it. She can utilize this best by following up with a second attack at the target.
Boosts: 3x Boosts to Speed, Dexterity, Endurance, Spiritual Pressure

Ability Name: Thor’s 10 Bolt Lunge
Description: Just like the Secondary Stage varriant, the only difference is this has 10 strikes within a second and a 2 post cooldown.
Ability Name: Finger of the Mountain
Description: This could either be Sol’s strongest or weakest ability. Sol forces a great deal of Lightning around her left hand. She releases the gathered energy all at once as a single forked bolt that is as damaging as a level 100 Kidou within the first 5 feet, Gran Rey Cero within the next 5-10 feet, and as damaging as a normal Cero within the last 10-40 Feet. This has a 4 post cooldown.
Ability Name: Zeus Barrage
Description: Sol’Elis focusses a great deal of Lightning onto her sword, and jumps into the air. She then spins, the Lightning splitting out to form individual bolts. Keeping some of the lightning along her sword Sol then starts heading back towards the ground in the direction of her target, the lightning following her. It deals a Cero Oscuras level damage spread out over 10 feet. This has a 4 post cooldown.
Ability Name: Lightning Reaver
Description: This is Sol’Elis’ sacrificial ability, which consumes her false body entirely as fuel and requires the activation of a seal on the back of her neck alerting her creators Seralin and Ika to her use of this form. She takes on a form made entirely of electricity, controlled by a dark red crystal core which holds Sol’Elis’ Soul Pill. She still has access to her abilities that don’t require her sword, which have their strengths doubled. Being made entirely of energy, she cannot hold her sword. This form lasts for two posts, in this time her Speed, Spirit Energy and Stamina is maxed out, losing all physical strength. At the end of the two posts the Reaver form vanishes, leaving a defenseless little pill.
Boosts: 4x Boosts to Speed, Dexterity, Stamina, Spirit Energy

History: Other that being created by Seralin and Ika, with the aid of an Atlantean spellbook obtained through Graven, Sol’Elis has no history, her template is empty and ready to be filled in this wonderful universe. Well, other than her having been killed before this and is remade by Seralin.
Side Notes:
Roleplay Sample:

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Messaged you the one needed fix :p

Other than that? Approved. 2-1.


Edits made. :p

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi

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