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#1Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Steak and Burgers[Open] Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:29 am


"Honestly," the well off demon had done it again, but was it really his fault? No right. This situation wasn't any one's fault. This was simply the process of nature. It was the natural process of things. So what if his methods were...Unusual, the end result was the same as it often was. However, he felt that he still had to rectify his haste and lack of grace with this situation.

He was in an abandoned factory. Not just any sort of abandoned building however. It was a perfectly cliche one. It was dark, had boarded windows, and was way off outside of town. Like all cliche abandoned factors, all the expensive tools had just been lying about and, for some reason he could never understand, power was still being supplied to this building. That only made things all the more easier though, so he couldn't complain.

This factor was very open, having stacked chairs, tables, and old machinery off to the sides it looked like it was once a sweatshop out of the movies that was long abandoned. All the dust and the dirt blanket everything gray and only seemed to exaggerate all that...Red. Turning his attention to the stars of the show, he picked up a sterling silver knife and brandished it a moment.

Strapped to 5 of the tables were 5 sacks of meat. Two females and three males, held down and fully clothed. He had just recently acquired these meat sacks and, unlike before, just tearing them open and spilling them out was just a waste, he realized. So, he was going make sure he went through this slower. He had to be more efficient this time.

As he walked to the tables of muffled cries and shaky cuffs, he heard the splish-splash of the red liquor on the ground. Pausing a moment, Cubix turned to see where all this juice had poured from. The 14 bodies, smashed together in the corner, shadowed by the darkness of this dimlit room, looked like a giant rubber-band ball of meat and liquor. Looking down, examining his boots, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed. They were making such a mess.

"Honestly..." He murmured, yet again. The blood was all over the floor. Despite how much he ate and how much he skimmed there was still this much left over? The entire floor would be wet by the end of the day, wouldn't it? Despite the sight, Cubix wasn't sorry for anything other than he had walked in it and dirtied his boots.

He should have properly disposed of them, but, then again, he left them there for a reason. Cubix continued his walk over to one of the humans that was trapped down. The woman first. There was less there. She was the lean appetizer compared to the others and Cubix would be sure not to over indulge on a mere appetizer.

Taking off the cloth from her mouth she screamed, as loud as she possibly could. Cubix smiled and leaned back on the table of the next human, which they all started to struggle. It honestly sounded as if Cubix were ripping her apart...It was way too early for all that screaming.

Screaming. Yelling. Then crying. She didn't have much faith in her own voice, apparently. Though, why should she try too hard? She was a simple stack of meat. She wasn't important enough to care for or go out of the way to rescue.

"Are you done, young lady?" Cubix would ask, a sly smirk.
"Why! Why are you doing this?" Oh. Cubix heard the typical dialouge playing in his head. His response to that and hers to his. It was so predictable. So overplayed. So...Uninteresting.

Her response was that knife, slammed down, straight into her abdomen. "I am simply enjoying," He said, twisting the knife which she screamed too. She was pulling against the cuffs with such strength that they were cutting into her wrists and legs, through her clothes. Even with the blindfold over her face, the tightness of her jaw and how her nose was flared gave away more than enough of her torment and agony.

"My steaks and burgers," Cubix would answer, easy enough, as he snatched the knife from her abdomen. He pulled it out slow, which she screamed yet again too. Screaming. Why did they always scream. Did screaming ever work? Was there any point in trying to scream like that? Perhaps she thought this was an epic tale which her hero would come dashing in, cape bellowing, as he defeated the monster and saved her and the two of them would fall in love? Something so perfect like that would happen and she would be safe and comfortable for life?

It was just like a steak to think that it would ever be safe. Cubix lightly touched the knife, his fingers sliding passed that red liquor.

#2Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:23 am


From the doorway a shadow enters the room. Soft footsteps follows and then the soft wet spash of stepping in blood on the floor. Any humans not bindfolded would react to the visitor in the warehouse. The footsteps stop several feet away from the man with the knife gutting the woman.

I stand there and take in the horror and carnage almost like an aria of pain waches over me frame. The bodies the blood the screams all layed out as paint on canvas would be. Truely this man this demon was an artist,of pain and torment. yet he was not trying to send them to hell. He almost was doing this for fun. I laugh and a sinister smile creeps over my face as I finally break my silence "bravo(clapping my hands)bravo!"

#3Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:41 am


"Hm?" Cubix turns to look over at his guest and a wryly smile formed on his face, "I try," He said, slightly sarcastic. "Glad to see you made it, I was starting to fear that you were too busy," He, without looking, jammed that knife into the chest of the woman.

"I've been at this longer than I would have thought. Human resources are better here, but there is still a long leap that they need to cover before they are really useful," Cubix would tilt his head a bit. Why was he here? To discuss something with Cubix? Maybe, Cubix was just over doing things? He was sure that this was probably a fine line on what he should be doing, though he did need to eat right?

"I have a plan," Cubix would say, slowly turning on the ball of his right foot, so that his back was to the welcomed intruder. "As I hold those, eventually problems will arise, right?" Cubix said, pointing a hand upwards.

If the impressed chairman looked up he would see, parallel to the human tables on the ground, were strapped down souls that were held there by such ordinary looking rock restraints. Those...Weren't people however. They were once, but no longer. Those things strapped to the ceiling of this tall, bloodstained factor were souls.

"Eventually, the dogs will come for their steaks, you know. A hungry animal will find someway to fill it's belly and what better way than a free meal." It was rhetorical and the implications of what he was saying was very clear. "When the pressure is on, I wonder if the prey will easily submit to that fate or will there be a mess of dogs fighting over so few steaks..." He would dramatically motion his hands to as he turned back over to face his boss.

"I'm going to over run this city with dogs and, when they come here, I will pluck out their lives. At least, that is the plan. As long as I don't get bored with it, I believe it will be effective." Stacking up Human souls as hostages, exploding the human disappearance and murder rates...It was exciting. Sure, it was brutal, evil and a little twisted, but his reasoning behind his methods was nature. It was natural to do something like this. Death and life were all apart of a natural order of things. No one was above dying or being killed, so this was all alright to do. After all, they were lowly humans in the first place.

#4Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:11 pm


Looking up to see the souls my eyes flash bright green light from them even through my glasses it was bright and vibrant. I look back at cubix. "by dogs you mean them?(refering to the shinigami) or down you mean something different? If you dreg these souls then our army swells then maybe five will evolve into grottles and two will go to togabito maybe if they are able. I've come to see what my old friend cubix was up too and to ask him to avoid gain the attention of hells will. Also the seals that bind us all need to break but we don't know the first." I look around and let the fear wash over me it was like being home again

#5Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:36 am


"You bring up an interesting point, but I considered that." Cubix chuckled, feeling that this was a good time to explain the full scope of his little mission here.

"Well, you see, I could have sent this meat to the grill in order to increase the possibility of one of them becoming of some use, however, what if I were to use them to other ends. A steak to lure a dog. A dog is of more use than a steak, is it not?" He asked, shaking a finger before he realized that he had possibly slightly confused his leader with this extended metaphor. Keep it simple.

"The Soul of a Shinigami, one coming here to rescue these poor, tormented spirits, would be of more use, wouldn't it?" He asked, but, then, the topic changed to something he hadn't heard in a while. Seals.

To be honest, Cubix wasn't as familiar with these seals restricting his power so much as the others were. As long as he has existed, he was sure that the power he possessed was his full power and never had he really came to understand that he was being limited, especially vastly limited. He just never thought about the possibility of being stronger than he currently is because his power was always far greater than any humans. But, ever since he has been apart of Omega he was told that there were Seals, many of which, that were extraordinarily detrimental to his existence. Cubix is and has been ignorant to the details and, as such, he has left the matters to the others and, unless specifically asked, would continue to do so.

"The seals hmm? Sounds like you are having trouble. Maybe you are simply looking in the wrong places?" Which was obvious, of course they were looking in the wrong places because if they were looking in the right places they wouldn't even be having this conversation. Cubix knew this before he said it, but, really, he didn't know what else but to humor the topic of the seals.

"Now, about my plan, you mentioned something interesting. Something about the attention of hell's will? What exactly is this will? I think that's something I should probably keep track off, considering my neglected duties as Chairman." At least he was honestly aware that he had been slacking off, though, not many were trying to break into or out of hell lately. It would be too boring to be a watch dog without his own steak.

#6Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:29 am


"hells will, the guardian of hells gate the tormentor of many. All of us,have,a seal on our bodies some of us like myself have three. We must find the first seal that must be broken before any other can. It,does have something to do with faith. A shinigami soul could be useful. I see you and I have a taste for torment which is why I am here. we must find this keybearer at,once and your abilities best suit the finding of such person."

I move to one of the bound humans and reach out my hand as if I was going to save him but instead a bolt of blackish light streaks from my hand and strikes the bound man in the upper chest leaving a large hole and spurts of blood escaping from the opening. I turn and look,at cubix"he looked at me as if,he was better then what he is a meat suit just rotting as it moves." I stay there watching the other man panic and squirm in his binds"look he wants out." I,say mockingly to cubix"maybe I should summon my hound and let him give chase. What do you,think maybe a little entertainmen

#7Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:55 am


"My abilities." Cubix repeated, though couldn't help but smile when the human was destroyed. That was...Lovely. It was art even. That violent, destructive kill that almost looked like the exact opposite. It was incredible how close to life and death something can be. With just as much ease, Cubix could probably be destroyed and all these humans freed. It was exciting to watch the powerlessness of nature before him.

Chuckling, Cubix moved a hand lightly to his abdomen. Cubix raised his other hand, his head slightly tilted as he laughed, his eyes half shut and his attention elsewhere. With a snap of that free hand all of the humans were free. "Entertainment indeed!" Cubix laughed and waited for the hound to tear through all the hopeful humans that shot up so that they could escape.

"I suppose, I can't very well continue with this game though-" Looking up, a cocky smirk on his face, the earth shackles started to sink into the ceiling. Unfortunately, for those souls it wasn't going to lead them outside or even trap them into the roof of this factory. It was going to take them straight to the fiery torment that would be the rest of their lives; the tortured souls were going to hell just as the leader had first suggested.

"I am curious about where my power fairs against this Guardian of Hell, but, another time perhaps?" With that Cubix started to back away, turning his back to the oh so amusing show that was only just starting.

"I will find this Keybearer seeing as you gave me all this...To eat. It's the least I can do," Chuckling, he completely closed his eyes. He couldn't exactly do it in here, but if Jacob were to follow Cubix outside he could very well find the answer that he was looking for.

#8Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:24 am


Come forth my faithful hound feast on flesh and soul obay your master cubix could hear the whisper summon the hound. A hell hole opens in the wall and a large dog like beast comes running out. It,chases,down the survivor and pounces gnawwing and slashing him. It then drags the man to my and cubix's feet. It then stands on the mans back as he struggled and clawwed at the floor until hos nails snapped off. I look down at the hound"end him." The,hound instantly and savagely bites the back of the mans neck sufficating him slowly. It,then feasts on the dead man flesh.
I turn and look at cubix as he was walking out. I use demon flash to catch up with him as the ground burns and a dull bass thud could be heard" shall we bring our brothern and sisters together." I,say smiling knowing the seals will soon crumble from us

#9Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:44 am


"Perhaps. I am not above going to them either," Cubix would say, opening his eyes as he paused. "Though...Just to make this easier, what exactly am I looking for physically? An amulet? A magical tattoo? An individual? An abnormal energy? These details aren't necessary, though they will make the process faster."

When was the last time Cubix was in a situation like this? Someone or something relying on him? It felt...Out of place. Cubix wasn't a fan of being dependable. In fact, he would much rather be unreliable. Duing important tasks like these seemed to take the humor of nature away. To strip away the singularity existence that he was oh so comfortable with. Sure, being respected and honored was nice, but to be relied on was entirely different.

"My ability would work so much better in the middle of a forest. Too bad, I guess I will just have to focus all the harder."

#10Steak and Burgers[Open] Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:59 am


"the writings are not very clear however I would think either a physical item or an energy maybe even the blood of the bearer who knows. I have two others looking for the bearer as well bit it would seem that you would enjoy,getting them to open the seal(i smile sinisterly) i'm sure you get my meaning." I move to,the door way and turn to watch the show I nudge cubix and motion for him to,watch. a gate appears and opens a flash of flame and heat burst out of,the gate then a hand reaches out and grabs handfull after handfull of the spirits and draggs them into,hell "that my friend is hells will." I look at,cubix face to see,his satifaction for his work

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