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#11Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:30 am


"Oh. Wow," Cubix watched amazed. Now that was savage work. It was different than he had anticipated, though didn't change his feelings all that much. Power and heat like that...He would like to combat with such a enormous force. Such a tremendous might and will could probably just drag him along just as it had all those other souls.

"I feel...A little motivated all of a sudden," Cubix grinned, happily raising his arms as he closed his eyes. Cubix's satisfied grin remained as he dug into the furthest depths of his own personal power. It was likely an unusual feeling energy. Cubix's power was like a strange, wet wave of energy that passed right through the superior demon. The preparatory wave wouldn't wet him, though it probably felt as if some cool shock wave ran right through him.

Slowly opening those glowing crimson eyes Cubix gave word to the power he was about to invoke. "Cubio Formalus". For a moment, Cubix looked blurry, as if he were vibrating, and there were ripples running from under his feet outwards, through the ground, for a few hundred feet. Now, all he had to do was search.

That which cannot be said. That which cannot be seen. That which cannot be touched. It exist. The first. The only. The original. Protected. Somewhere. Far. High. Secluded. Danger. They hide. They whisper. They protect. In that land. We have seen. Seen them and heard them. Their voices are faint. Their thoughts are unsaid. Their hearts are still. But, they are there. There. There. There. There. There.

Holding his hands up, Cubix throw them aside and another wave of energy was thrown as he concluded everything. The words and the feelings that rushed through him felt like he had been flipped upside down and more hands than he could count slipped through his body. In their wake, they left him with the Sounds. It wasn't easy at first. There were so many voices. So many thoughts, words, wants, and beliefs...There were many things that were going on. However, through all of those Sounds he managed to find the wavelength he had searched for.

It didn't seem like it to Cubix, but almost two hours would pass before he could say anything. They were two, long, quiet hours as he poured all his mental ability into this search. If his leader had the patience to wait around for an entire two hours, he would have the information that Cubix was looking for.

"I have found it," He would say, as if he had only been doing it for a single second. Cubix could never tell time while going through that, though normally he didn't span his scope so far. It was a lot further than he commonly did it. "I do not believe it is unguarded, however. I could only see It, though the world believes there are Others around it. I assume you were already aware of this?"

#12Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:52 am


I wait silently watching learning cubix's true ability. The two hour didn't feel like long to me I spent longer being tormented as a fallen soul. Cubix would no,doubt feel my presence as he scanned though I,am always holding back to force of my,reistsu. As he said that he found what we are looking for I can't help but smile"of course I would assume such an important object would be guarded. We will use this information to plan an attack and capture of the keybearer. Your talents will be needed cubix in the upcoming war. You,do,know of the demon door correct?" I meant not to insult but wanted to make sure he had the ability to,us the technique.

#13Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:25 am


"Demon door? I do not possess any such knowledge," He said, sure Cubix had a vast amount of information at his disposal through his near-perfect network of the world, however that didn't mean he knew everything. He hardly know anything really about himself. There were certain things, outerworldly things, that he couldn't just look up. Something like a Demon Door though could mean anything and has been mentioned in so many different contexts that he hadn't the faintest idea about what it could be about.

"My abilities are very, how should I say, organic. Uniquely, that has left me both advantageous and at a loss in many situations. What I am capable of here, in this realm, is great though heavily tied to what is already present." Plainly speaking, what Cubix could do other demons may be unable and what other demons could do Cubix would likely be unable. That was, assuming that this Demon door was the very thing that had been presented before Cubix.

#14Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:58 am


"demon door is an ability we developed to travel in,around,and between realms. It may be entirely possible for you to not possess this ability. We are all different this much is true but our energy is all the same to those who can feel or smell it. How do you think that I found you? I could smell your reiatsu and I,used demon door to get to you." I move around the tables to the front of the warehouse"would you like to see it for yourself?"

#15Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:10 pm


"Sure," Cubix said, truly interested. It wasn't an ability he held, contrary to it being a Demonic power, though he did understand the basics. It was transportation. The fastest Cubix had along those lines was Celer, which was his own high speed movement. Likely this ability was the extreme of that.

"I will inform you of all the information that I have acquired and you, if you so wish, spread this to any others. After all, it is your choice on who will partake in the acquisition of these seals. It doesn't matter to me if I go or not. I'm sure it is a delicate job and, to be honest, I do lack the ability to hold back if I manage to become interested."

Waiting for the demonstration of this Demon Door, Cubix couldn't help but carry a twinge of...Jealousy. Sure, he loved his abilities, but an ability this good that he didn't have? It was annoying! Extremely annoying even. At best, Cubix could use his powers to travel underground at high speeds, though not bridging entire countries in a heartbeat. It was annoying to think of the various capabilities that this demon, his senior, likely excelled in over Cubix. One day...Cubix was going to have to permanently bridge the gap between himself and this demon.

#16Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:41 pm


"its quite simple really just concentrate on the location and then focus your reiatsu and force it to materialize." At the conclusion of the explanation I hold out my right hand black wispy energy flows from my outstreached hand it expands and forms a large beautiful ornate victorian style door. Twenty feet or so tall almost,touching the midway point to the ceiling of the warehouse. I place my hand on the knob and while looking at cubix,i,speak"what,one possess we all do you can obtain this ability as well."

#17Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:50 pm


"Oh. Perhaps I'll put the idea into practice later then." Surprisingly, Cubix was comforted that easily. He didn't realize that it was so conveniently stated. That Cubix could absolutely learn this technique. As if the leader has read Cubix's train of thought.

That lingering jealously transformed into admiration for the beautifully ornate door and how it had manifested based off the leader's will. Just like that it was present here and now and, it was quite large.

"Well then, I suppose we are on our way to the end of all these Seals?" This was going to be an interesting mission. One that would possibly bring out the sort of interest that Cubix had long lost and desperately sought to acquire. Omega was going to give Cubix an exciting ride and, if he wasn't shaved away by the travel, he would find himself in a place unlike any other.

Taking a step after the leader, Cubix would follow him. Cubix would follow where ever it would lead him.

#18Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:18 pm


"very well we shall go then." I say while opening the door the inside Is black with what looks like stars in it a rush of air and energy,could be felt escaping when the door fully opens. "don't worry we all need to learn all of our dark gifts over time. The demon door isn't an ability that I created. Its one that I learned from out blood. Come now let us finally leave." I walk into,the inner space of the door waiting for cubix I hold the door open

#19Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:22 pm


A man in a red trench coat with white hair and a sword is walking down a allyway when he hears a faint click of a gun cocking and then a rough voice said. "what are you doing go this part of this town red cloak this is demon bloods turf." i take a breath smelling his scent then i think weak so weak when will i get opponents that are worth to fight it boring if they are all weak. then i said to him. "well there two things worng with what you said one i am not a red cloak this is a trench coat and two you dont have any demon blood like me having no human blood." then i use demon flash and with a brass thud and burnt ground i an behind him then i grab his head and snap his neck like a dry stick. Then i cock my head as he fell down and i listen to the sound of battle which only i can hear then i smile with blood lust and head towards where it came from and upon getting there i see jacob and another demon by his smell then i call. "hay jacob are you planning a battle with out me? And who is this demon he i may ask."

#20Steak and Burgers[Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Steak and Burgers[Open] Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:33 pm


From inside my demon door which is still open I lean out"blade of course i'm not going to battle without my sword and this is cubix can't you remember him (i laugh)" I look at cubix "as you can see I never go anywhere without blade coming along. He is my sword if you will and he craves battle." I step out,of the door and shut it but I do not disperse it

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