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#21The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:12 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
A gentle gust of wind blew into the area as a female standing at 5,3" her weight was undefined. her light purple hair was not in its usual ponytail. She had a bright blue ribbon in her mouth while she adjusted her hair braiding it quickly before tieing it with a bow throwing it back over her shoulder. "Captain Amaya Yashia of the Second Division reporting as a Exam judge."She commented. She stood calmly not phased by the power tenju displayed "well if it isnt the Vizard/Shinigami that saved me from a certain death months ago.."She commented to herself "this is truely an honor to see him among us as a captain."she whispered to herself folding her arms in the opposite sleeve as Hadikazuki shaked in excitement "Calm down my friend, He is an ally... and someone I owe a great debt to."She whispered to her zanpackuto.

She adjusted her captain huka with the squad two divion. She watched with her icy blue eyes and very well consealed Reaistu. She had her guard up ready to bing Tenju if she needed to. It wouldnt be her first time stop a vizard from losing control.

#22The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:24 am


Looking at amaya "hello amaya how are you?its been to long." I stand by waiting for the head captains order.You must learn to focus and call me without my name. I feel your reiatsu its,stong and intence. Be my champion as I choose for you.Make Koshi proud of you. the singers final words cut deep.quiet yourself singer.i am well aware of my be silent before someone notices.
I look around after coming,to my self again. Hope no,one noticed I think to my self

#23The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:56 am


All are present it seems Raiden spoke on a firm but kind tone. He smiled You have completed the first part Ichiken San. Very good. You have fullfilled the requirements for the captains exam to continue. You will, if all goes well, Become a captain on the first rule: Mastering bankai and all shinigami combat techniques. Raiden smiled again. Your power is vast. It is controlled It is so developed infact you nearly destroyed the barrier. Mind you that i deployed the entire kidou corps minus the Taichou and Fukutaichou. So you indeed wield a captains strenght. But as you know strenght is not all. And as promised your first opponent will be Tazuma taichou. In a fight of Pure zanjutsu. I do not want to feel any reiatsu from either of your blades. Raiden smiled. He was happy with the results so far. and continuing he spoke with a smile. Tazuma Taichou you may step onto the proving grounds and begin. The sun was high in the sky. And in Raidens mind somehow he felt uneasy by the 5th division captain. Raiden chose to keep a close eye on him

#24The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:11 am


"as you so command of me my captain." I say while bowing my head. I reach over my shoulder and grasp my zanpacto by the hilt.its bindings seemed to,welcome my's good to hold you too I say to,my zanpacto spirit."you honor me my captain." I say as I walk onto the training field. The ground under me is firm. I look over to tenju and smile before addressing him" once again we cross swords tenju. The first as strangers now as brothers. let us show everyone the skill of two masters.(i look at the captain commander) once again my captain the use of reiatsu is forbidden in all ways am I correct?"

I contain my reiatsu to,feel as if I have none. A truely odd feeling for me to feel to be honest but for now I will hold for the start of our entrance exam spar. My zanpacto is over my right shoulder the silver charm hanging to about my wrist.its soft tone chiming in the air

#25The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:27 am


The kidou corps barrier lightened and then disapeared in order to save the strenght of the actual kido casters for the heavier fights to come. Raiden checked if the barrier was gone completely. And when it was he awnsered Tazuma Taichou's question You are correct Tazuma Taichou. All that is allowed is using your sealed form. I do not want to feel any reaitsu that does not originate form the users fighting spirit. meaning no kidou Hakuda hoho , relesased zanplakutou or shunko. Fight fully. It is purely Zanjutsu skill. Failiure to do so and. The look on Raiden's face got serious. The exam will be terminated and you will be unable to retake the test for 500 years. Raiden's facial expression changed back to its normal kid one and he smiled again and he spoke. But i trust you will be competely able to comply Ichiken san. Also i will go ahead to explain the part after this Ichiken Tenju. After you complete this you fill face another opponent in A test combining Hoho and Hakuda. But this is enough talk for now. Ichiken Tenju, Tazuma Taichou. Draw your swords and begin

#26The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:15 am


(OOC: ok i asked raiden about joining this thread and he said that it was fine.)
IC: In the training grounds for the 7th squad a lone Shingami with ice blue hair is sitting with his Zanpaktou across his lap which has a five point star shape guard and a crystal hanging off the hilt by a chain. The blade itself start off wide at the base about as wide as a hand but then tappers off to a fine point over all the blade is 130cm long. This Shinigami was with in his inner world that was made up of mountains pierced clouds that is with with the flashs of lightning the mountains hight is linked to what they represent but all of it was surpassed by the size of the lightning dragon that Kieran was talking to.
"Well it seems that you are getting closer to learning the two moves that i have yet to teach you young dragonling and when the time has come that you can tame and control the lightning that you call from me then you be ready for those moves you are close but you still have a way to go. to which i reply with.
"Yes but i am trying to do it it not easy to do what you ask of me Roukou Doragon sensai ."
"I know for it no easy task to tame lighning that was formed by a dragon but my young dragonling you have the needed things within you to do it why did you think i told you my name and treached you Bankai with out you even asking me now go for i feel a surge of reiatsu that you best go and take a look at." and with that i was lifted out of my inner world and so i did a scan to see where that flare of re4iatsu was coming from then i shunpo towards it to only be stopped by a barrier so i waited till it fell for now i had some idea what was going on a test for a captain was taking place so i want to watch so i shunpoed into were it was beening hold and then i walked up to the Shinigami watching two others brgin to face off to each other one was Tazuma and the other was one that i did not know then i said.
"Mind if i join you and watch this test for this Shinigami?" and i wait for a reply.

#27The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:11 am


I feel kierans reiatsu enter the training area in response I hold up my hand without taking my eyes of tenju basically saying hi without speaking. I roll my neck from side to,side cracking itIn this battle you,will learn much about yourself and your bond with me. Even though you are forbid from using me I am here with you. Learn his music and write him a song of battle tazuma. spoke my zanpacti spirit in my mind.

I stand ready for the spar to begin. I know from battling tenju before that his style of swordmanship is odd much like mine.

#28The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:45 pm


Tenju would swiftly seal his bankai and eagerly moved into the next phase of the test not even taking notice that yet even more people had arrived. The captain to be was focusing solely on Tazuma, they had already clashed blades before and Tenju was confident of his capabilities with the sword. He suppressed his reiatsu fully and drew one of his zanpakutou from it's scabbard and took a low stands with the kissaki pointed towards Tazuma.

#29The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Wed Dec 28, 2011 1:36 am


Raiden stood there. He was to be the referee in a match between titans. Masters of Zanjutsu. The Captain commanders eyes looked out for any mistake. All senses peeked and tuned to detecting reiatsu. Swords were at the ready. The sun was high in the Blue sky. Not a cloud could be seen. All was silent for a minute. That silence was broken with the word from the captain commander: Begin!
As the two started their match. As raiden had expected Reiatsu could be feeled. But it was as he had explained reiatsu from their fighting spirits And was thus allowed. Nothing could be felt from either Zanpakutou. Raiden was pleased so far

#30The makings of a captain - Page 3 Empty Re: The makings of a captain Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:16 pm


I,have crossed blades with tenju before and I know his sword style well as I am sure he knows mine. I am going to have to,change my fighting style to test his adaption ability. I slide my,swords blunt edge aling my shoulder and end up pointing the tip at tenju then I slash the blade through the air from rop left ending at bottom right. I look up to,tenju"whenever you,are ready brother." I say looking at,him sliding my right foot back and to the right.

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