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#1Lapis Lazuli (Finished) Empty Lapis Lazuli (Finished) Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:32 am


Lapis Lazuli (Finished) NYwf

Name: Lapis Lazuli
Alias: N/A
Real Age: 114
Phys. Age: 22
Gender: Female
Personality: Lapis is pretty average in terms of how she acts. Like with most people she is polite to strangers, respectful of authority and hostile towards enemies. Pretty common and expected of a Shinigami. Just like any Shinigami she was trained to be a warrior. She follows the orders of her superiors and is a strong authority figure to those under her command. Outside of her job as a Shinigami, Lapis isn’t very sociable. She will go out and drink with a small group of friends however will in most cases ignore anyone new.

Friends she has in her squad will have some leniency with orders, examples being if she needs a specific batch of paperwork by a specified time she will be accepting if they are a little late. Everyone in her squad will be held to a specific standard however, selective to their ranking. She is fair, and only assigns tasks she knows a ranked/unranked squad member can handle.

Enemies will find her to be as respectable as she is unwavering. Nothing will shake her resolve in what she decides to do, be it for good or ill. She will lay traps with Kidou, but she refuses to attack from the shadows, or sneak about. Hiding in shadows and attacking an unsuspecting foe is for the Stealth Force.

Claustrophobia, the fear of small places. A minor fear she had ever since she was young, Lapis does not feel comfortable in tight places, examples being small rooms or caves. While minor it can cause her to hesitate when making an important choice or performing an important action/reaction.
Aquaphobia, the fear of water. Despite the powers her Zanpakutou grants her Lapis has a fear of water. Just as with her other fear it is not a crippling fear, but it keeps her from making decisions/actions as quick as someone equal in power would. She is not affected by water created by her Zanpakutou or water she has previously manipulated but any large or small bodies of water she is near by will instil a feeling of nervousness in her that cannot be avoided. Examples being lakes, filled bathtubs, oceans and pools. Even large puddles will have an affect, however not to the same degree. She will use the powers of her Zanpakutou when bathing to avoid using a proper shower or bath.

Height: Lapis stands at 5 feet and 4 inches tall.
Weight: She weighs 156 pounds.
Physical Traits:
Lapis is a woman with short blue hair, the shade of which inspired her name. She wears the typical Shinigami garb, minus footwear. She prefers to keep her feet bare and open, a personal preference. She keeps her Zanpakutou positioned at her left hip, just like most Shinigami tend to do.
In her Gigai, Lapis wears a blue sleeveless shirt and a dark blue skirt to match. Just like in her Shinigami state she doesn’t wear anything on her feet.

General Fighting Style: Lapis is neither a stealth fighter or a brawler. Instead she will use a mixture of ranged assault, binding Kidou, and delivering quick strikes before backing up out of her opponent’s range.
Strengths: Spirit Energy, Speed, Kidou, Endurance
Weaknesses: Spirit Pressure, Physical Strength, Durability

Ability Name: Water Pressure Shield
Ability Description:  Lapis is able to harness the slightest bit of her water creation and manipulation outside of her sword releases, allowing her to create a small defensive shield capable of blocking up to Hadou 25 in damage.

Family Trait:

Custom Kidou:


Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Umi no Ishi (Stone of the Sea)
Call Out Command: “Flood them with an unyielding tide, Umi no Ishi!”


Ability Name: Water Creation and Manipulation
Ability Description: As the name implies Lapis is able to create water, and then control said water. Water not used by someone else, for example a fresh puddle left from a rainstorm, is able to be used by Lapis for her attacks just by using some of her Spirit Energy with it. She can perfectly control the pressure of this water, making it deadly in large quantities. What she can do is limited by both whatever released state she is in (Shikai/Bankai/Toukai) and her imagination. In Shikai Lapis is able to use her water to protect up to a Cero-level attack once every other post, and make a single Cero-level attack per post. In Bankai She is able to use her water to protect herself twice against up to Cero-level attacks, having a 1 post cooldown after the second defensive use, and can use the water offensively for 2 Cero-level attacks in a post, triggering a 1 post cooldown. In Toukai, she is able to use her water to protect herself from either up to three Cero-level attacks, which brings about a 2 post cooldown or block one single Cero Oscuras level attack, with a 3 post cooldown. In Toukai she can use her water for three separate Cero-level attacks, triggering a 2 post cooldown, or a single Cero Oscuras level attack that has a 3 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Umi no Kiba (Fang of the Sea)
Ability Description: Lapis forms water over the blade of her Naginata’s blade/open hand shaped like an animal’s fang, aims, and fires it off like a projectile. This is as strong and as fast as a Bala, and can be fired off just as rapidly.

Ability Name: Kōsoku Kōzui (Fast Flood)
Ability Description: Lapis releases a short pulse of water all around her, up to 5 feet, damaging everything within that five foot radius except for Lapis. This attack is as damaging as a level 20 Hadou, however what it lacks in destructive capability it makes for in force, pushing an opponent back equal to a level 55 Bakudou. This has a 1 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Nami ni Kakusa Reta Hari (Needle Hidden in the Waves)
Ability Description: Lapis runs her hand over a nearby floor, wall or ceiling and leaves behind a coating of water. The water will remain smooth and unassuming until Lapis dispels the ability or it activates upon contact with her opponent. Upon activating the water with form spikes that rise up to skewer the opponent that makes contact with it, as powerful as a level 50 Hadou. Lapis can keep the ability from activating from an ally touching it, preventing friendly fire. This has a 1 post cooldown from the point of activation, however there is no cooldown if Lapis disarms the trap. She can only maintain one trap at a time.  

Boosts: 2x Boosts to Spirit Energy, Speed and Endurance


New Name: Umi no Kagayaku Ishi (Glimmering Stone of the Sea)
Ability Name: Nami no Buki (Weapon of Waves)
Ability Description: This ability allows Lapis to create weapons out of water, whether it is hers or from a source nearby. The weapon’s shape is her decision, fitting whatever it is she sees in her mind. She can only have one materialized weapon at a time, and it is limited to melee weapons. The weapon’s durability is low, being made from water, however the pressure of the water along the weapon’s ‘edge’ allows for easy cutting. There is no cooldown considering how easy it can be destroyed, and only requires a small bit of her Spirit Energy to maintain itself.

Ability Name: Mizu no Kagami (Ocean’s Mirror)
Ability Description: This ability focuses water like a mirror in front of Lapis, coated in her own spirit energy, to repel a single energy-based attack back at it’s point of origin before dispersing, and has a cooldown equal to the level of attack repelled.

Ability Name: Uminomichi: Uzumaki Taki (Way of the Sea: Swirling Waterfall)
Ability Description: Lapis forms a massive sphere of water over the target. From the sphere is released a large column of water, pouring down at the target. It has a 5 foot radius, and can reach up to a total of ten feet so long as there is nothing obstructing it’s path. With the pressure of the water it is as destructive as a level 75 Hadou, having a 3 post cooldown.

Boosts: 3x Boosts to Speed, Endurance and Spirit Energy


New Name: Megami no Umi no Ishi (Goddess’ Stone of the Sea)

Ability Name: Uminomichi: Natsu no Futtō (Way of the Sea: Summer Boiling)
Ability Description: Lapis covers a large area with water followed by increasing the temperature to the point of a heavy boil. It releases a heavy cloud of steam so hot it damages anything caught within the 100 foot radius. Anything within the steam receives 1st degree burns, and takes damage equal a level 20 Hadou once for the next three posts.

Ability Name: Uminomichi: Funsai Atsuryoku (Way of the Sea: Crushing Pressure)
Ability Description: This ability is charged over the span of three posts. While charging, water rises into the sky and gathers into a slowly expanding cube. At the end of the third post, where it has reached it’s peak, Lapis can then at her leisure have the cube slam down upon her opponent. If she for any reason leaves Toukai, or if she runs out of Spirit Energy, the attack harmlessly dissipates.

Ability Name: Uminomichi: Umi no kaminoyari  (Way of the Sea: Sea God’s Spear)
Ability Description: This is Lapis’ last resort attack, as it is as powerful and as draining as a Forbidden Level Kidou/Final Attack. Any water around Lapis is focused to her right, forced into a highly pressurized sphere. It requires one post to charge, in which time Lapis is able to move/Shunpo and use Cicada but cannot do anything else (i.e. attack with swords or kidou). Once charged, it will remain ready unless she leaves Bankai or fires the ability and can be held for up to 2 posts before needing to be fired, after which it falls apart and the water harmlessly falls back to the ground and Lapis isn’t forced out of Toukai. When fired, it is released as a powerful stream at the target at Gran Rey Cero speed (Cero speed if there is no difference) and does Forbidden Kidou level damage. At which point, Lapis is forced out of Toukai from the drain and unable to fight for the remainder of the thread.

Boosts: 4x Boosts to Speed, Spirit Energy, Endurance and Strength


The Beginning

There was nowhere else really one could start. Lapis was born to the last two members of her clan, Connie and Steven Lazuli. Once a proud clan of the Four Royal Families, Steven’s father had been charged with planning to overthrow the Seireitei and was executed, his family cast down where the ‘de Grey’ family took their place. One by one, members of the Lazuli family left until Connie and Steven were all that were left willing to carry the name. From the first moment her brain was capable of retaining memories her parents told her of how she would go on to become great, and redeem the Lazuli name. Her father had been a peaceful member of Squad 4, her mother a seated officer of Squad 11. Instead of growing up resenting the other families, she focused on her pride in being a Lazuli.

Her mother began to teach her how to handle a sword as soon as she was five, and her father taught her Kidou as soon as she began to produce her own spirit energy. Until that point, Steven had taught her the history of Seireitei and had her study his old books from the academy on how to properly control one’s Spirit Energy.

By the time she was twenty years old she was able to use both Hadou and Bakudou up to level 15 as well as basic Kaido. Her swordsmanship was sub-par, clearly not her strongest area. After a couple more years of training she was sent off to the Shinigami Academy. She was young, but she wasn’t the only one to be young and attend. She heard a couple of the ‘de Grey’ family were accepted at her age. Granted, she also heard they never passed the first year before going home for more private training.

Unlike them though, that option would be taken from her. While attending she is told that her father and mother have died in service to the Seireitei, fending off a swarm of Hollows out in South Rukon, District 40. She knew different, that they had probably been killed by assassins to keep them from remaining a blemish to the Seireitei's reputation. It was done before, it would be done again.

There was nothing to fall back on. That was her motivation to improve herself, and to remain diligent with her classes. She end up staying a full six years before joining Squad 5 as an unseated member.

For many years she remained dedicated to her work, putting out maximum effort for what little recognition she could get. After time, she began to work her reputation up to the point that she was promoted to the rank of 10th Seat. She remained diligent, training and honing her skills and knowledge to properly serve the Seireitei. She would redeem her family honor, and would do so with control of herself. She would not fall to the Bloodlust of her family, that made their high noble standing come crashing down.

After years of service she rises to the position of Third Seat, having replaced the one previous that was put into forced retirement from a life-crippling injury.
Side Notes:
Roleplay Sample:

#2Lapis Lazuli (Finished) Empty Re: Lapis Lazuli (Finished) Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:40 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
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