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#1Keiko Tsuchi (Blood Maiden / Villain) Empty Keiko Tsuchi (Blood Maiden / Villain) Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:37 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi


Name: Keiko Tsuchi
Alias: Blood Maiden
Race: Human
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Personality:Keiko can be considered insane. She is much like her sister Rose, only Keiko will admit and give in to her want for chaos and destruction. She enjoys toying with people. You will know if Keiko is happy cause a smile will be painted on her face and a lot of giggles will escape from her lips.

However, Keiko knows where her place is and will be loyal to whoever she serves without thought. After all, safety is in numbers right. She can be obedient to those who have earn her trust of sticking around her for the long run and not be a heal and run.

Keiko can have a said obsession of things that she has interests in and she enjoys having others tend to her obsession in return for her working on whatever she needs to for healing. Her obsession stems down to he fear of being alone and forgotten. That is one thing she keeps hidden in her fears of being alone and more wants something to make her own. Being a villain gave her that.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Blood Type: AB+
Birthplace: Chicago USA,
Current Place of Residence: Tokyo Japan

Appearance: Keiko Tsuchi (Blood Maiden / Villain) 15325910
Height and Weight:5,6 100


Quirk Name: Bloodruler
Quirk Type: Emiter

Quirk Description: Keiko’s Quirk has to do with her blood. By pricking or getting a cut or using a vial of her blood, She can access her blood which will allow her to control and freely move your own blood, the quirk is mostly used as a weapon and can form into various objects. An additional ability is to take hold of and manipulate the various fluids within an organism's body, Keiko can also thin out her blood to a sort of mist which can heal her target or targets by moving in through their pores speeding up healing. Another way, Keiko can heal is by letting them physical take in her healing in liquid form.

Draw backs:
1. Blood loss obviously so she must be careful how much she uses.
2. She does get nauseated and sleepy through using too much so she must watch it.


Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles: Recovery Girl

History: The hero game never suited her so she became a villain...also is Black Rose's sister

RP Sample: (Write a sample post as your character. Try using your quirk too.)

#2Keiko Tsuchi (Blood Maiden / Villain) Empty Re: Keiko Tsuchi (Blood Maiden / Villain) Thu Aug 23, 2018 5:04 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved B tier. B+ cap.

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