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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Rose walked towards the feared league of villians looking at a piece of paper that literally looked like someone wiped their ass on it before dipping it in dumpster juice. The paper just had an address and a date and time on it with a envelope of cash. Didnt say who it was from or for. Rose looked around with her crimson red eyes allowing her shadow to intergrate with the other shadows around her as a precaution. Something seemed off and it wasnt coming from the paper. "Alright now lets wait and see if whoever sent this has the nerve to show themselves here."she said to herself under her breath before she stood stil folding her arms infront of her chest closing her eyes. Now to wait.

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Oh lovely, a visitor.. Ika smiled lightly as he heard a knock at the door, and it was at this point that he would peak his head out from a keyhole to see what was going on. Oh one of those recruits he had wanted a further gander at.. that was promising to say the least.. Ika opened the door and bowed politely with a cigarette wedged in his mouth. As he stood up from the polite gesture he exhaled some smoke, letting it fill the air around the two of them. “Hello there, my name is Ika Mazi.. perhaps you’ve heard of me, perhaps your address is a refrigerator box. Either story works for me, I’m more concerned with how your story intertwines with mine from here on out..” Ika invited the guest in and began to walk towards the bar. “Care for a drink?”

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Rose waited at the door before hearing it open " Well arn't I honored being around the famous Ika Mazi. It is a pleasure to be able to meet with someone like yourself. As for our stories intertwining...well thst depends on what you had in mind." She said pushing some of her silky smooth raven black hair as straight as a piece of paper behind her shoulder before she walked forward nodding. "Sure how about something strong on the rocks." She added moving over to the bar after him sitting on a stool "So tell me about our story"she said

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The girl waited patiently before the door was opened, and she seemed to immediately shift to a polite demeanor once she realized who she was dealing with. She spoke to how honored she was to be in his presence, and what a pleasure it was to meet with someone of his stature. She then noted that in regards to their stories intermingling, it would be dependent upon what he had in mind. She pushed her hair aside as he fetched her drink, he poured her a smooth Hudson Baby Bourbon over ice and handed it to her, before returning to his seat with the rest of the bottle. She had taken a seat at a stool and he by this point, was playing bartender as she continued to question him. When she asked him about their story he couldn't help but smile a bit and close his eyes.. Explaining it was always the hardest part..

"To know where we're going you must first know where I've been. I was a hero too, I far exceeded the capabilities of these flimsy fake idols currently presiding over the heroic affairs.. But then I realized it was all a masquerade. Heroes aren't heroes, they're just villains lying to themselves. Our whole concept of heroism has become monetized, our morality has been marketed to and that is why society worships heroes the way they do, it's why everyone wants to be a hero. The truth is.. heroes aren't heroes because they want to be, they're heroes because they need to be. But that doesn't sell action figures and DVD's. That's not a headline befitting of front page news, that's not something people want to deal with.. No one except for me that is.."

Ika threw back his bottle, chugging the contents down before slamming the glass down across the bar, sending glass flying everywhere as he brandished the bottle in his hand, loose whiskey and blood dripping from his hand every few seconds. "I seek change in this world, I want heroism to mean something again. And that means finding someone worthy of that title, and exterminating those unworthy of it.. I think.. that should explain my position.. doesn't it?"

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Rose listened to his story while taking her time finishing off her glass towards the end. "I went through life knowing my path. I tried doing the whole hero thing..I really gave it my all. I couldn't bring myself to stay in the be what they wanted to listen to their rules. I just couldn't stand the fake smiles, the schedules. The showings.I was always born to be a villian, it is where I am at home the most. The shadows and darkness is where I belong...destorying eveything is wonderful" She said tilting her head up"For now, I believe my presence will make your story a even greater read with me in to..So let's have fun stiring this perfect world up and show whats lying in the dark...Plus i have a bone to pick with a certain Dragon hero so it works for me"She added

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika listened to her give her explanation of events, her inspirations, what motivated her.. It was depressing to hear that she had been led so far astray and he knew that he would need to correct this.. "Villainy without a point is like anything else, pointless. Seek to change the system that made you the way you are, and only then will you truly be able to find the path you seem so desperate to find. Oh, and as for that dragon hero.. I believe I've heard of him. He's stopped a few peasant groups of mine, he's certainly an annoying one, but I trust that if I were to perhaps.. Leave his demise in your hands.. That you could see it done for me? That would bring my heart great joy.." Ika smiled lightly as he awaited a response. She wouldn't be in this for the long haul, but for now?.. Well.. She could serve a purpose.. Or at least he figured she could.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"We are but humans..Well most of us are humans the others are god knows what. We live for one self destruct. To hold peace is a joke, there is also chaos and there is always violence, always someone that is a bit better then you and its your existence to just piss them off and tear them down." She said before allowing a smirk to appear on her face as the shadows moved behind him forming to a pure black figure of rose with a nig white smile " We would enjoy taking him out for you."Spoke the shadow who'se voice has three tones in one but being variations of Rose's own "As long as we are allowed to play then we will assist"Said the shadow before it moved back to Rose's side sitting on the bar next to her messing with Rose's glass

"Go back to sleep."Rose commented to her shadow taking her glass back

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika couldn't allow her to espouse this rhetoric any further, and so he decided that perhaps a more direct approach was necessary.. The second that shadow left her body and finished speaking he'd grab it and her by the neck, squeezing tightly. "Neither of you understand what evil looks like, so perhaps I can show you.." Ika squeezed tighter, watching as the girls face quickly turned blue, he watched for fear to fill her eyes, and he felt the shadow weakening under his grip. "Unchecked evil is as worthless as those heroes out there. Unchecked evil is my entire fucking existence you fools, I could kill you, and everyone in the nearby area on a fucking whim but without a point it does not matter. When you self destruct like a moron you are not the only one affected. You will learn to be more than what you are telling me you wish to be, or I will show you what unyielding evil truly looks like!"

Ika's gaze was harsh, but he soon enough let them hit the ground to think about what they had done. He returned to his whiskey and began working on his second bottle. "Forgive me, I know violence is unbecoming of me.. Regardless, you know where I stand. You can either stay and learn or die the next time I see you. The choice is yours."

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Rose wasn't expecting for her rebellious quirk to reveal itself let alone Ika to know of part of its weakness. Or may be it was because she had hee guard down. Such young villians.always mistakes. Rose closed her eyes trying to remain calm but that was hard feeling her throat nearly getting crushed and the lack of oxygen wasn't fun either.

After a few seconds she felt him finally allow oxygen to flow back into her throat as she coughed a bit listening to his apology and explanation. "I never planned to leave from this meeting without accepting your offer....after all, a villian has to start somewhere. What better mentor then the Number 1 Villian around. Am I right?"She said rubbing her neck

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