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Mori Jin, better known to the world as the pro hero Shade, was on patrol in Hosu, there had been reports of a rather vicious individual carving up people, and leaving them drained in alley's through out the city, which was something that Jin could not abide by and was going to do everything in his power to bring the culprit, or culprits to justice.

So far however, his patrol had been rather uneventful, the night was clear and the streets though crowded were well for lack of a better term peaceful. There hadn't even been so much as a purse snatcher to deal with, though that did not prevent him from having his blue eyes peeled looking for anything out of the ordinary.


As quiet as the night seemed, the hero would hardly miss what seemed to be a man chasing a young woman into an alleyway. Though it was only for a moment, he would quickly realize something wasn't quite right here. Should he follow, he'd find the hoodlum holding the girl at gunpoint as she pressed back at the wall in the dead end he had chased her into. She seemed fairly ordinary, though she had an odd choice in clothes, it was almost a blood red dress, a rather short one at that. "Hand it all over girly, nice and easy, no one needs to get hurt."

She seemed worried, looking around for salvation. Assuming the pro hero had followed along, he would startle the aggressor, who would aim the weapon squarely at her face "Back off of she gets it!" He seemed to be quickly getting desperate, this hadn't gone at all to plan! The slightest move was going to set him off. Though it wouldn't be from Shade. As if she was trying to disarm him, which was probably the worst thing she could have done. It was exactly that moment when a shot would ring out, a splash of red covering the wall behind the girl as she slid down the wall, slumped over. The man would turn and aim his gun at the hero, immediately following through in a panic, unloading his clip in the man's general direction. He couldn't see past the man at the young woman's status, but he could really only assume the worst.


Jin was just about to move onto the next portion of his patrol when he noticed something strange, a young woman in a bright red dress turning down an alley and a man following her from a distance not like they were together, more like he was hunting her. Not wanting to let the young woman become another in a list of victims Shade followed them in, seeing the man holding the woman at gun point threatening that he would shoot her. Though before shade could react the woman tried to disarm her attacker... and well got a bullet for her troubles.

As the man turned to unload on the pro hero he would see a fog rolling in as Shade activated the quirk, the cloudy substance solidified in front of him stopping the bullets dead before lashing out on the man forcing him into the wall hard enough to knock him unconscious. The 'threat' neutralized Shade would approach the woman to see if she was alright.


The man seemed to have a quirk of his own, the blunt force from Shade's blows would seem softened against him and basically nullified, forcing him to stumble backwards rather than be thrown back against the wall. Though he was too stunned by the attack to follow through as he stumbled to reload, dropping his new magazine before he could replace it into his gun. Though it would seem like that didn't matter all too much.

In a split second, this apparent attempted murder was escalated right to the first degree. The thug would find an almost grotesque organic blade stabbed through his back. Though he didn't get a chance to scream as the blade was pulled back and sent straight through his neck, decapitating the man in moments as his body slumped aside. It seemed the hero had stumbled upon their spree killer. Though the scared looking girl from before seemed to be gone, her body had grown plated armour from head to toe. With her right arm replaced with a rather deadly looking blade, the bone white chitin along the edge already stained with blood, that oddly enough seemed to be steaming off.

Not one for words, the girl had already found her next victim! Closing the distance frighteningly fast, blade drawn across her body to savagely slash right towards his midsection, aiming to very quickly cleave him in two. From what the man may know about her crimes, all of the corpses had been cleanly sliced, getting hit by that blade was not going to be an option.


The man apparently had some kind of force neutralization or absorption quirk, causing the cloud fist to pretty much be well ineffective against him, rather than knocking him out it well, did practically nothing. Though Shade didn't get much chance to worry about it as a blade protruded from the attackers chest, then his head literally went rolling as the same blade took his head off... "Well... I guess I now know who has been behind those grizzly scenes across hosu. Now the next question is, who was hunting whom?"

The words hadn't even left shades mouth before she was charging at him with what would be relatively frightening speed with her gruesome steaming blade. But the enclosed alley way would work to the cloud manipulators advantage as he started to layer the ground with the thick fluffy substance. Though not neglecting his own defenses leaping upwards he formed a could under his feet that he just stood on as it floated upwards out of her reach. "Well then, that was not very nice you know"


Suzume wasn't in a talking mood it seemed, reacting quickly to the encroaching clouds seemed to be of some concern. As he leaps away from her, she would proceed to instead aim for the nearby wall, some form of claws forming over her legs and free hand to allow her to gouge handholds in the wall, scaling it to reach her targets height before pushing off to lash out at him again. Though not with her bladed arm, instead, a gnarled tendril had grown from her free hand, it seemed to have fish-hook looking barbs all the way along it's length. She intended to trap the man and drag him back down to earth where she could finish him off, swinging the whip-like appendage at him swiftly.


Shade's cloud swiftly zipped out of the way of her incoming attack, the ground had a nice thick layer of the fluffy substance coating it now, a good foot thick, like a low lying fog. The battle ground was his now, and it was only a matter of time before this vicious violent woman was in custody. Leaping from his personal ride he would be back on the ground where with a snap of his fingers a couple of copies of him would rise out of the clouds, completely identical to the original they would all take up a fighting stance related to the kick heavy taekwondo. "Last chance to make it easy on yerself."


Suzume would smile, though he couldn't tell behind the blank face-mask she wore, this was going to be a good hunt... but it seemed like he had taken the floor. She crashed into the opposite side of the alley after missing, clinging to the wall with her claws. Instead of moving down to attack further, she decided to take control of this battle. As quickly as she had appeared the girl would climb her way up the wall to the rooftops "Lets see how you protect them, hero" She practically hissed before vanishing into the night. The 'them' in this case would be anyone in the area, and he had tried resting on his apparent battlefield advantage. Where she was now wasn't clear, but he could assume that he was headed to the civilians around, who had began to converge in the open street nearby hearing the gunshots... This wasn't good!


Shade cursed under his breath as the Parasite leaped out of the alley before he could close it off with his clouds. Grimacing he leaped out after her, riding on a cloud following her close at hand. He needed to end this before she could harm anyone else. Lashing out with one hand a large hand of clouds stretched from his hand and attempted to grab the armored woman. If the hand succeeded in grabbing her, she would find it rather hard to escape especially as he would start flying higher up.

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